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Set 1 ds and oops Part a 1.What is a Virtual Base Class? 2.Define Polymorphism. 3.What is an Exception? 4.

What is Unique about This Pointer? 5.Define NP Complete Problem. 6.Define Complete Binary Tree. 7.What is Toplogical Sorting? 8.Define Divide and Conquer Strategy. 9.Define Heap. 10.Mention the Time Complexities of Merge Sort and Shell Sort. Part b 11a. Explain Exception Handling in Detail with an C++ Program b. Explain Various File Modes and its Syntax. (OR) 11a.Give an Example c++ Program that Fits the Following Inheritance Hierarchy. (10) (10) (6)


b.Explain the Four Functions Seekg(),Seekp(),Tellg(),Tellp() used for Setting Pointers During File Pointers. (6)

12a.Explain Templates in Detail.Explain Both Class Templates and Function Templates with an Example C++ Program (OR) 12a.Explain Virtual Function and Polymorphism with an Example .(8) b.Write a Program to Write a Text in a File.Display the Contents of a File in Reverse Order 13a.What is an AVL Tree. b.Explain about Rotations of AVL Tree (OR) 13.Explain Dijkstras Algorithm with Routine and solve the single source shortest path shown in Graph (16) (8) (4) (12) (16)

14a.Explain the Concept of Binary Search Tree with its Routine and Example b.Explain Prims Algorithm with routine and example in detail

(8) (8)

(OR) 14.State and Explain the Algorithm to Perform Merge Sort with an Routine and Example (16)

15.Explain the Algorithm of Quick Sort by Sorting the Following Set of Numbers as an Example. 42 47 52 57 62 37 32 27 22 (OR) 15.Explain Dynamic Programming Algorithm Design Technique in Detail with an Example (16) (16)

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