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Term 1 Maths Evaluations 2D Shapes Week 5 Students were introduced to 2D shapes and were encouraged to name and recognise

them. Students seemed to enjoy making houses from wooden shapes and discussing the shapes and patterns they were using. The What am I game seemed to be a challenging game at first but students seemed interested in playing. The What am I game was revisited. Students were now developing skills and mathematical language related to space and geometry. Students were eager to complete the dot to dot activity (joining shapes) and recognising their features. 2A also discussed tessellation. Most students are able to recognise 2D shapes that tessellate. Students used geometric boards to make 2D shapes. All students in 2A were very engaged in this task and practiced making several shapes. Lukas and Tayyabah constructed a pentagon and realised that it has a square and a triangle inside it. This was shared during class reflection and prompted students to recognise other shapes that have the same pattern. Mahmoud made different types of triangles and this was then discussed with the class. This activity was definitely very rewarding. Students explored 2D shapes and explored shapes that can be found within regular shapes. Students discovered that two semi circles make up one circle, two squares can form a rectangle, and a square and a triangle form a pentagon. This was very exciting for students, as they were responsible for their learning. Students constructed 2D shapes using paddle pop sticks and blu tack. 2A revisited properties of 2D shapes. All students were actively involved. Elhaam and Mahmoud constructed a triangular prism using paddle pop sticks. I then followed up from this activity.

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

Week 11

Students discussed names and properties of 3D shapes on the interactive whiteboard. Students were eager to recognise 3D and 2D shapes in the environment. This was a 4 day school week, due to the Easter public holidays. 2A revisited 3D shapes and contrasted them to 2D shapes. This activity will need to be revisited, as some students are distinguishing between prisms and pyramids. Students discussed properties of a rhombus and a trapezium. In pairs, students discussed their properties and sketched their shapes. Students seemed eager to work with their partner and sketch their answers on whiteboards. Students were also introduced to shape symmetry. Students explored symmetrical shapes. Some students were challenged to investigate which letters of the alphabet were symmetrical. Students were excited to draw their letter and cut it in half. Students developed mathematical language, shape awareness, knowledge of vertical and horizontal lines and a better understanding of symmetry. This was a 4 day school week, due to the Easter public holidays. 2A revisited the names and properties of 3D and 2D shapes. Students demonstrated their representations by sketching these shapes on geometric paper. In addition to shapes, a few students seemed to enjoy investigating lines of symmetry in shapes and within letters of the alphabet. 2A developed a better understanding of lines of symmetry in 2D shapes. Students were eager to check their drawings by cutting a piece of paper and matching the two. Most students were able to identify that lines of symmetry can occur in more than one direction. Week 11 is also a revision and post assessment week. Students were given a post test on space and geometry for Term 1.

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