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Behavior Plan

1st Offense:
2nd Offense:
3rd Offense:
4th Offense:

Verbal warning and explanation of why the behavior is unacceptable.

Alternate placement of student in a neighboring classroom.
Phone call home along with a teachers detention.
Deans referral.

Keeping track of offenses

I keep a clipboard with all of the class rosters. If a student keeps repeating an
offense throughout different days, these offenses will be recorded on the
clipboard. Once the student reaches 3 offenses, he/she will be required to serve a
10 minute teachers detention in order to discuss how we can go about fixing any
problems he/she might be encountering.
Dealing with electronics
If a student is using his/her electronics at an inappropriate time, I will just walk
by and confiscate them for the remaining of the class period rather than warning
them. They get used to this as they spend more time in the classroom.
Positive Feedback
If the students are constantly following the rules and improving, I make it a goal
to call home on behalf of at least 5 students at the end of the week to let their
parents/guardians know how well they are doing.
If the parents/guardians are not easy to contact through phone, the following note
will be sent home.

Dear Parent/Guardian,
________________________ is a pleasure to have in class!
Keep up the good work!
Lourdes Altamirano

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