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Listening Section I euestions 1-10

Questions 1-10
=:? the notes below. \O MOHE THAN TWO WORDS AND|OR A NUMBER for each answer

Midbury Drama Club

Background Example club startedin . . Answer


prize recently by 1 .......................... won section performs usually 2,..,...................... plays

Metings . . . . nextauditions be on Tuesday,.......................... will 3 helpis needed 4..........,............... with and..................... rehearsals placein the5 .......................... take hall nearest parkfor rehearsals in Ashbudon car is Roadopposite the6........................,. Costs . annual membership is 7 1..,,.,...............,... fee

. extra payment 8.......................... for Contact . secretary's nameis Sarah .........,,.,.,........... I . secretary's phone number 10.......................... is

Test 3 | 97

I Listening Section 2 Questions1-20

ojl Questions11-15
Choosethe correct letter,A, B or C' 11 do? thinking Forward Whatdoesthe charily A B C 12 in lt fundsartexhibitions hospitals. for materials art therapy' affordable lt Produces in the lt encourages useof artsproiects healthcare'

mention? workdoesJasmine of Whatbenefit Forwardthinking's A B C to avoidgoing hospital People fewerdrugs. require Patients do students betterin tests. Medical


thinking? becomeknownas Forward Whendid the organisation A B 1986 in the 1990s 2005



rd Wheredoes Forwa thinking opelte? citY within Clifton in all Padsof London nearClifton townsand villages in several

. 15

is Centre that explains the Colville Jasmine A B C a schoolfor peoplewith healthproblems. activities. a venuefor a rangeof different repairing. whichneeds a building


Test 3

Listening Sectior, :

- :n take part in eachof the classes? 16-20. : :1ecorrectletterA, B or C nextto questions Class participants A B children teenagers and adults allages

-earnSalsa! SnoothMovers .i.t of the Forest -re MoneyMaze

r.lake Play a

Test 3 | 99

21-3o Listening Section ? Questions

-l Questions2l-26

Complete the flow-chaft below. choose slX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-//, next to questions 21-26'


airquality journey times landuse facilities leisure meansof transport parking facilities number pedestrians of placesof employment trafficflow


a twice day 23 Measured ............


Test 3

Listening Section 3

rdl be resDonsibbfor ach task?
A !

Stefan Lauren both Stefanand Lauren lE correct letter next to auestions27-30. Jrawgraphsand maps :tDose photographs ,vritereport Jo presentation

Test3 | tol

Listening Section 4 Questions 31-4o

6osj qusslions31-35
Complete the sentencesbelow. Write ONLY ONE WORD for each answer.

Manufacturing the EnglishMidlands in

31 32 33 34 35 In the eighteenth century, the......... still determined how most peoplemade a living. ln the groundwere minerals which supportedthe many .........."............... region. of the centurythe Frenchsettlershad made............ Sincethe late sixteenth In Cheshire .......... was minedand transported the riverMersey. on

Pottersworked in a few.......................... sltuatedon the smallhillsof NorthStaffordshire.

F-osl QuestionsS64o
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WOBD for each answer


?ottery noto
6arlhonuars . . . potlrr 36 .......................... alal usod saved monel 37 .......................... on needed firing thekilnTobs38 .......................... lwo in

disadvantagos. led during 39 . {ragili\ ro high .......................... manu{a.1uring lona{aro . . more ?xpensiv, betTgr buT made z 4o ..............,........... flint of c\a1 and {rom

J0 2

Test 3

Listening Sectio.-t

Reading PassageI
Passage below. 1 : - should spendabout20 minutes Questions1-13,whicharebasedon Reading on

guards vault resources thefuture for Seed

Fiona Harveypaid a visit to a building whose contents are very precious.
: c o u t 1 , 0 0 0k m f r o m t h e N o r t h P o l e ,S v a l b a r d s i ae of the most remote placeson earth. For this , ' : a s o n ,i t i s t h e s i t e o f a v a u l tt h a t w i l l s a f e g u a r d : p r i c e l e s s o m p o n e n to f o u r c o m m o n h e r i t a g e c - the seeds of our staple crops. Here,seedsfrom :-e world's most vital food crops will be locked z , v a y o r h u n d r e d s r e v e nt h o u s a n d s f y e a r s .l f f o o - . f , m e t h i n g o e sw r o n g i n t h e w o r l d , t h e v a u l t w i l l : -ovidethe means to restorefarming. We, or our r-.scendants, will not have to retreadthousands of , : a r s o f a g r i c u l t u r er o m s c r a t c h . f ) e e p i n t h e v a u l t a t t h e e n d o f a l o n g t u n n e l ,a r e : r r e e s l o r a g ev a u l t sw h i c h a r e l i n e dw i t h i n s u l a t e d : a n e l st o h e ' l pm a i n t a i n h e c o l d t e m p e r a t u r e s . t : ectronictransmitters linked to a satellite : v s t e m m o n i t o rt e m p e r a t u r ee t c .a n d p a s st h e , ^ f o r m a t i o nb a c kt o t h e a p p r o p r i a t e u t h o r i t i e s t a a - o n g y e a r b y e n n d t h e N o r d i cG e n eB a n kw h i c h a : r o v i d et h e t e c h n i c a il n f o r m a t i o n o r m a n a g i n gt h e f : e e d v a u l t s . T h e e e d sa r e o l a c e di n s e a l e db o x e s s . n d s t o r e do n s h e l v e si n t h e v a u l t s . T h e i n i m a l m ^ l o i s t u r el e v e la n d l o w t e m D e r a t u r e n s u r el o w t h e e n d o f t h i s t u n n e l ,a f t e ra b o u t 8 0 m e t r e s , t h e r ea r e s e v e r a ls m a l l r o o m s o n t h e r i g h t - h a n d s i d e .O n e i s a t r a n s f o r m e r o o m t o w h i c h o n l y the power company officialshave access- this h o u s e st h e e q u i p m e n tn e e d e d o t r a n s f o r mt h e t incoming electricalcurrent down to 220 volts. A s e c o n di s a n e l e c t r i c arl o o m h o u s i n gc o n t r o l sf o r t h e o m p r e s s oa n d o t h e re q u i p m e n t . T h e t h e r o r room is an office which can be heatedto provide f c o m f o f t a b l e o r k i n g c o n d i t i o n s o r t h o s ew h o w i l l w m a k e a n i n v e n t o r y f t h e s a m p l e si n a n d o u t o f t h e o

^retabolicactivity.Theremote location,as well as v a ul t . : r e r u g g e ds t r u c t u r e p r o v i d eu n p a r a l l e l e d e c u r i t y , s ' c r t h e w o r l d ' sa g r i c u l t u r ah e r i t a g e . l Anyone seekingaccessto the seeds has to pass through four lockeddoors: the heavy steel -he t h r e ev a u l t sa r e b u r i e dd e e p i n t h e h i l l s i d e . 9 e n t r a n c e o o r s ,a s e c o n dd o o r a p p r o x i m a t e l y 0 d -o reachthem, it is necessary proceed down a to metres down the tunnel and finally the two keyed l c n g a n d s u r p r i s i n g l ya r g ec o r r i d o r A t 9 3 . 3m e t r e s doors separatedby an airlock,from which it is . n l e n g t h ,i t c o n n e c t s h e 2 6 - m e t r e o n g e n t r a n c e t l p o s s i b l e o p r o c e e dd i r e c t l yi n t o t h e s e e dv a u l t s . t : u i l d i n g t o t h e t h r e ev a u l t s ,e a c ho f w h i c h e x t e n d s Kevs are coded to allow accessto different levels i further 27 metres into the mountain.Towards of the facilitv.

::ding Passage 1

Test 3 | 103

A w o r k o f a r t w i l l m a k et h e v a u l t v i s i b l ef o r m i l e s a r o u n d . T h e a u l t e n t r a n c e s f i l l e dw i t h h i g h l y v i reflectivesheetsof steel and mirrors which form an installationacting as a reflectspolar l i g h t i n t h e s u m m e r m o n t h s ,w h i l e i n t h e w i n t e r , a network of 200 fibre-optic cableswill give the piecea muted g reenish-tu uoise nd white light. rq , C a r yF o w l e r t h e m a s t e r m i n d e h i n dt h e v a u l t , b s t a n d si n s i d et h e e c h o i n gc a v e r n .F o r h i m , t h i s i s the culmination of nearly 30 years of work. 'lt's p an insurnce olicy,'he xplains,'a ery cheap e v p i n s u r a n c e o l i c yw h e n y o u c o n s i d e r h a t w e ' r e w - the earth'sbiological diversity.' insuring Seedsare being brought here from all over the world, from seed banks created by governments, u n i v e r s i t i e s n d p r i v a t ei n s t i t u t i o n sS o o n ,t h e r e . a will be seed varietiesfrom at least 100croDsin v t h e S v a l b a r d a u l t - e x t e n d i n g o e x a m p l e so f a l l t o f t h e 1 . 5m i l l i o n k n o w n c r o p s e e dv a r i e t i e s n t h e i w o r l d . l f a n y m o r e a r e u n e a r t h e de i t h e ri n t h e w i l d , t o o - t h e v a u l t h a s r o o m f o r a t l e a s t4 . 5 m i l l i o n samoles. lnside the entrancearea it is more than 10'C , w b e l o wf r e e z i n g b u t i n t h e c h a m b e r s h e r e the seeds are kept, refrigeratorspush down the temperture even further,to -18' C. At this temperature,which will be kept constantto stop the seeds germinating or rotting, the wheat seeds

w i l l r e m a i nv i a b l ef o r a n e s t i m a t e d1 , 7 0 0y e a r s ,t h e b a r l e yf o r 2 , 0 0 0y e a r sa n d t h e s o r g h u mf o r 2 0 , 0 0 0 vears. Svalbard's Arctic conditions will keep the seeds a c o l d . I n o r d e r t o m a i n t a i nt h e t e m p e r a t u r e t a c o n s t a n t 1 0 ' C t o - 2 0 ' C , t h e c o l d A r c t i ca i r w i l l b e d r a w n i n t o t h e v a u l t d u r i n gt h e w i n t e r , a u t o m a t i c a l l v n d w i t h o u t h u m a n i n t e r v e n t i o n .h e a T s u r r o u n d i n g o c kw i l l m a i n t a i nt h e t e m p e r a t u r e r r e q u i r e m e n t s u r i n gt h e e x t r e m e l yc o l d s e a s o n d r a n d , d u r i n gw a r m e r p e r i o d s , e f r i g e r a t i o n t e q u i p m e n t i l l e n g a g e .L o o k i n go u t a c r o s s h e w snow-coveredmountains of Svalbard,it is hard not to feel respectfor the 2,300or so people who l i v e h e r e ,m a i n l y i n L o n g y e a r b y e n , v i l l a g ea f e w a m i l e s a w a y . T h e r e r e t h r e e m o n t h sw i t h o u t l i g h t a in winler. i S v a l b a r d s i n t e n d e da s t h e s e e db a n ko f l a s t r e s o r t . a c hs a m o l ei s m a d e u o o f a f e w h u n d r e d E seeds,sealed inside a watertight packagewhich

o r f o u n d i n o b s c u r ec o l l e c t i o n s , e y c a n b e a d d e d , w i l l n e v e rb e t a m o e r e dw i t h w h i l e i t i s i n t h e v a u l t . th The packagesof seeds remin the property of the collectionsthey have come from. Svalbard w i l l d i s b u r s es a m p l e sb n l y i f a l l t h e o t h e r s e e d s in other collectionsaround the world are gone,' explains Fowler.lf seeds do have to be given out, those who receivethem are expectedto germinate t them and generate ew samplesto be returnedo n , the vault.


| Test 3

Reading Passi$

+ :ne diagram below.

:,:se NO MORE THAN TWOWORDSOR A NUMBERfrom the passage eachanswer for icur answers boxes1-6 on Vouranswer sheet. in

The SvalbardVault

,; -.

Theseedsareconserved the by
cold and lack of 6

he entrance the seedvault to itselfis protected withdoorswith he 4.......................... is reduced it entersthe vault. as Seeds processed the3 .......................... are in beforetheygo intothe vault. A tunnel, which 2 ...,...................... is long, connects entrance the building thevault. to Theinstallation the entrance in consists 1 of panls andmetal whichmaximise natural light.

*+'ollowingstatements passage givenin Reading agree withthe information 1? :,=,s7-13on vouranswersheet. write -RUE if the statement agreeswith the information AISE if the statementcontradictsthe information rtOT GMN if thereis no informationon this --e vaulthasthe capacity accommodate to undiscovered typesof seedat a laterdate. --ere aredifferent levelsof refrigeratlon according the kindsof seedsstored. to :,ring winter, flowof airentering vaultis regularly the the monitored staff. by --ere is a back-uprefrigeration systemreadyto be switched if the present fails. on one

-^e people who workat Svalbard mainlylocals. are l-ce a seedpackage jn the vault, remains is it unopened. ' seeds sentfromSvalbard otherbanks,thereis an are to obligation the recipient send for to .-f,lacements back.

Passage t

Test3 | 1O5

Reading Passage 2
Youshouldspendabout 20 minuteson Questions ltl-26, whichare basedon ReadingPassage below. 2


Shelves bend under their weight of cookery books.Evena medium-sized bookshopcontains many more recipes than one personcould hope to cookin a liferime. AJrhough recipes the in one book areoften similarto thosein another, their presentation varies wildly from an arrayof vegetarian cookbooks instructionson cooking to the food that historicalfiguresmight haveeaten. The reason this abundance that cookbooks for is promiseto bring about a kind of domestic transformation the user. for The daily rourinecan be put to one sideand they liberatethe user, if only cemporarily. lollow rheirinsrrucrions ro To i\ 'turn a taskwhich hasto be performedeveryday into an engaging, romanticprocess. Cookboohs alsoprovidean opportuniry to delveinto distant cultures without havingto turn up at an airport to ger rhere. just The first Western cookbookappeared over (it 1,600years ago.De re coquinara means 'concerning cookery')is attributedto a Roman gourmetnamedApicius.It is probablya compilationof Romanand Greekrecipes, some or all ofthem drawn from manuscriprs thar were later lost. The editor wassloppy,allowingseveral duplicatedrecipes sneakin. YetApicius's to book setthe roneofcookeryadvice Luropelor in more than a thousandyears.As a cookbookir is unsatisfacaory very basicinstructions. with Joseph Vehling,a chefwho translated Apicius in rhe 1930s,suggested author had beenobscure the on purpose, case secrets in his leakedout. T h ed o m i n a nr h e m en l 6 ' ha n d 1 7 "< e n r u r y i r cookbooks wasorder.Bookscombinedrecipes and household advice,on the assumption thar a well-madedish, a well-ordered larderand welldisciplinedchildrenwereequallyimportant. Cookbooksthus became symbolofdependab:: a in chaotictimes.They hardlyseemto havebeer affected the Englishcivil war or the revoluric by = in Americaand France.

But a more likely reason that Apicius's is recipes werewritten by and for professional cooks,who could follow Lheirshorrhand. This siruarion continuedfor hundredsofyears.Therewas no order to cookbooks: cakerecipemight be a followedby a mutton one. But then, they werenor written for carefulstudy.Beforethe 19'h century few educated peoplecookedfor themselves. The wealthiest employedliteratechefs;others presumably readrecipes their servants. to Such cookswould havebeencapable ofcreating dishes from rhe vaguesr ofinstructions.

The inventionofprinting might havebeen expected leadto greater to clarity but at first the reverse true. As words acquiredcommercial was value,plagiarism exploded. Recipes weredistorted rhrough reproduction. recipefor boiled caponir A T/teGoodHuswiues Jewell, printed in 1596, advisec By the cook to add threeor four dates. 1653, when the recipe wasgivenby a differentauthor ir: A Boohof Fruits t Flowers, cook wastold to the the dish asidefor threeor four days.

106 | Test3

Reading Pass.

In the 1850sIsabella BeetonpublishedTlteBoo of Household Maruagement. Like ea ier cookery *he wrirers plagiarised freely. liing norjusrrecipes but philosophical observations from other books. IfBeeton! recipes werenor wholly new,though, the way in which shepresented them certainly was.Sheexplains whn the chief ingredients are most likely to be in season, how long the dish will take to prepareand evenhow much it is likely to cost.Beeton's recipes werewell suitedto her times. Two centuries earlieqan understanding ofrural wayshad beensowidespread that one writer could advise cooksto heatwater until it wasa little hotter than milk comesfrom a cow.By the 1850s Britain wasindustrialising. The growingurban middle class needed details, and Beetonprovided them in full. In France, cookbooks werefastbecomingeven more systematic. Compared with Britain, France had producedfew bookswritten for rhe ordinary householder the endof cheI 9rh century by The most celebrated Frenchcookbooks were written by superstar chefswho had a clearsense of codi$'inga unified approach sophisticated to Frenchcooking.The 5,000 recipes Auguste in Escoer'sLe Guide Culinaire (The Culinary Guide),publishedin 1902,might aswell have beenwritten in stone,givenrhe bookt reputation amongFrenchchefs,many ofwhom still consider it the denitivereference book.

V4rat Escoffier for Frenchcooking,Fannie did Farmerdid for l':nerican home cooking.Shenot only synthesised Americancuisine;sheelevated it to the statusofscience.'Progress civilisation in hasbeenaccompanied progress cookery' she by in breezily announced TheBoston in Coohing-School Cooh Book,beforelaunchinginro a collecrion ofrecipesthat sometimes resembles book of a chemistryexperiments. wasoccasionally She over-fussy. explained She thar currantsshouldbe pickedbetween June28th andJuly 3rd, but not when it is raining. But in the main her book is reassuringly authoritative. recipes short, Irs are with no unnecessary and no unnecessary chat spices. In 1950 MeditenaneanFood6y Elizabeth David launcheda revolutionin cookingadvicein Britain. In somewaysMeditetanean Food recalled evenolder cookbooks the smellsand noises but thar filled Davidt bookswerenot meredecoration for her recipes. Theywererhe point ofher bools. V/hen shebeganto write, many ingredients were not widely available affordable. understood or She this, acknowledging a later edition ofone of in 'even her bools that ifpeople could not very often makethe dishes heredescribed, wasstimulating it to think about them.' David'sbool<s werenot so much cookingmanuals guidesto the kind of as food peoplemight well wish to eat.

Passage 2

Test3 | 1O7

Completethe summarybelow. for ChooseA/OMORE THANTWOWORDSfrom the passage each answer. in Wite your epwers boxes14-16 on your answersheet'

Why are therc so many cookery books?

Thereare a great numberrnorecookerybooks publishedthan is rea[y and necessary it is their14............whichmakesthetndifferfromeach othr.Thereare such largenumbersbecausethey otfer peoplean escape to and fromtheir15............ somegivethe userihe chance inform . 16......-..... other about themselves

Questions 17-21
A-1. 2 Passage hasnineparagraphs, Reading information? the contains following Whichparagraph Writethe conect tetter,A-L in boxes17-21on your answersheet' use NB Youry1ay any lettermore than once. 17 18 19 20 21 of duringperiods unrest a cookerybooksproviding senseof stability on as beingaltered theywerepassed detailsin recipes whichwas in dangerof disappearing knowledge the negativeeffect on cookery books of a new develop{nent a Deriodwhen thre was no needfor cookerybooks to be precise


| Test 3


Questions 2-26
Lookat the followingstatements(Oustions22-) and list of books(A-E)below eachstatementwith the correct book, A-E. A-E, in boxes22-26 on your answersheet. the correct letter, Its recipeswere easyto lollow despitethe writer's attentionto detail. avoidedpassing details. on tts writermayhavedeliberately to ideaspeoplehaveaboutcooking. It appealed ambitious related information. Itswriterusedideasfromotherbooksbut addedadditional today. It put intoprintideaswhicharestillrespected


List of cookery books De re coquinara TheBook of HouseholdManagement Le GuideCulinaire Book TheBoston Cooking-SchoolCook Mediterranean Food

Passage 2


| llt9



you should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 27-40, which are based on ReadingPassage3 below.

Is there moreto videogames than peoplerealise?

who spenda lot of time playing Manypeople video games insist that they have helped them in areas like confidence-building, Yet presentation skillsand debating' this way can be found of thinkingaboutvideogames media, withinthe mainstream nowhere almost as whichstilltend to treatgames an odd mix This and the alien. of the slightlymenacing has lack of awareness becomeincreasingly and the culture as inappropriate, videogames them have becomevery big that surrounds indeed. business the British government released Recently, the Byronreport into the effectsof electronic set lts media on chlldren. conclusions out a the for basis exploring regulation cleatrational however,. The ensuingdebate, of video games. into hasdescended the sameold squabbling of between partisanfactions:the preachers and the innovative mentaland moraldecline, In game designers. betweenare the gamers, is busilybuyingand playingwhile nonsense talkedovertheirheads. Susan Greenfield,renowned neuroscientist, in outlinesher concerns a new book. Every mind is the productof a brainthat individual's by has been personalised the sum total of quantity with their experiences; an increasing from very early childhood of our experiences than screen'rather in the world, takingplace'on a there is potentially profoundshift in the way that the minds work. She suggests children's created experiences second-hand fast-paced, mayinculcate and the Internet by videogames more riska worldviewthat is lessempathetic, than what we taking and lesscontemplative tendto thinkof ashealthY. proseis full of mixed metaphors Greenfield's and is perhaps the and self-contradictions worst enemy of her attempts to persuade becausehowever much This is unfortunate, technophilesmay snort, she is articulating widely held fears that have a basis in fact. the antecedents, Unlikeeven their immediate media are at once domestic latestelectronic their mobility blurring the and work-related, and video betweenthese spaces, boundaries games are at their forefront.A generational divide hasopenedthat is in many waysmore shiftsassociated profoundthan the equivalent more alienatingfor with radio or television, more with new technologies, those unfamiliar for absorbing those who are.So how do our that is too fluid something regulate lawmakers or to be fullycomprehended controlled? for a AdamMartin, leadprogrammer an online games teach gamesdeveloper, says:'Computer and people don't even notice they're being that isnt taught.'But the kindof learning goes A on in gamesrathernarrow? largepart of the of addictiveness gamesdoes come from the a fact that asyou playyou are mastering set of


T e s t3

Reading Passag:

- ^aIlenges. humanity's But larger nderstanding u :' the world comes primarily through :: .r1munication experimentation, and through :-sweringthe question "Whatif?"Games excel :: :eaching too.' this i:=ven Johnson's thesisis not that electronic popular butthatthe : =res constitute great, a art, -: an level mass lturehasbeendemanding of cu ::=adily more intellectualengagementfrom Games, points out, generate he ::^sumers. :.=: sfaction the complexity their virtual via of ,,:'lds, not by their robotic predictability. -:::ing the nature and limits of the laws of ^ imaginary worldshas more in common :- : .':r scientific methods than with a pointless :: r iction, whilethe complexity the problems of within gamesexceeds :^ dren encounter that :' :nythlng theymightfindat school. of i-=enfield uesthatthereareways thinking arg :-:: playing videogames simply cannot teach. l-= has a point.We should neverforget,for -;:ance, unique the ability books engage of to :-: expandthe human imagination, to and our of ; ,: usthe means morefullyexpressing the ::,tions in the world.Intriguingly, video :,:res industry nowgrowingin ways is that have - :'e in commonwith an old-fashioned world pastimes :':cmpanionable thanwith a cyber--:-re of lonely,isolatedobsessives. Games - ,',hich gatherrounda friends and relations ^joleto compete activities growing are in r: at agenda increasingly is beingset :,::ularity.The :,, :he concerns mainstream of consumers ' -:t theyconsider for acceptable theirchildren,

what they want to play at partiesand across generations. These trendsembodya familiarbut important truth: games are human products,and lie This doesn'tmean we yet within our control. controlor understand them fully,but it should or remind us that there is nothing inevitable incomprehensible about them. No matter fear how deeplyit may be felt,instinctive is an response technologyof any to inappropriate kind. manytraditionalists So far,the dire predictions have made about the death'of old-fashioned narratives imaginative thoughtat the hands and Television and ofvideogames cannot upheld. be economically, the at cinemamay be suffering, hands interactive media. literacy But standards of havefailedto decline. Youngpeoplestillenjoy goingout andlistening music. most to And sport, funded researchincluding recent .5mstudy a 51 that by the USgovernment suggests evenpreworlds teens not in the habitof bluninggame are andrealworlds. we The sheerpaceand scaleof the changes littleroomfor complacency. face, however, leave Richard Bartle,a British writer and game researcher, says 'Times change: accept it; embraceit.'Just as,today,we have no living radio,we soonlive will memories a time before of in a worldin whichno one livingexperienced growing up without computers. is for this lt what we reason that we must try to examine it before is too late. standto loseandgain,

Passage 3

Test | 111 3

Questions 27-32
Passage 3? agree with the viewsof the writerin Reading statements Do the following ln boxes27-32 on your answersheet,write


agreeswith the viewsof the writer if the statement if the statement contradictsthe viewsof the writer aboutthis to if it is impossible saywhatthe writerthinks

lives. on thatvideogames have manypeople's can ignores impact the comment Muchmedia videogames. against overthe years. way SusanGreenfield's of writinghasbecomemorecomplex

thosefor and between discussion of 2a Thepublication the ByronReportwasfollowedby a worthwhile

30 31 32

lt is likelythai videogameswill take overthe roleof certainkindsof booksin the future. public. of games being the brought to satisfy demands the buying out are Moresociable reaction. is advances a justifiable Beingafraidof technological

Questions 3&.37
A, Choosethe conect letter, B, C or D. Writethe Conect lettef A4, in boxes33-37 on your answersheet' put gt3 According the writer, whatviewaboutvideogamesdoesSusanGreenfield forwardin hei new to book? A B C D U viewof the worldtoo soon. a Theyareexposing childto an adult in frightened someof the situations them. by easily Children become view the Theyarechanging waychildren's of the worlddevelops. they aretoo repetitive. Children don't learnfromthem because

videogames? what problems facedwhenregulating are to According the writer, A B C D to for use and Thewidespread ever-changing of gamesmakesit difficult lawmakers them. control by generation really understood many isn't to Theappeal thegames a younger of lawmakers. as to try Thelawmakers to applythesamerules thegames theydid to radioandtelevision. to feel Manylawmakers it is too latefor the regulations havemucheffecton the useof games.


Whatmainpoint does Adam Martin make about video games? A B

how to avoid becomingaddictedto them. Peopleare learning Theyenablepeopleto learnwithoutbeingawareof it happening. They satisfy a need for people to compete with each other. Peoplelearna narrowrangeof skillsbut they are still useful.


1 r 2 | Test 3

Reading Passage3

Johnson disagree with? ,'ihich thefollowing of doesSteven A B C D to beneflts the user the opinion that videogamesoffereducational and are as theattitude videogames oftenlabelled predictable undemanding that thanat school moreby videogames the ideathatchildren's Iogicis tested procedures to the suggestion videogames be compared scientifjc that can

,',- ch of thefollowing the mostsuitable for Passage 3? is subtitle Reading A B C D A debateaboutthe effectsof videogameson otherformsof technology. people aboutvideogames. of of An examination theopinions young towards videogames outdated. are A discussion whether of attitudes development videogames. of of behind historical the An analysis the principles

,-estions 3840
- - .:e each sentence with the correct ending, A-E, below. ': :^a correct letter,A-E, on your answer sheet. -^ere prediction that for is littleevidence the traditionalists'

: 'ecentstudy by the US government found that : :hard Bartlesuggests for that it is important peopleto acceptthe fact that youngpeoplehaveno problemseparating their own livesfrom the onesthey play on lne 9creen. ievelsof readingabilitywill continueto drop significantly. new advancesin technologyhaveto be absorbedinto our lives. gamescannotprovideprparation the skillsneededin reallife. for youngpeoplewill continueto play videogamesdespitewarningsagainstdoing so.

ng Passage3

T e s t3 | 1 1 3

Writing Writing TaskI

Youshould spend about20 minutes thistask. on The graph below gives information about international tourtst arrivals in different part6 of the world, Summarisethe information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make compartsons where relevant, Writeat least150words.

International touristarrivals
100 90 80 70 .9 E



60 50 40 30 20 '10 0 1990 1995



Based datapublished the United on by Nations Wodd Tourism Orgnization, 2008.

Writing Task2
Youshould spend about40 minutes thistask. on Write about following the topic: Some people argue that it is more important to have an enjoyablejob than to ean a lot of money. Othe disagree and think that a good salary leads to a belter life. Discuss botlr these views and give your own opinion. Givereasons youranswer include relevant for and any examples fromyourown knowledge experience. or Writeat least250words. 114 | Test 3


eakingPart I
:xaminer will ask you some questionsabout yourself,your home, work or : :s and familiartopics. :: s talk about your studies (or your job). --. yau studying or do you have a job? ^ereare you studying? -:.r many hours do you spend there in a week? -: me something about the place where you study. ^at are your favouritesubjects? - at is your job? - - ,,,' long haveyou been doing that job? - .h paft of your job do you enjoy the most? Why? -. ne about the place whereyou work. i {aminerwill then ask you some questionsabout one or two other topics, : -?mpre:

let'stalkaboutyour freetime. ,'ousoenda lot of timewith vourfriends? ,'ougo out muchin the evening? '. muchtelevision you watch? do
. ou do any sports?

aking Paft 2
: : '.aminer give you a topic on a card like the one on the will '' :rd ask you to talk about it for one to two minutes.Before - -= < you'll have one minuteto think about what you're going ::, The examinerwill give you some paper and a pencil so : :1 make notes if you want to. : : raminermay ask one or two more questionswhen you : ' rished. for examDle:

well. Describe iourneyyou remember a Youshouldsay: how you travelled whereyou went what happened why the iourneywas and explain memorable you. for

: ..ou enjoy travelling? - : :/ou good at rememberingthings that happened a long time ago?

, :.:minerwill ask some more generalquestionswhich follow on from the topic in Part2. - : .,authink too many people are dependent on cars as a means of transpoft? - .' do people prefer to travelby car? ls there a way of changing this attitude? - , .'., could public transpot'tsystemsbe improved? -: ,,.' can the amount of air travelbe reduced throughout the world? - : ,','will people travel in the future, do you think?

T e s t3 | 1 1 5

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