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Taxila Business School

The PGDM party

I mean social side
Long overdue but as promised, here is my post about the social side of the PGDM program. As Ive somewhat mentioned before, the work load is fairly intense. However, in loading up a bunch of individuals with that much stress/work the inevitable happens.we go to the other extreme and have a lot of fun to compensate. I am quite lucky as my cohort seems to be on the same page and we all love going out and having a good time. Another great aspect is the whole process of electing a social chair from within the cohort who organizes different events but as they say a picture is worth a thousand words.

And here we have a birthday celebration not that we need any excuse to go out anymore. As you will undoubtedly hear from several people, admission officers, etcthe people you meet on your cohort will turn into lifelong friends and with this being a two years course I just kind of brushed it aside, I mean how well can you really get to know someone within a year or two, especially if you are only with them for a few days a week?

It takes a lot to admit Im wrong and on this I was completely wrong and I am so glad I was. I have only been in the course for few months now and we voluntarily spend a lot of time with each other and the majority of it isnt school related. I already know some of the people that are in my class are going to be lifelong friends of mine and to me that is priceless...!

I think the social side of an PGDM is often overlooked since people view PGDMs as super competitive but luckily the one that imperial cultivates and values teamwork more. Dont get me wrong, we still push and challenge each other in class but you would struggle to find someone that wouldnt offer to help you with anything you asked.

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