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Plagiarism is a using other peoples ideas and words with out acknowledgement. In simple words it is stealing intellectual property that rightfully belongs to some one else and passing it off.

Moral Rights The whole concept of plagiarism runs in protecting the moral rights of authors. Types of Plagiarism Self Plagiarism Incremental Plagiarism Internal Citation

Reasons for Plagiarism * Students may be lazy * Panic * Lack of Confidence * failing to understand * being sloppy * patch working practices How to avoid plagiarism 1. Learning how to make notes effectively. 2. Knowing how to put reference correctly. 3. Learning to quote correctly. Steps to other plagiarism

As I personally belie, adding others idea for educational purpose with proper permission is nothing wrong which would not amount to profit motto. I personally believe tat seriousness of plagiarism is directly proportional to degree of fame and reputation. Of authors work. Humourously saying,one should not plagiarise, if so done, should not be caught. I want to conclude that One Should not gain the credit , for the skill of labour of others.

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