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Discovery Engagement in ERP implementation is the process of capturing the current Business and IT process flows, making sense

of the captured data using the best possible tools and identifying the areas of improvement where Business and IT ecosystem can further align to generate maximum value such as improved business efficiency, quicker ROI of IT etc. In any organization when an ERP is implemented there are instances where some business processes were not mapped correctly to ERP functionalities or unnecessary customizations of the ERP were created to support one. This happens due to reasons such as having local view of processes rather than a global one, poor business analysis and poor understanding of the ERP system at a global organization level. This is where Discovery Engagement comes to play by transforming organizational process flows that is accepted by the organization as standard; streamlining inter-departmental activities resulting in improving the efficiency of the organization. Discovery Engagement however can either be a complete success or a complete failure. Lack of understanding the outcome of a discovery process, faulty methodology or that of the perceived value itself can easily result in the failure of the Discovery Engagement. The paper will discuss Discovery Engagement as applied to implementation of ERP applications and as perceived by the party (provider) performing the Discovery process for its client (organization). The objective of the paper would be to provide recommendations based on from the trenches experiences for an efficient Discovery Engagement Methodology.

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