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EstiGimi angol segdanyag a szbeli rettsgi felkszlshez. A szvegek irnyadak.

EstiGimi - szbeli angol ttelek

First item ttelek What traditional celebrations are there at this school? What data should you include in your CV if you want to apply for a job? What do you like doing in your free time? Mrs Barton You do volunteer work twice a week. You help an old lady, Mrs Barton. (she will be played by your examiner) She lives alone and you do the shopping and other smaller jobs for her. She has prepared a note which says only: supermarket, chemists, library, post office. Discuss with her what she needs from these places. Include the following: - asking about her health - what she needs needs from the supermarket, chemists, library, post office - asking what else she needs - telling her about your day - asking her about her day Volunteer work with an old lady S: Hello Mrs Barton. How are you? T: Not bad, thank you? Its good to see you again. How are you? S: Fine, thanks. Im going to the supermarket. Do you need anything from there? T: Yes, please. Could you bring me some fruit and a loaf of bread? S: Of course. How much and what kind of fruit would you like? T: A kilo of strawberries. S: OK. Do you need anything from the chemists or the library? T: From the chermists, no thanks. But could you bring me a detective story from the library, please? 1. ttel

Milyen hagyomnyos nnepek vannak ebben az iskolban? Milyen adatokat rdemes tartalmaznia az nletrajzodnak, hogy tallj munkt? Mit szeretsz csinlni a szabadiddben? Mrs Barton nkntesknt dolgozol ktszer egy hten. Segtesz egy ids hlgynek, Mrs. Barton-nak. (t majd a vizsgztatd jtsza) egyedl l, te vsrolsz neki s kisebb munkkat csinlsz meg neki. Ksztett egy listt, amin csak annyi van: bolt, drogria, knyvtr, posta. Beszld meg vele, mire van szksge ezekrl a helyekrl. Kvetkezk is legyenek benne: - krdezd az egszsgrl - mire van szksge a boltbl, drogribl, knyvtrbl, postbl - mi msra van szksge - mesld el a napodat - krdezd t a napjrl nkntes munka egy ids hlgynl S: Hello Mrs. Barton. Hogy vagy ma? T: Megvagyok, ksznm. J ltni tged megint. Hogy vagy? S: Ksznm, jl. Megyek a boltba. Van valamire szksged? T: Igen, krlek. Tudnl hozni gymlcst nekem s egy vekni kenyeret? S: Termszetesen. Mennyi, s milyen fajta gymlcst szeretnl? T: Egy kilo epret. S: OK. Van szksged valamire a drogribl vagy a knyvtrbl? T: A drogribl nem, kszi. De tudnl hozni nekem egy krimit a knyvtrbl, krlek?

EstiGimi - szbeli angol ttelek

S: Sure, I know you like detective stories. ttelek T: Yes, very much. S: Oh, and Im going to the post office. Do you need anything from there? T: Yes. I wrote a letter to a friend in Spain. Would you post it for me, please? S: Of course. Anything else? T: No, thanks. And tell me, how was your day? S: Well, I had a difficult test in the morning. I hope Ill pass it. Then I visited a museum with my cousin. You know, he is from Debrecen and spends a week at our house. And you? What did you do today? T: My best friend visited me, and we talked about the world. We had a great time. S: That sounds good. Now, Im going, and Ill be back in an hour. T: Thanks, bye!

S: Persze, tudom, hogy szereted a krimiket. T: Igen, nagyon. S: Oh, s megyek a postra. Van szksged valamire onnan? T: Igen, rtam levelet a bartomnak Spanyolorszgba. Feladnd nekem, krlek. S: Termszetesen. Mg valamit? T: Nem, kszi. s elmesled nekem hogy hogyan telt a napod? S: Nos, nekem volt egy nehz dolgozatom reggel. Remlem tmentem. Aztn megnztem egy mzeumot az unokatestvremmel. Tudod, debreceni van s egy hetet nlunk tlt. s te? Mit csinltl ma? T: A j bartom ltogatott meg engem, s beszlgettnk a vilgrl. J volt nagyon. S: Jl hangzik. Nos, megyek s jvk vissza egy ra mlva. T: Kszi, viszlt!

Transport The pictures below show two different means of transport. Compare and contrast them. Incude the following points: - how do you usually travel to work/school? - do you prefer travelling by car or by public transport? - what are some of the advantages and disadvantages of the two possibilities? - why do you think there are so many cars on the roads nowadays? Transport In the pictures I can see a car, a train and a traffic jam. I usually go to work by train. I like it, because on the way I can sleep or read, and I dont have to play attention to the road. Buti f I goout in the evening I prefer travelling by car, because I dont have to pay attention to the time-tables, and I dont have to hurry not to miss the last trains or buses. On the other hand, in a city there are always traffic jams, so using a car is not always faster. In my opinion, the advantages of traveling by train are that we can read, sleep or just relax while travelling, and the disadvantages are that we have to pay attention to the timetables, and usually in the morning the trains are crowded. And it can happen that a train deosent come or that it is late. The advantages of travelling by car are that we can go whenever and wherever we want, from house to house. The disadvantages are the traffic jams and that we cannot drink alcohol, and we have to pay attention all the time while travelling

Kzlekeds A kpeken kt klnbz kzlekedsi eszkzt ltunk. Hasonltsuk ssze s a klnbsgeket is figyeljk meg. Kvetkez pontokat is foglald bele: - mivel jrsz ltalban dolgozni / iskolba? - mivel szeretsz jobban utazni, autval vagy tmegkzlekedsi eszkzzel? - mi az elnye s htrnya e kt lehetsgnek? - mit gondolsz, mirt van sok aut az utakon manapsg? Kzlekeds A kpeken egy autt, vonatot s egy forgalmi dugt ltok. ltalban vonattal jrok dolgozni, szeretem, mert az ton tudok aludni vagy olvasni s nem kell figyelni az tra. De ha este megyek, jobban szeretek autval menni, mert nem kell a menetrendre figyelni, s nem kell sietni, hogy nehogy lekssem az utols vonatokat vagy buszokat. Msrszrl egy vrosban mindig vannak kzlekedsi dugk, szval az aut hasznlata nem mindig gyorsabb. Vlemnyem szerint a tmegkzlekedssel val utazsnak az, hogy tudok olvasni vagy csak pihenni utazs kzben, s a htrnya az, hogy figyelni kell a menetrendre s reggel a vonatok zsfoltak. s az is megtrtnhet, hogy a vonat nem jn, vagy ksik. Az elnye az autval val utazsnak, hogy brmikor s brhova mehetnk hztl hzig. A htrnya a kzlekedsi dugk, s nem lehet alkoholt fogyasztani s kzben folyton figyelni kell az utazs alatt.

EstiGimi - szbeli angol ttelek

Second item ttelek Tell me a few words about youself. When and where you born, your personality, phsical appearance. How do you celebrate Christmas? What were your favourite subjects at school and why did you like them? Summer school in England ill You are at a summer school in England. Youve caught a bad cold and feel terrible. A friend from your group (she will be played by your examiner) is visiting you. Tell her how you feel and ask her to bring the most important things from the nearby supermarket. Include the following: - descibre how you feel - what your symptoms are - what the doctor said - what medicine you have to take - what food and other items you need from the shop - ask about what you missed at school Your examiner will start the discussion Summer school in England + cold T: Hello. How are you? S: Im not feeling very well. I have a headache and I cough. I think I have a temperature as well. T: Poor you! Did you go to the doctors? S: Yes, I did. T: And what did he say? 2. ttel

Mondj nekem nhny szt magadrl. Mikor s hol szlettl, szemlyisged, kls megjelensed. Hogyan nnepled a karcsonyt? Mik voltak a kedvenc tantrgyaid az iskolban, s mirt szeretted azokat? Nyri iskola Angliban beteg Angliban vagy nyri iskolban. Elkaptl egy megfzst, s borzasztan rzed magad. Egy bartod megltogat tged (t a vizsgztatd fogja jtszani). Mond el neki hogy vagy, s krd meg t, hogy hozzon neked a legfontosabb dolgokat a kzeli boltbl. A kvetkezket foglald bele a beszlgetsbe: - rd krl, hogy hogyan rzed magad - mik a tneteid - mit mondott az orvos - milyen gygyszert kell szedned - milyen telre s ms dologra van szksged a boltbl - krdezd,mirl maradtl le az iskolban A vizsgztat kezdi a beszlgetst. Nyri iskola Angliban + hideg T: Hello. Hogy vagy? S: Nem rzem jl magam. Fj a fejem s khgk. Azt hiszem lzam is van. T: Szegny. Voltl orvosnl? S: Igen, voltam. T: s mit mondott?

EstiGimi - szbeli angol ttelek

S: He said I should stay in bed for a fewttelek days. I shouldnt drink cold drinks and I should take painkiller. T: Listen, Im going shopping. Do you need anything from the supermarket? S: Oh, yes, youre very kind. Could you bring me some apples and oranges? And also need some rolls. T: OK, no problem. Do you need anything else? S: No, thanks. And what was at school? What did I miss? T: We were talking about past tenses and we read a scary story. S: Can you lend me your exercise-book? T: Sure, and heres the homeworks as well. S: Thanks a lot. Ill give it back to you when you come in the evening. T: OK. Im coming back in about hal an hour. See you. S: Thanks. Bye.

S: Azt mondta, gyban kellene maradnom nhny napig. Nem kellene hideg italt innom s fjdalomcsillaptt kell szednem. T: Figyelj, megyek vsrolni. Szksged van valamire a boltbl. S: Oh, igen. Nagyon kedves vagy. Tudnl hozni nekem almt s narancsot? s szksgem van zsmlre. T: Ok, nem problma. Szksged van mg msra? S: Nem, kszi. s mi volt az iskolban? Mirl maradtam le? T: Beszlgettnk a mlt idrl s olvastunk egy ijeszt trtnetet. S: Oda tudod adni nekem a fzetedet? T: Termszetesen, s itt van a hzi feladat is. S: Nagyon ksznm. Visszaadom neked, amikor jssz este. T: Ok. Fl ra mlva jvk vissza. Ltjuk egymst. S: Ksznm. Szia.

Music The pictures show people making music or listening to it. Compare and contrast them. Include the following points: - kinds of music you / your family / your friends like - concerts you / your family / your friends go to - records or CDs you / your family / your friends buy or have bought recently - your favourite musical instuments - English song sor pieces of music you like listening to

Zene A kpeken emberek zenlnek vagy hallgatnak zent. Hasonltsuk ssze s a klnbsgeket is figyeljk meg. Tartalmazza a kvetkez pontokat: - a zene, amit kedvelsz te / csaldod / bartaid - koncertek, amire te / csaldod / bartaid jrtok - felvteleid vagy CD-k amit te / csaldod / bartaid vesztek vagy vettetek a kzelmltban - kedvenc hangszereid - angol dal vagy zenem amiket szeretsz hallgatni Zene A kpeken ltok egy frfit gitron jtszani s egy koncertet. A koncerten sok ember van. A szabadidmben szeretek zent hallgatni. Szeretek minden zent, de klasszikus zent nem hallgatok nagyon gyakran. A csaldomban mindenki hallgatja a kedvenc zenjt a szobjban. Nem megyek gyakran koncertre, mert nem szeretem a zsfolt helyeket. De nha elmegyek egy pub-ba a bartaimmal, ahol l zene szl. Szeretjk hallgatni, mikzben beszlgetnk. Nha tncolni is szoktunk. Az utols CD amit vettem, zenei top, mert nagyon szeretem ket. Manapsg mr nem kell megvenni a drga CD-ket, mert le tudjuk tlteni az internetrl. Tudom, hogy ez illeglis, de sok ember csinlja gy. Fiatalabb koromban n zongorztam, gy el tudom mondani, hogy melyik a kedvenc hangszerem. De szeretem hallgatni a dalt, amiben csak egy gitr szl a httrben. Szeretem hallgatni az angoldalokat, s gyakran nzem kzben a dalszvegeket, gy amg hallgatom, sokat is tudok tanulni belle.

Music In the pictures I can see a man playing the guitar and a concert. At the concert there are a lot of people. In my free time I like listening to music. I like almost all kinds of music, but I dont listen to classical music very often. In my family everybody listens to their favourite discs in their rooms. I dont often go to concerts because I dont like crowded places. But sometimes, at the weekend I go to a pub with my friends where there is live music. We like listening to it while talking. Sometimes we go dancing, too. The last CD I bought was musical hits because I like them very much. Nowadays we dont have to buy the expensive CDs because we can download music from the internet. I know it is illegal, but a lot people do it. When I was younger I played the piano, so I can say it is my favourite instrument. But I also like listening to song where there is olny one guitar in the background. I like listening to English songs and I usually look at their lyrics while listening to them so I can learn a lot from it.

EstiGimi - szbeli angol ttelek

Third item ttelek Tell me about your most memorable holiday, please. What kinds of entertrainment facilities are there near the place where you live? What houseworka do you like/hate most? Christmas choosing presents Imagine that Christmas is coming soon. You want to buy presents for your family and friends. Look at the pictures below and decide which of the presents shown you would like to buy and for whom. Choose presents for/at least/there people. Tell your examiner about the decision. Include the following points: - what your family members / friends are interested in - why you think they will like their presents Christmas choosing presents T: Have you chosen the right presents? S: Yes. Ichose the book for my daughter because likes reading very much. T: Does she like Harry Potters? S: Yes, its her favourite, but she hasnt read the last book, so it will be a very good present. T: OK. Whats the second present? S: I chose the perfume to my mother because she likes perfumes. T: Does she have a favourite one, S: No, she likes a lot of kinds. T: OK. And the third present? S: Its the board game for my son because he likes playing very much and we can play together as well. 3. ttel

Meslj nekem a legemlkezetesebb nyaralsodrl, krlek. Milyen fle szrakozsi lehetsgek vannak a lakhelyed kzelben? Milyen fajta hzi munkt szeretsz a legjobban / legkevsb? Karcsony ajndkok vlasztsa Kpzeld el, hogy hamarosan jn a karcsony. Csaldodnak s a bartaidnak akarsz venni ajndkokat. Nzd meg a kpeket alul, s dntsd el melyik ajndkot szeretnd /vennd/ meg s kinek szeretnd. Vlassz ajndkot legalbb hrom embernek. Mond el a vizsgztatdnak a dntsedet. A kvetkez pontok is legyenek benne: - mi rdekli a csaldtagjaidat / bartaidat - mibl gondolod, mirt tetszenek az ajndkok nekik Karcsony ajndkok vlasztsa T: Kivlasztottad a megfelel ajndkokat? S: Igen. Lnyomnak vlasztottam egy knyvet, mert szeret olvasni. T: Szereti Harry Potter-t? S: Igen, ez a kedvence, de nem olvasta az utols knyvet, szval ez nagyon j ajndk lesz neki. T: Mi a msodik ajndk? S: Vlasztottam anymnak egy parfmt, mert szereti a parfmket. T: Van neki kedvence abbl? S: Nem, sokfajtt szeret. T: OK. s mi a harmadik ajndk? S: Ez a trsasjtk a fiamnak, mert szeret nagyon jtszani s mi egytt is tudunk jtszani.

EstiGimi - szbeli angol ttelek

Eating ttelek The pictures below represent healthy and unhealthy food and eating habits. Look at them in order to compare and contrast them. Include the following points: - what do you think about eating at home or at fast food restaurants? - what sort of food is unhealthy? - what does healthy eating mean? - what do you think about eating hamburgers or cakes every day? - who cooks in your family? can you cook? - where do you usually have lunch? Eating In the pictures I can see some fruit and vegetables. In this picture I can see some junk food, we call junk food unhealthy, usually fast food. Nowadays a lot of people eat in fast food restaurants because they havent got time to have proper meals. And the real restaurants are so expensive, so they choose the fast ones. Fast food, chocolate and fatty food are unhealthy. Healthy eating means a lot of fruit and vegetables, white meat like chiken or fish. In my family it is usually me who cooks. I like cooking simple things, but I dont like standing in the kitchen for hours. On weekdays I have at work, but at the weekend the whole family gets together and we spend some time having lunch and talking. I really like these meals.

Evs A kpeken alul bemutatnak egszsges s nem egszsges telt s tkezsi szoksokat. Nzd meg azokat s hasonltsd ssze s a klnbsgeket figyeld. Kvetkez pontokat is vedd figyelembe: - mit gondolsz az otthoni tkezsrl vagy a gyorsttermekrl? - milyen fajta tel egszsgtelen? - mit jelent az egszsges tkezs? - mit gondolsz arrl, hogy ha hamburgert s stit egyl minden nap? - ki fz a csaldodban? tudsz fzni? - hol szoktl ltalban ebdelni? Evs A kpeken gymlcsket s zldsgeket ltok. Ezen a kpen ltok nhny cska telt, mi hvjuk egszsgtelen teleknek, ltalban gyorsteleknek. Manapsg sok ember eszik gyorstelt ttermekben, mert nincs idejk rendes telt enni. s az igazi ttermek drgk, gyhogy az emberek vlasztjk azokat. Gyors tel, csokold s zsros telek egszsgtelenek. Az egszsges telek a sok gymlcs s zldsg, fehr hsok, mint csirke vagy hal. Az n csaldomban n fzk. Szeretek fzni egyszer dolgokat, de nem szeretek tbb rt a konyhban llni. Htkznapokon, a munkahelyemen ebdelek, de htvgn az egsz csald egybegylik, s mi evssel s beszlgetssel tltjk az idt. Igazn szeretem ezeket az tkezseket.

EstiGimi - szbeli angol ttelek

4th item ttelek How do you do celebrate birthdays in your family? Why is it good and important to study foreign languages? Tell me about your relatives, please. Free time at the weekend You are very busy at work / school on weekdays but you have some free time at weekends and you have decided to use it for some interesting free time activity. You have found the following possibilities in your neighbourhood: - Spanish language course - guitar classes for beginners - how to use the Internet computer classes - salsa dancing, basketball Choosing a free time activity T: Which activity have you chosen? S: Well, Id like to play basketball in my free time. I enjoy playing basketball very much, but I havent played it for several years, because I had no opportunities for it. T: I see. Arent you too tired at weekends to play some sport? S: Im tired, but you know I work in an office and I sit too much. I need to take some exercise. T: Wouldnt it be more useful to learn Spanish in your free time? S: It would be useful, but Id rather learn English, not Spanish. T: I see. What about going to computer classes? S: I think I can use the computer well enough. I dont need classes. T: And the guitar classes? Are you interested in music? S: Yes, I like music, but I have never learnt to play any musical instrument and I think Im too old start now.

4. ttel Hogy nneplitek a szletsnapokat a csaldotokban? Mirt j s fontos tanulni klnbz nyelveket? Meslj a rokonaidrl, krlek. Szabadid a htvgn Nagyon elfoglalt vagy a munkahelyi / iskolai htkznapokon, de van egy kis szabadidd a htvgeken s gy dntesz, hogy ezt hasznlod nhny rdekes szabadids tevkenysgre. Megtallod a kvetkez lehetsgeket a krnyken: - spanyol nyelvtanfolyam - gitr osztlyok kezdknek - Internet hasznlata szmtgp osztlyok - salsa tnc, kosrlabda A szabadids tevkenysg kivlasztsa T: Milyen tevkenysget vlasztottl? S: Nos, szeretnk kosrlabdzni a szabadidmben. Nagyon szeretek kosrlabdzni, de vekig nem jtszottam, mert nem volt r lehetsgem. T: rtem. Nem vagy tlfradt htvgn sportolni? S: Fradt vagyok, de tudod, a munkban tl sokat lk az irodban. Szksgem van nhny gyakorlatra. T: Nem lenne, ha megtanulnl spanyolul a szabadiddben? S: Hasznos lenne, de inkbb tanulok angolul, nem spanyolul. T: rtem. s mi a helyzet a szmtgpes osztlyokkal? S: Azt hiszem, elgg tudom hasznlni a szmtgpet is. Nincs r szksgem. T: s a gitr rk? rdekel a zene? S: Igen, szeretem a zent, de soha nem tanultam semmilyen hangszeren jtszani, azt hiszem, tl reg vagyok, hogy most kezdjem el.

EstiGimi - szbeli angol ttelek

House or flat ttelek The pictures below show two different places where you can live. Compare and contrast them. Include the following points: - your personal experience and preference - some advantages and disadvantages of the two possibilities - your hopes for the future concerning your home

Hz vagy laks Az albbi kpek kt klnbz helyet mutatnak be, ahol lni tudsz. Hasonltsd s lltsd szembe ket. Tartalmazza a kvetkez pontokat: - szemlyes tapasztalat s preferecia - nhny elny s htrny a kt lehetsgben - mit remlsz a jvtl a te hzaddal kapcsolatban

House or flat In the pictures I can see a block of flats, a house with a big garden, and farm I think. I live in a house with a garden and I like it very much, especially in spring when the weather is good and I can go into the nature and read or sunbathe. I couldnt live in a block of flats, because its too small for me and I couldnt have a dog either. Of course, it has some advantages, for example we dont have to cut the grass, its smaller, so we can clean it more easily. Living on a farm could be good as well if we like animals and silence. But for me it would be too quiet and there arent many people to talk to. In the future I would like like to live like now, in a house with a garden.

Hz vagy laks A kpeken ltok egy trsashzat, egy hzat nagy kerttel, s egy mezgazdasgi pletet (farm) azt hiszem. n egy kertes hzban lek, s nagyon szeretem, fleg tavasszal, amikor az idjrs j s ki tudok menni a termszetbe s olvasok vagy napozok. Nem tudtam trsashzban lni, mert tl kicsi nekem s nem tudtam kutyt sem tartani. Persze, vannak elnyei a trsashznak, pldul nem kell fvet vgni, kisebb is gy knnyebb takartani. A farmon az let j lehet, ha mi szeretjk az llatokat s a csendet. De nekem tl csendes lenne, s nem lenne sok ember, hogy beszlgessek velk. A jvben gy szeretnk lni, mint most, egy kertes hzban.

EstiGimi - szbeli angol ttelek

5th item ttelek Tell me about your town/village. What are the advantages of eating out? Tell me a few words about your family, please. Summer job waiter/waitress You have applied for a summer job as a waiter/waitress. You are at the job interview now. Convince the examiner (perhaps you future boss) that you are the best choice for the job. Talk about the following points: - past experiences - knowledge about dishes and drinks - you personality (polite, patient, etc.) Also ask questions to find out more about the job (money, working hours, etc.) Applying for a job as a waiter/waitress T: Why do you think we should employ you at our restaurant? S: Well, I think Im the best choice for this job, because I have lot of experience as a waiter/waitress. T: Really? Where have you worked yet? S: I have worked at two very good restaurants so far, the in and the in T: Oh, I see. Were you able to recommend dishes and drinks to guests? S: Yes, of course. I learnt everything about the dishes and drinks on our menu, so I was always able to help our guests to choose. T: Did you have any difficult guests? 5. ttel

Meslj nekem a vrosodrl / faludrl. Mi az elnye a kinti evsnek? (brhol, ami nem otthoni.) Meslj nekem nhny szt a csaldodrl. Nyri munka pincr/pincrn Jelentkeztl egy nyri munkra, mint egy pincr/pincrn. Most egy llsinterjn vagy. Gyzd meg a vizsgztatdat ( taln a jvendbeli fnkd ), gyzd meg, hogy te vagy a legjobb vlaszts erre feladatra. Beszlj a kvetkez pontokrl: - tapasztalataid - Ismeretek ednyekrl s italokrl - tulajdonsgaid (udvarias, trelmes, stb.) Szintn tegyl fel krdseket, hogy tbbet megtudjl a munkrl (pnz, munkaid.) Jelentkezs egy munkra,mint pincr / pincrn T: Mit gondolsz, mirt kellene alkalmaznunk tged az ttermnkben? S: Nos, azt hiszem, n vagyok a legjobb vlaszts erre a feladatra, mert nagyon sok tapasztalatom van, mint pincr / pincrn. T: Tnyleg? Hol dolgoztl mg? S: n eddig kt nagyon j helyen dolgoztam, a . a . s a . a . T: Oh, rtem. Sikeresesen ajnlottad az teleket s az italokat a vendgeknek? S: Igen, termszetesen. Megtanultam mindent az telekrl, s az italokrl az tlapunkrl, gy mindig tudtam segteni a vendgeknek a vlasztsban. T: Voltak problms vendgek?

EstiGimi - szbeli angol ttelek

S: Luckily only a few. But Im polite andttelekeven with the most difficult guests. patient T: Im happy to hear that. We sometimes have problems with customers. I think well give you the job. Do you have any questions? S: Yes, Id like to know more about the working hours and the wages. T: Well, we have most of our guests in the evening, so we would need you from 6 to 12 pm every day expert for Mondays, and we can offer you 7 per hour. S: That sounds good for me. T: Great. When can you start? S: Tomorrow. T: Right. See you tomorrow.

S: Szerencsre csak nhny. De n udvarias vagyok s trelmes mg a legnehezebb vendgekkel is. T: rlk, hogy ezt hallom. Nha problmsak a vsrlk. Azt hiszem, neked adom a munkt. Van krdsed? S: Igen, szeretnk tbbet megtudni a munkaidrl s a brekrl. T: Nos, a legtbb vendgnk este van, ezrt este 6-tl 12-ig lenne rd szksgnk naponta. Fizets htfn, s rnknt 7 fontot tudunk adni. S: Ez jl hangzik szmomra. T: Remek. Mikor tudsz kezdeni? S: Holnap. T: Remek. Holnap tallkozunk.

Kitchen Study in the picture and discuss the following points with the examiner: - what household gadgets do you recognize in the pictures? what are they used for? - are the crucial in the life or do they just make life easier? - can you really save time by using these appliances? what about cleaning them? - why are people getting more and more electrical appliances? - which of them do you use in your everyday life?

Konyha Tanulmnyozd a kpet, s vitasd meg az albbi pontokat a vizsgztatddal: - milyen hztartsi gpeket ismersz fel a kpen? mire hasznljk azokat? - a dnts hogy nem vagy csak hogy knnyebb az let? - valban idt takarthat meg ezeknek a kszlkeknek a hasznlatval? miknek a tiszttsra hasznljuk ezeket? - mirt van az embereknek egyre tbb elektromos kszlkk? - melyiket hasznlod a mindennapi letben? Konyha A kpen ltok egy konyht. Van egy mixer, egy mikr, egy szendvicskszt, egy vzforral, egy gztzhely, s egy st. Hasznljuk ezeket a kszlkeket, mert az teleket knnyebb elkszteni, idt takartunk meg s knnyen tisztthatk ezek. Mindig hasznlok tzhelyet, mikor ebdet vagy vacsort ksztek. A vzforralt hasznlom, ha tet vagy kvt ksztek. A mikrt hasznlom, ha teleket gyorsan akarok forr telt, s nha popcornt ksztek vele. Nha hasznlom a szendvicsksztt, mert ksztek finom forr szendvicset. Manapsg az emberek egyre tbb s tbb elektromos kszlket hasznlnak, mert hasznos s megknnytik az letet.

Kitchen In the picture I can see a kitchen. There is a mixer, a micro, a sandwich maker, a kettle, a gas cooker and an oven. We use these appliances because they make life easier and they save time, and its easy to clean them. I always use the cooker to make lunch or dinner. I use the kettle to make tea or coffee. I use the micro the make my meals hot quickly and I sometimes make popcorn with it. I sometimes use the sandwich maker, because it makes delicious hot sandwiches. Nowadays people are getting more and more electrical appliances because they are useful and make life easier.

EstiGimi - szbeli angol ttelek

6th item ttelek What would you like to show to a foreigner in the town you live? What is the most sensible thing to do if you see an accident? How would you describe your ideal teacher? Penfriend You want to find a penfriend or an e-pal and you have found some advertisements on the Internet. Discuss with the examiner which of these people you would like to write to. Include the following points: - who would you like to write to? - why do you think she/he would be a nice penfriend for you? - what common interests have you got? - what would you ask him/her about in your first letter or e-mail? People looking for a penfriend/e-pal: Jim Davis from England. He is a 23 year-old student. He likes sports, music and playing computer games. Ann Jacobson from Sweden. She is a 65-year-old pensioner. She likes reading, painting and watching films. Maria Rossi from Italy. She is a 17-year-old secondary school student. She likes fashion, dicso music and fitness. All three of them would like to write in English. Which of these people you would like to write to? a.) S: I would like to write to the elderly lady. T: Why do you think she would be a nice e-pal for you?

6. ttel Mit szeretnl megmutatni egy klfldinek a vrosodbl? Mi a legrtelmesebb dolog, amit csinlhatsz, ha ltsz egy balesetet. Hogy rnd krbe az idelis tanrt? Leveleztrs Leveleztrsat keres vagy egy e-trsat s talltl nhny hirdetst az interneten. Beszld meg a vizsgztatval, melyek ezek az emberek, akiknek szeretne rni. Tartalmazza a kvetkez pontokat: - kinek szeretnl rni? - mit gondolsz, szeretne lenni egy kedves levelez trs neked? - mi a kzs rdekldsetek? - mit tennl fel neki, az els levlben van e-mailben?

Az emberek keresnek leveleztrsat / e-trsat: Jim Davis Anglibl. egy 23 ves tanul. Szereti a sportot, a zent s jtszik a szmtgpenAnn Jacobson Svdorszgbl. egy 65 ves nyugdjas. Szeret olvasni, a festszetet s a filmeket. Maria Rossi Olaszorszgbl. egy 17 ves kzpiskolai dik. Szereti a divatot, a dicso zent s a fitness-t. Mind a hrman szeretnnek angolul rni. Melyek ezek az emberek, akiknek szeretne rni? a.) S: Szeretnk rni az ids hlgynek. T: Mit gondolsz, mirt lenne neked egy kedves leveleztrsad?

EstiGimi - szbeli angol ttelek

S: Because she likes reading and watching film, too. And we both can write in ttelek English. T: I see. And what would you ask her about in your first letter? S: Id ask about her favourite writes and actors. b.) S: I would like to write to the 23-year-old English student. T: Why do you think he would be a nice e-pal for you? S: Because he likes sports and computer games, too. And we both can write in English. T: I see. And what would you ask him about in your first letter? S: Id ask about his favourite sports and players. c.) S: I would like to write to the secondary school student. T: Why do you think she would be a nice e-pal for you? S: Because we both like disco music and fashion. And we both can write in English. T: I see. And what would you ask him about in your first letter? S: Id ask about her favourite disco bands and fashion designers. Internet or library The pictures represent two possible sources of information: the Internet and libraries. Compare and contrast these possibilities. Include the following points: - what can we use the internet for? - what is its future in your opinion? - why are libraries and books still very important? Internet or library In the picture I can see a lot of books in a library. I like going to libraries because I love reading and I like the peace and silence that is present in a library. In the picture we can see a computer room where there are a lot of computers. In my opinion the people in the room use the Internet. (And in this picture I can see a library with soma computers.) I think nowadays we can find at least on computer in each library. Internet is a very good thing. We can get a lot of information about almost everything; we can even read books on it. I think there is Internet in every home nowadays. But of the two possibilities I would choose the books, because I prefer reading printed things and my eyes get hurt if I spend a lot of time in front of the screen. S: Mert szeret olvasni s filmet nzni is. s tudunk rni angolul. T: rtem. s elszr mit krdeznl tle az els levlben? S: Krdeznm az kedvenc rirl s sznszeirl. b.) S: Szeretnk rni a 23 ves angol tanulnak. T: Mit gondolsz, mirt lenne neked egy kedves leveleztrsad? S: Mert szereti a sportot s a szmtgpes jtkokat is. s lehet angolul rni. T: rtem. s mit krdeznl tle az els levlben? S: Krdeznm az kedvenc sportjairl s jtkosairl. c.) S: Szeretnk rni kzpiskolai tanulnak T: Mit gondolsz, mirt lenne neked egy kedves leveleztrsad? S: Mert mi szeretjk a disco zent s a divatot. s lehet rni angolul. T: rtem. s mit krdeznl tle az els levlben? S: Krdeznm az kedvenc disco zenekarrl s a divattervezkrl.


Internet vagy knyvtr A kpek lehetsges kt informciforrsok: Az internet s a knyvtr. Hasonltsa ssze s szembestse ezeket a lehetsgeket. Tartalmazza a kvetkez pontokat: - mire hasznljuk az internetet? - mi a vlemnyed a jvre nzve? - mirt fontosak nagyon a knyvtrak s a knyvek? Internet vagy knyvtr A kpen ltok egy csom knyvet a knyvtrban. Szeretek menni a knyvtrban, mert szeretem az olvasst s szeretem a bkt s a csendet, ami jelen van a knyvtrban. Vlemnyem szerint az emberek a szobban hasznljk az internetet. (s ezen a kpen ltok egy knyvtrat, nhny szmtgpet), Azt hiszem, manapsg mr minden knyvtrban tallunk legalbb egy szmtgpet. Az internet egy nagyon j dolog. Sok informcit kapunk, szinte mindent tudunk olvasni rajta. gy gondolom, hogy az internet manapsg minden otthonban van mr. De a kt lehetsg kzl szeretnm a knyveket vlasztani, mert inkbb olvasom a nyomtatott dolgokat, s fj a szemem, ha tl sok idt tltk a kperny eltt.

EstiGimi - szbeli angol ttelek

7th item ttelek Can you say a few words about this school, please? (number of lessons a week, timetables, exams.) How often do you go to the dentists? And how often should we go? What would you do if you wanted ti find a job? American friends last day You are planning something special for the last day of your American friends stay in Hungary. (She will be played by your examiner.) Youve decided to take her to see a sight she hasnt visited yet. Try to convince her that this is the best thing to do and discuss the details. Include following: - last opportunity - description of the place - reasons for visiting - why she will enjoy it - how you are going there - what you will be doing there - departure time Start by saying There is something I want to discuss. American friends last day S: Theres something I want to discuss. This is your last day in Hungary and Ive planned something special for you. T: Oh, Im curious about it. S: Weve already visited a lot of sights (Matthias Church, Heroess Square and the Parliament) but you havent been to Margaret Island yet. T: What can we do there?

7. ttel Tudsz mondani nhny szt errl az iskolrl? (hny rd van egy hten, rarend, vizsgk.) Milyen gyakran jrsz fogorvoshoz? s milyen gyakran kellene jrnunk? Mit csinlnl, ha munkt akarnl tallni? Amerikai bartom utols napja Valami klnlegeset tervezel az amerikai bartod utols magyarorszgi napjn. ( t a vizsgztatd jtssza) gy dntttl, hogy megnzed vele azt a ltnivalt, ahol mg nem jrt. Prbld meggyzni, hogy ez a legjobb dolog, s beszljtek meg a rszleteket. Tartalmazza a kvetkez lehetsgeket: - utols lehetsg - a hely lersa - ltogats oka - mirt fogja lvezni - hogy fogtok ott menni - mit fogtok ott csinlni - indulsi idpont Kezd azzal, hogy Valamirl szeretnk beszlni

Amerikai bartom utols napja S: Valamirl szeretnk beszlni. Ez az utols napod Magyarorszgon, s tervezek valami klnlegeset a szmodra. T: Oh, kvncsi vagyok. S: Mr sok ltnivalt megltogattl (Mtys templom, Hsk tere s a Parlament), de nem voltl a Margitszigeten mg. T: Mi csinlhatunk itt?

EstiGimi - szbeli angol ttelek ttelek

S: Its a nice park, with a lot of entertainment possibilities. First, we can walk round the island and enjoy the sight of the Danube. T: OK, but I dont really want to walk a lot. S: No problem. Then we can try one of the Bringo carts. T: Sounds good. And what else can we do after that? S: As the weathers hot we could go to Palatinus Aquapark to swim and sunbathe. T: I dont want to go there. What can we do instead? S: Dont worry. There is a nice tennis court on the island and a small zoo with typical Hungarian animals. T: Great! And where can we have lunch there? S: There are nice restaurants, buffets and cafs on the island. T: All right. When and where should we meet? S: Lets meet in front of your apartment, at 9 oclock. Different families The pictures below show different families. Look at them in order to compare and contrast them. Include the following points: - in what way are these families similar and different? - what are the advantages of having brothers or sisters? - what disadvantages can you think of? - what is your family like? Different families In the pictures I can see families. In this picture I can see a mother, a father and 2 children. In this picture there is only the mother and two children. We call this family single-parent family. In this picture I can see a very big family. I think there are the cousins, aunts and uncles, too because there are a lot of people. The advantages of having brothers or sisters are that we can rely on them if we have any problems and if we are happy together. I think the disadvantages are present only if we are children because children fight for the toys or the love of their parents.

S: Ez egy szp park, sok szrakozsi lehetsggel. Elszr krbejrjuk a szigetet, s lvezzk a Duna ltvnyt. T: OK, de nem szeretnk igazn sokat stlni. S: Nem gond, akkor kiprbljuk a Bring hintt T: Jl hangzik. s mit csinlhatunk ezek utn? S: Az idjrs, ha meleg, tudunk menni a Palatinus Aquapark-ba szni s napozni. T: Nem akarok odamenni. Mit csinlhatunk helyette? S: Ne aggdj. Vagy egy szp teniszplya a szigeten, s egy kis llatkert tipikus magyar llatokkal. T: Remek! s mi ott ebdelnk? S: Vannak kedves ttermek, bfk s kvzk a szigeten. T: Rendben. Mikor s hol tallkozunk? S: Tallkozzunk a laksod eltt 9-kor. Klnbz csaldok Az albbi kpek klnbz csaldokat mutatnak be. Nzd meg azokat, hasonltsd ssze, s a klnbsgeket is figyeld. Tartalmazza a kvetkez pontokat: - milyen flk ezek a csaldok, hasonlsg s klnbsg? - mik az elnyei, ha van testvr? - milyen htrnyokra gondolsz? - mirt szereted a csaldodat? Klnbz csaldok A kpeken ltok csaldokat. Ezen a kpen ltok egy anyt, egy apt s kt gyermeket. Ezen a kpen mr csak az anya s kt gyermeke van. Ezt a csaldot egyszls csaldnak nevezzk. Ezen a kpen egy nagyon-nagy csaldot ltok. Azt hiszem, vannak unokatestvrek, nagynnik s nagybcsik is, mert sok ember van. Az elnye, hogy btyk vagy nvrek vannak (testvrek), hogy ha problmnk van, tudunk tmaszkodni rjuk, s ha boldogok vagyunk, egytt vagyunk. Azt hiszem htrnyai is vannak, a tbben vagyunk gyerekek, mert a gyerekek harcolnak a jtkokon, vagy a szlk szeretetrt.

EstiGimi - szbeli angol ttelek

8th item ttelek Tell me a few words about Budapest, please. What do we do if an electronic device doesnt work? How often do you buy newspapers or magazines? Looking after your siblings You have to ask your friend (your examiner) to look after your 6-year-old twins for the afternoon. Look at the ideas and discucc with your friend what she should do with the children. Include the following: - what activities you recommend - why those activities are enjoyable for the children - what other ideas you have Ideas to help you: - going to the playground - watching a dvd - playing with lego/balls/badminton - going cycling/to the cinema Looking after twings S: Hello could you me a favour? T: Hello certainly. S: Id like to ask you to look after my twins for the afternoon. T: OK, but what should I do with them? S: First, you should go to the playground. They like playing ballgames very much. 8. ttel


Meslj nhny szt Budapestrl. Mit csinlunk, ha egy kszlk nem mkdik? Milyen gyakran veszel jsgokat s magazinokat? Gondoskods a testvrekrl Megkred a bartodat (vizsgztatd), hogy vigyzzon a te 6 ves ikreidre dlutn. Nzd meg az tleteket s adj tancsot a bartodnak, hogy mit kell tennie a gyerekekkel. Tartalmazza a kvetkezket: - milyen tevkenysget ajnlsz? - milyen tevkenysget lveznek a gyerekek? - milyen ms tleted van? tletek segtsgl neked: - jtsztrre mens - DVD nzs - Legval / golyval / tollaslabdval jtszani - biciklizs / moziba mens Ikrek gondozsa S: Szia. Tudnl egy szvessget tenni nekem? T: Szia. Termszetesen! S: Azt szeretnm krdezni, hogy tudnl-e az ikerimre vigyzni dlutn? T: OK, de mit kell csinlnom velk? S: Elszr mennetek kell a jtsztrre. k nagyon szeretnek jtszani a tollassal.

EstiGimi - szbeli angol ttelek

T: Good idea. And what else can we do?ttelek S: After that you can watch a cartoon or play with Lego. They like watching cartoons and building houses from Lego. T: All right. So shall we go to the cinema? S: No, of course not. Weve got some very good DVDs at home, you can watch one of them. T: I see. When will you be back? S: Ill be back by 7 oclock. T: Ok. Well be fine. Old and young people Study the pictures. Describe and contract the lives and jobs of an old person in the country and a young person in the city. Include the following points: - the main differences between their lifestyles - what their jobs can be / what they do / when they start work / when they retire - working for a company vs. being self-employed - boss / colleahues / working places and equipment

T: J tlet! s mi mst csinlhatunk mg? S: Utna nzhettek mest vagy jtszhattok Lego-val. Szeretik nzni a mesket s hzakat pteni Lego-bl. T: Rendben. Szval menjnk moziba? S: Termszetesen nem. Van nhny nagyon j DVD-nk otthon, megnzhetik az egyiket. T: rtem. Mikor jssz vissza? S: 7-kor jvk vissza. T: Ok, Rendben lesznk. reg s fiatal emberek Tanulmnyozd a kpeket. Hasonltsd s klnbztesd meg az leteket s munkkat, egy ids embert vidken, s egy fiatalt a vrosban. Tartalmazza a kvetkez pontokat: - a f klnbsg az letmdjukban - milyen munkjuk van / mit csinlnak / mikor kezdenek dolgozni / mikor vonulnak vissza - dolgoznak egy cgnl vagy nllak - fnkk / kollgk / munkahelyek s eszkzk Klnbz letstlusok A kpeken ltok kt embert. Egy fiatal fit, aki zenl. DJ. Egy msik szemlyt, aki frfi. psztor. Az ids frfi kezdi a munkt korn reggel, a fi dolgozik este s jjel. Az emberek vidken, akik a farmon dolgoznak, dolgozni kezdenek 8-9 vesen. A vrosi emberek kezdenek dolgozni, amikor 20-25. A farmon a munkavgzs magnyos: nekik nincsenek fnkeik, kollgik. k nem beszlnek ms emberekkel. Nem mennek nyugdjba, amg az egszsgk j. A DJ munkja j, ez az hobbija is. visszavonul, amikor akar.

Different lifestyles In the pictures I can see twoo people. A young boy, who is making music. He is a DJ. The other person is an old man on a farm. Heis a shepherd. The old man starts work early in the morning, the boy works in the evening or at night. The people in the country who work on a farm start work at the age of 8-9. The city people start work when they are 20-25. Farm working is lonley: they dont have colleagues or bosses. They cant talk with other people. They Dont retire work until their health is good. The DJs work is good, its his hobby as well. He retires when he wants.

EstiGimi - szbeli angol ttelek

9th item ttelek How do you celebrate cshool-leaving at your school? What do you do keep fit and what should you do? Whats your favourite anima? Camping in the mountains You are going camping in the mountains with some of your friends. You are going to spend a week there. Decide which of the items in the boksz below you will take. Tell your examiner about your decisions. Include the following points as well: - why you think they are important to take with you - what you will use them for a hairdryer some sheets a towel some soap a toothbrush a penknife a needle and some thread a watch a radio a pen a bag a pillow some washing powder some blankets a sleeping bag a comb a lighter a clock some shampoo

9. ttel Hogy nnepli a ballagst az iskold? Mit csinlsz, hogy fitten tartsd magad? Mi a kedvenc llatod? Kemping a hegyekbe Msz kempingezni a hegyekbe nhny bartoddal. Egy hetet fogtok ott elklteni. Dntsd el, miket, milyen dolgokat fogtok magatokkal vinni a dobozban. A vizsgztatd a dntsedet elmondja. Tartalmazza a kvetkez pontokat: - mit gondolsz, mik fontosak, hogy magaddal vidd. - mit fogsz hasznlni azokbl hajszrt trlkz szappan fogkefe bicska t s crna ra rdi toll tska prna mospor takar htizsk fs ngyjt ra sampon egy doboz gyufa oll felvevs magn konzervnyit hajkefe

a box of matches a pair of scissors a cassette recorder a tin opener a hairbrush

EstiGimi - szbeli angol ttelek

Camping in the mountains ttelek T: It is a fantastic idea for going in the mountains. Well spend a wonderful week there if we prepare well. What should we take with us? S: I think we should take a penknife, sleeping bags and a boksz of matches with us. T: Youre right. These are the most important things. And I think a tin opener will be useful, too. S: Yes, thats important, too. We take a lot of tins with us and we need the tinopener to open them. And we should take toothbrushes and some soap, too. T: Thats right. But will we need some shampoo and washing powder there? S: I dont think so. Therell be a clean brook there, where we can get fresh drinking water from and we can even wash our hair and clothes in it. T: But I take my radio and hairdryer with me. S: Come on, where will you get electricity from? T: Youre right. I wont take them either. Mens housework These pictures show very different attitudes (taken by men) to housework. Compare and contrast them. Include following points: - men at home: helping or relaxing - typical household chores for men and women - help from household appliances - everybody in charge for a day - your duties Mens housework In the photos I can see people doing some housework. In thin picture the man vacuuming the carpet in the living room. In this picture the people are in the kitchen. In my opinion they are coociking. In the thirdpicture the man is reading a newspaper, he doesnt like housework. Men dont usually do housework, they only help with light work, they vacuum the floor, they do the washing. But there are men who like cooking for example. Most of the famous chefs are men. Mens usual jobs around the house is cutting the grass, washing the car and doing everything in the garden. My duties. I usually. ..

Kempingezs a hegyekben T: Ez egy fantasztikus tlet, hogy menjnk a hegyekbe kempingezni. Mi eltltnk egy gynyr hetet s ksztsk ezt el. Mit kellene vinnnk? S: Gondolom, vinnnk kellene egy bicskt, hlzskokat, s egy doboz gyuft. T: Igazad van! Ezek a legfontosabb dolgok. s gondolom, konzervnyit is hasznos lesz. S: Igen, az is fontos. Visznk sok konzervet s szksgnk lesz konzervnyitra. Szksgnk lesz fogkefre s szappanra is. T: Ez gy van. De vajon szksgnk lesz samponra s mosporra ott? S: Nem hiszem. Lesz ott egy tiszta patak, ahol tudunk kapni friss ivvizet s tudunk hajat mosni s ruht. T: De n viszem a rdimat s a hajszrtmat magammal. S: Menj mr, hol fogsz elektromos ramot kapni ott? T: Igazad van. Nem fogom hasznlni azokat. Frfiak hzimunkja Ezek a kpek mutatjk a nagyon klnbz (tesznek frfiak) hzimunkt. sszehasonltani s klnbztetni ezeket. Tartalmazza a klnbz pontokat: - frfiak otthon: segtenek vagy pihennek - jellemz hztartst vgzk a hzimunkban frfiak s nk - segtsg a hztartsi gpekkel - mindenki feladatai egy napra - a te feladataid Frfiak hzimunkja A fotkon ltok embereket, akik valamilyen hzimunkt csinlnak. Ezen a kpen a frfi porszvzza a sznyeget. Ezen a kpen az emberek a konyhban vannak. Vlemnyem szerint k fznek. A harmadik kpen a frfi jsgot olvas, nem szereti a hzimunkt. A frfiak ltalban nem szeretik a hzimunkt, k csak segtenek a knnyebb munkban, porszvzzk a padlt, mosnak. De vannak frfiak, akik szeretik a kzs fzst. Legtbb hres szakcs frfiak. A frfiak szoksos munkja a hzkrl a fnyrs, az autmoss s megcsinl mindent a kertben. Az n feladataim. n ltalban. .. ..

EstiGimi - szbeli angol ttelek

10th item ttelek Tell me about your favourite member of your family, please. What do you most like about your house/flat. Do you prefer going to the cinema or watching a film at home? Why? Budapest sightseeing You are going to have some foreign guests for some days. Your guests have never been to Budapest before and now they want to visit it. Look at the following ideas and discuss them with one of your guests (examiner) and decide on the following points: - Which of the sights you would like to visit - How you will travel in the city - What leisure activities you will do - Where you will have your meals. Visiting some sights: the City Park, Vajdahunyad Castle, Heroes Square, the Parliament, Margaret Island, Chain Bridge, Castle District, Fishermans Bastion, Matthias Church, Szchenyi Bath, Gellrt Bath Going on a boat trip on the Danube. A folklore evening in a restaurant Budapest sightseeing S: Im glad that you spend some days with me. Id like to show you our beautiful capital, Budapest. T: Were looking forward to it. Weve never been there yet. S: As there are a lot of sights we have to choose which ones to have a look at. T: OK. Which of the sights are we going to visit? 10. ttel


Meslj nekem a kedvenc csaldtagodrl, krlek. Mit szeretsz legjobban, a hzat / laksst. Szvesebben msz a moziba, vagy otthon nzel filmet? Mirt? Budapesti vrosnzs Msz nhny klfldi vendggel nhny napig. A vendgek mg soha nem jrtak Budapesten ezeltt, s most meg akarjk ltogatni. Nzd meg az albbi tleteket, s vitasd meg az egyik a vendggel (vizsgztat), s dnts a kvetkez pontokban alapjn: - melyik a ltnivalkat szeretnd megltogatni. - hogyan fogtok utazni a vrosban. - milyen szabadids tevkenysgek vannak. - hol akartok enni. Nhny ltnivalk: Vrosliget, Vajdahunyad Vr, a Hsk tere, a Parlament, a Margitsziget, a Lnchd, a Vrnegyed, a Halszbstya, Mtys-templom, Szchenyi Frd, a Gellrt Frd Hajt a Dunn. Folklr est egy tteremben. Budapesti vrosnzs S: rlk, hogy egytt tltnk nhny napot. Szeretnm bemutatni nektek gynyr vrosunkat, Budapestet. T: Mi is rlnk neki. Mg sosem jrtunk ott mg. S: Sok ltnival van, vlasszunk, egyeztessk ezeket. T: OK. Melyik ltnivalt megynk megnzni?

EstiGimi - szbeli angol ttelek

S: I think the most beautiful places are the Parliament, Heroes Square and Castle ttelek District. You have to see Fishermans Bastion, Matthias Church and Chain Bridge, too. T: Sounds great. But how will we travel in the city? S: I think the most comfortable way is to choose public transport. There are special tickets for tourists and we can walk between the sights to get to know the atmosphere of the city. T: Have you planned some leisure activities, too? S: Of course. We can relax in Gellrt and Szchenyi Bath in the afternoons. T: All right. But where will we have meals? S: Ive already reserved tables in some very good restaurants near the sights / we will be visiting /. I also arranged a folklore evening in a restaurant, where you can taste famous Hungarian meals. T: Its just perfect. Youre a very good host. Uniform These pictures show teenagers in casual clothes and in uniform. Compare and contrast them. Include the following points: - advantages / disadvantages of school uniforms - for everyday wear or special occasions - students opinions on wearing school uniforms - style, material, price, colour, comfort - parents opinion Uniform In the pictures I can see some students. This student is wearing a uniform and that student is wearing normal, casual clothes. In my opinion it is good that students have to wear uniforms, but I know that they dont like it. Uniforms are useful because in the morning students dont have to spend a lot of time in front of the mirror choosing the right clothes. An other advantaged is that money cant count: richer children cant show off with clothes of famus trademarks. I think parents would like it too, because they wouldnt need to spend time and money choosing the right clothes. And yet, students could dress up to parties or if they go out.

S: Azt hiszem, a legszebb helyek a Parlament, a Hsk tere s a Vrnegyed. Meg kell nzni Halszbstyt, Mtys-templomot s a Lnchidat is. T: Jl hangzik. De hogyan fogunk utazni a vrosban? S: Azt gondolom, hogy a legknyelmesebb, hogyha a tmegkzlekedst vlasztjuk. Vannak specilis jegyek a turistknak, s lehet stlni a nevezetessgek kztt, hogy megismerjtek a vros hangulatt. T: Van terved a szabadids tevkenysgre is? S: Termszetesen. Pihenhetnk a Gellrt-hegyen s a Szchenyi frdben is dlutn. T: Rendben. De hol fogunk enni? S: Mr van foglalva asztal nhny nagyon j tteremben a nevezetessgek kzelben /ahol nzeldnk/. Rendezek egy folklr estt egy vendglben, ahol megkstolhatjtok a hres magyar teleket. T: Ez tkletes. Te egy nagyon j vendglt vagy. Egyenruha Ezek a kpek mutatjk a tindzserek alkalmi ruhikat s az egyenruhikat. sszehasonltsd s lltsd szembe ket. Tartalmazza a kvetkez pontokat: - elnyk/htrnyok az iskolai egyenruhknl - htkznapi viselet, vagy klnleges alkalmakra. - hallgati vlemnyek iskolai egyenruha viselsvel kapcsolatban. - stlus, anyag, r, szn, knyelem. - a szlk vlemnye. Egyenruha A kpeken nhny dikot ltok. Ez a tanul visel egyenruht, s az a dik visel normlis, alkalmi ruht. Vlemnyem szerint j, hogy a dikok egyenruht viselnek, de tudom, hogy ez nem tetszik nekik. Egyenruhk hasznosak, mert a dikoknak reggel nem kellsok idt a tkr tltenik, hogy kivlasztjk a megfelel ruht. Egy msik elnye, hogy nem a pnz szmt: gazdagabb gyerekek nem mutogatjk ruhikon a hres mrkk vdjegyeit. Azt hiszem, szleiknek is tetszik, mert nem kell sok idt s pnzt kltenik, hogy kivlasszk a megfelel ruhkat. s mgis, a dikok fele t is ltzik, ha kimennek.

EstiGimi - szbeli angol ttelek

11th item ttelek Tell me about your house or flat, please. What kind of job do you have or want to have? How would you prepare for a journey abroad? English learning talk about family You are in England to learn English for three months. You are talking to your host family who are asking you about your family, relatives and friends. Answer the questions. Be polite and ask questions about their family, children and pets. The examiner plays the role of one of the host. Talk about the following: - Family What is your family like? Do you miss them? Are you homesick? - Why did you come to England? Do the members of your family speak languages? - Your friends Is it easy to make friends? - Pets (if you have any) Who takes care of them while you are away? Talking about your family T: (your name) cold you say a few words about your family? Whats your family like? Do you miss them? S: Ive got a lovely family, my wife/husband /mother/father and two children/a brother/a sister I really miss them. T: Being away from your loved ones probably makes you homesick?/Are you homesick? S: Yes, I am. I enjoy being here, but Id like to be with them, too. T: I understand your feelings. Why did you come in England? S: I came to England to improve my English./To study English./Because I need it for my job. T: Does anybody speak English in your family except for you? 11. ttel


Meslj nekem a hzadrl, vagy a laksodrl, krlek. Milyen munkd van, vagy milyet szeretnl? Hogyan kszlnl fel egy klfldi tra? Angol tanuls - beszlgets a csaldrl Te Angliban angolul tanulsz hrom hnapig. Beszlgetsz a vendglt csalddal, akik azt krdeznek a csaldodrl, rokonokrl s bartokrl. Vlaszolj a krdsekre. Lgy udvarias s a krdsekre vlaszolj a csaldrl, a gyermekekrl s a hzillatokrl. A krdez szerept jtssza a tanr. Beszljen a kvetkezkrl: - Csald - Mit szeretsz a csaldban? Hinyoznak neked? Van honvgyad? - Mirt jttl Angliba? Csaldtagjaid beszlnek nyelveket? - A bartaid - Knny bartkozni? - Hzillatok (ha van ilyen) - Ki vigyz rjuk, amg tvol vagy? Beszlnk a csaldodrl T: (A te neved) hideg van, mondanl nhny szt a csaldodrl? Mi tetszik a csaldodban? Hinyoznak neked? S: Nekem kedves csaldom van, a felesgem / frjem / anya / apa s kt gyermek / testvre / a hga stb. Nagyon hinyoznak. T: Tvol vagy a szeretteidtl, akkor valsznleg honvgyad van? / Honvgyad van? S: Igen, van. Szeretek itt lenni, de szeretnk velk is lenni. T: Megrtem az rzseidet. Mirt jttl Angliban? S: Azrt jttem Angliba, hogy javtsam az angoltudsom. / Angolul tanulni. / Mert szksg van r a munkmhoz. T: Beszl valaki angolul a csaldban, tged kivve?

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S: Yes, my daughter/son learns English at school. / Nobody does. ttelek T: Have you got a pet at home? S: Yes, Ive got a dog. T: Who takes care of it while youre away? S: My wife/husband /daughter/son/brother/sister/mother/father does. T: Could you make friends at language school? S: Yes, there are some Italian and Spanish students who we get on well with. T: Very well, then. Sport at home or at the gym Study and compare the pictures. Describe them with the help of the questions: - What is the main difference between the two pictures? - What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing sports at home or in a fitness centre alone or with friends with or without a coach at regular times, etc. - Which of the two ways of doing sports do you prefer? Why? Sport at home or at the gym In the pictures I can see people doing some sport. In the picture they are at the gym, doing exercise together, while in this picture the woman is doing exercise at home alone. Both of them have advantages and disadvantages. If we go to the gym we can spend time with other people, maybe with friends and if we see others doing exercise its easier to do it. But gyms are quite expensive nowadays. Taking exercise at home is free, but if we are alone its easier to say: No, I dont feel like it. If we want to do some sport at home we should invite a friend and together we can have fun, too.

S: Igen, a lnyom /fiam tanul angolul az iskolban. / Senki nem tanul. T: Van otthon kisllatod? S: Igen, van egy kutym. T: Ki foglalkozik vele, amg tvol vagy? S: A felesgem/frjem/lnya/fia/ccse/hga/anya/apa csinlja. T: Talltl mr bartokat a nyelviskolban? S: Igen, van nhny olasz s spanyol dik, akikkel mr jl kijvnk egymssal. T: Nagyon j ez. Sport otthon vagy az edzteremben Tanulmnyozd s hasonltsd ssze a kpeket. Mutasd ezek a krdsek segtsgvel: - Mi a klnbsg a kpek kztt? - Mik az elnyei s htrnyai a sportolsnak otthon vagy a fittnes-centerben - egyedl vagy bartokkal - egytt vagy edzvel rendszeresen, idkznknt, stb - Melyik tetszik jobban a kt sport kzl? Mirt? Sport otthon vagy az edzteremben A kpeken azt ltom, hogy az embereknek itt is szksgk van nmi sportra. A kpen az edzteremben vannak, egytt vgzik a gyakorlatokat, mg ezen a kpen a n egyedl csinlja gyakorlatot otthon. Mindkettnek vannak elnyei s htrnyai. Ha a tornaterembe megynk, egytt tudjuk tlteni az idt msokkal, esetleg bartokkal, s ha ltjuk, hogy msok is csinlnak gyakorlatokat, knnyebb lesz csinlni. De az edztermek meglehetsen drgk manapsg. Otthon vgezni a gyakorlatokat ingyenes, de egyedl knnyebben mondjuk azt: "Nem, n nem szeretnm ezt." Ha otthon akarunk sportolni, bartot kellene hvni, s egytt szrakozni is tudunk.

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12th item ttelek Do you prefer travelling by car or by train? Why? Tell me about your best friend. How often do you see your relatives? English course You are in London for a month and are just calling a language school to find a good English language course for yourself. You have some expectations: - Number of lessons 20/week 4/day - Duration: 4 weeks (starting next Monday) - Time: every afternoon - Level: intermediate (possibility to take an internationally accepted exam at the end of the course) - Price: not more than 800/course - Number of students on the same course: max. 10 English course T: Good morning. Can I help you? S: Yes, Im . . Im looking for an English language course for myself. T: I see. What level and number of students on the same course for myself. S: Id like to choose an intermediate level class with maximum of 10 student on the same course. T: Right! How many lessons would you like to have a week and how long should the course take? S: Id like to have a 20 lessons a week 4 per day preferably on the afternoons. T: No problem, we have a course like that. 12. ttel


Inkbb autval vagy vonattal utazol szvesebben? Mirt? Meslj a legjobb bartodrl. Milyen gyakran ltod a rokonaidat? Angol tanfolyam Londonban vagy egy hnapja, s mg csak most hvod a nyelviskolt, hogy tallj egy j angol nyelvtanfolyamot magadnak. Van nhny elvrsod: - raszm 20/ht - 4/nap - Idtartam: 4 ht (kezds kvetkez htfn) - Id: minden dlutn - Szint: kzpszint (lehetsg, hogy a tanfolyam vgn egy nemzetkzileg elismert vizsgt tegyl) - r: legfeljebb 800/tanfolyam - A tanulk szma a tanfolyam: max. 10 Angol tanfolyam T: J reggelt. Segthetek? S: Igen, n vagyok .......... . Keresek egy angol nyelvtanfolyamot magamnak. T: rtem. Milyen szint s tanul ltszszm tanfolyamra szeretnl jrni? S: Szeretnk vlasztani egy kzpfok osztlyt, maximum 10 tanulval a tanfolyamon. T: Rendben! Hny leckket szeretnl egy hten, s mennyi id alatt szeretnd elvgezni? S: Szeretnk 20 rt egy hten, 4 napot, lehetleg dlutnonknt. T: Nem gond, van egy tanfolyamunk gy.

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S: Its great! Just one more thing, I cannot pay more than 800 for ttelek the course. T: You are very lucky. Our last minute price is 700. And the course starts on Monday. S: Its fantastic. Ill be there. T: See you on Monday. Bye. S: Bye. Free time These pictures show different kinds of free time activities. Study the pictures and compare them according to the questions: - How would you define a hobby? Is it a healthy/relaxing/peaceful/ exciting activity? - Whats your hobby? Which one is closest to you? Free time In the picture I can see people doing their hobbies. Some people are playing basketball, he is reading, he is riding a horse, they are hiking and the boy is playing with his computer. Hobbies are different for different people. There are active people who like moving in their free time and there are more passive people who need to relax in their free time. Unfortunately nowadays a lot of children spent their free time in front of the computer or the TV. They should do some sport more time in the fresh air. If I have some free time at the weekend I like hiking, or it the weather is bad I like relaxing at home, reading a book or listening to music.

S: Ez nagyszer! Csak mg egy dolog, nem tudok tbbet fizetni 800-nl a tanfolyamra. T: Nagyon szerencss vagy. Neknk van egy utols perces (last minute) r, 700-rt. s a tanfolyam htfn indul. S: Ez fantasztikus. Ott leszek. T: Visszlt htfn. Szia. S: Szia. Szabadid Ezek a kpek klnbz szabadids tevkenysgeket mutatnak be. Tanulmnyozd a kpeket, s hasonltsd ssze ket a krdsekre megfelelen: - Hogyan hatroznd meg a "hobbi"-t? Ez egy egszsges / pihentet / nyugodt / izgalmas tevkenysg? - Mi a hobbid? Melyik ll a legkzelebb hozzd? Szabadid A kpken ltom, hogy az emberek hobbi tevkenysgeket folytatnak. Nhny ember kosrlabdzik, olvas, lovagol, k gyalogolnak s a fi a szmtgpen jtszik. A hobbik klnbzek, klnbz embereknek. Vannak aktv emberek, akik szeretnek mozogni szabad idejkben, s ms passzv embereknek, akiknek szksgk van a pihensre a szabad idejkben. Sajnos manapsg nagyon sok gyerek tlti a szabad idejt a szmtgp vagy a tv eltt. Tbb idt kellene sportolni vagy tbb idt a friss levegn tlteni. Ha van egy kis szabadidm a htvgn szeretek trzni, vagy ha rossz id van, szeretek otthon pihenni knyvet olvasni vagy zent hallgatni.

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13th item ttelek How do you share housework at home? What clothes do we wear in winter? Tell me about your last illness, please. Private teacher for twins A French family is looking for a young private teacher who could help their two 14year-old sons with their English homework. You are applying for this position. Discuss the following points with the examiner (mother): - When could you teach the boys? - You are free on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. The other days you have to prepare for your final exams or you play basketball. - For how long would you do this job? - How much money do you want to get per lesson? - Ask the mother about the twins (behavior, level of English, future plans, friends, hobbies, ect.) Private teacher for twins S: Good afternoon madam Rousseau. Im your name... . Im applying for the private English teacher position. T: Good afternoon your name . Yes, you know Ive got two 14-year-old sons, who need some help with their English homework. When could you teach the boys? 13. ttel


Hogyan osztoztok otthon a hzimunkn? Milyen ruht hordunk tlen? Meslj az utols betegsgedrl, krlek. Privt tanr ikrek mell Egy francia csald fiatal tanrt keres, aki magntanrknt segthet a kt 14 ves fiaiknak az angol hzi feladatban. Te plyzol erre a pozcira. Beszljtek meg az albbi pontok alapjn a vizsgztatval (anya): - mikor tudod tantani a fikat? - te szabad vagy kedd, s cstrtkn dlutn. A tbbi napkon felkszlsz a zrvizsgkra, vagy kosrlabdzni msz. - meddig kvnod csinlni ezt a munkt? - mennyi pnzt akarsz kapni egy leckrt? - krdezd az anyt az ikrekrl (viselkedsk, angol nyelvtudsuk, jvbeli tervekrl, bartok, hobbi, stb.) Privt tanr ikrek mell S: J napot Rousseau asszony. ..a neved vagyok. n alkalmazottnak jelentkeznk a magn angoltanr helyre. T: J napot a neved Igen, tudod, hogy van kt 14 ves fink, akiknek szksgk van nmi segtsgre az angol hzi feladatokhoz. Mikor tudnd tantani a fikat?

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S: Im free on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons only. On the other days I have to ttelek prepare for my final exams or I play basketball. T: I see. And for how long would you do this job? S: I would do this job until the end of the school year. T: Thats all right. And how much money does a lesson cost? S: Ill do it for 10 per lessons. T: OK. They need 2 hours per week. S: Right. I can for an hour on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Could you tell me a few things about the boys? (Tell me something about the boys, please.) T: Oh, they are nice boys. Youll enjoy working with them. S: Thank you. Im looking forward to it. Crowded beach This picture shows a very crowded beach in Spain. Describe it and give your opinion about it including the following points: - Crowded beach fun or annoyance? - Tourist industry endangers the environment (rubbish on the beach/suntan lotion in the water/noise, etc.) - What can we do to protect our environment while having fun as tourists? Crowded beach In this picture I can see a very crowded beach is Spain. I have been to Spain, but I would like to go there one day. If I go on holiday I prefer going to calmer places. I dont like crowded beaches or cities. I usually go near a city so if I feel like I can go into the city centre. The problem with the crowded beaches is that people dont care about the environment. They pollute it when they drop their rubbish on the beach or put suntan lotion in the water. They dont care about the nature, the animals or plants, they just want to have fun. How we should protect the environment? I really dont know. Unfortunately it depends on the people and how they react. I try to look after it and everybody should do the same.

S: Csak kedden s cstrtkn dlutn vagyok szabad. Tbbi napokon fel kell kszlnm a zrvizsgkra, vagy kosrlabdzok. T: rtem. s mennyi ideig kvnod folytatni ezt a munkt? S: A tanv vgig szeretnm ez a munkt. T: Rendben van. s mennyibe kerl egy lecke? S: 10 Euro/ra. T: OK. Szksgk van heti 2 rra. S: Rendben. Tudok egy rt, kedden s cstrtkn dlutn lenni. Tudna mondani nekem nhny dolgot a fikrl? (Meslne a fikrl valamit, krem.) T: , k kedves fik. lvezni fogja velk a munkt. S: Ksznm. Vrom. Zsfolt strand A kp bemutat egy nagyon zsfolt strandot Spanyolorszgban. rjd le, s mondj vlemnyt rla az albbi pontokat figyelembe vve: - zsfolt strand - szrakozs vagy bosszsg? - idegenforgalom veszlyezteti a krnyezetet (szemetls a parton / napolaj a vzben / zaj, stb) - mit tehetnk, hogy megvdjk a krnyezetet, mikzben szrakoznak a turistk? Zsfolt strand Ezen a kpen ltok egy nagyon zsfolt strandot Spanyolorszgban. Voltam Spanyolorszgban, de szeretnk menni mgegyszer. Ha nyaralni megyek, inkbb majd egy nyugodtabb helyre mennk. Nem szeretem a zsfolt strandokat, vagy vrosokat. ltalban kzel a vroshoz megyek, gy ha gy rzem, be tudok menni a vroskzpontba. A problma a zsfolt strandokkal, az, hogy az emberek nem trdnek a krnyezettel. Szennyezik, amikor eldobjk a szemetet a strandon, vagy a napolaj a vzbe kerl. Nem rdekli ket a termszet, az llatok vagy nvnyek, k csak azzal foglalkoznak, hogy jl rezzk magukat. Hogyan kell vdeni a krnyezetet? n tnyleg nem tudom. Sajnos ez fgg az emberektl, s hogyan reaglnak. Meg prblok vigyzni, s elrni, hogy mindenki ugyanezt tegye.

EstiGimi - szbeli angol ttelek

14th item ttelek Tell me about your favourite film. What do you expect from a doctor? What is an average family like in Hungary? Visitor for dinner You and your family are expecting foreign visitors for dinner. Decide what the menu will be. The examiner plays the role of one of your English friends who knows your guests very well. You should consider the following: - Mark is a vegetarian but he eats eggs, fish and mayonnaise. - Doris is allergic to milk products. - Karen is on diet. - Alain is fond of Hungarian cuisine. Make a menu which will meet all the requirements. Visitor for dinner S: Hello .. .I need you help. T: Hello ! Whats your problem? S: You know me and my family are expecting some English friends for dinner. I dont know what to cook for them. / I think you could help me to decide the menu./ What does Mark like? T: He is a vegetarian, but he eats egg, fish and mayonnaise. S: I see. So I have to leave out meat. And what does Doris like? 14. ttel


Meslj kedvenc filmedrl. Mit vrsz el egy orvostl? Milyen egy tlagos csald Magyarorszgon? Ltogat vacsorra Te s csaldod klfldi ltogatkat vrtok vacsorra. Dntsd el, hogy mi lesz a men. Az vizsgztat az egyik angol bartod szerept tlti be, aki tudja, hogy mi j nagyon a vendgeknek. rdemes megfontolni a kvetkezket: - Mark, vegetrinus, de eszik tojst, halat s majonzt. - Doris allergis a tejtermkekre. - Karen ditzik. - Alain kedveli a magyar konyht. Kszts ment, ami megfelel valamennyi kvetelmnnek. Ltogat vacsorra S: Hello ........ . Szksgem a segtsgedre. T: Hello .........! Mi a problma? S: Tudod, n s a csaldom nhny angol bartot vrunk vacsorra. Nem tudom, hogy mit fzznk nekik. / Azt hiszem, te tudnl segteni eldnteni, hogy mi legyen a men./ Mit szeret Mrk? T: vegetrinus, de eszik tojst, halat s majonzt. S: rtem. Szval, kihagyja a hst. s mit tetszik Doris?

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T: She likes all kinds of meals but she is allergic to milk products. ttelek S: No milk product then. And what does Karen prefer? T: Oh, she likes almost everything but she is on diet. S: So, no sweet and fatty meals. And what does Alain like? T: He is fond of Hungarian cuisine. Hes a real gourmand. He likes trying new meals. S: All right. I should do something healthy containing no sweets, fat, meat and milk products. I think Fish soup and some salads will be ideal for all of them. Thanks for your help. T: Youre welcome. Good luck to your cooking. Child with computer Study the picture and discuss one of the following points: - Children learn new things very quickly - Parents do not have enough time to play with their kids - We cant live without computers and other home appliances Child with computer In the pictures I can see a child playing the computer. Nowadays more children spend their free time in front of the computer or video game on TV. At some point it is good because they will be able to use the computer easily. But, on the other hand it is very harmful. Children dont live in the real world, they live in a fantasy. They dont know for example that if they hurt an other person it really hurts, because in a game they get new lives. Also it is bad for their eyes and they dont spend enough time in the fresh air. Unfortunately nowadays parents cant spend a lot a time without my parents and without a computer.

T: Mindenfle telt szeret, de allergis a tejtermkekre. S: Akkor nem lesz tejtermk. s kedvel Karen? T: , szinte mindent szeret, de ditzik. S: Szval, ne legen des s zsros. s Alain mit szeret? T: Imdja a magyar konyht. egy igazi nyenc. Szereti kiprblni az j teleket. S: Rendben. Nekem kell valamilyen egszsgeset, amik nem tartalmaznak deset, zsrt, hs- s tejtermket. Azt hiszem halszl s nhny salta idelis lesz mindenkinek. Ksznm a segtsget. T: Szvesen. Sok szerencst a fzshez. Gyermek Pnksd szmtgp Tanulmnyozd a kpet, s beszljtek meg az albbi pontokat: - gyerekek j dolgokat nagyon gyorsantudnak megtanulni - a szlknek nincs elg idejk, hogy jtszani a gyerekekkel - nem tudunk szmtgp s egyb hztartsi gpek nlkl lni Gyermek szmtgpes A kpeken ltok egy gyereket, aki szmtgpen jtszik. Manapsg tbb gyerek tlti a szabadidejt a szmtgp, vagy a videojtk eltt. Egy bizonyos ponton ez a j, mert kpes lesz knnyen hasznlni a szmtgpet. De, msrszt nagyon kros. A gyerekek nem a valsgban lnek, hanem a fantzia vilgban lnek. Nem tudjk pldul, hogy ha bntanak egy msik szemlyt, az nagyon fj, mert a jtkban, j letet kapnak. A szemk is romlik, s nem tltenek elg idt a friss levegn. Sajnos manapsg a szlk sem tltenek sok idt nlkle, ahogy az n szleim szmtgp nlkl.

EstiGimi - szbeli angol ttelek

15th item ttelek Tell me about your daily routine. Which subject were easy for you at this school and why? How do you travel to school/work/go out? Going to the cinema Youve had a hard week at school, so you have decided to have a relaxing Saturday night. Youd like to go to the cinema and see a good film. Your friend (she will be played by your examiner) would prefer to stay at home. Try to convince her that going to the cinema is the best thing you can do after a tiring week. Include the following: - Which film you should see and where. - Why it is excellent entertainment. - What else you could do after the cinema. - Where and when you should meet. Going to the cinema S: Hi ..! How are you? T: Not too bad, thanks. I had a tiring week. And what about you? S: You know I had a tiring week, too and Id like to go to the cinema. How about coming with me? T: I dont think so. S: You know after a tiring week the best thing we can do is going to the cinema. T: Whats films on? S: There is a new American comedy on at Corvin Cinema City. A lot of famous actors and actresses play in the film, it is really funny and excellent entertainment. T: OK. Ill go convinced me. When and where should we meet? 15. ttel


Meslj nekem a napi szoksaidrl. Melyik tantrgy volt knny Neked ebben az iskolban, s mirt? Hogy utazol az iskolba / dolgozni / elmenni (valahova)? Menjnk oziba Nehz heted volt az iskolba, ezrt gy dntesz, hozgy szombat este pihenni fogsz. Moziba szeretnl menni, s megnzni egy j filmet. A bartod ( t a vizsgztatd jtsza) inkbb otthon akar maradni. Prbld meggyzni t, hogymoziba menni a legjobb dolog amit tehettek a fraszt ht utn. tartalmazza a kvetkezket: - Melyik filmet lakarod megnzni s holl. - Mirt remek ez a szrakozs. - Mi mst tehettek a mozi utn. - Hol s mikor kell tallkoznotok. Irny a mozi S: Szia .................! Hogy vagy? T: jl, kszi. Fraszt hetem. s mi a helyzet veled? S: Tudod, nekem is fraszt hetem volt, s szeretnk moziba menni. Mit szlsz hozz, jnnl velem? T: Nem hiszem. S: Tudod, egy fraszt ht utn a legjobb amit tehetnk, hogy elmegynk egy moziba T: Mi a film? S: Van egy j amerikai vgjtk a Corvin Mozivrosban. Sok hres sznsz s sznszn jtszanak a filmben, ez tnyleg vicces, s nagyszer szrakozs. T: OK. Megyek, meggyztl. Mikor s hol tallkozunk?

EstiGimi - szbeli angol ttelek ttelek

S: Lets meet at eight oclock in front of the cinema. After watching the film we could go to the nearby caf to have a snack. T: All right. See you at eight. Bye. S: Bye.

S: Tallkozzunk nyolckor a mozi eltt. Miutn megnztk a filmet menhetnk a kzeli kvzban, hogy falatozzunk egyet. T: Rendben. Tallkozunk nyolckor. Szia. S: Szia.

Post-letter-email These pictures show two ways of sending letters. Compare and contrast them. Include the following points: - Do you often write letters? Why? Why not? - Who do you usually write to? - Do you always write email letters? How does an email letter differ from a handwritten letter: - What is the advantage/disadvantage of each? - Do you prefer writing or receiving letters? Why? Post letter - email In the pictures I can see an email and an old-style letter. I like getting letters or emails very much, I check my inbox every day. I prefer getting old-style letters, but nowadays hardly anyone writes them because emails are quicker and they are free. But in my opinion a real letter is more personal, and if we have time it is a good way of making someone happy. I usually send postcards for holidays especially at Christmas, or I send them when Im on holiday.

Bejegyzs levl - email Ezek a kpek azt mutatjk, hogy kt mdon lett levl kldve. sszehasonltani s sszevetni ezeket. Belertve az albbi pontokat: - Gyakran rsz leveleket? Mirt? Mirt nem? - Kinek szoktl rni? - Mindig e-mailt levelet rsz? Hogyan kell e-mailt rni, eltr a sajt kzzel rt levltl: - Mi az elnye / htrnya ezeknek? - Szvesebben rsz vagy kapsz leveleket? Mirt?

Posta levl email A kpeken ltok egy e-mailt s egy rgi stlus levelet. Szeretek leveleket vagy emailoka kapni, minden nap megnzem a postaldmat. Inkbb egyre inkbb a rgi tpus leveleket kedvelem, de ma mr szinte senki sem r ilyet, mert az e-mail gyorsabb s ingyenes. De vlemnyem szerint egy igazi levl szemlyesebb, s egy j mdja annak, hogy valakit boldogg tegynk. ltalban kldk kpeslapokat nnepekkor, klnsen karcsonykor, vagy kldk nekik nyaralskor.

EstiGimi - szbeli angol ttelek

16th item ttelek Where would you live? In a big city or in the country? How do you celebrate Easter? Do you use the Internet? Why? Is it good or bad? Why? Having a pet Youd very much like to have a pet at home. Your parents havent agreed yet. Tell you mother (she will be played by your examiner) what pet youd like to have and why you think its a good idea to have another family member. Try to convince her that they will like it too. Include the following: - What pet? - Where to get it - What it eats and needs - How to take care of it - Your duties Start talking to your mother. Having a pet S: Mum, Id like to have a pet. I was thinking about a golden retriver. It could be our new family member. T: You know having a dog is a big responsibility. You have to feed it, for a walk and take it to the vet. S: I know that. But its a real joy to take care of a dog. I promise, Ill feed it, Ill take it for walks and to the vet. T: But keeping a dog also needs some extra expense. How do you get the extra money from? 16. ttel


Hol laksz? Egy nagyvrosban, vagy vidken? Hogyan nneplitek a hsvtot? Hasznlod az internetet? Mirt? Ez j vagy rossz? Mirt? Kisllatot szeretnl Nagyon szeretnl egy killatot otthonra. Szleid mg nem egyeztek bele. Beszld meg anyuddal ( t a vizsgztatd jtsza) milyenkisllatot szeretnl, s hogy mirt gondolod hogy j tlet egy msik csaldtaglegyen. Prbld meggyzni, hogy k is szeretni fogjk. Belertve az albbiakat: - Milyen kisllat? - Hol kani? - Mit eszik, s mire van szksge - Hogyan kell vigyzni r - A kltsgek. Kezd a beszlgetst el anyuddal. Kisllatot szeretnl S: Anya, szeretnk egy kisllatot. Egy golden retriverre gondoltam. Lehetne egy j csaldtag. T: Tudod, egy kutya nagy felelssg. Meg etetni kell, stltatni, s llatorvoshoz el kell vinni. S: Tudom ezt. De ez igazi rm, gondoskodni egy kutyrl. grem, etetni fogom, viszem stlni, s az llatorvoshoz is. T: De kutya tartshoz szksg van extra kltsgre. Hogy jutsz plusz pnzhez?

EstiGimi - szbeli angol ttelek

S: You know, Mum, Mrs Balogh needs some help with the shopping and gardening. ttelek The money Ill get from her will cover the expenses. / I help Mrs Balogh with the gardening and get some money from her./ T: It sounds quite good. And where do you get the dog from? S: Ive seen some puppies at the pet shop in the centre of the town. They are really cute! T: All right. Well go there tomorrow afternoon.

S: Tudod, anya, asszony, Balogh asszonynak szksge van segtsgreszksge van a vsrlshoz s a kertszkedshez. A pnzt, amit kapok, fedezi a kiadsokat. / Segtek Balogh asszonynak s kapok rte pnzt. T: Ez jl hangzik. s hol kapsz kutyt? S: Lttam nhny kiskutyt a kisllatboltban a vroskzpontban. Nagyon aranyosak! T: Rendben. Holnap dlutn elmegynk.

Restaurant Compare the two pictures. Describe and contrast the ways of eating out. Include the following points: - The main differences between eating out in a cosy restaurant and having a quick bite in a fast food restaurant - The dishes and drink they recommend - The prices /the standard of service/the quality of dishes/ the range of choice - What sort of restaurant you would like to have a meal in if the a cost did not count. Restaurant In the pictures I can see two types of restaurants. This one is a fast food restaurant, and this one is a small, cosy restaurant. Fast food restaurants are good if we have very little time and we want to fill our stomach. But they are expensive and I think we will get hungry after some hours. The other restaurant is very good, but I can imagine that it is very expensive. They service is much better, but slower so we should eat here if we have a lot of time. Because of the prices I dont often go to restaurants but if the cost didnt could I would choose the cosy restaurant.

tterem Hasonltsa ssze a kt pictres. Ismertets s klnbsgek a ttermek kztt. Belertve az albbi pontokat: - A f klnbsg egy hangulatos tteremben evs s egy gyors falat egy gyorstteremben - Az telek s italok javasolsa - Az rak / szolgltats sznvonala / minsgnek az ednyeknl / a vlasztk - Milyen tteremben szeretnl egy telt, ha a kltsg nem szmtana. tterem A kpeket ktfle ttermet ltok. Ez egy gyorstterem, s ez egy kis, hangulatos tterem. Gyorsttermek jk, ha vannak, ha kevs az id, s azt akarjuk, hogy a gyomrot kitltsk. De ezek drgk, s azt hiszem nhny ra mlva hesek lesznk. A msik tterem is nagyon j, de el tudom kpzelni, hogy nagyon drga. A szolgltats sokkal jobb, de lassabb, ezrt itt kell enni, ha van sok idnk. Mivel az rak drgk, nem gyakran megyek az ttermbe, de ha a kltsget nem szmolom, szeretnm a hangulatos ttermet vlasztani.

EstiGimi - szbeli angol ttelek

17th item ttelek What clothes are you wearing now and what do you usually wear? How do you see yourself in 10 years time? (children, family, job, house). Have you ever been abroad? Where? / Where would you go? Watching dvds Your English friends would like to watch some good dvds. Diana is fond of romantic films, but cant stand horror films. Anthony is crazy about thrillers and fantasy films but he doesnt like romantic films. Robert prefers crime stories to actions. All of time like comedies. Choose a suitable film with the examiner who acts as Diana os Anthony or Robert. Gladiator (2000) main characters: Russel Crowe, Joaquin Phoneix - genre: drama/action - plot: when a Roman general is betrayed and his family murdered by a corrupt prince, he comes to Rome as a gladiator to seek revenge - raiting: 8/10. Bridget Joness Diary (2001) main characters: Rene Zellweger, Hugh Grant, Colin Firth - genre: comedy/romance - plot: a British woman is determined to improve herself while she looks for love in a year in which she keeps a personal diary - raiting: 7/10. The Mummy (1999) main characters: Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz - genre: adventure/action/fantasy/horror - plot: Brendan Fraser stars as a soldier, who on an archeological dig at an ancient city of Hamunaputra accidentally awakens the Mummy - raitring: 6/10. 17. ttel


Milyen ruha van rajtad most, s mit ltalban viselsz? Hogyan ltod magad 10 v mlva (Gyerekek, csald, munka, hz)? Voltl valaha klfldn? Hol? / Hol szeretnl menni? DVD nzs Az angol bartaid szeretnnek DVD-t nzni. Az angol trsasg szeretne nzni egy j DVD-ket. Diana szereti a romantikus filmeket, de ki em llja a horror filmeket. Anthony megrl a thriller s fantasy filmekrt, de nem szereti a romantikus filmeket. Robert inkbb kedveli a krimit, az akcit. Mindenki szereti a vgjtkot. Vlassza ki a megfelel filmet a vizsgztatval, aki jtsza Diana-t vagy Anthony-t vagy Robert-et. Gladiator (2000) f karakterek: Russel Crowe, Joaquin Phoneix - mfaj: Drma / akci - tartalom: amikor egy rmai hadvezr elrulta, s a korrupt herceg meggyilkolta a csaldjt, Rmba jn hogy bossztlljon mint gladitor. - rtkels: 8/10. Bridget Jones naplja (2001) f karakterek: Rene Zellweger, Hugh Grant, Colin Firth - mfaj: komdia / romantikus - tartalom: egy brit n eltklt szndka, hogy javtson magn, mikzben keresi a szerelmet az vben, ekkor egy szemlyes naplt tart (kszt, vezet) - rtkels: 7/10. A mmia (1999) fszereplk: Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz - mfaj: Kaland / akci / fantasztikus/ horror - trtnet: Brendan Fraser csillagok, mint egy katona, aki egy rgszeti satson egy si vrosban Hamunaputr-bana vletlenl felbreszti a mmit. - rtkels: 6/10.

EstiGimi - szbeli angol ttelek

Watching DVDs ttelek S: Hello Diana! T: Hello Gabi! S: Would you like to watch a good film tonight? Anthony and Robert are coming round, too. T: It sounds good. S: Ive got there DVDs we can choose from. What kind of films do you like? T: I like romantic comedies. S: So would you like to watch Bridget Joness Diary? / What about watching B. J. D.? T: Who are the main characters? S: Rene Zellweger, Hugh Grant, Colin Firth. T: Great, they are my favourite actors. And what is it about. S: A single woman looks for love and determined to improve herself while keeping a diary. Its very funny. You and the guys will like it, too. T: OK then.

DVD nzs S: Hello Diana! T: Hello Gabi! S: Szeretnl nzni egy j filmet ma este? Anthony s Robert is jnnek hozznk. T: Ez jl hangzik. S: Vannak nekem ott DVD filmek tudunk vlasztani. Milyen filmeket szeretsz? T: Szeretem a romantikus komdikat. S: Szval szeretnd megnzni a Bridget Jones napljt? / Mengnzzk a B. J. D.? T: Kik a fszereplk? S: Rene Zellweger, Hugh Grant, Colin Firth. T: Nagy, k a kedvenc sznszeim. s mirl szl. S: Egy egyedlll n keresi a szerelmet, s eltklt szndka hogy javt a magn (a kinzetn), mikzben naplt vezet. Ez nagyon vicces. Neked s a fiknak is tetszeni fog. T: Akkor j. Hziasszony <-> zletasszony Hasonltsa ssze a kt kpet. Mutasd be s klnbztesd az zletasszony s a hziasszony lett. Belertve az albbi pontokat: - A f klnbsg a napi rutinban - Mit csinlnak szabad idejkben s mi hinyzik nekik - Mit szeretnnek vltoztatni a sajt letmdjukon - mirt? Hziasszony <-> zletasszony A kpeken nket ltok klnbz szerepekben. ez a n dolgozik, taln egy zletasszony. Az a n otthon jtszik a gyerekeivel. A modern vilgban egyre tbb s tbb n van, aki koncentrl a munkjra s nincs gyereke. s vannak nk, akik otthon maradnak a gyerekekkel, mert a frj eleget keres, s nem kell dolgozniuk. Vlemnyem szerint mindkt tpus munka kemny, mindkettnek korn kell felkelni reggel, s este ksn fekszik, mindkett fradt a nap vgre. Lehet, hogy az zletasszony pihen htvgn, de azt hiszem, a hziasszonynak tbb rme van otthon.

Housewife <-> Buisness woman Compare two pictures. Desrcibre and contrast the lives of a buisness woman and housewife. Include the following points: - The main differences between their daily routines - What they do in their free time and what they miss - What they would like to change in their lifestyles why? Housewife <-> Buisness woman In the pictures I can see women an different roles. This woman is at work, maybe she is a buisness woman. That woman is at home playing with her children. In the modern world there are more and more women who concentrate or their work and dont have children. And there are women who stay at home with the children because their husband earn enough and they dont have to work. In my opinion both types are hard work, both of them have to get up early in the morning and go to bed late, both of them are tired after a day. Maybe the buisness woman can relax at weekends, but I think the housewife has more joy at home.

EstiGimi - szbeli angol ttelek

18th item ttelek Tell me about your favourite book. What are the most common symptoms of flu? What are the most important events of your life which you would include in your CV? Hotel room booking You have just arrived in London and would like to check into your room at the youth hostel. You booked the room two weeks ago via Internet, but due to a computer error they cant find your reservation. Try to get another room and discuss your expectations with the examiner who plays the role of the receptionist. Your requirements: - separate / single room - if you have to share the room with somebody else you insist on a non-smoking roommate - private bathroom or shower - front view - compensation or discount price for the inconvenience Hotel room booking T: Good morning. Can I help you? S: Good morning. Id like to check into my room. T: All right. Could you tell me your name, please? S: Im x.y. T: I cant find your reservation, Mr/Mrs When did you book the room? S: Two weeks ago, via Internet. I booked a single room for a week. T: Probably, due to a computer error in our system, I cant find your booking. S: Then Id like to book another single room.

18. ttel Meslj a kedvenc knyvedrl. Melyek a leggyakoribb tnetei az influenznak? Melyek a legfontosabb esemnyekaz letedben, amit az nletrajzod tartalmazzon? Hotelszoba foglals Most rkeztl Londonba, s szezetnd ellenrizni a szobdat az ifjsgi szlln. Kt httel ezeltt foglaltl az interneten keresztl szobt, de mivel szmtogp hiba van, k nem talljk a faglalst. Problj meg egy msik szobz szerezni, beszld meg a vizsgztatddal, aki a recepcis szerept jtsza. Kvetelmnyeid: - kln / egygyas szoba - ha osztozkodni kell a szobn, ragaszkodsz a nemdohnyz szbhoz - eajt frdszoba vagy zuhanyz - elnzet (utcai kilts) - krtrts vagy kedvezmnyes r a kellemetlensgekrt

Hotelszoba foglals T: J reggelt. Segthetek? S: J reggelt. Szeretnm, hogy ellenrizze a szobmbat. T: Rendben. Megmondan a nevt, krem? S: n vagyok x.y. T: Nem tallom a foglalst, Mr / Mrs ... Mikor foglalta le a szobt? S: Kt httel ezeltt, az interneten keresztl. Lefoglaltam egy szobt egy htre. T: Valsznleg hiba van a szmtgpes rendszerben, nem tallom a foglalst. S: Akkor szeretnk foglalni egy msik egygyas szobt.

EstiGimi - szbeli angol ttelek

T: Im afraid we havent got any single rooms available. But I can recommend you to ttelek stay at a double room with separate beds and a private bathroom. S: Thats all right, but is I have to share the room with somebody else, Ill insist on a non-smoking room-mate. T: Certainly, Mr/Mrs Youre lucky. Ive found two double rooms available. Would you like the room with a front view or back to the garden? S: Id prefer the front. / The front view, please. And can I have some compensation for the inconvenience? T: Of course. You can get the double room with a front view at a 10 per cent discount of the usual price. S: Thank you very much. T: Have a nice time is London. School celebration The pictures show traditional school events. Compare them. Include the following points: - Which event is more joyful? Why? - When do these events take place? What happens then? - How do you prepare for these events? - Are the parents, younger students, teachers involved in the preparation? - Do you have such events at your school too? School celebration In the pictures I can see students at traditional school events. In this picture they at the school leavers ball which is around Christmas, in November or December. Its a happy celebration, all of the classes show a performance and at the end they have a party. In the other picture its the farewell celebration, it takes place at the end of the school year before the final exam, in the end of April. Its a sad celebration: students say goodbye to the school, to the other students and to the secondary school years. Students parents, relatives, friends are also invited to both celebrations. At this school we had both events.

T: Attl tartok, nincs egyetlenegy egygyas szabad szobnk sem. De javasolok egy ktgyas szobt, klnll gyakkal s sajt frdszobval. S: Rendben van, de ha kell a szobn valakivel osztozkodni, ragaszkodom a nemdohnyz szobhoz. T: Termszetesen, Mr / Mrs ... Szerencss vagy. Talltam egy kt gyas szobt a rendelekzsedre. Utcai kiltsat vagy kertre nzt szeretnl? S: Inkbb az elre / Az elnzetit krem. s tudok kapni nmi krtrtst a kellemetlensgekrt? T: Termszetesen. Kapsz egy ktgyas szobt elnzettel (utcra nzt) s 10 szzalkotos kedvezmnyt a szoksos rbl. S: Ksznm szpen. T: Kellemes idt Londonban. Iskolai nnepsg A kpek hagyomnyos iskolai rendezvnyeket mutatnak. Hasonlsd ssze ket. Belertve az albbi pontokat: - Melyik esemny inkbb rmtelibb? Mirt? - Ha ezekre az esemnyekre kerl sor? Mi trtnik akkor? - Hogyan kszlsz fel ezekre az esemnyeket? - Szlk, fiatalabb dikok, tanrok rszt vesznek az elkszletben? - Vannak ilyen esemnyek az iskoldban is? Iskolai nnepsg A kpeken tanulkat ltok iskolai rendezvnyen. Ezen a kpen a plyakezd lufit, ami karcsony krl decemberben vagy novemberben van. Ez egy vidm nnep, ahol minden osztly bemutatja a teljestmnyt, s a vgn van egy parti. A tbbi kpen a bcs nnepsg, amire a tanv vgn, a zrvizsga eltt kerl sor prilis vgn. Ez szomor nnep, a dikok visszltot mindanak az iskolnak, a tbbi diknak s a kzpiskols veknek. Dikokat, szlket, bartokat is meghvjk mindkt nnepsgre. Ebben az iskolban volt kt esemny neknk.

EstiGimi - szbeli angol ttelek

19th item ttelek Wich subjects were difficult at this school and why? What public transport services are there in Budapest? What are your plans for the future? Mobile phone You are in England and your mobile phone has just gone wrong. You would like to buy a new one. You have popped into a shop and are looking at the mobile pohones. Ask the shop assistant (examiner) for advice. Study the following features and tell her what is important for you about a mobile phone. - easy to use - big screen - size and weight - big memory capacity store more than 500 names and phone numbers - easy to write short messanges - able to connect to the Internet - able to receive emails - able to take photos, videos - price Mobile phone T: Good morning! Can I help you? S: Good morning. My mobile has just gone wrong. Id like to buy a new one and it shouldnt cost more than 100 pounds. / It should cost less than 100 pounds. T: I see. What are your requirements for the appliance? S: First off all, its easy to use and write short messanges with it. It has got a big screen and big memory capacity. It is able to store more than 500 names and phone numbers.

19. ttel Melyik tma nehz volt ebben az iskolban, s mirt? Milyen tmegkzlekedsi szolgltats van Budapesten? Mik a terveid a jvre nzve? Mobiltelefon Angliban vagy s a mobiltelefonod elromlott. Szeretl jat vsrolni. Beugrasz egy boltba, s nzegeted a mobiltelefonokat. Krdezd meg a bolti elad (vizsgztat) tancst. Tanulmnyozd a kvetkez funkcikat, s mondd el neki, mi a fontos neked egy mobiltelefonban. - knnyen kezelhet - nagy kijelz - mret s sly -nagy memria kapacits - tartalmazzon tbb mint 500 nvet s telefonszmot - knny legyen rvid zenetet rni - kpes legyen kapcsoldni az internethez - tudja fogadni az e-maileket - ksztsen kpeket, videkat - r Mobiltelefon T: J reggelt! Segthetek? S: J reggelt. A mobilon elromlott. Szeretnk venni egy jat, s ne legyen drgbb, mint 100 pounds. / Kltsge legyen kevesebb, mint 100 pounds T: rtem. Mik a kvetelmnyeid a kszlkrl. S: Elszr is, legyen knnyen hasznlhat, s rvid szveges zenetet rni lehessen. Legyen nagy kijelzje s nagy a memorija. Legyen kpes trolni 500 nevet s telefonszmot.

EstiGimi - szbeli angol ttelek

T: What about the look of your phone? ttelek S: Id like it to have a small size and be light. I dont mind the colour. / It should be small, light and any colour. T: All right. Is it important to have an internet connection and able to receive emails? S: Yes, it is. And Id like to take photos and record videos with it. T: OK. Weve got some brand new appliances and some of these Nokia or Samsung phones are very handy, look good and are able to connect the Internet, receive emails and take photos and videos. Here they are. You can choose from them. S: Thank you so much. Supermarket/market Compare the two pictures. Describe and contrast shopping in a supermarket and at a market place. Consider the following questions: - what is the main difference between the supermarket and a market? - where can you find organic food / cheaper goods / fresher product / wider range of goods: - what can you buy in a supermarket that you cant buy at a market? - what counters are there in a supermarket? - what about the prices? Supermarket, market The supermarket is a shop, where you can find a lot of goods. At the market you can find mainly fresh vegetables, fruit and some clothes item. You can find organic food at the market, because the farmers bring their own products and sell them. Those product are also fresher and cheaper, too. But in the supermarket you can find wider range of goods. For example, you cannot buy detergents and dairy product at the market. There are different counters at a supermarket such as dairy products, bakery, grocery, dry grocery, meat and detergents. You have to pay at the cash desk by credit card or cash. The prices are usually cheaper at the market, because you buy goods from the producer. If you are lucky you can get goods at bargain prices. a.) I prefer shopping in a supermarket, because I dont like the crowd that is present at the market. b.) I prefer shopping at the market, because I like atmosphere, the prices and goods are also.

T: Mi a helyzet a telefon kinzetvel? S: Szeretnm, hogykismret s knny legyen.Szne mindegy. / Kicsi, knny legyen, brmilyen sznben. T: Rendben. Fontos-e, hogy internet kapcsolat legyen s kpes legyen e-mailokat fogadni? S: Igen, az. s szeretnm, hogy a kpeket s videofelvteleket ksztsek vele. T: OK. Van nhny j kszlk s ezek kzl Nokia s Samsung telefonok nagyon praktikusak, jl nznek ki, kapcsoldni tudnak az internethez, e-mail-t kapni, s fotkat, videkat kszteni. Itt vanna. Lehet vlasztani bellk. S: Ksznm szpen. Szupermarket / piaci Hasonltsa ssze a kt kpet. rd krl s hasonltsd ssze a bevsrl szupermarket s egy piacot. Tekintsk meg a kvetkez krdseket: - Mi a f klnbsg a szupermarket s a piac kztt? - Hol lehet megtallni a biolelmiszereket / olcsbb ruatk / frissebb termket / szlesebb ruvlasztk: - Mit vsrolsz a szupermarketben, hogy ha nem lehet kapni a piacon? - Milyen szmllk vannak egy szupermarketben? - Mi a helyzet az rakkal? Supermarket, piac A szupermarket egy bolt, ahol megtallhat egy csom ru. A piacon megtallhatak fknt friss zldsgek, gymlcs s nhny ruhadarab. Megtallhatak a biolelmiszerek a piacon, mivel a fldmvelk hoznak sajt termkek et s eladjk azokat. Ezek a termkek is frissebbek s olcsbbak is. De a szupermarketben szlesebb ruvlasztkot tallsz. Pldul, nem lehet megvenni mosszer s tejipari termket a piacon. Vannak klnbz rszek egy szupermarketben, mint a tejtermkek, pksg, lelmiszerbolt, szraz lelmiszer, hs-s tiszttszerek. Pnztrnl kzpnzben vagy bankkrtyval kellfizetni. Az rak ltalban olcsbbak a piacon, mert a vsrolod rut a termeltl. Ha szerencsd van, akkor kapsz rut kedvezmnyes ron. a.) n inkbb vsrolok a szupermarketben, mert nem szeretem a tmeget, ami a piacon van b.) n inkbb vsrolok a piacon, mert szeretem hangulatt, jk az rak s az ruk is.

EstiGimi - szbeli angol ttelek

20th item ttelek Tell me about your favourite actor / actress. What services are provided by a post office? What is a healthy diet? Summer holiday You and your friend are just looking at some travel brochures to decide where to go for your summer holiday. Look at the photos and discuss your expectations with the examiner who plays the role of a travel agent. You would like: - to have a good accommodation for reasonable price - to have half-board - to get to know the country and its culture - to spend at least a week there Summer holiday T: Good morning. Can I help you? S: Good m orning. My friend and Id like to travel to Italy in the summer. We want to get to know the country and its culture. T: I see. How long would you like to stay there? / How much time would you like to spend there? S: At least for a week. / At least a week. T: OK. Lets see Would you like to stay at a hotel or an apartment? S: Wed like to have a good accommodation for a reasonable price. T: All right. Would you like to have full board or half board? S: Half board, please.

20. ttel Tmeslj nekem a kedvenc sznszedrl / sznszndrl. Milyen szolgltatst ad a posta? Milyen az egszsges tpllkozs? Nyarals Te s a bartod nztek nhny utazsi prospektust, hogy eldntstek, hova menjetek nyaralni. Nzd meg a kpeket, s vitasd meg a vizsgztatddal, aki eljtsza az utazsi iroda szerept. Te szeretnd: - egy j szllst elfogadhat ron - flpanzis elltst - megismerni az orszgot s annak a kultrjt - legalbb egy hetet ott tlteni Nyarals T: J reggelt. Segthetek neked? S: J reggelt. A bartom s n szeretnk elutazni Olaszorszgba a nyron. Szeretnnk megismerni az orszgot s annak a kultrjt. T: rtem. Mennyi ideig szeretntek ott maradni? / Mennyi idt szeretntek ott eltlteni? S: Legalbb egy htig. / Legalbb egy htig. T: OK. Lssuk csak... Szeretntek megszllni egy szllodban vagy egy laksban? S: Szeretnnk egy j szllst elfogadhat ron. T: Rendben. Szeretntek teljes panzit vagy flpanzit? S: Flpanzit krlek.

EstiGimi - szbeli angol ttelek

T: Then look at these two photos. This isttelekof a charming guest-house near a photo Florence. The other photo shows a small friendly hotel in Venice. Both accommodation allow you to have half board and exciting cultural experience for a reasonable price. S: Thank you so much. T: Youre welcome! Different ways of living These two pictures show two different ways of living. Compare and contrast them. Include the following points: - the most interesting differences between the two houses - the different lifestyles the pictures show the advantages and disadvantages of living in these houses - your personal opinion about the two lifestyles Different ways of living In the pictures I can see two very different house. In the first picture the buildings are small and very bad condition and there is water around them, so it is difficult to get there. The people who live there must be very poor. I think they are unemployed or they may work on a farm for very little money. The house in the other picture is a big and beautiful. I think the people who live there are relatively rich and have a well-paid job. I think they have all the comfort they need but they also work hard. I think nobody should live on such bad conditions as we can see in the first picture and everybody should have a nice house and healthy living conditions.

T: Akkor nzd meg ezt a kt kpet. Ezen a fotn egy bjos panzi Firenze mellett. A msik kpen egy kis bartsgos hotel van Velencben. Mindkt helyfoglals lehetv teszi, hogy flpanzis elltst s izgalmas kulturlis lmnyt kapjatok sszer ron. S: Ksznm szpen. T: Szvesen! Klnbz mdon lni Ez a kt kp klnbz letmdot mutat be. Hasonlsd ssze s llsd szembe ket. Tartalmazza az albbi pontokat: - a legrdekesebb klnbsg a kt hzkztt - a klnbz letmdok a kpeken mutatjk az elnyeit s htrnyait ezekben a hzakban val lsnek - a te szemlyes vlemnyed a kt letmdrl. Klnbz mdon lni A kpeken kt nagyon klnbz hzat ltok. Az els kpek az pletek nagyon kicsik s nagyon rosz llapotban vanak, vz van krlttk, gy nehz oda eljutni. Az embereknek, akik ott lnek, nagyon rossz. Azt hiszem munkanlkliek, vagy esetleg dolgoznak egy gazdasgban nagyon kevs pnzrt. A h z a msik kpen nagy s gynyr. Azt hiszem az ott l emberek viszonylag gazdagok s jl fizet llsuk van. Azt hiszem teljesen komfortos amir szksgk van, de k kemnyen is dolgoznak. Azt hiszem senkinek nem kellene olyan rossz krlmnyek kztt lnik mint az els kpen, s mindenkinek kellene egy szp hz s egszsges letkrlmnyek.

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