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Carolina Vergara

Fitness Plan
*See appendix for clarification on work-outs and definitions.

Goals: -Improve agility, reaction time, and speed (for soccer). -Be able to run 5 miles straight. -Decrease the time I take to run a mile.

Schedule: Monday: -BSII warm-up (MP) (F) (A) (P) -30-45 minutes of cardio following the Nike Training App (C) -15 minutes of target specific areas following the Nike Training App (BC)

Tuesday (YMCA): -BSI warm-up (F) (B) -20 minutes jogging on the treadmill (S) (Sp) -10 minutes on the bike (S) (ME) -10 Elliptical (MS) (ME)

Thursday: -BSI warm-up - 2 mile jog outdoors (ME) (MS) Friday: -BSII warm-up -BSI warm up

Sunday -Soccer game (B) (A)

My Activities -Indoor soccer game every Sunday

Heart Rate Zones For this workout plan, I plan to be in the Aerobic and Anaerobic zone. This will mean that heart will be beating about 152-179 beats per minute. In the Aerobic zone I will be able to increase my cardio-respiratory capacity and also my muscle strength. As an athlete, it is essential that Im always improving those areas. In the Anaerobic Zone, I will be increasing my bodys lactate threshold. This will ultimately improve my performance.

Importance of a proper warm up and cool down As an athlete it is essential that I have a proper warm up and cool down. Before working out, my muscles are very stiff so warming up reduces the stiffness. The warms up that I complete usually get me ready for a soccer game since they have movements that I would do in a soccer game. These warm ups improve my performance and most importantly, they help me to stay healthy and not get a muscle related injury. Warming up also increases my blood circulation and facilitates oxygen utilization. Cool downs are also very important because they get my muscles

relaxed and increase the muscles range of mobility. It also gets lactic acid out of my body and reduces my soreness. For me, both a warm up and a cool down are crucial every time I exercise.


Before Soccer I (BSI):

-Butterfly -One foot in, one foot out -Standing quad stretch -Two leg hamstring stretch -Spread eagle stretch -Shoulder stretch -Lower back stretch -Calf stretch

Before Soccer II (BSII):

-Side to side -Circles with arms (forward and backward) -Swing each leg -Karaoke - On toes and on heels -Calf stretch -Sprint -Lunges

Nike Training App (30 min workout) Each one lasts from .5-2 minutes. -Light jog -High knee runs -Recover -Push ups -Plank Walks -Burpee -Squat Jumps -Side lunge -Single leg deadlight -Broad jumps -Plank -High Knee runs -Burpee -Russian twists -Forward lunge -Ski jump -Squat jumps -Froggers -Mountain climbers -Froggers -Push ups -Standing Hamstring stretch -Pretzel stretch -Lower back stretch

Important vocabulary -Movement Prep (MP) -Muscular Endurance (ME) -Muscular Strength (MS) -Cardio respiratory (C) -Body Composition (BC) -Flexibility (F) -Agility (A) -Coordination (Co) -Reaction Time (RT) -Power (P) -Balance (B) -Strength (S) -Speed (Sp)

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