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AVALANCHES What- An avalanche is any amount of snow sliding off a slope of a mountain.

And even the smallest of avanches are dangerous as they gain speed falling down the the slope.There are 2 main types of avalanches 1 called a surface and the other called a full-depth avalanche. A surface avalanches is when a layer of snow slides upon another type of snow which causes a different reaction to what a full-depth avalanche does as it takes a whole layer of snow and it falls to the ground. Why- There are many causes of how a avalanche starts and funnily enough screaming or shouting is not one of them. One way of the causes of an avalanche is when the snow is really packed and the mountain cannot take its weight. Another way of causing an avalanche is walking, driving, animals and other ways of getting on to the ice. The main causes of an avalanche is major wing speed, rapid wind speed and man-made influences for example a chair lift on the mountain. Cable cars Powerful ones can knock down rock, houses, trees and other materials. The most disasterous avalanche int he last deacade is avalanche in Republic of North Ossetia, Caucasus. A 20-million-ton avalanche from Mt. Kazbek kills 150 people, including emerging Russian movie star and director Sergei Bodrov Jr., and members of his location filming crew. A recent avalanche is the 2010 Salang Avalanche. This had 36 simultaneous avalanches that burried 2000 people and killed 172. Fluffy, white snow might look harmless, but can actually be harmful Some people can avalanches snow slides

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