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CONTENT Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan Falsafah Pendidikan Guru Learners Guide Introduction Allocation of Topics

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Topic 1: Introduction to grammar 1.0 1.1 1.2 Synopsis Learning Outcomes Framework of Topics 1.2.1 Meanings and definition of grammar 1.2.2 Fluency versus accuracy 1.2.3 Grammar for young learners 1.2.4 The place of grammar in the primary ESL classroom Topic 2: Approaches in the teaching of grammar 2.0 2.1 2.2 Synopsis Learning Outcomes Framework of Topics 2.2.1 Descriptive vs. prescriptive grammar 2.2.2 Covert and overt approaches 2.2.3 Grammar in isolation vs. grammar in context 2.2.4 Meaning, Use, Form (MUF) framework 2.2.5 Integration with the teaching of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing skills 2.2.6 Issues in grammar teaching


10 - 18

Topic 3: Grammar in the Malaysian Primary School English Language Curriculum

19 - 28

3.1 3.2

Synopsis Learning Outcomes Framework of Topics 3.2.1 Objectives 3.2.2 Language Content 3.2.3 Activities

Topic 4: Techniques for teaching grammar 4.0 4.1 4.2 Synopsis Learning Outcomes Framework of Topics 4.2.1 Songs and Charts 4.2.2 Stories 4.2.3 Nursery Rhymes and Poems 4.2.4 Games 4.2.5 Puppets 4.2.6 Plays and dialogues Topic 5: Developing Activities and Resources for the teaching of grammar 5.0 5.1 5.2 Synopsis Learning Outcomes Framework of Topics 5.2.1 Types of activities 5.2.2 Selection of activities 5.2.3 Development of activities 5.2.4 Types of resources 5.2.5 Selection of resources 5.2.6 Development of resources Topic 6: Assessing Grammar 6.0 6.1 6.2 Synopsis Learning Outcomes Framework of Topics 6.2.1 Types of tests 6.2.2 Rules of writing tests 6.2.3 Developing of test items

29 - 48

49 - 62

63 - 70

Topic 7: Enrichment and remedial grammar activities 7.0 7.1 7.2 Synopsis Learning Outcomes Framework of Topics 7.1 Enrichment Activities 7.2 Remedial Activities Topic 8: Lesson planning for the teaching of: 8.1 Format 8.2 Objectives 8.3 Stages Topic 9: Simulated teaching 9.0 9.1 9.2 Synopsis Learning Outcomes Framework of Topics Grammar in isolation Grammar in context

71 - 79

80 - 95

96 - 99

Bibliography Panel of Writers Module Icons

100 - 101 102 - 103 104 - 105

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