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LESSONPLAN Name Emma Yankovich DateMarch 27-April 2 Grade: Art II LessonLength(time) 2:20-3:07 Ink and WatercolorProject MaterialsNeeded: Tracing

paper, watercolor paper, a reference photo/picture, layout pencil, sharpie fine point marker, watercolors, paintbrush. LessonAim:To teach the students the importance of color techniques, and color combinations through the use of watercolor. For the students to practice using color in a simple, yet effective way. StudentLearningObjective: Students will learn... -To experiment color combinations, and watercolor techniques -To block out back shapes when tracing over the original image. Introduction : Use the Scholastic Art magazine to discuss Franc Marc- a 20th century artist who abstracted landscapes and still life into geometric shapes and used bright, vibrant colors to create a much more interesting image. I will then demonstrate how to use watercolor paints effectively: Do NOT mix the colors in the palette- this will change the colors and make it difficult to find the right color you are looking for. If you wish to mix the colors, dip your wet brush into the paint and then deposit the paint on to a separate palette (use the lid, or a plate for example). OR you can mix the colors by layering the colors on top of each other while the paper is still wet- the colors will mix on the wet surface. LessonContent:I will demo the steps for the project1) Find an image and place the tracing paper on top of the image, then use a layout pencil to trace the image, without getting too detailed. 2) After the image has been traced, transfer the image to the watercolor paper by flipping the tracing paper over with the drawing side down on top of the w/c paper. Then take the layout pencil and trace back over the traced image- the pressure from the pencil will transfer the graphite over on to the paper. 3) Next the student will use the thin, fine point Sharpie to ink the drawing, adding any details along the way as desired. PLEASE use the Sharpie brand marker, as Pilot ball point pen will bleed and affect the watercolor- unless this bleeding effect is desired, use the Sharpie. 4) The student will then paint on the image using the watercolor paints. Students will be encouraged to gradate the watercolor pigments from light to dark using varying amounts of water to paint/pigment.

Terminology: Watercolor- Water soluble pigments used to create art; can be in the form of paint or watercolor pencils. Complimentary colors- Colors that compliment, or contrast with each otheralways located opposite of each other on the color wheel. Example: Red and Green, Blue and Orange, Yellow and Purple. Primary colors- Pure colors that cannot be created by mixing other colors: Blue Red and Yellow Secondary colors- Colors that are created by mixing the primary colors. Example: Red+Blue= Purple. Yellow+Red= Orange. Yellow + Blue= Green. Hue- The variation of intensity of a certain color. Ex: Light yellow, dark yellow, bright yellow, dull yellow etc. Gradation- The transition from light to dark or dark to light. Project: The students will follow the steps as stated to create a project. The finished product should show proper use of the materials. The watercolors should be used to create a multitude of different colors and shades to create an interesting image. Checkfor Understanding:The students execution of the techniques taught in class will determine the students understand of the project.

Self Evaluation:

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