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2011 ACCUS 2nd Semester Exam Review Chapter 22 1. The 14 amendment 2. The 15th amendment 3. Andrew Johnson 4.

Tenure of Office Act 5. Results of Reconstruction Chapter 23 6. Waving the Bloody Shirt 7. Compromise of 1877 8. Jim Crow Laws 9. Grover Cleveland 10.Billion Dollar Congress Chapter 24 11.Andrew Carnegie 12.John D. Rockefeller 13.J.P. Morgan 14.Gospel of Wealth 15.A.F. of L Chapter 25 16.New Immigrants 17.Nativism 18.Charles Darwin 19.W.E.B. Dubois/Booker T. Washington 20.Yellow journalism (Pulitzer v. Hearst) Chapter 26 21.Helen Hunt Jackson 22.Dawes Severalty Act

23.Homestead Act of 1862 24.Coxeys Army 25.Free Silver Chapter 27 26.The Influence of Sea Power on History 27.Venezuela 28.Spanish American War 29.Rough Riders 30.McKinley and Phillipines Chapter 28 31.Open Door Policy 32.Panama Canal 33.Roosevelt Corrolary 34.Speak Softly and Carry a big stick 35.Settling peace between Japan and Russia Chapter 29 36.Muckrakers 37.Progressives 38.Roosevelt Panic 39.Taft 40.Standard Oil Company Chapter 30 41.Triple Wall of Privilege 42.Federal Reserve Act 43.Underwood Tariff 44.Graduated income tax

45.Lusitania Chapter 31 46.Zimmerman Note 47.14 points 48.Creel Committee 49.League of Nations 50.Lodge Reservation Chapter 32 51.Return of kkk 52.Scopes trial 53.Fundamentalism vs. progressives 54.Prohibition 55.Flappers Chapter 33 56.Isolationism 57.5 power treaty 58.Return to normalcy 59.Black Tuesday 60.Bonus marchers Chapter 34 61.Bank holiday 62.Liberal critics 63.Court pack 64.FDR as a liberal? 65.Eleanor Chapter 35 66.London Conference 67.Neutrality acts 68.Destroyers for bases 69.Lend-lease 70.Pearl harbor

Chapter 36 71.Rosie the Riveter 72.Stalingrad 73.Midway 74.D-Day 75.Hiroshima/Nagasaki Chapter 37 76.Suburbs/baby boom 77.Truman 78.Loyalty Review 79.Containment 80.Marshall Plan Chapter 38 81.Ike 82.McCarthyism 83.Brown v. Board 84.Space Race 85.Election of 1960 Chapter 39 86.Bay of Pigs 87.Cuban Missile Crisis 88.Nov 22 1963 89.Vietnam and Johnson 90.The New Left (Weathermen) Chapter 40 91.Vietnamization 92.Cambonianization 93.Secret plan to end the war 94.Southern strategy 95.Watergate

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