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Biology - Chapter 4 The Chemical Basis of Life

Charles Page High School Stephen L. Cotton

Section 4.1 Water


some important properties of water.

Section 4.1 Water


the nature of mixtures, solutions, and suspensions.

Section 4.1 Water


acids, bases, neutralization, and pH scale.

Section 4.1 Water

Water- is quite common, but has many unique characteristics One of few compounds that is liquid

as it turns to solid explains why ice floats: it is less dense than the liquid stage important to fish and plants

Section 4.1 Water

Covers more than 75% of earth

Most abundant compound in nearly

all living organisms Most important property:


distribution of electrons, thus slightly charged on each end, like a little magnet; polar Fig. 4-2, page 64 attracted to other water & particles

Water is a good solvent because of

Section 4.1 Water

its polarity (attracted to other items) Mixtures: composed of two or more materials that are mixed, but not chemically combined salt & pepper; sugar & sand; air; soil can be mixed in varying amounts 2 types: 1) solutions & 2) suspensions

Section 4.1 Water

Solutions: example is sugar water

homogeneous; variable composition

Made of solvent- substance that

does the dissolving (water) and solute- the substance that is dissolved (sugar) water called the universal solvent, and due to its polarity Fig. 4-4, p. 65

Section 4.1 Water


Acids are ionically bonded compounds that

break apart when dissolved in water to produce hydrogen ions NaCl is NaCl Na1+ + Cl1- Thus, type of not a acid. compound = ion + ion HCl H1+ + Cl1hydrochloric acid = hydrogen ion + chloride ion
(notice that this is a type of acid, because it produces hydrogen ions)

Section 4.1 Water

The hydrogen ion (H1+) is the most

chemically reactive ion known compounds that release the hydrogen ion are called Acids Bases release hydroxide ion (OH1-) NaOH Na1+ + OH1acids and bases are dangerous; they can break other chemical bonds

Section 4.1 Water

Neutralization and pH:

Strong acid + strong base results in

the H1+ and OH1- reacting together to form water, H2O called a neutralization reaction may not be perfectly neutral, unless the correct amount of each is used

Section 4.1 Water

A measurement system known as

the pH scale indicates the relative amount of H1+ and OH1 pH scale ranges from 0 to 14 pure water = 7.0 less than 7.0 = acids greater than 7.0 = bases Fig. 4-6, page 66 for examples

Section 4.1 Water

Suspensions: are heterogeneous

do not break into individual

particles, but are still small enough that they may or may not settle sand and water will settle blood- contains dissolved materials, clotting materials, living cells, others- will not settle

Section 4.2
Chemical Compounds in Living Things

the four most abundant elements in living things.

Section 4.2
Chemical Compounds in Living Things

inorganic compounds and organic compounds.

Section 4.2
Chemical Compounds in Living Things

the properties that make carbon unique.

Section 4.2
Chemical Compounds in Living Things

the importance of polymerization.

Section 4.2
Chemical Compounds in Living Things About 90 naturally occurring elements; only 11 common in living organisms Four make up over 96% of the human body: C, N, O, and H Two major groups of chemicals: 1) organic and 2) inorganic

Section 4.2
Chemical Compounds in Living Things
Inorganic Compounds:

usually, those chemicals that do

not contain the element carbon carbon dioxide is an exception others: water, calcium phosphate, salts, minerals in soil and sand

Section 4.2
Chemical Compounds in Living Things Organic Compounds:
carbon-containing compounds more than 2 million of them. Why? Carbon forms covalent bonds that are

strong and stable. Can form 4 bonds- with itself as well as other elements

Section 4.2
Chemical Compounds in Living Things
Fig. 4-8, page 68
Simplest organic compound is methane,

CH4 (natural gas) carbon can form long chains by bonding with other carbon single-, double-, and triple-bonds are possible; also rings Fig. 4-9, p.69 no other element can do this!

Section 4.2
Chemical Compounds in Living Things
process in which large compounds

(called polymers) are constructed by joining together many smaller compounds (called monomers) joined much like the letters of the alphabet can form larger words Fig. 4-10, page 69

Section 4.3 Compounds of Life



the four groups of organic compounds found in living things.

Section 4.3 Compounds of Life



the structure and function of each group of compounds of life.

Section 4.3 Compounds of Life



how enzymes work and why they are important to living things.

Section 4.3 Compounds of Life

4 groups of organic compounds

found in living things: 1) Carbohydrates 2) Lipids 3) Proteins 4) Nucleic Acids

Section 4.3 Compounds of Life

1. Carbohydrates:
includes sugars and starches (polymer)

contain the elements C, H, and O, with

the ratio 1:2:1 (carbo- -hydrate) simplest called monosaccharides (monomers), or simple sugarsexamples are glucose, galactose, and fructose

Section 4.3 Compounds of Life

Glucose- made by green plants
Galactose- found in milk

Fructose- found in fruits; sweetest of

these 3 (none of which is very sweet) all have the same formula: C6H12O6 have a different arrangement of these atoms-isomers Fig. 4-11, p.70

Section 4.3 Compounds of Life

Sugars are used for fuel, containing a

large amount of energy stored in their chemical bonds Most organisms use glucose as fuel Dehydration Synthesis- joins 2 simple sugars by losing 1 water Fig. 4-12, p.71 monosaccharide + monosaccharide = disaccharide + water

Section 4.3 Compounds of Life

Sucrose (table sugar) made from

glucose + fructose Maltose (malt sugar) made from glucose + glucose Lactose (milk sugar) made from glucose + galactose All 3 disaccharides are: C12H22O11

Section 4.3 Compounds of Life

large molecules, formed by many

monosaccharide units together used to store excess sugar in the form of starch (plants) or glycogen (animal starch) Cellulose (wood)- gives plants strength and rigidity. Can we digest it?

Section 4.3 Compounds of Life

Hydrolysis: reverse of dehydration synthesis,

used to break polysaccharides into monosaccharides water is added back to the molecules Fig. 4-14, page 72

Section 4.3 Compounds of Life

2. Lipids:
also called fats & waxes (solids), and

oils (liquids at room temp.) 3 major roles in living organisms:

1. Can be used to store excess energy 2. Form biological membranes 3. Used as chemical messengers

Section 4.3 Compounds of Life

Lipids (polymer) formed by monomers:

fatty acids and glycerol Fig. 4-16, p.73

fatty acids have a carboxyl group that

contains: 1 C, 1 H, and 2 O (-COOH) glycerol is an organic alcohol, with 3 C each attached to a hydroxyl group (-OH) Usually 2 or 3 fatty acids + 1 glycerol, joined by what method? (Dehydration synthesis)

Section 4.3 Compounds of Life

Saturated and Unsaturated Lipids:
Saturated- has only single bonds, thus

contains maximum # of H not very healthy; hard to break down common in meats and dairy products usually solids- found in bacon, sausage, butter, milk, steak

Section 4.3 Compounds of Life

Unsaturated- if the carbons are linked

by double bonds; does not contain the maximum # of H Having several double bonds is called polyunsaturated tend to be liquids- used in cooking, such as sesame, peanut, corn oil

Section 4.3 Compounds of Life

Both plants and animals can use lipids

to store energy lipids have less O than carbohydrates, thus less mass per unit of energy
Carbohydrates release:

4 calories/gram

Lipids release:

9 calories/gram

Much more energy from an equal

amount of lipid than carbohydrate

Section 4.3 Compounds of Life

Sterols and Phospholipids:

These are two other types of lipids

An important sterol: cholesterol- is

important, but not in excess; help build cells and carry messages Phospholipids- have a part that does dissolve well in water, and a part that does not dissolve well

Section 4.3 Compounds of Life

When phospholipids are mixed

with water, a liposome is formed, which has a double layer this helps them form cell membranes

Section 4.3 Compounds of Life

3. Proteins (a polymer) formed by the monomer: amino acids contain C, H, O, and also Nitrogen Fig. 4-19, page 74 amino acids have an amino group (-NH2) as well as the carboxyl group (-COOH)

Section 4.3 Compounds of Life

More than 20 different amino acids,

have a different location of the R group (R = the hydrocarbon part) Peptides- a peptide bond joins two amino acids (by what process?) Fig. 4-20, page 75 dipeptide- 2 amino acids; tri- has 3 polypeptide- long chain joined

Section 4.3 Compounds of Life

Protein structure: made of one or

more polypeptide chains Uses: 1. Help carry out chemical reactions 2. Pump molecules in or out of cell 3. Responsible for cell movement 4. Structural components

Section 4.3 Compounds of Life


Life is possible because of chemical

processes A catalyst will speed up the rate of a chemical reaction, without being used up itself work by lowering the start-up energy of a reaction

Section 4.3 Compounds of Life

Biological catalysts are called enzymes;

usually a type of protein enzymes speed up a reaction by binding to the reactants (called substrates) at the region known as the active site Very specific, like a lock and key Fig. 4-22, page 76

Section 4.3 Compounds of Life

4. Nucleic acids (polymer): large, complex molecules composed of C, O, H, N, and Phosphorus the monomer forming them is called a nucleotide

Section 4.3 Compounds of Life

Nucleotides are made of:

1. A special 5-carbon sugar 2. A phosphate group 3. A nitrogenous base Fig. 4-23, page 76

Section 4.3 Compounds of Life

Two types of Nucleic Acids:

1. RNA (ribonucleic acid) - contain the sugar ribose 2. DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) - contain the sugar deoxyribose Neither are strongly acidic

Why? Acids that have C are usually not strong

Function: to store and transmit the

genetic information for life itself

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