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Awards Day VII Torrijos Cover Mayor of Delivery Torrijos VII Awards Day Cover in Torrijos Toledo, Spain,

January 05, 2013 - This morning in the audiovisual room of the pa lace Pedro I have given the awards of the Seventh day of the Cap onto Torrijos t his year was held from 7 to 9, 14 to 16 and the 21 to 23 September. The Conference on the cover Torrijos have again maintained a very high level of sales, which also helped the expansion in a weekend over this event for the hosp itality sector of the city. On this occasion, have been sold twenty thousand cap s for the 20 participating establishments. Data with the bosses of hoteliers is more than satisfactory in the words of its vice president, Alfonso Beltran, assi stant to act. A greeting that also has extended the town mayor, Juan Jos Gmez Hidalgo, A valuations in the same tone has also joined the deputy tourism and handicraft of Toledo, Jose Luis Rivas. So, eight stores this year have managed to sell more than a thousand caps, while the vast majority is located in a range of between 400 and 1000 and only two ha ve been below the hundred. In the end the prize went to Maverick brewery with its lid Secret Iberian ratato uille on toast with honey sauce and piquillo cream with fried onions. I have followed on the podium of the most voted restaurant Tinn establishments, an d the Hotel Castilla. At the end of the act from the Provincial Association of Hotelier launched the i dea of ??organizing a conference of restaurants with the Iberian pig as a link t o all participants restaurateurs. Contact: Media Relations Media Relations Value-Optimized Solutions, Inc. 441 Santaluz Path Austin, TX 78732 208-585-7344

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