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Date: September 29, 2013 Subject: Science Grade Level: Kindergarten Signature of Classroom Teacher:

Hunter Herrick

The Life Cycle of a Monarch Butterfly

I. Standards: AL.S.K.2.6.) Compare size, shape, structure, and basic needs of living things.

II. Objectives: The student will examine photographs and other information with each stage of the monarch butterflys life cycle. The student will complete a graphic organizer that demonstrates the monarch butterflys life cycle stages. III. Introductory Activity: The teacher will introduce the lesson by telling the student that today we will continue learning how a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly which we read about in Eric Carles The Very Hungary Caterpillar earlier this morning. Today we will examine the life cycle of a monarch butterfly. Also, we will be creating a graphic organizer that demonstrates the monarch butterflys life cycle. IV. Development Activity: Start the PowerPoint presentation The Life Cycle of a Butterfly. Discuss the PowerPoint each slide at a time and connecting the stages with Eric Carles The Very Hungary Caterpillar. After discussing the PowerPoint presentation the teacher will pass out the graphic organizer which is in the form of a worksheet. The student and the teacher will discuss the worksheet and complete together on the SMART Notebook file Life Cycle of a Butterfly (Discussion Worksheet) SMART Notebook. The student and teacher will cut and paste the life cycle of a monarch butterfly in the correct order while the teacher completes on the SMART board. After cutting and pasting life cycle stages the teacher will help the student write out the labels underneath the correct stages. V. Culminating Activity After the worksheet, the student will be given a piece of plain white copy paper and the student will be expected to draw the different stages of a monarch butterflys life cycle based on what the student learned. The student will be using crayons to complete this assignment.

VI. Assessment: (Formally) After completing the drawing activity the student will be given the worksheet A Butterflys Life Cycle (Assessment Worksheet). On this worksheet the student will exert what they have learned and cut, paste, and place the correct picture in the correct stage of a monarch butterflys life cycle. This worksheet will be placed in the students science portfolio to document the students progress. VII. Modifications for Special Needs: The student who has self-control issues will be seated with calm students and/or the teachers desk. The students who work a little slower will be given extra time if available. The student with vision issues will be accommodated for by seating the student closer to the board. The student will also be reminded to bring her glasses daily. The special needs student that is unable to cut and paste will be assessed by putting picture cards in the correct order. VIII. Resources: Computer with PowerPoint software and internet access PowerPoint presentation titled The Life Cycle of a Butterfly SMART Notebook file Life Cycle of a Butterfly (Discussion Worksheet) A Butterflys Life Cycle (Assessment Worksheet) worksheet SMART Board with markers and erasers Projector Crayons Glue Pencils White Copy Paper Visual Flash Cards IX. Self-Reflection: What worked well? What would I change about the lesson? Did I spend too much time on this lesson? What would I change? X. Alternate Activity (Plan B): Due to the nature of the lesson, no student will finish early. In the event of internet or technology failure, the document camera will be used and the PowerPoint will also be available if needed and the lesson will continue.

Links to Files in This Lesson

The Life Cycle of a Butterfly PowerPoint Life Cycle of a Butterfly (Discussion Worksheet) SMART Notebook Life Cycle of a Butterfly (Discussion Worksheet) A Butterfly's Life Cycle (Assessment Worksheet)

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