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Parts of Speech

Noun A noun is a word that names a person, place, or thing Personastronaut Place- store thing-dog

Adjective An adjective describes a noun. It can tell how many, and it can tell what kind. What Kind We have a very tall kid in our class. How Many There are twentyfour kids in our class.

Verbs A verb shows action . An action verb is a verb is a verb that tell what people or things do. When a verb shows action that is happening now, it is called apresent tense verb. When a verb shows action that has already happened, it is called apast tense verb. Verbs: run, play, sing, laugh, cry. Present tense verbs: run, play, sing, laugh, cry. Past tense verbs: ran, played, sang, laughed, cried.

Adverbs A word that described a verb is called an adverb. An adverb can tell how or when something is done. HOW My sister runs fast. I quickly ran home. WHEN I came home at midday.

Conjunctions Conjunctions are words that connect sentences,claus es, phrases, or words. Conjunctions-and, but, or, however, nevertheless " Do you want lettuce or greenbeans with your dinner tonight?" mom asked me.

Pronouns A pronoun is an identifying word used instead of a noun but inflected in the same way. Pronouns- he, she, us, they, I, you, it, we Jack missed school yesterday because he was sick.


Prepositions are words that combine with a noun or pronoun to form a phrase.

Prepositions- at, by, in, to, from It was hard for the boy because he was fromanother country.


Interjections are exclamations.

Interjections- wow, ugh, well, yo, hey "Wow!" Jimmy exclaimed. "Ugh!" Joe muttered as he ate his vegetables.

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