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dev @ Lexity Labs Advertising made simple

Sharing practical experiences on reporting

Balanced View

Why MongoDB

Agile friendly Document oriented Transactions not needed No specialist DBAs(couldn't afford one) Devs not very good with traditional sql anyway

What do I think about MongoDB

Mysql beats MongoDB hands down in terms of features Its the best NoSql out there in terms of usability + features Its essentially a key value store with features in drivers instead of the DB itself

This allows for easy app scaling

Strength of MongoDB is the mapper

Sadly RoR(ActiveRecord) guys seem to a well about it


OpenSource available but not robust enough Couldn't rely(afford) on reporting specialists Devs had to handle the reporting

Couldn't rely(afford) reporting specialists

The requirements evolved every day Reporting had to keep up with it

Devs had to handle reporting

Map Reduce...painful...I have the sql Like the comfort of application layer Mongo Key, Value store

Driver did the rest at app layer

RealTime reporting Reporting no longer a disjoint

RealTime Reporting

Map Reduce is not an option

RealTime reporting

Specific Documents for tracking

Update the documents in background

Already had queue routing and processing framework

User Session

SessionId Start Time End Time

User Aggregate

Per Day

UserId Date Total Session Duration Average Session Total Session

Per Week... Per Month...


Data Updates are atomic One query (schema less) REST based reporting Jquery plugins / HTML5 for display

Reports felt more responsive and lighter

Smaller front end code base allowed for faster iterations


1000s of writes per minute Lasts for a few hours a day RealTime monitoring of the processing


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