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1. El siguiente texto tiene todas las comas necesarias pero no tiene ningún punto ni

mayúscula. Ponlos donde corresponda.

the ancient egyptians were probably the first people to keep cats, but they did not keep

them as pets the cat was a god in ancient egypt, or, more correctly, a goddess it is an

interesting fact that people usually refer to cats as female a male cat gets a special name

to show that he is not female he is a “tomcat” in the english language, a woman is called

a “cat” if she says unkind things about other women, but we do not call a man a “cat” if

he says unkind things about other men if a man is not very nice, we call him a “dog” or

a “rat”

2. El siguiente texto tiene todos los puntos y mayúsculas pero no tiene ninguna

coma. Pon comas donde creas conveniente.

Elephants are very large animals. They are wild animals like lions but in parts of Asia

people use them to pull heavy loads. They like to move about in herds. The elephant

eats plants unlike the lion which eats meat. Ancient peoples in Asia and Africa used

elephants in their wars but the elephants often got excited and attacked both their

friends and enemies. In battle the elephant was therefore not a very safe weapon.

3. El siguiente párrafo no tiene puntos, mayúsculas o comas. En su lugar, se han

usado barras para indicar dónde van los puntos y las comas. Puntúa el párrafo y

pon las mayúsculas.

cats are independent animals/ dogs/ however/ are not/ dogs generally like to be part of

the family/ while cats like to keep some secrets of their own/ domestic cats still have a

lot in common with their bigger sisters/ the lion and the tiger/ but most domestic dogs

do not have much in common with their wild relative/ the wolf/ in ancient times/ the cat

was a goddess/ but the dog was a worker/ protecting sheep and the home/

4. Este párrafo no tiene ningún signo de puntuación o mayúsculas. Ponlos donde


at a time people were travelling every day from our village to the big city they did this

because there was no work for them in the village but most people could find some kind

of work in the city i remember very clearly the day when i first went to the city to look

for a job i tried to look brave but inside me i was feeling pretty nervous i walked

through the city all day going to many places i tried shops hotel factories a government

office the bus station and the railway station but there were no jobs I was unlucky that


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