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By Ms. Youngs 2012-2013 Second Grade Class

Valleys By JT and JW

A valley is a landform. Some valleys are below sea level. Some valleys are close to mountains. Some valleys have rivers that lead to oceans. Valleys can be hot or cold. Valleys look like giant holes in the ground. Valleys have snakes, squirrels, rabbits, spiders and ticks. Valleys are very important.

Caves By CW and BM Caves are landforms. A cave is a hole in a cliff, mountain or hill. Lots of animals can live in caves. Millipedes, worms, bats, spiders and eyeless shrimp could live in caves. Some people explore caves. Going in a cave can sometimes be dangerous. Caves are dark and could crumble or collapse. Caves are very interesting to learn about.

Plateaus By BGM and ET This is about plateaus. A Plateau is a type of landform. Plants grow on Plateaus so do animals like Bobcats. People live on Plateaus too. A Plateau can be short or tall like a Mountain. They can also be at edges of water. It can be rainy, sunny, or dry on Plateaus. A Plateau is formed by flowing lava.

Volcanoes by JR and LR Volcanoes are one of the landforms you can find on the earth. Different rocks are melted and it is called magma. Volcanoes change the land both quickly and slowly. A volcano can be called two different things. Lava can destroy certain things. Mount St. Helens is a volcano. A volcano explodes with hot lava. Different kinds of plants live near volcanos. The weather can be different depending on the volcano. Can volcanoes form islands? Yes, but there has to be a mini island already there.

Oceans By EN and CG Oceans are a type of landform. An ocean is the largest body of water in the world. The Pacific is the largest ocean. The ocean is cold because there are icebergs. Oceans have salt water. Living things that can be found in an ocean are sharks, jelly fish, whales, dolphins, manta rays and seaweed. There are many more living things as well. Oceans take up the largest amount of space in the world. Oceans are a very important land form.

Islands are a type of landform. Every island is surrounded by water. Volcanos form islands with magma and when it dries, it forms land. There are two types of islands oceanic and continental . An Island is smaller than a continent. One Island on the east coast of Hawaii has black sand because of volcanos. Some living things you will find will be crabs, trees, sharks, insects, snakes, frogs, people, and mammals. The weather can be anything, but it can be very stormy. ACC & MFN

Canyons A Canyon is a type of landform. A Canyon is a valley between cliffs. The Grand Canyon is super big! The Grand Canyon River runs between Colorado and Arizona. Kangaroos, trees, bugs, Antelopes, birds, and fish live on different canyons. The weather depends on where it is. How does a canyon form? It forms by rocks and water braking! A Canyon is a type of landform. MC and JN

Mountains By: HH and JBW Mountains are one type of landform. Mountains form by plates pushing together. Mountains are even In Hawaii. Some of the Great Plains are next to Mountains. Rivers go through Mountains. Mountains are the tallest landforms. Glaciers can form mountains. Some living things you can find on mountains are lamas, yacks, and some flowers. The temperature is cold at the top and warmer at the bottom. Not all mountains are the same size.

Deserts By BP and RM

A desert is a landform. A desert is a dry and sandy piece of land. It is very hot in a desert, so not many people live there. Camels are one animal that lives in the desert. A cactus also lives in the desert. It stores water from the ground and keeps it inside so it can live in the hot desert. In Egypt, there are very old pyramids in the desert, and some people come to visit them. There are deserts in the United States too! Deserts are hot and dry landforms.

Rivers By BW and IC Rivers are a type of landform. Rivers start out like little drops of water. A river is a big stream of water. Waters from six countries in South America drain into the Amazon. The Mississippi is 2,530 miles long. The weather can be hot or cold near a river. Bears and other animals live near rivers. Trees and flowers grow near rivers too. Some snakes live in a river! People can live by rivers too also get water for food and crops. Rivers are a very helpful landform!

Peninsulas By RC and GP Large glaciers form some peninsulas. Other peninsulas are formed by volcanoes. A peninsula is a piece of land that has water on three sides. Florida sits on a plateau and is under for years. The word peninsula comes from Latin. Alligators, snakes, and sharks live in Florida and other peninsulas.

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