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French II

Madame Gauthier
Room 104 COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is designed to broaden students basic understanding of French language and culture. You will learn vocabulary related to hobbies and interests, family and home life, weather, and feelings and emotions. You will be required to actively participate during class to become proficient in speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills. Throughout the year you will also learn about French culture and history. REQUIRED TEXT Students are responsible for bringing their book to class every day. Bien Dit 1! Holt McDougal 2013. OBJECTIVES Communicate in French during class time with classmates and teacher. Expand basic vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structures. Process spoken French by listening to the teacher and native speakers and answering questions. Process written French by reading various texts and answering questions. Produce spoken French by participating in oral exercises with classmates and the teacher. Produce written French by completing in-class assignments, activities, and homework in the target language. Recognize and discuss cultural similarities and differences between countries. Compare and contrast historical events from similar time periods between French speaking countries and the United States.

REQUIRED TEXT Students are responsible for bringing their book to class every day. Discovering French Bleu. Valette et Valette. 1990.

GRADING The grade for each quarter will be determined by the assessments below. Grades are available on Power School no later than one week after the assignment is complete. Participation..30% Tests...30% Quizzes..15% Homework..15% Projects.10% PARTICIPATION You are required to participate in all classroom and group activities. You will earn up to 4 points for each class. Failure to participate or to follow classroom rules will result in a 0 for the day. In the event of an excused absence, you will be granted full credit for the day(s) of the absence(s).

Participation is a large part of the grade in this class. You are expected to participate in all activities. The activities are designed to facilitate learning in the four areas of language: speaking, writing, reading, and listening. Activities will include, but are not limited to: standing up and moving around, speaking with partners or in groups, singing songs, drawing, and playing games.

HOMEWORK Homework will be assigned and graded regularly and must be turned in on the day it is due. In the event of an excused absence, students will have until the following class to turn in their assignments. Late assignments will not be accepted; however, students may choose to complete a longer assignment to make up the points. Students are responsible for making arrangements with the teacher. QUIZZES All graded quizzes will be announced. Quizzes will be given approximately every week. In the event of an excused absence, you will have one week from their arrival back to school to make up the assignment. You are responsible for making the arrangements with the teacher. Note: The teacher reserves the right to give a modified version of the test when making up.

TESTS Each unit will be accompanied by a unit test. The tests will be announced at least one week prior to the exam. You are responsible for all of the information covered in class and in the text. In the event of an excused absence, you will have one week from their arrival back to school to make up the exam. Students are responsible for making arrangements with the teacher. Re-testing policy- Students who receive 60% or less on an exam have the option to re-take the exam and earn back half of the points they missed. Note: The teacher reserves the right to give a modified version of the test when making up or re-testing. PROJECTS You will be assigned projects of various lengths throughout the course. The projects will be explained in class in detail. The projects will be graded using the rubric that is provided. You will be given ample in-class preparation time as well as time in the library if necessary; however, you are responsible for finishing their projects outside of school if necessary. Late projects will not be accepted. In the event of an excused absence, students will have one day from their arrival back at school to turn in the completed project. CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR The classroom rules are a collaboration of the students and the teacher. Students are required to respect the rules of the classroom at all times. Failure to comply with the classroom rules will lead to loss of participation points and possible disciplinary action. Students are required to adhere to the school policies outlined in the Student Handbook at all times. Failure to comply with the school policies will lead to disciplinary action. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY Cheating will result in a 0 on the assignment. The student will also be referred for disciplinary action. In this class cheating is defined as, but not limited to the following: Copying from a classmate during a test. Copying from a classmate on an assignmentunless given permission to work in groups. Copying text from the internet, books, or any other written source. Using an internet translatorI will be able to tell. Not giving proper credit to sources (books, websites, etc.)

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