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Teachers Involved in Professional


Tina Julie Stephen Supported by facilitator.
 Staff use, student use and school policies prepared  Our computer network
iby the end of Term 2 2009.  Using hardware
DEVELOPMENT PLANS  School policy and student use agreements to be  Software: MS Office, Art and Photo
sent home for signing software
 Teachers setting personal ICT  Classroom teaching resource created by staff for  Planning our school web site – all
goals and evaluating own and use at beginning of year to educate students about teacher’s input/ideas
each other’s progress keeping safe online and school  Class & Student Blogs
expectations/consequences  Cluster supported activities – Lead
 Yearly teacher appraisal to
include ICT goals Teacher Days, Ulearn & Learning @
School conferences

Taonui School
ICT Strategic Plan 2009 - 2010 COMPUTER NETWORK
 Knowledge of Operating System – MAINTENANCE
files and folders, saving/opening  Monitor technical support costs V’s
CLASS ADMINISTRATION contract for network maintenance.
etc. Hardware & software skills
 The ability to integrate ICT into
 Include ICT goals and activities in unit plans and
the class programme
weekly work-plans
 A personal ICT Portfolio
 Increasing teacher use of the computer in planning
 Knowledge of the school wiki and and assessment
how to maintain own class page FURTHER DEVELOPMENT
 Curriculum Unit Plans accessible to staff in ‘Shared
and/or blog.
Teachers’ area of school wiki.
 Teachers contribute original templates to ‘Shared  Purchase Data Projector for Junior
Teachers’. Digital Camera photos in ‘Resources’ Room.
HARDWARE EVALUATION  All student reports written on computer  Purchase video camera and 1 digital
 Assessment recording and reporting on computer camera to replace old equipment.
 Ongoing evaluation of existing  Purchase 2 computers per year to
hardware to determine upgrading replace older machines (School
needed upgrade procedures)
 Discuss needs with BOT to SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION
decide a budget for hardware
purchase/upgrade  ICT Overview reviewed yearly by Principal and ICT
 Plan a strategy/purchase plan Lead Teacher.
based on findings  Use of SMS software/MUSAC – training needs.

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