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ObamaCare (also known as Health Care reform) is a national health care plan aimed at reforming the American health care system. ObamaCare's main focus is on providing more Americans with access to affordable health care, improving the quality of healthcare, regulating the health insurance industry and reducing spending in health care.


ObamaCare expands Medicaid to over 15 million uninsured low-income Americans. ObamaCare gives tens of millions of low-income and middle-income Americans access to quality healthcare by providing discounts through the Health Insurance Marketplace (also known as a Health Insurance Exchange)

ObamaCare requires that all Americans have health insurance either through a private provider or through a state or federally assisted program. it is one of Obamas main goals to make sure that not only are all americans covered by health insurance but also that they are insured to not lose their insurance can not be easily taken away.

ObamaCare increases consumer protections. These help to protect you from being dropped while sick, denied care due to lifetime limits, denied care for preexisting conditions, and offers Americans a better legal standing against health insurance companies.

ObamaCare takes measures to prevent all types of discrimination in regards to your right to health care. Factors such as pre-existing conditions, health status, claims history, duration of coverage, gender, occupation, and small employer size and industry can no longer be used by insurance companies to increase health insurance premiums.

Obamacare cuts $716 billion of waste from Medicare

and reimbursements to private Medicare Advantage plans and reinvests it into Obama's health care reform. In other words $716 billion is saved and then $716 billion is reinvested back into ObamaCare and Medicare. Doctors and hospitals all over the country agree with Obama care. when patients get in accidents and have no insurance or can't pay for the medical bill, the hospitals and doctors r the ones that lose.

All in all Obama care is focused and working hard to ensure that everyone in america whether poor or rich, they have the same opportunity to living healthy. when children turn 18 years of age, they are no longer eligible for medicare and that can be really dangerous to their health because anything can happen and because they don't have the money to pay the hospital they can't get the help that they need. those are the type of situations Obama Care is trying to prevent.

Employer Mandate. Most companies will have to provide and pay for expensive government-determined health insurance for their employees or face federal fines.
Resulting. Kill tens of thousands of jobs, possibly causing more layoffs. The employer mandate, once implemented, will be a disincentive for businesses to hire more than 49 full-time workers if the businesses cant pay for health insurance.

Obamacare will force seniors to suffer higher out-of-pocket expenses over the next five years. Payments will be reduced to hospitals, skilled nursing facilities and home health-care agencies. Many seniors will experience a reduction in their Medicare Advantage benefits or even a loss of their existing plan.

Involuntary home inspections. They point to a provision in Obamacare providing hundreds of millions of dollars to make evidence-based inspections of high-risk populations, defined as families in which any of these conditions apply: the mother is under 21; someone is a tobacco user; children have low student achievement, developmental delays or disabilities; individuals who are serving or formerly served in the armed forces.

all though Obama care claims to be all for the people that can not afford health care, it really doesn't look like it.
Charitable hospitals that treat the uninsured could face hefty fines and even lose their nonprofit status. Hospitals that devote a minimum amount of their expenses to treat uninsured poor could face penalties because of a new provision in Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code taking effect under Obamacare.

Many insurance companies are very much against Obamacare (health Plan) because of the costs it will force them to pay for. Major health insurance companies, including Anthem Blue Cross and Aetna, decided to stop selling new policies for children rather than comply with the law now forbidding them from rejecting children with pre-existing medical conditions.

If the government is to make decisions about what treatment and medications to provide for different individuals, it will need to maintain a staggering amount of personal information about those peoples medical history, health conditions and other topics. This is information that once was confidential between a person and her doctor. Many individuals are very uncomfortable about the prospect of sharing every detail of their lives with the government.

Punishment for the people who take care of themselves.

Since the Obamacare program mandates coverage for all citizens, and removes pre-existing condition exclusions, individuals who take very good care of themselves physically and are therefore in good health will wind up carrying the burden for people who may be obese, alcoholic, heavy smokers or who have made other poor health decisions.

As was previously mentioned, it will likely become difficult to get some patients approved for expensive surgeries and other medical procedures. However, even people who do receive approval for these types of procedures will likely face extremely long wait times before actually receiving them due to the massive total expense of the program. This is really dangerous for patients that might need surgery immediately and can't receive it.

The coast of a 28 year old makeing 35,000 a year.

annual price: 2,160 dollars. monthly price: 180 dollars.

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