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Health Occupations Central Lake High School Ms.

Maul This year long class will provide to all students transferable skills and academic knowledge as an introduction of the careers in the health care industry. The overall goal of this class is to establish a foundation in health care principles and health career exploration. It provides an overview of medical careers, the fundamentals of patient care and responsibility, legal practice and ethics. The class will provide an academic core based on the health care sciences, with a heavy emphasis on body structure and function, the study of disease, and medical terminology. Students will also learn basic health care skills including patient assessment, vital signs, and patient transfer. Students will also receive American Red Cross CPR for the Professional Rescuer and First Aid curriculum. Development of desirable employee attributes and successful job seeking skills are also addressed.
COURSE GOALS Students will be able to: 1. Demonstrate basic understanding of anatomy and physiology. 2. Demonstrate knowledge of medical terminology. 3. Demonstrate competency in basic core skills required for safe and effective patient care in a variety of healthcare settings. 4. Demonstrate understanding of legal and ethical responsibilities of health care workers, along with social, cultural and ethnic differences. 5. Demonstrate organizational skills, professionalism, leadership and teamwork. 6. Demonstrate understanding of safety, infection control and OSHA guidelines. EVALUATION GRADING SCALE: A 100-93 A92-90 B+ 89-88 B 87-83 B82-80 C+ 79-78


77-73 72-70 69-68 67-63 62-60 59-0

Performance on exams, quizzes, homework and lab competency are all factored into total points from which the student will earn a grade. Participation, preparation and attitude as part of core values are also factored in. ** Assignments/projects turned in after collection by the teacher will lose 10% of points per day. Students with excused absences will receive the same number of days to make up the assignment. If a student is absent on the day of a test, an alternative test will be given on the day of the students return.

Final grade is determined by 80% summative assessment. The summative assessment includes exams, projects, clinical competencies, and papers. The other 20% is determined by formative assessment. The assessments include homework, classwork and quizzes. CLASSROOM POLICIES 1. Each student is expected to be on time, in his or her seat when the bell rings. A student who is not is considered tardy. 2. Each student is expected to be courteous, mature and respectful in the health care setting. 3. Each student is expected to be prepared and participate in daily classroom activities. Each student is expected to complete assigned work, and bring needed materials to class daily. 4. All students will work together cooperatively as a team and display a positive attitude. PROFESSIONAL POINTS This assignment will be in each marking period in accordance with the core values associated with a health care worker and classroom policies. Any behaviors considered not professional to a health care setting/classroom environment will result in the student loss of points per occurrence.

CONSEQUENCES If a student breaks a classroom policy: 1st time: Verbal warning Loss of core points nd 2 time: Conference privately with student Written notification in file Loss of core points rd 3 time: Office referral + Loss of Core points


Welcome to Health Occupations!

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