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® ® Amelia Lo Dow What ofe. the. two mojot groups of prakar ‘yotes? The domain Archaea andthe domain. Bacteria, How ore Gram-positive ancl Gram=negative different? Gram=pasitive bacteria have a thick layer of peptidoglycan and na outer membrane, Gram-negative boeteria have a thin layer of peptidoglycan and have an outer membrane. Hav) can bacteria be grovped by energy source? Photooutetrophs get their energy trom Sunlight Hhrough photasyothesis. Chemooutetrophs get thelc energy From _taveganic sources Heteratropts get their energy from other Organisms. What ore thee. WwoyS that bacteria reproduce and _ odaptt. Binory Fission, genetic recombination and \€ndospore Formation, Why is a virus not considered a. hining organism? Connect Cepraduc? on i+$ own, does act gro, does ast scarey out ony metabolic activity, does not have cytoplasm or jorganedles and does net Maintain homeostasis. What 4u0 structures are chacacteristic of vinvses? They all have qusleic acid aad a capsid, What are too ivays that a Views can reproduce ? Lytic cycle and lysogenic cycle, What are viroids and prions? They are molecules thet ore able to reproduce and couse disease. What are three important rales o bacteria ate viruses? Praducing oxygen (bacteria), Jinportant ta tadustries, important ia genetic research, used in gene therapy Wiuused), What ave the steps described in Kacht postulates? Findiog ond iscloting +he pathogen, growing +he padhosen, infecting a healthy animal and then iSolating +he same pathogen. What are two Woys that bacteria cause disease? Pradusing toxins and by destroying body Wssues(with eazymes), How does ontibichc resistance develop? Seasitipe populations are Killed, resistant bacten'n thrive, Why are viral diseases lifficulr to cuce? bis difFicuH to Welop 0 dug thot kills the virus without hoveming +he living host becouse vicuses cater host cells +a ceproduet, Whot are fone woys thot a disease can emerge? Newly Fecogaised infeetious diseases +hot have Spread to a Pew orem or a ew host} can mutate, environmental Shanges, frequent use of antibiotics feSUlHing in anti bigtiS resistant pathegeas and global travel! of humans,

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