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Week 1 of Growth and Division 1816-1832 Day 1

Topic: Review quiz on early days of the Constitution, Federalists/Republicans and first elections, Jeffersons presidency Material Covered/Instructional Delivery: The primary focus of today is for students to reach the point of assessment for a majority of Chapter Six within the textbook. This chapters timeline occurs from 1789, the ratification of the US Constitution to the very end of the War of 1812 and a few years beyond, 1816. For the purpose of this quiz, only the material up to the War of 1812 will be covered. We will hold a small review session to answer any questions students might have regarding the content. We will start by assessing what students already know and what they may have questions about. The quiz will dominate most of class time so this exercise will be brief. Students are to have completed study guide worksheets, which are common for each section of the textbook. Further questions from these worksheets will be answered. Students are also allowed to give input on questions brought up. After a few moments of review the class will begin the quiz. Once the quiz is completed students are to work on something quietly until the bell has rung. Assessment: The greatest portion of assessment comes from the quiz however some assessment will be applied at the beginning of the class, as was mentioned before to further answer any last minute questions students may have regarding the chapter. The quiz will be mostly fill in the blank or true false. Students are not allowed to use any resources and must remain seated quietly finding other work to do.

Day 2
Topic: The War of 1812 Material Covered/Instructional Delivery: This day will be devoted to learning about the causes, happenings, and effects of the War of 1812. We will begin by using a PowerPoint on the topic. The PowerPoint starts with discussing the major events leading up to the war. These include U.S. shipping being harassed by the French and British navies. Impressment of American sailors was another issue. These led to enactment of the Embargo Act of 1807. Jefferson did this to avoid war, and hoped that its effect would harm the French and British economies enough to leave American ships at peace.

Jefferson wanted to remain neutral. However, this tactic failed miserably, and the U.S. economy suffered. At this point, we will show a political cartoon (the famous Ograbme cartoon of the time). Students will be given a worksheet that will help them analyze, in groups, the meaning of this cartoon. We jump back into the PowerPoint, and bring in James Madison as President. Madison played a key role in moving towards the war. He enacted the Non-Intercourse Act of 1808. This forbade trade with the French and British; however, it allowed the President to lift the restriction when he chose to. We then mention the War Hawks, who were southern congressmen shouting for war. The trade restrictions hurt the southern and western farmers. The western frontiersmen blamed the British for clashes with Native Americans. We then step back from the PowerPoint and do another political cartoon analysis. This cartoon shows a plump British soldier giving a stereotypical Indian guns in return for American scalps. The same worksheet will be used. We then discuss the benefits and drawbacks of going to war with the British. After this, we cover some of the key battles of the war. These include the Battle of York, the Battle over Lake Erie, and we talk about the British blockades of the eastern ports. These blockades infuriate the northeasterners about the war even further. We then discuss the Burning of Washington, and bring in a mention about Francis Scott Key and the StarSpangled Banner. After this, we bring the war to an end with the Treaty of Ghent. We mention how the war ended in a stalemate, with neither side losing or gaining any territory. Next, we talk about the Battle of New Orleans. It was fought after the Treaty of Ghent. This battle made Andrew Jackson a national hero. Lastly, we discuss why the War of 1812 was significant. It gave the U.S. a national identity. We were able to hold our own against the mighty Brits. We also thought about continuing westward expansion. Now that our bad feelings were ended with the British, we could focus on moving west through the Indians without having to worry about the British. Lastly, the War of 1812 made Andrew Jackson a national hero who would be a major player in U.S. politics for years to come. Assessment Students will have a study guide passed out to them that they are to fill out as the lesson goes on. It is mostly filling in the blank from the PowerPoint slides and should not be too difficult for them to complete. The political cartoon worksheet will be graded for participation. Also, an exit slip will be used. This could either be a Muddiest Point where students write down which idea was most unclear. It could also be used to ask a question about the lesson. Such as: What were 2 events leading to the War of 1812?

Day 3
Topic: Chapter 7, Section 1: Balancing Nationalism and Sectionalism

Material Covered/Instructional Delivery: We would begin by reviewing the results of the War of 1812 that we covered the previous day and present the effects it had on the country. Discuss the Era of Good Feelings again. This would become the roots for the first section of Chapter 7, Balancing Nationalism and Sectionalism. We would review some of the causes of the War of 1812 and what some of the weaknesses were that brought the country to point of war in the first place. Following this intro we dive into the Industrial Revolution in England. Following a powerpoint, we cover the invention of several key innovations during the late 18th and early 19th Centuries including Hydro-electric power, mass production and the key principles of industrialization; better living, better technology. Preluding into the US we discuss the key resources harvested such as coal and iron. Talk about former US dependence on England for trade and its blockage during the war bringing a need for American industrial growth. Production of textiles and other goods, building of American factories in early 1800s. President Madison unveiling the American System of division of manufacturing between North and South will allude to specification of industries within the US today. Go back to improvements in production (cotton gin) and transportation (canals and National Road). This part of the lesson will wrap up by discussion some of the innovations of what makes the US an industrial power today. Students will provide feedback to this question. Assessment: The assessment will occur at different parts of the lesson. The first portion of assessment will happen at the beginning during the review of the War of 1812. Students will retell what happened. The next assessment will come throughout the main portion of the presentation as students answer questions related to current issues similar in nature to industrialization during the early 1800s. The final assessment comes in the form of a study guide for Section 1. The worksheet has key terms defined during the lesson but also available within the textbook. It also includes critical thinking questions that can be answered within the book. This study guide is theirs to keep in preparation for the chapter exam.

Day 4
Topic: Chapter 7, Section 2: Early Industry, Nationalism and Sectionalism Material Covered/Instructional Delivery: Once again class will begin by rehashing ideas brought up the previous day. We will recount the beginning of industrialization during the start of the 1800s and the new ideas that needed to be accounted for by the US government. This leads into a discussion of the Supreme Court, specifically the laws passed under Chief Justice John Marshall. Again a powerpoint will be followed to visualize discussion. These court rulings include Gibbons v. Ogden, pertaining to

federal control over interstate commerce. This will connect to modern examples such as air traffic, television and radio, and shipping. Another case, McCulloch v. Maryland will discuss power of National Bank. Issues of national treaties will be next on the agenda with the introduction of the Rush-Bagot Treaty (1817), the Adams-Onis Treaty Treaty (1819) and the Monroe Doctrine (1823). We will identify the nature and meanings of these treaties and what they meant for the identity of the US during this time. Following this other modern examples of US influence and identity will be approached including recent wars, trade, immigration etc. This will lead us back to western expansion and the struggle of state representation/slavery as exemplified by the Missouri Compromise (1820). Assessment: Again assessment will persist throughout the lesson with connections to modern examples of topics discussed. Students are to fill in these blanks through questioning and reasoning. There is another study guide with key terms needed to be defined as well as a chart of important legislation of the Supreme court in which students will need to define decisions and meanings. The final portion of this exercise will be short answer critical thinking questions. Students are to keep this to prepare for the exam.

Day 5
Topic: The John Quincy Adams presidency and the Election of 1824 Material Covered/Instructional Delivery: Returning to where we left off we will begin by discussing the US treaties and court decisions of the previous day. The main idea of today is the growing sectionalism caused by the Missouri Compromise (1820) and the growing questions of elections. Class will discuss the outlines of the Missouri Compromise and what they mean for the nation, including the slavery issue. Visual images representing the state divide will show how southern states benefited from this compromise and brought new tensions with non-slave and slave states alike. This will be the basis for jumping into first the Election of 1824 and then ending with the Election of 1828. An in-depth look at the candidates for the Election of 1824, the favorite sons all of whom were Republican and from different states. Following an introduction of each candidate, a brief overview of the election system will take place defining popular and majority votes, the Electoral College and the possible scenarios that could play out, such as a close election. Jumping back into the election we will cover Henry Clays determining factor as Speaker of the House and his support for John Quincy Adams which ultimately tipped the scales out of Andrew Jacksons win of the popular vote. A brief overview of Adams policies will conclude with his ultimate inability to complete much action and a parallel into the Election of 1824. Assessment:

This will be the final assessment for this chapter. It is a study guide complete with questions from every section. It is entirely short answer with page numbers for students to find the answers in the textbook. It will be due the beginning of class the first day of the week for a grade. They will eventually be handed back in preparation for the test.

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