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1. In Triangle ABC , ∠A = 50o and AB=AC. Find ∠B and ∠C .


In Triangle ABC , we have


Therefore ∠B = ∠C (Angles opposite equal sides are equal)

By Angle Sum Property of a Triangle, we have

∠A + ∠B + ∠C = 180o

or ∠A + ∠B + ∠B = 180o ( Since ∠B = ∠C )

or 50o + 2∠B = 180o

or 2∠B = 180o − 50o

or 2∠B = 130o

or ∠B = = 65o
Thererore ∠C = ∠B = 65o

Hence the angles are ∠A = 50o , ∠B = 65o , ∠C = 65o

2. In an isosceles triangle if the vertex angle is twice the sum of base angles,
calculate the degree measure of all the angles of the triangle.


Let ABC be an isosceles triangle in which AB=AC and ∠A = 2(∠B + ∠C )

Since AB=AC, Therefore ∠B = ∠C (Angles opposite equal sides of a

isosceles triangle are equal)

Let ∠B = x o

Therefore ∠C = x o ( Since ∠B = ∠C )

Therefore ∠A = 2(∠B + ∠C )

∠A = 2( x o + x o )

∠A = 2(2 x o )

∠A = 4 x o
Using Angle Sum Property of Triangles we have

∠A + ∠B + ∠C = 180o

or 4 x o + x o + x o = 180o

or 6 x o = 180o

or x = o
= 30o

Therefore 4 x o = 4 × 30o = 120o

Hence ∠A = 120o , ∠B = 30o , ∠C = 30o

3. In figure 5-5, AB=AC and ∠ACD = 120o . Find ∠A


Since AB=AC, Therefore ∠B = ∠C (Angles opposite equal sides are equal)

Now, ∠ACB + ∠ACD = 180o (They form a linear pair)

Therefore ∠C + 120o = 180o

or ∠C = 180o − 120o = 60o

Therefore ∠B = 60o ( Since ∠B = ∠C )

4. In figure 5-6, it is given that AB=CF, EF=BD and ∠AFE = ∠DBC . Prove that
Triangle AFE ≅ Triangle CBD


It is given that AB=CF

Therefore AB + BF = CF = BF (By adding BF on both sides)

or AF=CB … (1)

In Triangle AFE and Triangle CBD , we have

AF=CB (From 1)

∠AFE = ∠DBC (Given)

EF=BD (Given)

So, by SAS congruence we have Triangle AFE ≅ Triangle CBD .

5. In figure 5-7, Triangle ABC is an isosceles triangle with AB=AC. Side BA is

produced to D such that AB=AD. Prove that ∠BCD = 90o ?
Since AB=AC

Therefore ∠ACB = ∠ABC (Angles opposite equal sides are equal) … (1)

Also AB=AC and AB=AD ∴ AC=AD (Transitive Property)

Thus ∠ACD = ∠ADC … (2)

Adding (1) and (2), we have

∠ACB + ∠ACD = ∠ABC + ∠ADC = ∠BCD … (3)

By Angle Sum Property of Triangles, we have

∠ABC + ∠ADC + ∠BCD = 180o

or ∠BCD + ∠BCD = 180o ( Since ∠ABC + ∠ADC = ∠BCD )

or 2∠BCD = 180o

or ∠BCD = = 90o

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