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Character sheet Name: Alyx Nickname: None Gender: Male Age: 19 Hair: Short red Species: Full Human-

American Qualities: Outgoing, charming, funny, Flaws: Childish, uncaring, short tempered Usual mood: Happy Intelligence: Quick-witted, great at solving things and finding information Talents: Knows how to play a lot of different instruments, knows a lot about the human atanomy and killing Specialised knowledge: Great at solving riddles and puzzles Bad habits: Sticking his tongue out, snapping at people Occupation: Waiter Marital status: Single Religion: Atheist Favourite: *music: About any *singer/band/composer: None *book: None *author: None *food: Fries *drink: Soda *movie: Unknown *soundtrack: Unknown *colour: Green *quote: "No matter how much time passes, I'll never forget you." -Unknown Family: Deceased little sister- Alice Things he/she loves: Video games, stray animals, Things he/she hates: Riddles/puzzles, torture,

Things that scare him/her: Screaming Things that embarrass him/her: Unknown Past Story: Alyx was born into a royal family, he is a Prince and the next in throne, he had a little sister named Alice but she was kidnapped. The kidnapper left clues and riddles everywhere leading to her, Alyx followed, answered, and completed all the riddles he left. When he had reached the last clue that lead to her sister the kidnapped looked him up and kept them in seperated rooms and continued torturing them. The only way he knew Alice was alive was from the screams she let out during torture. They ended up escaping but a week later Alice killed herself. Alyx slowly feel into insanity as everyone else pretended nothing was wrong and one day he snapped and killed the cook. Afterwards he went on a rampage and killed many other people. One day he had cornered a little girl and was about to kill her when he realized what he was doing was nothing better then the kidnapper. So he stopped, and since he's royalty he was not punished. *Extra: His natural hair color is blonde, but he dyed it red in memory of his sister, and a reminder of all the lives he took.

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