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The Underground Railroad Podcast Slave: a person who performs difficult or boring work.

Think of how it feels when youre grounded. You cant play with your friends, or toys, or you may even have extra chores. But what if thats all you ever did? You would go outside and see other kids around you playing, but not you. You worked from sunrise, to sunset. Flashing back to the _____s, thats the way slaves were treated in the south. During this podcast, you will learn about the famous Underground _________, how it was formed, what its purpose was, and who were significant people involved in its success. Each day slaves in the south worked diligently in the fields. In 1793, Eli Whitneys development of the cotton gin assisted in cotton production, but so did the work of slaves. The masters provided a pair of trousers, a few shirts, shoes and socks, and a hat every other year. There were strict rules, such as they couldnt gather in groups of more than five, they could ____ leave the masters property without permission, couldnt practice medicine, own guns or animals, and were only being able to preach in the company of whites. After having a baby, women were expected to return to work after ____ week, while leaving their new baby in the shade, and only being allowed to feed them twice a day. Slaves in Maryland, Kentucky, and in the city of Washington were ________ to legally learn to read and write. Northern slaves did ____ share in the fieldwork as southern workers, so they were trained for success as carpenters, tailors, cabinetmakers, bakers, and blacksmiths. However, in both areas, slaves were often separated from their family members, and severely punished physically. The Underground Railroad could not have been successful without the _____ from many individuals across the Northern United States, and the Canadians. This operation of moving slaved individuals from the ______ to the ______, where they could embrace freedom, was made

up of many people who risked their own life and the lives of others so that hundreds of African Americans could be freed each year. The Underground Railroad did not start out with this name, but earned its name when the system grew from just a small number of Quakers helping, and the developing steam railroad. During this time, railroad ______ were actually used as secret means of communicating. Stations and depots became places of rest, stockholders contributed goods, ____________ were fugitives, the line for the road to travel, and ____________ led groups of slaves from station to station. When considering escaping, there were certain procedures they had to follow to be successful. The ______ step was to escape from their owner, or slaveholder. Leaders found that this worked best to send a conductor to the plantation to guide the group northward. Moving only at _______, they would usually average 10 to 20 miles between stations. Once there, they would rest and eat. Barns and other out-of-sight shelters were mainly used. As they waited, messages were sent ahead to notify the next ________ of their placement. Food was often scarce and they had to hunt for berries and other natural growing options. Travelers of the Underground Railroad also were often pursued by tracking dogs, so runaways had to know ________ in order to rid their smell and not be found. Escapees sometimes had to travel by boats or trains, which cost _______. They were supplied with clothing and money so they could board without causing suspicion. Donations were given by organizations and committees in the north that raised money, provided food and housing and helped the fugitives start a _____ life by assisting with settling in and finding jobs once they were free. A lot of abolitionists helped make a way for runaway _______. If they

were not comfortable offering them a place to stay as they traveled, they supported them through other avenues. Due to the Underground Railroad, many enslaved individuals were able to embrace ____________ and opportunity instead of living a laborious life of persecution and discrimination.

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