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1 NAME The name of this Chapter shall be The Napa Valley College Association of Classified Professionals. It is hereinafter referred to as NVC-ACP. It shall be an affiliated Chapter of Local 1021 of Service Employees International Union, CLC. ARTICLE 11 OBJECTIVE Section 1: The objective of this organization shall be to improve the hours, wages, and working conditions of its members, represent its members in all disputes between members and the employer and to foster cooperation, efficiency, and harmony among classified employees; to promote the welfare of classified employees in all ways compatible with the public interest; to encourage the maintenance of the highest standards of employee conduct in college affairs; to promote the improvement and development of the college resources; and to render the most effective service to the community of Napa County. Section 2: The object of this Constitution and By-Laws is to provide rules not in conflict with any higher authority and to govern the Association. The sole intent is to establish rules of acceptable selfgovernment applied on the principle that all dues paying members shall enjoy absolute equality. ARTICLE 111 MEMBERSHIP Section 1: There shall be three mutually exclusive classes of membership:

Regular members: Full- and part-time classified employees of Napa Valley College. Employees designated as management, supervisory, or confidential shall be excluded from chapter status. Retired members: Former classified employees who have retired with at least five years service at Napa Valley College. Retired members may not vote or hold office. Honorary members: Persons who have rendered a significant service to the Association and are selected by a vote of of the members of the Executive Board. Honorary members may not vote or hold office.



Section 2: The Executive Board may suspend the membership of any member or recall any officer for cause in accordance with the procedure as stipulated in the Constitution of the Local. Section 3: The membership of any member is automatically suspended for non-payment of dues or assessments to either the Chapter or Local 1021; such persons are not entitled to the rights and privileges of membership, including the right to vote until all delinquent dues and/or assessments are paid. ARTICLE IV DUES AND ASSESSMENTS Section 1: The dues for Regular members of NVC-ACP shall be paid to Local 1021 as specified in the Unions Constitution. Section 2: Additional dues or assessments may be levied by an affirmative secret ballot of a majority of members present at any meeting of the membership-at-large as provided for in Article X. A 15 workday notification is required prior to that vote. Notification of any increase shall comply with the Education Code. ARTICLE V OFFICERS Section 1: The NVC-ACP Board consists of elected and appointed members and provides leadership to the organization as a group of personalities blended together which as its own spirit, tone, and quality. The Board is able to achieve consensus or to define a majority option which reflects the wishes of the membership. The Board will assure that its program is understood, shapes policy, and is a voice of the membership and effects change along with being a respected organization. Section 2: The officers of NVC-ACP shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Section 3: It is the responsibility of the officers, Delegates, Stewards, committee chairs, and committee members to communicate with the Executive Board and Field Representative on all decisions that may affect the working conditions of the members in a timely manner. The Field Representative has the responsibility to communicate with the President in a timely manner about any pending situations, changes to working conditions, and if contacted by employees for assistance. Section 4: The Executive Board shall consist of the Officers, the Stewards, the Delegates to the Local 1021 School Industry Council and a non-voting Classified Senate liaison.

Section 5: No candidate for, or incumbent of a salaried elective public office shall hold any office in NVCACP. Section 6: All secret ballots or roll call votes will pass by majority vote only. ARTICLE VI NOMINATION, ELECTION AND TERM OF OFFICE Section 1: The President shall appoint an Election committee which upon approval of the Executive Board shall meet biennial during the Spring semester. During the month of March members will be notified that nominations are being taken for Chapter Officers, Stewards, and Delegates. Nominations from the general membership shall be submitted to the Elections Committee of NVCACP by the last working day of March either in e-mail format or hard copy. Ballots shall be distributed by the Elections Committee via e-mail or hard copy to each Association member for the election of candidates within seven (7) working days of the close of nominations and such ballots must be returned to and received by the Elections Committee within five (5) working days after the date of distribution. The President will announce the results at the annual meeting in May. Section 2: Terms of office for the officers of the Association and Local 1021 delegates shall be for two years commencing with the first general membership meeting in August. No member shall serve as President(s) for more than two (2) consecutive terms. No member shall serve as President unless they have served on the Executive Board in some other capacity in the prior term. When a person is no longer eligible to serve as President they may not hold a position as an Officer for one complete term. ARTICLE VII STEWARDS Section 1: The entire general membership shall elect by majority vote, six stewards, each for a two (2) year term which will commence with the first general membership meeting in August. Six Regional positions shall be identified as follows; Child Care, Facilities, Technical, Clerical, Instruction, and a Rotational. The Rotational position is to provide additional support through substitution or member representation, as needed. There is no limit to the number of terms a steward may serve. Such members shall not be an officer or steward for any other union or unaffiliated employee organization during his/her term.

Section 2: The steward has all rights of membership and shall be given those benefits as approved by the Chapter. The responsibilities of steward however, do outweigh those of regular membership and include:

Training for all stewards shall be provided in the area of Interest Based Bargaining to develop skills needed to represent members interests. The stewards shall serve on the Executive Board of NVC-ACP. Subject to these By-Laws, the first line of contact with management is the steward. All matters of importance to any member of the unit are considered important and confidential to the steward. The health, vitality, and enthusiasm of the unit is the responsibility of the steward. Service in the positions of steward requires total commitment to interests representing the highest good of the members of the unit. All stewards shall have copies of the Chapter, Local, and International By-Laws and necessary working agreements and rules pertinent to their bargaining units. These copies, supplied by Local 1021, shall be available for use at all times.

B. C. D.

E. F.


Section 3: The duties of the steward are delineated but not limited to: Organize new members, inform members about Union policies, activities, events; post and distribute official Union notices; attend Union membership meetings and encourage co-workers to do the same; welcome new members, attend steward meetings; effectively handle grievances through investigation; in a timely manner communicate to the President and Field Representative regarding any grievances, investigations, etc. ARTICLE VIII ADMINISTRATION Section 1: The affairs of the Association shall be administered by the Executive Board in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws. The President shall supervise the administration of the affairs of NVCACP. Section 2: The Executive Board may employ any professional services it deems necessary. These professionals will be directly responsible to the President of NVC-ACP. The salary shall be fixed by a vote of the majority of the Executive Board.

Section 3: No salary shall be paid to any officer, 1021 delegate, steward or committee person for services rendered to NVC-ACP. Section 4: An annual budget will be developed by the Executive Board facilitated by the treasurer in July to be approved at the August General Membership meeting. ARTICLE IX DUTIES OF OFFICERS Section 1: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Board and the Chapter membership and shall oversee the appointment of all committee members of the Chapter. The President shall call meetings as provided for in ARTICLE X, Section 1, 2, and 3. The President shall sign all papers as ordered by the Board and membership, see that officers perform their duties and enforce the Constitution and By-Laws of the Association. The President shall represent NVC-ACP before other organizations and public agencies and perform any other functions as stipulated by the Executive Board. The President may not make or second any motion and may not vote except to break a tie. The President shall announce the results of all ballots. The President shall sit on the Board of Directors of Local 1021. The President or designee shall sit on the Classified Senate Board as a nonvoting liaison. The President has sole discretion to appoint members to all committee assignments, and to remove individuals from said assignments with consent of the Executive Board. Section 2: The Vice Presidents shall assist the President in the presidential duties and take the place of the President in the absence of that officer. The Vice Presidents shall perform other duties as assigned by the President. Some of the duties to be assigned are: Steward Coordinator, Parliamentarian, and committee assignments. The Vice President shall become President if that office becomes vacant. Section 3: The Secretary shall notify the membership of meeting and events, keep an accurate record of all meetings pursuant to ARTICLE X of the Chapter and of Executive Board meetings, conduct correspondence for the Association, keep current the Constitution and By-Laws for reference, shall chair meetings in the absence of the President and the Vice Presidents, and shall send a copy of the minutes to the President two (2) weeks after Board and membership meeting. After review the secretary will e-mail the minutes to Board members, Field Representative, and the general membership as appropriate. Section 4: The Treasurer shall be responsible for oversight of the financial management and fiscal integrity of the Association and shall be responsible for facilitating the development of the annual budget; the preparation of monthly and annual financial statements for submission to the Executive Board; shall present a financial statement at each meeting of the Executive Board and the general membership; sign issued checks at the direction of the Board; shall receive assessments or other moneys collected and/or receive and shall deposit, within 5 working days, to the account of the Chapter giving a receipt for the same; shall turn over to the Treasurers successor all books, records and papers after the Executive Board have reviewed and approved the financial statement. The annual budget will be

approved each year at the May membership meeting and will include a resolution indicating the Executive Boards spending parameters. Treasurer will turn over financial records to the Local upon request. Section 5: Delegates (3) to SEIU Local 1021 shall be elected as per ARTICLE VI and shall sit on the Executive Board of NVC-ACP and the School Industry Council of SEIU Local 1021. Section 6: The Executive Board shall have the sole authority to approve unusual and extraordinary expenditures not consistent with the budget approved by the Board and shall direct the President to issue checks for such expenditures. Section 7: Two (2) of the following officers: President, Vice President, and Treasurer shall sign all checks issued. Section 8: All Board members including stewards and delegates will attend one Board of Trustees meeting to give a chapter report during their term of office. ARTICLE X MEETINGS Section 1: An annual meeting of the membership-at-large shall be held on the call of the President as stipulated in ARTICLE VI, Section 1 in the month of May. There shall be monthly membership meetings. If meetings are fixed in advance, members need not be notified except for the annual meeting or when action items are noted. Section 2: Special meetings of the membership-at-large or the Executive Board may be called at any time by the President or shall be called by the President upon written request of 10% of the members of NVC-ACP or by a majority of the Executive Board. The special meeting will be held within 15 working days after receipt of the request. The proceedings of such a special meeting shall be confined to matters stated on the call of the meeting. Section 3: The Executive Board shall meet at the call of the President; such meetings shall be called at least once every three months and at said meetings a majority of the board shall constitute a quorum. Section 4: The Executive Board shall meet at least once a month except in June and July. These meetings shall be open to the general membership; however, the general membership shall carry no vote. Regular meeting of the Executive Board may be held without notice if the time and place of such meetings are fixed and noticed in advance by the Board. Section 5:

10% of the membership being present shall constitute a quorum at any regular or special meeting. Members of the Executive Board shall be counted as members for this purpose and shall have the right to vote as members. Section 6: Unless otherwise specified in the Constitution, a simple majority of those members present and voting shall be sufficient to carry any issue. Section 7: The president may appoint a parliamentarian, and a sergeant-at-arms, to assist the President in the conduct of meetings. Section 8: Unless otherwise specified in the Constitution or by rules adopted by the Executive Board, Roberts Rules of Order, latest edition, shall govern the conduct of all meetings. Section 9: At least five (5) working days prior to any regular meeting of the membership-at-large the President shall order written notification of all members of the date, time, place and purpose of the meeting. Section 10: Proxy voting is limited to ratification of contract & election of Executive Board members and shall not be permitted at any membership or Executive Board meeting except by those members who are working at their jobs at the time of the meeting or job sites that are located off the main campus. Such proxy vote must be submitted in writing to the President prior to the meeting. At any regular meeting a ballot vote may be requested from the floor ARTICLE XI VACANCIES Section 1: The Executive Board may declare an Officer position, Delegate position, or Steward position vacant if an incumbent fails without just cause to attend three (3) consecutive meetings. Section 2: Any vacancies which may occur in the Officer, Steward or Delegate positions (during their terms) shall be filled by the membership-at-large within 45 days. The Elections Committee shall review all candidates and report their findings to the Board. The President will appoint a replacement at that time.

ARTICLE XII AMENDMENTS The Constitution and By-Laws of NVC-ACP may be amended by a majority vote of the membership present at any regularly held membership meeting. All meetings called for the purpose of amending the Constitution shall conform with the method provided for in ARTICLE X, Section 9. The Constitution as amended shall become effective immediately following the adoption of the amendments. ARTICLE XIII COMMITTEES Section 1: The President upon installation in office shall oversee the appointment of the following committee chairs if such committees are active and have been approved by the Executive Board. All committees work for the betterment of the classified body and will report to the Board who is accountable for the classified body. Chairs of these committees shall be elected by members of the committees for two (2) year terms. These terms can be staggered. In the event of the elected chairs being unable to complete their term the committee can elect an interim chair for the remainder of the two (2) year term.

Classified Classification Revue Committee (CCRC); to study and make recommendations on classifications, job descriptions, salary, wages, and other matters affecting economic conditions of employment. The Field Representative will serve as an advisor. Membership/Shared Governance Committee: to study and make recommendations for the recruitment and retention of members and internal and external public relations programs. Elections Committee: to be composed of three (3) to five (5) members whose duty it shall be to recommend and screen nominees, to receive election problems and to receive and process ballots. (See Article VI, Section 1.) Negotiating Team: Will consist of five (5) members, one being an NVC-ACP officer, including the Field Representative as an advisor, and will represent the interests of all members; to study and make recommendations on working conditions, grievances and other matters affecting condition of employment. The Negotiations Team will communicate with the Executive Board on tentative agreements in a timely matter. Strike Committee





Section 2: The President shall oversee the appointment of chairs of such other committees as the Board may authorize. Such as, but not limited to: Scholarship Selection Committee, fundraising committee, etc.

Section 3: No committee may act on its own accord or commit the Association to a course of action without the approval of the Executive Board. Committee chairs will submit regular reports to the Executive Board on activities and/or problems they may encounter. ARTICLE XIV LIMITATIONS Section 1: No officer, delegate, steward/unit representative, member or employee shall take any action on behalf of or in the name of the Union or its Chapters which is incompatible with their objectives, policies, or programs. Section 2: No member of NVC-ACP shall be discriminated against because of race, ethnicity, age, national origin, gender, religious or political opinions, physical or mental disability, or sexual orientation. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to protect any member who advocates the overthrow of the United States government by force or violence. Section 3: No member shall be denied the right of appeal to the Executive Board. Section 4: The total budgetary allotment for any Association activity shall not be exceeded except by approval of the Executive Board and upon transfer from other allotments. Section 5: No solicitations or contracts shall be made in the name of NVC-ACP without the approval of the Executive Board. Section 6: No assessments shall be levied without the approval of the membership at a regular or special meeting as stipulated in ARTICLE IV. Section 7: No association with or disassociation from any Regional, State, National, or special interest organization that has any binding effect on NVC-ACP or its members can be accomplished except by a majority vote of the membership. Section 8: No officer, delegate, steward, or member shall take any action on behalf or in the name of the Union or the Chapter which is incompatible with the Chapters or Local 1021s objective of their constitutions and by-laws.

ARTICLE XV RECALL Section 1: Any officer, steward, or 1021 Delegate may be recalled or any member suspended from membership for conduct detrimental to the name or welfare of the Association. Written charges shall be filed with the Executive Board and signed by a minimum of 30% of the Association. A date for hearing by the Executive Board shall be set at which time the accused person shall have the opportunity to be heard in person or by a representative. Notice of such a hearing shall be delivered personally to the accused and must contain a written copy of the charge. No officer, steward/unit representative, or 1021 Delegate shall be recalled or any member suspended unless such action in sustained by a vote of 2/3 of the Executive Board. The recalled officer, steward/unit representative, 1021 Delegate, or the suspended member shall have no vote during the consideration of the appeal by the membership-atlarge but he/she is given the opportunity to be heard in his/her defense in person or by a representative. The Executive Board may present such evidence as it deems fit in support of its action. An appeal must be filed within ten (10) working days after delivery to or mailing of a written notice of the Executive Boards action to the accused person. Section 2: All meetings regarding consideration of recall shall be closed unless otherwise requested. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Napa Valley College Association of Classified Professionals and includes all amendments adopted through the current date. PRESIDENT: ___________________ DATE: ______________ (CONSTITUTION/BY-LAWS REVISED 08/06)


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