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Is the a response of the body to a decease in circulating blood volume.

Symptoms of Shock An extremely low blood pressure Feeling weak or nauseous Chest pain Fast but weak pulse Profuse sweating Dizziness, faintness or light-headedness Moist, clammy skin Unconsciousness Rapid, shallow breathing Feeling anxious, agitated or confused Blue lips and fingernails

Preventive Measures Have the blood ready it may be needed. Accurately measure the blood loss and monitor the intake and output. Monitor vital signs.

It is a copious escape blood from the blood vessel. CLINICAL MENIFESTATION

Restlessness Cool and moist skin BP Pulse rate Increase respiration Cardiac output

Monitor vital signs Have available blood always Inspect the surgical area for bleeding Increase IVF

Can occur in pelvic veins. It depends on complexity of the surgery. Common in hip surgery, general thoracic and abdominal surgery. Causes Injury Venous stasis Polycythemia (increase total cell mass of the blood)

Hydrate the patient adequately. Encourage leg exercise and ambulate the patient. Avoid prolong sitting and standing. Initiate anticoagulant therapy.

- An infection that affects the respiratory tract CLINICAL MANIFESTATION Dyspnea Chest pain Cyanosis Tachycardia B.P

Detect early signs and symptoms of breathing difficulties Administer oxygen Encourage the patient to cough to bring out the mucous secretion

is the inability to empty the bladder. The cause is thought to be a spasm of the bladder sphincter. CLINICAL MANIFESTATION Inability to void Passing of small amount of urine Lower abdominal discomfort

Provide privacy Assist patient in voiding Catheterization

Invasion of micro-organisms into the wound, which lead to delayed wound healing.

NURSING INTERVENTION Keep the dressing intact Use strict sterile technique Monitor the amount,type and location of drainage

Antibiotics is given to treat infection

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