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9-7-2012 Today, I picked up the period 7 Web Design class as the first class that I am teaching during my student

teaching experience. I was very nervous when I spoke in front of them for the first time and I think it showed. This class is the most difficult to deal with behaviorally, as they are a lively group of students. I decided to pick them up first because I wanted to be able to watch Mr. Rakvic teach the lesson before I had to. (The other section of the Web Design class is during period 6.) I introduced myself to the students using a short PowerPoint presentation, which described a little about my history and my likes/dislikes. The lesson today was simple, I just had the students begin reading Session 1.1 in the Web Page Tutorial 1 packets and I went over the quiz that they had taken the day before. I got a little more comfortable speaking in front of the class as the lesson went on, but I did, however, forget that I had sent a student out of the room because they had missed the quiz! I remembered right as the students began reading so he didnt miss very much and it really wasnt that big of a deal. I am looking forward to getting ready to teach Session 1.1 during all of next week. 9-10-12 Today, I had the students continue reading Session 1.1 in the packets and complete the Quick Check review questions on page 15 of the packet to turn in. I also told that class that I would be doing a journal check on Thursday of this week. Ill need to make sure that I make good on that promise. I explained to the class that they should be reading first, and completing the review questions second, as I am giving them valuable class time to read this material and not all of the material would be reviewed in the Quick Check questions. I let one student use the restroom with a hand-written pass, and Mr. Rakvic explained to me after that if I do allow a student to use the restroom (and they dont have their agenda), I should make sure to write the pass in pen so that it could not be altered later on. Also, before I talked to students individually, I should have passed out the packets so the students could start working as to not waste time and to keep them busy. 9-11-12 Today, I began lecturing to the period 7 class about Session 1.1. I was pretty nervous as I started lecturing to the class but I was grateful that I had already seen Mr. Rakvic go over the material so I made some notes about what he did/talked about. Although this is not my area of expertise, I feel most comfortable teaching this Web Design class first and I have really taken the initiative to learn all of this on my own teaching it is actually helping me understand it better! Because I was so focused on the content, I did allow two students to sleep during my lecture. Managing a classroom and teaching simultaneously is a lot harder than it looks! Mr. Rakvic said that would improve over time. He also said that sometimes no matter what you say and/or do, these students are going to do what they want to do. Treating them like adults and letting them make their own decisions is what you have to do sometimes. As they left the room at the end of class,

I told them to not sleep in here again. Ill do what I can to keep them entertained and the lesson interesting, but in the end, whether or not a student wants to learn is ultimately their decision. 9-12-12 As a way to review and introduce the days lesson, Ive decided to ask the students What did you learn during last class? every day before I begin the lesson. Today, the students were not expecting it and I didnt get many volunteers. I called on a few students to answer who were not raising their hands. I will continue this practice every day, and eventually, students will catch on and I will most likely get better and more thoughtful responses. This method of reviewing and introducing is a good way to formatively assess the class and how well they are learning the material. I will also do it at the end of class everyday as a way to close. I continued with the Session 1.1 lecture today, and the students were more attentive. I also reminded the students that a journal check is coming up on Thursday (tomorrow) and that if they need to beef up their journals, now would be a good time to do so. I am almost done working on the lecture part and I am glad. The students are getting slightly bored of hearing me talk and I am getting a little tired of it, too. Because some students are not taking notes and should be, I made the decision to give a pop notebook quiz at the beginning of the next period. This way I can reward the students who are taking good notes and zing those who arent. At the end of the day, Mr. Rakvic and I decide that tomorrow would be a good time to take over period 6, because I decide to give that notebook quiz. 9-13-12 Today, at the beginning of both periods, I gave the notebook quiz in lieu of doing a notebook check. Since the students are only asked to take notes on the information that they didnt know, I felt a quiz was the best way to assess the knowledge that was learned the class before. I allowed the students to only use their notes to complete the quiz. I checked period 7s journals and some students had done an excellent job and completed the entries as required. Some students, however, had never done any entries or had not completed the journals as required, so their score on the assignment reflected that. During period 6, I introduced myself to the class using the same PowerPoint presentation that I had used for period 7. I also apologized to period 6 for giving them a quiz on the first class they had with me, but I knew they would be ok and it would be an easy 5 points for them. I also decided that since I had just recently done a journal check with period 7, I should do one with period 6, so I announced that to the class and told them I was going to check them on Monday. Like period 7, I will have to make good on this promise. Today with both classes, I introduced saving procedures and using Windows Notepad. I also finished up with Session 1.1 lecture by introducing the chapter exercise to the students. Everyone seemed happy to be doing more than just listening to me talk, and I was happy to be introducing some actual HTML code to the classes. Both period 6 and 7 did a nice job today,

and period 7 actually got further than period 6. Tomorrow we will be having a review session as well as giving the class sometime to finish the Quick Check questions and start reading Session 1.2. 9-14-12 This was a great day! Both classes really did a great job with the review session and it was good to see that as a whole, both classes are actually learning something. This type of formative assessment activity is great because it really allows me as a teacher to see how all students are doing, not just the ones that always participate. I did a little more review with period 7 than period 6 because period 6 was a little behind period 7 and I wanted to get them all on the same page. After the review session, period 6 had a few more slides to do on the PPT presentation, so they did that first. Both periods were then given the opportunity to finish Session 1.1 Quick Check questions and then begin reading Session 1.2 in the Web Design packet. Everyone was glad it was Friday, including myself, so both classes were pretty well behaved. It was a good lesson and great classes and I am kind of disappointed that Dr. Moore postponed his visit/observation till Monday! I am nervous but also excited for him to visit. I think I am learning a lot and Im really getting to know the students. I think I have finally found my calling! 9-17-12 Today, I was observed by Dr. Moore for the first time actually teaching and the whole experience went really well. I made sure to implement all the critiques and corrections that Mr. Rakvic had given me over the past week. Period 6 went really well as usual, and the class was very attentive and actively participated. Period 7 was a little lively as usual and they were the only ones who inquired about Dr. Moores presence in the room. I didnt get as far with period 7 as I did with period 6, but that was to be expected, considering the class is twice the size and generally more talkative. Period 7 is only a few slides behind period 6 so I will do my best to get them all caught up tomorrow. I had a good introduction with both classes, asking them about what they did over the weekend, and asking them what they learned last week. The lesson was time consuming, as I had expected, and I got about as far as I thought I would. I am looking forward to continuing with Session 1.2 tomorrow and seeing how far I get. 9-18-12 Today was an interesting day! Period 6 was excellent as usual. I even got farther with them than I did during period 7, and I gave period 6 ten minutes at the end of the class to finish their Quick Check questions. A lot of the difference in time has to do with behavioral issues, and with that, and Mr. Rakvics recommendation, I am moving some seats around to deal with the

excessive chatter and shenanigans. Period 7 was also reminded about the Session 1.1 Quick Check questions being due no later than today, or else it would turn into a zero in the grade book. The student that needed to turn them in didnt, but that was honestly no surprise to me. I understand the importance of trying to reach all students, but when does the blame of laziness start to fall back on the student? I am giving you the tools to succeed and you choose to ignore them! I dont feel any sympathy for you then. Your lack of effort has earned you the grades you receive. Hopefully tomorrow with the change in seating, the class will run smoothly and more quietly. I also reminded the students of the quiz on Friday in both classes. 9-19-12 During period 7, the students whose seats were moved were very unhappy with me. I had a hard time hiding my satisfaction and even Mr. Rakvic noticed the smile on my face. He suggested in the future that no matter how pleased with myself I may be when students received punishment, I need to keep a straight face. However, after the move the class was very quiet and I was able to carry on with the rest of Session 1.2 with little interruption. I handed out the study guide in both class, and period 6 did a much nicer job completing it than period 7. I also gave both classes the chance to finish and fix up their chapter exercises before they turned them in for class credit. I will return all chapter exercises on Monday when I return and review Session 1.11.2 quiz. Next week, I am going to have the students work independently on the chapter exercise as they read through Session 1.3, and I will make the lecture separate. Im trying all avenues of introducing this material to see which on works the best for each class. 9-20-12 Today, like most other days, was filled with the joy of Period 6 and the troubles caused by Period 7. Period 6 was quiet, did as they were told, and did a nice job on the review for the test tomorrow. Period 7, however, gave me nothing but trouble during the class period and many of them didnt complete the study guide that I so kindly gave them. I dealt with a few situations poorly and ended up paying for it dearly, as Matt, the student who gives me the most trouble, walked all over me. Tomorrow, I plan on speaking with Matt privately in the hall after he finishes his quiz to ask him why he feels the need to cause me trouble and disrupt class. I will let him know that if the behavior continues, then there will be consequences like after school detention. I will also let him know that I am trying to make this class fun and no matter what he must learn this material, as that is my job. If he continues to act the way he has been, then I will have to conduct the class in a stricter and more traditional manner. Period 7 as a class did do pretty well during the review for the test, as most students participated AND had the correct answers.

9-21-12 Today was test day for both periods 6 and 7. I expect period 7 to do better than period 6 and some students in period 7 to fail. It turned out exactly as I expected. Several students in period 6 got perfects, as did some students in period 7. I ended up throwing out a question on the test because it was very poorly worded and confusing and most students missed it. I spoke with Matt privately after he finished his test. He seemed pretty nervous when I was speaking with him, but I just spoke with him honestly about his behavior. I told him that I wanted him to succeed and then hes going to have to do a better job of paying attention and keeping quiet during class. He seemed legitimately sorry, so hopefully this problem will be minimized. I take over period 3 Computer Programming I on Monday and Im very excited/nervous. I am looking forward to working with that class, as they are a very nice group of students who tend to do well and actively listen and participate. 9-24-12 Today was a pretty good day! It was a typical Monday, however, and I was a little off my game. I think a major lack of sleep over the weekend was the cause. I took over period 3 computer programming and it was a pretty easy transition. Mr. Rakvic went over the exam that the class took Friday, and then he introduced me, and I took over. I introduced myself to the class via the PowerPoint presentation that I had used previously and then I introduced the new topic to the classQBasic. The students read quietly as I had instructed and then I collected the packets before the bell rang. I look forward to getting more into the class discussion with them tomorrow! In period 6 and 7 I reviewed the test that the students took Friday, showed them how/where to save their logo image for their chapter exercises, and then I allowed them to work independently on the Session 1.3 Chapter Exercises. Many of the students seemed to like this better, because they could work at their own pace through the material, and ask me questions privately, if necessary. Matt was better behaved today, so lets see if this lasts. Adam did nothing today, as usual, and his grade in this class directly reflects his lack of effort. I am curious to see if his parents contact me when the mid-quarter grade reports are sent out. It is my understanding that they only receive the reports if a student is failing, and he most certainly is. I wish I could figure out how to motivate a few of these students, especially Adam and Andy. I dont think they are dumb kids, I just think they are lazy and dont want to do the work. 9-25-12 My first actual Programming lesson! It went ok. My lack of knowledge in this area of content is definitely hurting my delivery and my confidence. Web design is something that I am familiar with, so they all came pretty easy to me. This programming stuff is difficult. My time management during the class wasnt super great. I get myself off task when I dont have

something like a PPT guiding me. I am a person who likes structure and organization. If things are in chaos, I dont work efficiently. I think as the week and the content progresses, Ill be ok. Im doing my best to learn this material so I am comfortable teaching it. I think it will be a few weeks before I pick up a second section of programming. In period 6 and 7, I went over the lecture material for section 1.3 and allowed the students to continue working on the Session 1.3 questions and chapter exercise. I circled the room during the work time, checking the students code and offering help. Period 6 went well, as usual, and the class got through the entire PPT lecture without a hitch. Period 7, however, had a few glitches. I suspect a few of the students of cheating on the chapter exercise, by finding the already completed code online and copying it into a Notepad document. I went through this students network drive and found that he had a perfectly completed assignment in his web page folder, even though I have seen him do no work during a class period. Tomorrow, I am having a talk with the entire class about the lack of respect some of the students show me and how that will affect the entire class from now on. 9-26-12 Today I had a 4 minute talk with period 7 concerning all of the things I mentioned yesterday. I did my best to be stern (and almost mean) which is not something that I am used to. I said what I had to say, and Mr. Rakvic said I did a pretty good job of saying what I needed to say and getting my point across. I got so worked up from the whole experience! I was over heated for the rest of the period, which I then spent running around helping students with their HTML coding. By the time I started explaining the Homecoming Web Page Activity, there was 10 minutes left in the period and I was exhausted. I also confronted Adam about cheating, so I have to make good on the promise to contact the people who do IT for the district so I can find out what hes been up to on the Internet over the past few days during class. Period 6 went off without a hitch. The class worked quietly and I walked around, checking to see where everyone was on their assignments. It was much easier to help everyone during period 6 because there are 10 less students, so I was able to give everyone the time that they needed to seek help. Period 3 went computer programming pretty well. Once again, I had a few time management issues. We finished talking about the parts of the QBasic screen and then we did a review of the material for the quiz the class is taking tomorrow. After the quiz tomorrow, the students will be assigned the Dear Professor Homecoming Letter to complete which will work out to be a good way to wrap up the week, and then the class will start with Chapter 3 on Monday. Most likely we will have them read on their own and complete some learning check questions for most of the period, with possible a little lecture.

9-27-12 Today was much better than the previous two days. I felt more confident during period 3, even though they were just doing their journals, taking a quiz, and then working on their professional business letter to me. Most of the students did well on the quiz with the exception of two students. This class is very well-behaved and I doubt I will have very little issues with them management wise. Period 6 went very well, as usual. Every student worked hard the entire period, and one student even finished his Web page activity. I spent the period answering questions and monitoring student progress. Period 7 went much better. The students were pretty occupied with work, so there was little time for them to get into trouble. I had to nag Adam, Andy, and Jordan a few times to quit dilly dallying and get to work. The three of them made very little progress during the period, and if any of them make the request for more time to work on the assignments, the answer is NO. I have drawn the line in the sand, and if they cross it, then they know the consequences. No students during this period finished their HC web page activity, but most students are completely done with the Quick Check questions and the Chapter Exercise. 9-28-12 Today was a short class for periods 3 and 7, as the days schedule was altered due to the Homecoming assembly. Period 3 went smoothly, as the students just completed their journal entries and worked on their Homecoming letters. During the period, I only had to deal with behavioral issues once, as I had to remind Eric and Bobby to keep their hands to themselves. Period 7 went ok, too. I did have to give Adam a detention, however, which he was not pleased about. I caught him on the Internet looking up answers to the Quick Check 1.3 questions, which was completely unnecessary. The answers to every question can be found within the reading in the packet. He also never asked me permission to use the Internet. I had to lay down the law so the students would take my warnings from Wednesday seriously. Alan was the only student to finish his Web Page activity during this class period. Period 6 was a full class period, so the students had the entire time to work on their assignments. Nikki and Jake both finished during the class period on Friday. Willy may never get to this assignment, as his IEP states that he needs more time to complete assignments, and after the test on Wednesday, we need to move on. I think I will just have Willy worry about the study guide and make him exempt from this activity.

10-1-12 In Period 3 today, we started Chapter 3 in QBasic. I am very grateful to be watching Mr. Rakvic during the first two periods, as this content is so new to me. Although I have been teaching it to myself, it is still nerve-racking to go up in front of the class and teach it to them. However, today was a good lesson! I felt really good in front of them and I was able to answer a students question without a problem. Tomorrow in class, I am finishing the slides from today, reviewing the LC questions for 3.1, and then they will have time to start reading 3.2 and completing the LC questions. Period 6 was good as usual. The students in this class are highly motivated and take a lot of care and pride into their work. The Web Pages they are producing are very thorough and much more creative than period 7. I started to feel sick at the end of the period from something I ate at lunch, so I ended up leaving school before the start of 7th period. Because of this illness and the fact that I had no time to review, I moved the test to Wednesday, as I had it originally planned for Tuesday. Mr. Rakvic had to take over teaching 7th period because of my illness. I pushed the test back in that class as well, but most of them need the extra time. So tomorrow, I will let the classes complete their study guides and HC Web Pages, and then we will spend the last 15 minutes reviewing. The test will be first thing Wednesday, and then the class will start reading Tutorial 2, section 1. 10-2-12 In period 3, we continued discussing the first section in Chapter 3 of QBasic. The class was very well-behaved and attentive, although it was difficult to get them to volunteer answers when I was asking them questions during the discussion. I spent a little extra time reviewing the previous days material as to not give them too much extra time to read section 3.2 and do the quick check questions at the end of class. With 13 minutes left, the class began reading section 3.2 and completing the associated LC questions. Most of the students finished by the end of the period, as the section was only 4 pages. During period 6, I gave the students the first 25 minutes of class to complete their study guides and finish their HC Web pages. Mike McNemar was the only student who needed more time to finish, and he completed his Web page in the first 15 minutes. With the extra time that I did not anticipate, I decided to review the study guide with the class and have the students put the answers to Quick Check 1.3 on the board. I figured it would be a different way to review the material and get the students more involved. After that, we spent the last 12 minutes reviewing for the test the class is taking tomorrow using the little white boards. As a whole, they did a good job reviewing for the exam.

Period 7 went pretty well. More students during this period needed the time to complete their assignments and I didnt have the time like I did during period 6 to review the study guide. A few of the students in this class dominate my attention and I am unable to spend as much individual attention with every student like I get to during period 6. Adam and Jordan have wasted a lot of time over the past few days that they were given to work. I will give Jordan one extra day to complete his assignment because he was absent Friday. I made sure to make the comment to the class that extra time will be given to those who have been working hard and not wasting time. For those who havent been working hard, to them I said tough luck. I have to make sure to lay down the law every day with this class as they are a difficult group and test my boundaries. 10-3-12 This was one of the best lessons I have ever taught! It doesnt hurt that I get to watch Mr. Rakvic do the lesson twice, but I am really starting to feel comfortable with this material. I started off the class having the students finish reading section 3.2 in the QBasic packets, then I did a quick review session, then we started discussing section 3.2. I was pretty impressed with the responses from the review session and it seems like most of these students have a pretty good understanding of the material from session 3.1. I also demonstrated in QBasic how to use the CLS keyword and the REM keyword and the demonstration went really well. I ended class with a quick review from the day till the bell rang. In period 6, the students came in, had time to study for the test, and then took the quiz. Once they completed the quiz, the students were instructed to pick up a Tutorial 2 packet and begin reading Session 2.1. The students were also given a reading guide to help them better understand the chapter. Every student had enough time to finish the quiz during this class period. Spencer was absent yesterday, so he is completing the quiz tomorrow. In period 7, the students did much of the same as period 6. However, Alan and Andy were issued detentions during class because they used the Internet without the instructors permission. The rest of the class did work on their reading guides till the end of the period. Tom did not take the quiz because he was absent the day before. Jake and Maddie were absent from class today. 10-4-12 Period 3 went really well today. The class completed their journal entries and then we finished discussing section 3.2. We also went over the review questions for this lesson. As a whole, this class is doing very well with the introductory QBasic information and I am very confident that when we start working with a few simple programs at the start of next week, they will do very well. In period 6 today, the students completed their journal entries and then we reviewed the results from the quiz they took. As a whole, the class did very well, with 5 questions being the most

missed. I then gave the students 10 minutes to continue/finish reading Session 2.1 and complete their reading guides. With ten minutes left in the period, I started some notes associated with this material. The class was VERY quiet today. Jake was absent. Period 7 was unusually quiet. Im wondering if they are mad at me for making them work so much? Adam, Aaron, and Jake D. were absent from class. The students did their journals, we reviewed the test, they read and worked on their reading guides, and then we discussed the section for 10 minutes with a PPT presentation. The class did OK on the quiz. The students who put forth an effort and try did very well for the most part. This class is so difficult to connect withnot nearly as easy as period 6. I wish I didnt have to be so firm, but a few of them abuse my good nature and kindness. I have to show my authority and it that causes some of them to not like me then so be it. 10-5-12 Period 3 went very well today. The class came in, did their journals, had time to finish the reading and LC questions, and then I discussed section 3.3 with them and reviewed most of the LC questions. We didnt get as far as I would have liked, but neither did Mr. Rakvic in periods 1 and 2. I ended up roughly in the same place as he did during those classes. I am looking forward to Monday because I am taking over period 2, so I will have two out of the three sections of Programming 1. I am grateful for the fact that I will still be able to watch Mr. Rakvic teach period 1 until I feel ready and more comfortable to take on all three periods by myself. Period 2 will be a challenge, but I am looking forward to stretching my teaching abilities. Alex H. was absent from class today. Period 6 class went very smoothly today as well. The class did their journals, worked on their reading guides, and then took notes during the lecture. They answered questions when asked and did a nice job with the review of the material. Mike M. and Jake answered most of the questions during class. Every student worked quietly and efficiently during the period and the few students that finished were allowed to get on the Internet. I decided that since it was Friday, if they were finished with their reading guides and allowed me to review them, then they would be able to do what they wanted. I thought it would be a good motivational tool to get them to pay attention and do what I wanted them to do. Period 7 today was rough. Andy gave me a lot of trouble. He really tested my patience to the point where I started getting really mad. I kept my cool as best as I could, however, and I didnt lose it. Im getting frustrated with this class as a whole, but I know that means that I care. The lesson went well, but it wasnt the most exciting day. I know this material isnt the most thrilling, but that is no reason to be disrespectful. Hopefully I will be refreshed by the weekend and be ready to attack this from a different perspective on Monday.

10-8-12 Today was the first day I took over period 2. Mr. Rakvic finished reviewing the LC questions with the class after they completed their journal entries. Once he was finished, I took over the class and introduced myself via a PowerPoint presentation as I have done for all of the other classes. This group seemed very excited to have me take over, and they were very interested in me and what I had to say. I think they will be a lively group and a lot of fun, but also a challenge this class is mostly freshman and there will most likely be classroom management issues. I am looking forward to getting to know these students better and sharing this experience with them. Period 3 was good as usual. We spent the first part of the class reviewing the LC questions and then I reviewed with the students how they will go about solving the programming problems at the end of each chapter. I tried my best to explain the information and to go over the first problem in the Level 1 section to make sure everyone understands how the problems are to be solved. I also went over saving procedures for the .BAS documents and made sure that every student saved their documents properly. Period 6 and 7 were good classes today. I was shocked at how well behaved period 7 was but that may be just because its Monday and everyone was kind of out of it. The lesson went pretty smoothly and I think we are going to get farther a lot faster than I expected. The quiz will probably be moved up to Thursday or maybe even Wednesday if we can get things moving during the lecture, chapter exercise, and Quick Check questions. My next order of business will be to try and make things more interesting during lecture and notes. Also, Id like to create little games for the review sessions so the students participate more actively. 10-9-12 Periods 2 and 3 went really well today! The students worked on their Level 1 programs and I circled the room giving help to those who needed it. Since period 2 is a much more lively class with varying ability levels, I was bouncing around the room giving help and checking on student progress. Period 2 flew by so fast but many of the students finished 3 out of the four assigned problems. Many students in this class were having trouble with problem 5, so I told the class we would go over deciphering the word problem as a group after the students completed their journals during class tomorrow. Period 3 worked very hard during the period and the students had fewer issues to deal with. Many of them were working on the last problem near the end of the period. I suspect they will move through the end of chapter activities much faster than period 2. Tomorrow in both classes, the students will finish working on their Level 1 programs and move on to the Chapter Review questions. Periods 6 and 7 went well today, too. Students in both classes were well behaved and did everything that I told them to do. Im not sure if period 7 is finally seeing that I mean business or what, but they are being very good as an entire class. Today, for example, Adam and Jordan

actually completed the Quick Check questions that I assigned I could hardly believe it! I must be doing something right if I could actually get them to do something. I just hope that this behavior continues, and then Ill be able to get a lot of stuff done, and in turn, do more fun activities with the class as a whole. 10-10-12 Today during period 2 and 3, the students continued to work on their Level 1 programs. Those who were finished started the review questions on pages 81-83. Period 2 got a little rowdy today and on several occasions the noise level got a little out of hand. Three of the students were caught playing games during the class period and the group had to be reminded several times that they had lots of work to do and they should not be doing anything else. Period 3 was very quiet as usual. The difference between those two classes is astronomical! Period 3 worked diligently during the entire period and I only had to tell one student to get off the Internet. Period 3 is further ahead than period 2 as a class. The students in period 3 use their time more productively and like to get things done with the time they are given. Period 6 and 7 went very smoothly as well. Both classes worked on some HTML exercises and had a short review session at the end of the period. The students all had plenty to do so no one was getting into trouble during the lesson. Period 6 was excellent as usual and the students did very well during the review session. I assume they will do very well on the quiz tomorrow. I have noticed that the more I let the students work independently, the happier they seem to be. I think I have finally gotten through to the students in period 7, which is a huge relief. They did a pretty good job during the review and I hope that they will do well on the quiz tomorrow as well. All of the students seem to respect me and the class has really calmed down. Andy and RJ were both absent during period 7. Alan fulfilled his detention requirement today from 2:20 to 2:50. 10-11-12 Today during periods 2 and 3, the students continued working on their Level 1 programs and the review questions for Chapter 3 in the QBasic book. During period 2, I made sure to warn the students that they had plenty to do, and I did not want to see them on the Internet for any reason. Those who were not finished with their work did stay off the games, which was good. Calvin and Barry finished all their work and did get on the games, but I didnt make a huge deal about it, because they were done with their assignments and I didnt want them getting too far ahead of others in the class. We went over the first 4 review questions at the end of class. Period 3 worked on the same activities and ended up two review questions ahead of Period 2. I explained to both classes how tomorrows class is going to work, with the students using post-it notes as flags of their progress during the lesson. Period 2 seemed excited and understood the purpose when they were asked. Period 3 didnt seem too excited about the idea. Period 6 and 7 went well today. Mr. Rakvic was not here during those periods and there was a sub during the second half of the day. It didnt affect period 6 whatsoever. They acted the same

as they do every day. Period 7 got a little out of control towards the end of the class, as most students started closing up shop with 8 minutes left in the period. I had to remind the class that they were wasting my valuable time and that they needed to continue working until I told them it was time to pack up. Both classes took a quiz today. As expected, period 6 did much better than period 7. Andy was present in class today and fulfilled the terms of his after-school teacher detention. RJ was absent from period 7. 10-12-12 Today in periods 2 and 3, the students were finishing up their Level 1 programs, working on the chapter exercises, starting a review packet, and working on the debugging exercises. Dr. Moore came an observed me during the end of 2nd period and all of 3rd period. Both classes went extremely well. Every student was on their best behavior and it was nice to not have to deal with any behavioral issues not that these two classes have major issues. Keeping these classes busy is the best way to keep their maturity level in check and keep them off the games. Jess W. from period 2 was absent because of in-school suspension. Periods 6 and 7 went well, too. I think the students were glad it was Friday, and so was I. I handed back the quizzes in both classes and we reviewed the answers. Then I gave the class time to finish their HTML exercises and complete their Session 2.2 reading guides. Period 6 was a dream as usual; period 7 was a little rowdy because it was Friday. I think Ill see how Matt behaves during the rest of the week and then Ill move him back to a seat around other people on Friday of course I am not going to tell him this. He needs to behave because he is supposed to, not because he wants something. Andy has to still make up his quiz from Session 2.1, as he was absent two days last week. RJ was absent on Friday. 10-15-12 Today during periods 2 and 3, both classes continued working on the chapter review questions, the programming packet, the debugging exercises and Level 1 and 2 programs. Period 2 had to be reminded several times to keep the noise down and stay focused on their work, but the class wasnt bad, they were just being 9th graders. Period 3 was good as usual. This class is the furthest ahead out of all three programming classes because the students are more focused as a whole and they have missed the least amount of class due to assemblies and such. The plan is to get them all on the same page by Thursday, when every class will take the Chapter 3 test and on Friday, the students will have two open-ended programming problems to solve. Jess W. was absent because of an in-school suspension. Periods 6 and 7 went ok today. Lecturing to them is always a difficult process, as the content can be fairly boring. I need to figure out a way to make things more interesting and keep them more actively engaged. Giving them the reading guides has helped many of them, as they seem to understand the material much better and a lot quicker. I plan on continuing to use them until I leave. Period 6 was a little ahead of period 7, which is to be expected, as period 6 is smaller and

works more efficiently as a whole. The students in period 7 had more trouble with the chapter exercise so I had to spend more time trouble shooting their issues. I plan on giving both classes a quiz on Session 2.2 on Friday, after they complete more individual practice. Adam will be out starting tomorrow for 3 days because of in-school suspension. 10-16-12 Today was a pretty good day! During periods 2 and 3 I had the students continue working on their chapter review questions, programming worksheets, and the debugging exercises. With about 20 minutes left in the period I stopped both classes and finished going over the chapter review questions. In period 3 I also had time to start reviewing the debugging exercises. Tomorrow, I intend to finish reviewing the debugging exercises and both worksheets, and have time to review for the quiz, which is Thursday. I also want to make sure that the students have enough time to print out notes that they have stored on their H drives. I expect that both 2nd and 3rd period will do fairly well on the test and the class average will be at least a B. Periods 6 and 7 went pretty good, too. I was more on the ball today and moved through the notes slides much quicker than yesterday. I am trying to finish everything so that the students have plenty of time tomorrow and Thursday to work with their chapter exercise, complete the Quick Check questions, and start the Your Day at Norwin activity. I plan on giving the students time today, tomorrow, and Friday after they are done taking their quizzes to complete this assignment. Period 7 had more issues with their chapter exercise than period 6, but that is to be expected, considering the makeup of the classes. I am two slides ahead in the notes in period 6, but by the end of day tomorrow, both classes should be on the same page. 10-17-12 During periods 2 and 3 today, we reviewed the debugging exercises and the worksheet packet and did a small review for the quiz tomorrow. Both periods 2 and 3 did a nice job with the review and I expect them to score fairly well on this quiz. Period 2 was much more involved in the review session, but that was to be expected, as period 2 is a much livelier group. I look forward to taking over period 1 on Monday, as they are a much quieter group in general, and will be a nice buffer before period 2. I expect most of the students to finish the quiz early so they will then have time to start the short answer programming problems. This quiz will take approximately 2 days for both parts. Because Mr. Rakvic will be out for a half day tomorrow, I am administering the test to all three Programming I classes. Periods 6 and 7 went pretty well today, too. I finished up the notes in both classes, and then the students were given time to continue working on their Chapter Exercise, the Quick Check questions, and the Your Day at Norwin activity. Period 6 is much further ahead than period 7. Most of the students in period 6 were totally done with their chapter exercise, quick check questions, and were about to start the Your Day at Norwin activity. In period 7, however, most of the students were still working on their Chapter Exercise and a few had moved on to

their Quick Check questions. Hopefully tomorrow, I will give the students 25 minutes to work, spend a few minutes reviewing the Quick Check questions, and then I will spend the remaining time reviewing for the quiz the students are taking tomorrow. 10-18-12 In periods 1-3, the students were taking the first part of the Chapter 3 test, which was the Multiple Choice part of the exam. Period 2 was a little wound up and I had to remind them that this was a test, and that there should be no talking and conversing with their neighbor. Because Mr. Rakvic was out for the first half of the day, I was in charge of all three classes with a substitute in the room. The substitute was a very nice guy, but he drove me nuts in that he wouldnt let me be totally in charge of the class. How are the students supposed to see me as the authority if I keep getting undermined by the substitute? I truly appreciate that Mr. Rakvic allows me to be the authority figure when I have taken over a class. The students know that I am in charge and they take me more seriously. There is a substitute in tomorrow and I hope that he/she allows me to take control of the class and be in-charge. Periods 6 and 7 were both pretty good classes. Period 6 worked on their chapter exercise, their Quick Check questions, and the Your Day at Norwin activity. Most students, by then end of the period, started working on the Your Day at Norwin activity. I expect 6th period to finish everything by the end of the period on Monday, where period 7 will probably need another day to wrap up all the activities. Many students in period 7 surprised me today. Jordan and Andy actually worked during the period and got some stuff done. Jordan asked me several questions, and he seemed genuinely concerned about learning the material. This may have something to do with Adam being in In-School Suspension for the past 3 days. I hope things dont drastically change when he returns tomorrow. 10-19-12 In periods 1-3, the students were taking the second part of the test for Chapter 3, where they had to create flowcharts and programs for two short answer type problems. Many of the students started them the day before in all three classes so most of the students were able to finish them in periods 1 and 2, but not 3. I will have to talk with Mr. Rakvic when he returns on Monday so I can see what he wants to do about many of the students not finishing these programs. All three classes were better about keeping their eyes on their own papers while working on these programs than yesterday. During periods 6 and 7 the students took the Tutorial 2.2 quiz and then had time to work on their chapter exercise and the Your Day at Norwin activity. Many of the students during period 6 were half way done with the activity by the end of the period, so I expect most of them to finish on Monday. Period 7 is a different story, as most of those students have just started on Your Day at Norwin. Adam was absent today, just as Mr. Rakvic predicted yesterday. RJ did not

take the Tutorial 2.2 quiz because he said he wasnt ready, but he did take the Tutorial 2.1 quiz. He still has yet to re-take the Tutorial 1 quiz and make up the Tutorial 2.2 quiz. 10-22-12 Today was definitely not one of my better days. I took over period 1 today officially, and after I spoke with Mr. Rakvic earlier about how we were going to handle the students finishing their short answer programs, we realized that they did not know how we wanted them to print out their programs! So I had to kind of wing it during 1st period, which I did not like doing and it didnt work out very well. By periods 2 and 3 things were much better, even though period 2 was a little chaotic as usual. We also went over the quiz in all three classes, and most students did very well with the exception of a few really bad scores. I look forward to getting things back on track in all three classes tomorrow. Period 6 was a dream as usual. They did exactly as they were told and most students finished their Your Day at Norwin Activity. I am going to give both classes a little time tomorrow to work on the assignment as well as complete the reading guide for Session 2.3. Period 7 didnt go nearly as smooth as period 6. A few of those students fight me every step of the way when I try to get them to do something. I allowed Matt to move back towards the other students in the class, which turned out to be a huge mistake. He would not stop talking during the entire period and he was getting on my last nerve, asking me questions and making comments about how he wishes this class was more fun. I ended up getting pretty mad by the end of the period and I told him he is back in the corner again tomorrow. Im allowing Alan to move back to his old seat starting tomorrow, and then Melanie will move to Alans old seat. Both Cody and RJ were absent from class today due to early dismissals. 10-23-12 During periods 1-3 today, things were a little more organized and put together. Period 1 is still behind because so many of them hadnt finished their Level 1 programs or their Short Answer programs, so I gave them some class time to get these things done. I wrote passes to several students in all three periods to come down during Homeroom so they could work on these assignments and get them finished before the end of the first 9 week grading period. Grading is a stressful time of the year and I can see why so many teachers are on edge right now! Trying to get everything graded and entered into Skyward by Friday on top of completing my lesson plans and staying ahead on the class content is a challenge. In periods 2 and 3, however, I was able to get some notes started, as I didnt want the students to just sit there with nothing to do just so I could stay with period 1. I will hopefully have everyone caught up and on the same page on Friday. Both sections of Web Design went pretty well today. I can tell some of the students in both periods are getting a little bored with the content, but a lot of this material is dry but very important for the students to know. Period 7 fights me more than period 6 does about

completing the work, but I expect that. In period 6, Mike M. was absent today and I really hope he comes back to school tomorrow so he can get caught up, as he still needs to make up Tutorial 1 quiz and take Tutorial 2.2 quiz that he missed on Friday when he was absent. Alek was absent because he was in In-School Suspension again. In period 7 no one was absent. RJ still needs to re-take Tutorial 1 quiz and take Tutorial 2.2 quiz. Every time I remind him, he acts like I have never told him this before its to be expected with his IEP, but to cover my bases, I had Mr. Rakvic email Mr. Butina who kind of looks after him. Hopefully he can shed some light on the situation and guide me in the right direction. 10-24-12 Today was just a better day all around in all of my classes. I hate to say it, but during the beginning of the week (usually Monday and Tuesday) I dont feel like I have my head on straight. Come Wednesday, I finally start to feel like Ive got myself together. Im not sure if this is something that every new teacher feels or just me, but anyways, Im glad its Wednesday. During periods 1-3 I went over the notes for Section 4-1 and was able to get all three periods on the same page by the end of each period. I ended each class by having them work on a program using the information that they just learned. Periods 2 and 3 got further along in the program because they had gotten much further in the notes from the day before. Many students in periods 2 and 3 were confused by the use of the INPUT statement so there is much for me to clarify tomorrow. I talked with Mr. Rakvic about how I should go about doing that, and I look forward to clearing things up tomorrow. Ryan R. was absent from first period. Periods 6 and 7 went better today than the previous two days, especially period 7. This information isnt very exciting, and I know many students are somewhat bored at this point. But I assured them that things will get better soon, as the class will be working on a project for Tutorial 2 that encompasses everything that they have learned so far. I expect it to be challenging and consume a good part of next week after they take the quiz on Session 2.3. I hope I can convince some of the students who dont do much in class (mostly in period 7) to actually complete this project. Alek was absent again today because he was in In-School Suspension. I learned today that after he has completed his suspension, he will be kicked out of school for the rest of the year so he will no longer be in this class. 10-25-12 Today was a pretty good day, overall. In periods 1-3, I went over Chapter 4, Level 1 #1, as many of the students in periods 2 and 3 were having problems understanding the INPUT statement and how to properly solve that problem. In an attempt to solve that problem and show them what a well-organized and documented program looks like, I showed them my code in QBasic and allowed them to copy it down. Because I am not collecting that program, I decided to make that the example for all the classes to follow. I also gave all three periods of programming time to read section 4-2 at the end of the period. Tomorrow, I am going to spend

most of the period going over the notes for this section and Ill give them a little time at the end of the period to read. I plan on bringing in candy for everyone tomorrow in honor of it being the weekend before Halloween. Periods 6 and 7 went fairly well today. I was happy to finally finish up the notes for Session 2.3 and give the students time to work on everything that they have due by Friday, as it is the end of the 1st nine-week grading period. I am anxious to finish Tutorial 2 and finally move onto Tutorial 3, where the students begin learning about CSS. I think they will find that information much more interesting, because it gets more into making their web pages look cooler. Once the students take the quiz, which I have planned for Monday, they will begin working on the review exercise for this Tutorial 2. I plan on giving them up until Wednesday to finish, as I know it will take some students long than others. Those who finish early will begin reading Tutorial 3.1 and completing the reading guide for this material. 10-26-12 TGIF!! I dont think I have ever been happier for the weekend to be here. Even the students could tell I was in a good mood and happy. In programming, I gave the students time to complete their journals, I gave them a little time to work on things that many of them owed me, and then I did a quick review and started the notes for section 4-2. All three classes were in a good mood today and because I had candy to give them, provided they were on their best behavior, they were all well-behaved. Period 2 was rowdy as usual, and periods 1 and 3 were quiet and never got too loud. I made sure to tell period 2 that if I caught anyone on a game during class, then no one got candy. They listened very well and no one got on a game during class time. Periods 6 and 7 went well today. Period 7 had finally calmed down from earlier in the week, and I got Matt to keep quiet by saying that if he talked, then no one in the class got candy. It worked out really well. I let period 6 take two pieces of candy because they are always such a wellbehaved class and never give me any trouble. I have a very strong feeling that they are going to finish the Tutorial 2 review activity much quicker than period 7. Mike Gray actually finished his on Friday, which I wasnt surprised about. I may let him work ahead from everyone so he can move forward faster and do more activities. Ill have him start to read the next section and start to work through the chapter exercise. Ill probably wait to give him the reading guide until everyone else gets it, just so he can keeping moving, but still get the review and notes with the rest of the class. I am looking forward to Monday and giving these students the Session 2.3 quiz. I think many of them are going to be happy that I am letting them use their notes; whereas other students are going to be out of luck because they never take notes or complete the reading guides. I made sure to make the quiz all fill-in-the-blank questions so that those students who complete the reading guide and take notes will be at an extreme advantage.

10-29-12 Today was a pretty typical Monday, but I felt better than I typically do going into a new week. I think when I feel well-rested on Monday I come in with a better attitude. Today, in Programming 1, the students did their journals, I handed back and went over the Chapter 3 Level 1 programs, I gave them a little time to read section 4-3, and then I started the lecture for 4-3. Period 1 was difficult today in that the students were not talking at all or responding to my questions with a lot of coaxing. Im not surprised that that happened, it being Monday and all, but its usually not that bad for them. I hope things will liven up tomorrow and I can get a little more out of them. Periods 2 and 3 were pretty good and they got one slide ahead of period 1 during the notes portion of the class. I think they are anxious to start working on their Level 1 programs for this chapter, and so am I. I enjoy it more when they actually get to work on something versus just listening to me talk. Period 6 and 7 went pretty well today, too. In both classes, I allowed the students to use their notes on the quiz. Period 6 did better than period 7, but that is to be expected. After both classes completed the quiz, the students continued working on the chapter exercise for this section, which I am collecting tomorrow (most of the students are finished with this) and the Tutorial 2 review activity, which I am giving them class time through Wednesday to complete. I have a very strong suspicion that period 6 will finish this activity by Wednesday, no problem. Period 7, however, will take longer because those students do not use their time as efficiently. I look forward to seeing how the rest of the week is going to pan out in the Web Design class and how far apart these classes could potentially get because of student work ethic. 10-30-12 Today we had a two-hour delay because of Hurricane Sandy, and let me just say, I really dislike two-hour delays! I would have been better to just have the entire day off. Trying to cram 42 minutes into 30 is very hard to do and I felt very off kilter all day. The students were more wound up than usual because of the delay and no one really wanted to do any work, especially during periods 1-3. It was like pulling teeth trying to get those students to participate in the discussion of section 4-3. I was actually grateful for the arrival of the afternoon, because at least in Web Design (periods 6 and 7) they were working on a project and there wasnt any class discussion. Period 6 went well as usual, and all of the students in the class used their time wisely to complete their assignments. I have never had any issues with 6th period and I look forward to enjoying their work as it progresses through Tutorial 3 and the use of Cascading Style Sheets. Period 7 REALLY tested my patience today, particularly Matt D. This isnt surprising to me, as every few weeks he likes to push my buttons. I threated a detention towards the end of the period, which seemed to quiet him down for the last 10 minutes. I didnt handle the situation properly with him the entire time, which I realized as the class period progressed. I decided at the end of

the period to switch a few seats around (AGAIN!) which I will do tomorrow. Hopefully this will have an overall positive affect on the class as a whole. I hope that it specifically benefits Jordan W., who I think would get a lot more work done in class if he was separated from his friends, who tend to do little to nothing during class. 10-31-12 Happy Halloween! I wish I could say that right now and really mean it, but with Hurricane Sandy crippling much of the east coast, the status of today has been slightly somber. I was grateful to go back to our regularly scheduled day of eight 42-minute periods. Coming in today I felt much more together, and Ive definitely come to the conclusion that I would much rather have a full day of school than a two-hour delay! I consider every minute of class time precious and to lose 12 of those minutes yesterday put me and the students at a disadvantage. They didnt get the best me and I certainly did not get the best them. Periods 1-3 went much better today, even though there were some definite issues during periods 1 and 2 with understanding #2 in the Chapter 4 Level 1 programming problems. I may have to go over how to complete that problem with all three classes just as I did #1 in the same section, just to assure myself that they understand the material. I want the students to be just as confident as well. Periods 6 and 7 went very well today. The seating change in period 7 made a HUGE difference in the overall noise level in the room and how much the students actually got accomplished. Many of them actually got some stuff done, which I was grateful for. Jordan W. was not here today due to an early dismissal, so I wasnt able to gauge whether or not a seat change would make an impact on his classroom performance. I look forward to seeing a change in him (hopefully) tomorrow. I basically decided at the end of the period that I would give the students more time tomorrow to complete their Tutorial 2 Review Assignment before I get into the notes and lecture for Tutorial 3especially considering many of the students have been working diligently in both classes. I dont want to punish those who work hard just because a few students arent using their time wisely. 11-1-12 Today, during periods 1-3, I had the students work on their Level 1 programs for chapter 4. Half way through the period, I went over problem #2 with the class, just so they could see an example of what the program should look like. Some of the students are still really confused, which Mr. Rakvic said is to be expected. He said that as much as you can try, some students are never going to get it. Computer programming, even in its most basic form, isnt for everyone. Tomorrow, I plan on giving the students more time to work on their Level 1 programs for this chapter. Those students who finish them can start working on the Chapter 4 review questions and debugging exercises. I just look forward to the weekend, and being able to regroup so I can get these students on track to start a Robotics Unit in approximately a week and a half. I think

the students and I will really enjoy it. Im looking forward to the experience so I can say I taught it during future interviews. Periods 6 and 7 werent so bad today. I gave both classes the entire period to work independently to finish their Tutorial 2 Review Assignment and to start reading Session 3.1 and complete the reading guide. Period 6 was excellent as usual and every student (with the exception of Willy, who I plan on making exempt from this activity) was able to finish by the end of the period. In period 7, Matt, as usual, spent a good part of the period pushing my buttons. I should have quickly laid down the law with him, but instead I just continued to let him get away with his usual behavior. Tomorrow, I must lay down the law quickly so we can get through everything that I want to go over. I find it funny that this is the class I have been teaching the longest and I still have the most trouble handling. I think its because I hate being the mean one and I want the students in this class to enjoy coming here. I dont want it to be a place that they dread because things have to be so strict. Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to keep them under control AND engaged in the lesson. 11-2-2012 TGIF! Programming 1, in all three periods, was a good class today. Although there are still a few students who are having trouble understanding the material, many of them are getting it and moving along quite nicely. In all three periods today, however, there are still many students who are not understanding Level 1 #3, so at the end of class after period 2, I decided that I would spend the first 15 minutes or so on Monday after the students completed their journals, reviewing #3. Instead of going over the problem like I did for 1 and 2, I decided Id have them do it with me. That way I can pose questions to the class and have them do most of the work, all the while gauging their current understanding of the material. Anyone who says class size doesnt matter has never taught in a classroom before. Period 2 is slightly larger (and much livelier) than periods 1 and 3, and when Im in the room trying to help the students, I feel like Im the pong ball in a game of table tennis. I am constantly being pulled in 100 different directions. I want to give each student the help that they deserve, but sometimes, you just cant. I hope on Monday that when I go over program problem #3, I can help the students who are having trouble understanding as a group. Today, I got observed during period 7 of Web Design, so needless to say I was pretty nervous for most of the day. Not to mention that today is Friday, and I was totally exhausted from the week. I wish Dr. Moore could have come for both periods 6 and 7, so he could see the drastic difference in the makeups of the two classes, especially at this point in the year. As always, period 6 is one of the best classes a teacher could ask for behavior-wise. They are attentive and do what I ask of them. If a student ever gets off task, it is easy to get him/her back on track and I only ever have to ask them to do something once before it gets done. Period 7 did get on my last nerve today, and I felt like I didnt do that great of a job with my observation, especially because I was so exhausted. Period 7 didnt do that great with the review portion of the lesson, either, so

again, I almost felt as if I had failed. Thankfully, I did learn that having these review sessions isnt that bad of an idea, considering the responses that I received to some of the questions (both positive and negative). I hope that before I go, I will have the opportunity to do this with all of the classes I teach. 11-5-12 Today was one of the best Mondays that I had all semester! Usually I dont have my head on straight till Tuesday or Wednesday, but I actually felt really good today. I had myself under control and the each class was under control. I started all three sections of Programming 1 with the students doing their journal entries, as usual, and then I worked on program problem #3 with them as a class. Its kind of hard to say whether or not it actually helped some of them, as it seems many of them would rather swim in a cloud of confusion than admit in front of their peers that they dont understand something. I gave them time to work on their programs after, and that seemed to go better. A good portion of the students got through program problem #4, so I decided to have them stop with the level 1 programs after #4 so they could move on into the review questions and the debugging exercises. I plan on giving them the MC test on this material next Monday and then the programming portion of the test on Tuesday. I hope that we can stick to that plan but if the students arent ready, then so be it. Today in Web Design, I gave the students time to get their journals done, and then I allowed them work time in which they could complete any work they needed to get done for this class. I did all of that within the first 20 minutes, then I gave notes for the last 20 minutes. The students seem more responsive when I dont lecture at them for the entire period. I like it a lot better, too. I feel like I can get a lot more out of them and keep their interest in the material. Period 6 was the dream class as usual, and period 7 wasnt too bad, either. I was kind of surprised. Matt was his usual self and I was a lot more firm with him today than I was last week. I find it humorous that some of these students are really going to miss me when Im gone because I know Mr. Rakvic is looking forward to laying down the law, especially in 7th period. Tomorrow, I plan on giving the class time to work again first, and then giving the notes second. I like doing things in that order because if I see that too many students arent doing what they are supposed to be doing, then Ill cut their work time short and just lecture more than I intended to. 11-6-12 Today during periods 1-3, most of the students finished working on their Level 1 programs (#14). When the students were finished, I had them start working on the Chapter 4 review questions and debugging exercises. Some students in periods 2 and 3 were already working on these questions. Period 1 works a little slower, so only a few students were finished with these by the end of the period. Programming is a little behind where I think they should be, and I have a pretty strong feeling that I may have to push the quiz/program back a day so that they occur on

Tuesday/Wednesday versus Monday/Tuesday but I really wont be able to get a good enough gauge on that until Thursday of this week. So we will see. Periods 1 and 3 did a good job today staying on task and completing their work quietly. Period 2, however, had a hard time keeping the noise down and they had to be told to watch their topics of conversation and their volume. With about 10 minutes left in the period, I had to force them all to work silently as things were getting a little out of hand. I find it funny that they are the class that works the fastest and has the most students. I usually let them get away with some noise because of this, but today I had had enough. Hopefully tomorrow most of them will be able to get the review questions and debugging exercises finished by the end of the period. Periods 6 and 7 went fairly smoothly today. The students in both classes seem to like when I give them time to work independently before giving notes on the material. I like it a lot more, too. Hearing myself give notes for 30 minutes is boring, not only for me, but for the students. Spreading out the work time seems to be a more effective method for these students. The only potential problem I see with this is that the students who need more hand-holding arent going to fare as well as the students who like working more autonomously. Speaking of autonomous learners, three students in the period 6 class are working ahead and are almost finished working through Tutorial 3! It is amazing to see these students take charge of their learning and get the most out of the experience as they possibly can. Its a joy to teach these students and see them flourish in the classroom. I hope I can help them work through all of Tutorial 4 before I leave so they can take that knowledge and skills with them at the end of the semester. 11-7-12 Today turned out to be a very interesting day! Due to a graduation project meeting, each period was 38 minutes instead of 42, which really wasnt that big of a deal during the day. Losing four minutes is better than losing 12! During periods 1-3, the students continued working on their Level 1 programs (most of the students were finished), the chapter review questions and debugging exercises, and the Level 2 programs. No one has gotten to the review worksheets yet. All three classes went well, as usual. Period 2 was a little rowdy, but thats to be expected. Periods 1 and 3 required very little of my help so I spent the majority of the period making sure they stayed on task and I also had time to work on some things that I needed to complete. I do wish, however, that period 1 would move a little quicker. There are a few students in that class who choose to do things as slowly as possible and they let things drag on much longer than they need to. Period 6 went smoothly as expected. The students spent the first part of the class working independently and then I finished the notes for Session 3.1 during the second half of the period. Tomorrow I am going to give them the entire period to work on their chapter exercise and some of the students who are ahead can start working on stud for Session 3.2. Period 7 was what made the day so interesting today. It started out as a usual Wednesday. Like period 6 I gave them the

first part of the class to work. Matt was concerned he was going to get in trouble for something that had happened earlier in the day and a student had told him that they thought he had gotten called down to the office. He wanted to go down to the office to check and see, but something about this story seemed fishy to me and Mr. Rakvic, so we told him that if the office wanted him, they would call him down. About 15 minutes into the period, right before I was about to start the notes, Matt got out of his seat and came up to me asking to go to the office. I told him no. If it had been pretty much any other student, I would have said yes, but because Matt insists on constantly giving me a hard time, I told him no. About a minute later, Mr. Rakvic comes storming past my seat and over to Matt because he caught Matt on his cell phone. A short confrontation ensued between the two of them because Matt would not give up his cell phone. It ended with Mr. Rakvic taking Matt down to the office for insubordination. In the office there was more confrontation between Matt and Mr. Choby (one of the vice-principals) and eventually Matt gave up his phone. The whole thing ended with Matt getting In-School Suspension for 3 days for the incident with Mr. Rakvic and the incident that occurred earlier with his English teacher Miss Jones. I hate to admit it, but Im glad I wont have to deal with Matt for the next 3 days. Im sure class will run much more smoothly without him. I can say it was definitely much quieter for the remainder of class today when he was in the office. Well see what happens tomorrow! 11-8-12 Today was a pretty calm/quiet day all around. Students in all classes were using this day as a work day, where they were completing assignments independently. In periods 1-3 (Programming 1), the students were working on their chapter review questions/debugging exercises, Level 2 programs, and the review worksheet packet. Only one student in all three classes finished the Level 2 programs by the end of the period. A good number of students were working on their Level 2 programs, which was where I expected them to be. Because I moved the test back a day, I plan on going over the review questions and the worksheets on Monday before I do a short review for the quiz. I expect that I will end up leading the review and giving the students most of the answers. I may send the packet home as homework for the weekend so that the students wont spend any class time working on it, but they will still get it done. They have had no homework in this class up until this point so a few worksheets wont hurt them. I expect to hear groans tomorrow, but I may award them 5 points for doing it on Monday when they come into class. Web Design was a good class in both periods. The students worked independently on classwork during the entire period and both classes were on task the entire period! Not having Matt in period 7 made a HUGE difference. Ray was absent as well and hes one of those students who never shuts up, so the entire period was calm and quiet. I even made the comment at the end of period 7 that this was one of the best class periods we had ever had as far as everyone working and minimal interruptions. Tomorrow I will give the students more time to work, as many students have yet to complete their Quick Check questions for Session 3.1 and begin reading

Session 3.2 and complete the reading guide. I will give them work time and start the notes on Monday as planned.

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