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H igher Business Management

The Balance Sheet

Using the information below draw up the Balance Sheet for each Sole Trader as at 28
February 2009

M Smith £

Capital employed 100000

Net Profit 11500
Premises 45000
Goodwill 30000
Deliver Van 15000
Debtors 23000
Stock 17000
Cash 13000
Creditors 14500
Long term Bank Loan 17000

E Windsor £

Capital employed 150000

Premises 75000
Goodwill 40000
Deliver Van 25000
Debtors 53000
Stock 67000
Cash 33000
Creditors 16500
Long term Bank Loan 57000

Produce the balance sheet for E Windsor and calculate the Net Profit in the “Financed
by” section.

T Jones £

Net Profit 45000

Premises 230000
Goodwill 120000
Deliver Vans 165000
Debtors 63000
Stock 167000
Cash 83000
Creditors 136500
Mortgage 257000

Produce the balance sheet for T Jones and calculate the capital employed in the
“financed by” section.

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