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Homeopathic medicines Cimicifuga, Homeopathic medicines Cimicifuga, Lachnanthes, Guaiacum, Paris Quadrifolia, RhusTox and Bryonia are very

effective in treating cervical spondylosis. As you have mentioned feeling of numbness in the fingers as one of your symptoms, you may start your treatment with Paris Quadrifolia 200, one dose every alternate day for a period of one month. You should also take care of other factors that affect cervical spondylosis. Avoid high-impact exercise (running and jumping). Maintain the necks Range of Motion (ROM) with daily ROM exercise. Avoid holding the head in any position for long periods of time (e.g. driving, watching TV). Avoid prolonged neck extension. Be careful when performing physical activities that are done infrequently. Such activities can aggravate the problem. Try postural training, it tan prove very beneficial.

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