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Assalamualaikum, now we will proceed to the first point. As we all know, AIDS is contagious. The HIV virus, the virus which causes AIDS is untreatable. People who have AIDS have an immense amount of possibility to spread the disease, especially when they mingle and mix around with the community. The worst case scenario is when a person doesnt know that he was infected by the HIV virus and he himself spread the virus. AIDS is one of the major threats to children. This because children have weak antibody and immune system. The likelihood of them to contract AIDS is higher than adults. For instance, this happened to a kindergarten in my neighbourhood. A boy with HIV positive was sent to the kindergarten. He came from an orphanage located near my house. The teachers found out that he has the disease after few weeks. He had scabies and bruises. The most noticeable hint that he has AIDS was that he has a weak antibody and immune system. He often fell sick; as a result, he frequently skipped school. The interesting thing was his guardian at the orphanage knew that he was a HIV positive. The teachers did what they need to do; they asked the orphanage to not send the boy again. They became angry and created a petition that said that they were being unfair to the boy. The case became huge within our neighbourhood. Later on, the orphanage decided to sue the kindergarten. Luckily, Kuantans Police Director was on the teachers side. After a few hearings, it was announced that the case sided with the teachers. For me personally, a person with AIDS should be isolated from the community. Imagine if we are the one who got infected by them. Thank you.

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