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Aversion Therapy

What is it?

A behavioural treatment which assumes the validity of classical conditioning. It attempts to rid individuals of undesirable habits or thoughts such as alcoholism or smoking. It works to achieve this goal by making an individual associate the habit or thoughts with an unpleasant experience. There are two main types: chemical and electrical.


In the case of alcoholism Antabuse is used. This is a emetic which causes severe hangover type symptoms. Thus it is unlikely the alcoholic will want to drink. From 1994 onwards the American Psychological Association has said Aversion Therapy is a dangerous practice that is ineffective. Some churches use it as a cure for homosexuality.

Let me test the technique out! LlS2oCNzsg

Use in the Film Clockwork Orange NMzepSePD4&feature=related

Advantages: Some studies have shown it to work. Such as Baker and Brandon 1988 which showed alcohol aversion as well as Kraft and Kraft 2005. Quick treatment. Can tackle behavioural quickly. Can be combined with other techniques.

Evaluation continued.
Disadvantages: Ethical issues-moral or not? Harmful or not? Effectiveness Causes discomfort Has massive potential for abuse for political or religious reasons.

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