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Avaliao 6 ano 1) Escreva abaixo os Cardinal Points(Norte, Sul, Leste e Oeste):

2) Cite dois Intermediate Points:

3) Observe o mapa e responda as questes abaixo

a) Is Rio de Janeiro in the West or southeast?

b) Is Bahia in the northeast or north?

c) Is Rio Grande do Sul in the south or southwest?

d) Is Fortaleza in the northwest or northeast ?

4) Complete com a forma correta do verbo to be(am, is, are): a) I b) She c) He d) They a teacher. a dentist. a vet. students. doctors.

e) Marha and Joana f) The bus green.

g) Mary and I h) The cars

students. blacks.

5) Passe para ingls as palavras abaixo: a) Lpis: b) Caderno: c) Mapa: d) Calculadora: e) Rgua:

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