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BPCS Client/Server V6.0.

04 Overview Table of Contents

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Introduction (INTRO) System Functions (SYS) Inventory Management (INV) Manufacturing Data Management (BOM / MDM) Cost Accounting (CST) R l Releae Management M t (RMS) Promotion,Deals and Pricing (PRO) Configurable Order Management (ORD) Outbound Logistics Management (OLM) Billing (BIL) Accounts Receivable (ACR) Credit and Deduction Management (CDM) Sales Analysis (SAL) Forecasting (FOR) Distribution Requirements Planning (DRP) Master Scheduling and Material Planning (MPS / MRP) Shop Floor Control (SFC) Just-in-Time (JIT) Capacity Planning (CAP) Purchasing (PUR) Inbound Logistics Management (ILM) Accounts Payable (ACP) Configurable Enterprise Accounting (CEA) Appendix A-Major Files by Module Appendix B- Menu Options (ZMO File) 1

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview SSA Product Line Overview


BPCS Client/Server

Plant Maintenance

Electronic Commerce

USER/ Vision



System Software Associates, Incorporated Business Planning and Control System Application System/Software Engineering Technology Object Development Workbench


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview BPCS Client/Sever Products Configurable Enterprise Financials (CEF)
>Accounts Payable(ACP) >Accounts Receivable (ACR) >Advanced Remittance Processing (ARP) >Credit and Deduction Management(CDM) >Cash Management(CSH) >Cost Accounting(CST) >Fixed Assets (FXA) >Multiple Currencies (MLT) >Configurable Enterprise Accounting(CEA) >Configurable Ledger(CLD) >Advanced Budgeting and Analysis (CBA) >Enterprise Structures and Consolidations (ENT) >Configurable g Currency y Translations(CCT) ( )

Supply Chain Management(SCM)

>Billing(BIL) >Configuration Management(CFG) >Distribution Resource Planning(DRP) >Forecasting g( (FOR) ) >Inbound Logistics Management (ILM) >Configurable Order Management(ORD) >Promotions, Deals and Pricing (PRO) >Purchasing (PUR) >Release Management (RMS) >Sales Performance Management (SPM) >Warehouse Management (WHM)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview BPCS Client/Server Products,continued Multi-Mode Manufacturing (MMM)
>Advanced Process Industries (API) >Manufacturing Data Management (BOM or MDM) >Capacity Planning (CAP) >CIMPath (CIM) >JIT/Repetitive Manufacturing (JIT) >Master Production Scheduling (MPS) >Material Requirements Planning (MRP) >Performance Measurement (PRF) >Quality and Laboratory Management (QMS/LMS) >Shop Floor Control (SFC)

Cross Product Applications (XPA)

>System Functions (SYS) >Documentation (DOC) >Database Cross Reference (XRF) >Electronic Commerce Manager (ECM) >Multiple Facility Support (MFS)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Program Numbering Logic Maintenance Programs

Data entry programs in which you enter information into the database so It can be used by the computer system,as in Item Master Maintenance. Numbered 100-199 INV100-Item Master Maintenance

Transaction Programs
May be either interactive or batch processed. processed These programs are used To process transactions. For example ,FOR500 is BPCS Client/Server Program for performing forecast modeling and selecting the best fit Forecasting technique. Numbered 500-799 FOR500-Modeling

Inquiry Programs
On-line programs that access database files. Use these programs instead Of reports when you need to review a specific piece of information and Need to have the most current data. Numbered 300-399 MRP300 Pl MRP300-Planning i /P Pegging i I Inquiry i

Report Programs
Reports are interactive or batch programs that print information from the Database files in report form. Numbered 200-299 and 400-499 ACR200-Cash Receipts Journal Report

Period Close Programs and System Reorganizations

These programs are batch programs that process data ad the end Of a day ,week, month or year. Numbered 900 900-999 999 INV903- Inventory Month End Close


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Security Groups

Security groups are used to control specific action code/function key (create revise copy delete display) authority for a specific program (create,revise,copy,delete,display) program. Security groups could be created for a group of users that perform similar Activities .Users are assigned a security group code in BPCS Security Maintenance (SYS600)

Security Master (ZSC) Group Master (ZGR)

Security Group Maintenance (SYS603)

Security Group Inquiry (SYS603)

Program Option Authority (ZAU)

Security group codes are maintained using Security group Maintenance (SYS603)

System Functions (SYS)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Security Maintenance

Security maintenance is used to create security profiles for each user Of the th system. t Through Th h security it maintenance,users i t are given i authority th it to t Products,programs,companies,warehouses and transaciton effect codes. In addition,users are assigned to a security group code previously created Using Security Group Maintenance (SYS603)

Group Master (ZGR)

BPCS Security Maintenance (SYS600)

Security Master (ZSC)

Menu Authorization (ZMA)

Security Master List (SYS130)

Security S i M Master Listing (SYS600)

System Functions (SYS)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Menus

System menus are used to access all products,programs and sub-menus.System menus can beCreated,revised and deleted.Specific menu options can be added and deleted and users can be Given authority ot menus.
Menu Maintenance (SYS147)

Menu Master (ZMM)

Menu Options (ZMO)

Menu Authorization (ZMA)

Menu Print (SYS148)

Menu Print (SYS148)

System menus are maintained using Menu Maintenance (SYS147) Accessed via Special Functions (F13),Option #9.

System Functions (SYS)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Remembered Keys

Remembered keys are used to automatically store and retrieve values For several key key data fields within BPCS Client/Server Client/Server.Several Several key fields related to distribution,manufacturing,financial and Quality management can be automatically stored and retrieved. For each key field ,you can assign how the system will Automatically store and retrieve the value. The different options are: >Automatically store and retrieve the field whenever it is Maintained and processed within BPCS Client/Server >Manually store the field through remembered key maintenance and Then automatically retrieve when processed within BPCS Client /Server >Disable the field from being manually or automatically stored or Retrieved Remembered keys are maintained using Remembered Key Maintenance accessed via Special Functions (F13),Option #8.

System Functions (SYS)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Parameters

System parameters are values set at the system level thar tailor how BPCS Client/Server will operate.Some System parameters can be Overridden by item ,item facility planning date, warehouse and Commodity code. For example,tolerances for determining where To automatically close purchase orders can be set at the system Level and then overridden at the warehouse level or commodity Code level. There are system parameters that affect most BPCs Client/Server Products such as : >Order Entry >Billing >Inventory >Costing >MPS/MRP >Shop Floor Control >Purchasing >Quality Management System >Inbound Logistics Management System parameters are maintained using Parameters Generation (SYS800)

System Functions (SYS)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Tables

System tables are used by system look-ups(promptable fields). Users can create new system tables and /or add codes to existing Tables to be displayed for selection during system look-ups.
System Table Maintenance (S S ) (SYS105) Action Code 9 -Select

System Table Master (ZCT)

Table Code Maintenance (SYS107)

System Table Listing (SYS205)

System Table Values (ZCC)

Table Code Master Listing (SYS205)

System tables are maintained using System Table Maintenance (SYS105)

System Functions (SYS)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Reorganizations

Programs for cleaning up and resetting BPCS Client /Server Date files. f There are several reorganization programs such as : >Reset On Order Allocated (INV971) >Cleanup FMA and FOD Files (SFC990) >Cleanup ECL and ECH Files (ORD990) >Cl >Cleanup Allocations All ti (SYS990) >Reset Work Center Load (SFC971) >Reset Accounts Receivable Amount Due (ACR970) >Where Used Reorganization (BOM900) >Reorganize Notes File (SYS994) >Reorganize MRP Files (MRP990) >Reset Facility Locks (SYS996) >Shop Order Packet Print Reset (SFC960) >Reorganize Work Center Run Rates Files (JIT910) >Unlock Delivery Records (ILM905)

System Functions (SYS)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Integration with other Products The inventory Th i t management(INV) t(INV) product d ti integrates t t with ith virtually allOther BPCS Client/Server products since the inventory management(INV) product contains the item master and inventory balances.

Inventory Management (INV)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Product Flow

Item T I Type (ZPA) Item Class I Cl (IIC) Item Status I S Code (ISC) Unit U i of f measure (IUM)

Item Notes It N t (MPN)

It Item Master (IIM)

Alternate Alt t Items (IAI)

Facility (ZMF) Transaction Effect Code (ITE) Inventory Transactions Warehouse (IWM/IWI)

Reason Code (ZPA)

Transaction History (ITH)

Location (ILM/ILI)

Lot (ILN)

Lot Note (INT)

Container (YCI)

Inventory Management (INV)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview General Concepts C Concept t #1

Six levels of inventory balances are maintained within BPCS Client/Server They are: 1.Item 2.Facility 3.Warehouse 4.Location 5.Lot 6.Container

Concept #2
BPCS Client/Server tracks opening balance, month-to-date issues ,receipts and adjustments and calculates on-hand inventory as : On-Hand=Opening Balance Issues +Receipts+Adjustments A il bl O H d All Available=On-Hand-Allocated t d

Concept #3
BPCS Client/Server differentiates between soft alocations and hard allocations. A soft allocation is the total quantity of an item needed for shop orders and customer orders. Soft allocations are created against the warehouse level and can go negative. Hard allocations occur when inventory is reserved from a specific location to a specific shop order or customer order. Hard allocations are created against the location ,lot or container level and can not go negative.

Inventory Management (INV)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Parameters Inventory Parameters (INV820)

>Physical Inventory History in Detail >Cycle Count in 1 Step or 2 Steps >Start Tag Numbers at One for Each Warehouse >Enter Percentages for ABC Classification >EU Intrastat Used >Gross Weight Details Required >Default Default Arrival Nature of Transaction >Default Credit Nature of Transaction >Default Sale Nature of Transaction >Enter the Alpha Factor for Computing the New Average Usage

Transaction History System Parameters (SYS824)

>Enter the Number of Days to Keep Inventory Transactions On-Line

Last Month End, Year End Close Dates (SYS822)

>Last Month End Close Date >Last Year End Close Date

Inventory Management (INV)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files Item Type (ZPA)

Used to group items into different categories of inventory. The item type also determines if an item is manufactured, purchased or neither. Each item is assigned an item type using Item Master Maintenance (INV100). For example, you may use item type to differentiate between purchased, raw material, assembled, fabricated and finished good. Reserved item types are: Item Type 0 3 4 5 6 Description Phantom Assortment Kit Planning Bill Non Balancing

Item types are maintained using Item Type Maintenance (INV171)

Item Class (IIC)

Used to group items into different product families or product groups. Each item is assigned an item class using Item Master Maintenance (INV100). Item class is used in many reports as a selection criteria so it is important that an agreed upon item class structure is developed that satisfies the different users of the system system. Upper and lower margin percentages are entered for each item class and can be used during order processing to determine if a customer order is placed on margin hold. Item classes are maintained using Item Class Maintenance (INV160)

Inventory Management (INV)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files,continued It Item Status St t Code C d (ISC)
Used during order entry to control the automatic substitution of alternative items (item status code 01-03) or to control the display of a user defined message (item status code 04-99). If using item status code 01-03 then alternative items need to be set-up using Alternative Item Maintenance (INV180) .Each item can be assigned an item status code using Item Master Maintenance (INV100). Reserved item status codes are: Item Status Code 01 02 03 Description Automatic substitution regardless of stock position Automatic substitution if primary item has insufficient stock Automatic substitution if alternate item has sufficient stock

User defined status codes 04-99 can be used to display messages during order entry. Item status codes are maintained using Item Status Code Maintenance (INV195)

Item Master (IIM)

Used to define basic information for each unique item number set-up in the system. Each item must have an item description ,item type and item class. Information related to engineering, sales / marketing, material planning, production control and quality control is Also entered for each item. You can define customer minimum, standard and incremental order quantities and also indicate whether available to promise is allowed. Item classes are maintained using Item Class Maintenance (INV160)
Item masters are maintained using Item Master Maintenance (INV100).

Inventory Management (INV)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files,continued It Item Notes N t (MPN)

Used to enter additional text information for an item. This information can be selectively printed on documents such as purchase orders, customer order acknowledgments, shipping paperwork and shop orders. Item notes are maintained using Item Notes Maintenance (INV190) or Item Master Maintenance (INV100). (INV100)

Alternative Items (IAI)

Used to define valid alternative items for items already established. Can be used during order entry in conjunction with item status codes (01-03) to allow automatic item substitution based on certain criteria. Alternative items can also be displayed and selected during shop order maintenance. Alternative items are maintained using Alternative Item Maintenance (INV180).

Transaction Effect Code (ITE)

Used to control / track the movement of inventory within the system. Whenever an inventory balance is increased or decreased a transaction effect code is used to trigger the increase or decrease. Transaction effect codes also define how each type of inventory movement will affect other entities such as purchase orders, shop orders or re-supply orders. Transaction effect codes are used in conjunction with a transaction effect reason code to determine which model is used to create a journal entry within CEA. Several system y reserved transaction effect codes are supplied with BPCS Client / Server and will automatically be created by performing certain processes. For example, when a product is shipped (confirmed), a B transaction (finished good shipment) is automatically generated behind the scenes. Each time a transaction effect code is used a record is created in the transaction history file (ITH). The transaction history for an item can be viewed using Material Status Inquiry (INV300). Transaction effect codes are maintained using Transaction Effect Maintenance (INV150)

Inventory Management (INV)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files,continued Reserved Inventory Transaction Effect Codes
Code # % = B C CI CS D DS I II IR J M N O P PR QT R RD RJ RM T U UR W WF WT XA XB Description Cost Adjustment Potency Adjustment FAS Receipt Shipment P.O Costing Component Issue Component Scrap Downtime Drop Ship Receipt Single Issue In-Transit Issue In-Transit Receipt Multiple Issue Multiple Issue w / Receipt P.O Receipt to Inspection Physical Inventory Adjustment P.O Receipt from Inspection to Stock Production Receipt Quality Transfer Shop Order Receipt Redesignate Production Reject j Return Material Transfer P.O Receipt to Stock Unscheduled Receipt WIP Transfer WIP From WIP To XM4 Shipment XM4 Shipment Invoice JIT600/SFC650 JIT600/SFC650 XM4500 XBL580 WHM510 INV500 JIT600 / SFC650 BIL500 INV510 PUR550 JIT600 / SFC650 QMS590 INV500 INV500 INV650 PUR550 DRP550 ORD570 INV500 INV500 PUR550 Automatic From CST100 INV130 ORD570 ORD570/BIL500/BIL650 ACP500 JIT600/SFC650 JIT600/SFC650 INV500 PUR550 INV500 Manual From

Inventory Management (INV)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files,continued R Reason C Code d (ZPA)

Used to track standard reasons for the movement of inventory. Reason codes are crated for transaction effect codes and can be entered when inventory transactions are performed The reason code in conjunction with the transaction effect code determines which model is used to create a journal entry within CEA Reason codes are maintained using Reason Code Maintenance (INV140)

Facility (ZMF)
Used to identify unique manufacturing plants or distribution centers. BPCS Client/Server allows costing and planning to be controlled either globally or by facility. In addition, routings and bill-of-materials can be maintained globally or by facility to support facility specific costing and planning. Finally, BPCS Client /Server has an item /facility planning data f (C C) that supports unique planning parameters f file(CIC) for the same item manufactured f at multiple sites. Facility codes are maintained using Facility Maintenance (SYS190).

Warehouse (IWM)
Used to group individual inventory locations or stocking positions. Costing and planning can be controlled at the facility level, however, execution is performed at the warehouse level. Purchase orders, customer orders, shop orders, resupply orders and forecasts are created for a specific warehouse. Warehouses are: >assigned to a company and facility >coded as either allocatable or non non-allocatable allocatable >coded as either nettable or non-nettable >coded as either standard, managed(WHM) or sequential (RMS) >assigned lower, upper and next consignment number Warehouses are maintained using Warehouse Master Maintenance (INV110)

Inventory Management (INV)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files,continued Location (ILM)

Used to define a specific inventory stocking position within a warehouse. Locations are: >assigned to a warehouse >coded as either allocatable or non-allocatable >coded as either standard, forced or default Locations are maintained using Location Master Maintenance (INV170)

Lot (ILN)
Used to define a specific quantity of an item that shares common characteristics such as being manufactured on the same shop order or received from the same purchase order. Items can be coded as lot controlled using Item Master Maintenance (INV100). Lots can be automatically created during shop order or purchase order receipt processing. Lots are maintained using Lot Master Maintenance (INV130).

Lot Note (INT)

Used to enter additional text information for a lot. This information can print on selective documents such as shop packets, process sheets, shipping documentation and invoices. Lot notes are maintained using Lot Master Maintenance (INV130).

Container (YCI)
Used to track specific items that share a physical labeled container for storage. Items can be coded as container controlled using Item Master Maintenance (INV100). Container control can be used for lot controlled and non lot controlled items. Containers are maintained using Container Maintenance (API140).

Inventory Management (INV)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files,continued U it of Unit fM Measure (IUM)

Used to define multiple unit of measure conversions for an item. Unit of measure conversions can be created for a specific item or globally. In addition, unit of measure conversions can be created by warehouse or by customer (by item or globally). Unit of measures are maintained using Unit of Measure Maintenance (INV120 /API120)

Inventory Management (INV)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Processing Key processing activities performed within the inventory management product are:
>Inventory Transactions (INV500) >Mass Location Transfers (INV510) >Cycle Counting(Menu INV03)-One Step
Clear Cycle Counts (INV810) Selected Cycle Counts (INV520) Selected Cycle Counts

Location Inventory (ILI)

Cycle Count Worksheets

Cycle Count Worksheets (INV310)

Cycle Count Purge (INV015)

Cycle Count Post (INV515)

Transaction History (ITH)

Cycle Count Variance (ICY)

Item Master (IIM)

Warehouse Inventory (IWI)

Location Inventory (ILI)

Cycle Count Variance By Item (INV276)

By Warehouse (INV277)

By Cost (INV278)

Inventory Management (INV)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Processing,continued Physical Inventory (Menu INV02)

Physical Inventory Reports INV700-Physical vs book by warehouse INV705-Physical vs Book by Item INV710-Missing Tag List INV720 Physical by Item INV720-Physical INV740-Physical by Warehouse/Tag INV750-Physical by Location INV760-Physical by Lot INV770-Unposted Tag List

Physical Inventory Tags

Print Inventory Tags (INV620)

Tag Entry/Update (INV600)

Physical Inventory Tag (IPH)

Clear Physical Inventory (INV660)

Post Physical Inventory (INV650)

Transaction Hi t History (ITH)

Item M t Master (IIM)

Warehouse I Inventory t (IWI)

Location I Inventory t (IILI)

Inventory Management (INV)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Reports

Reports available from the inventory management product are: >Stock Status Detail (INV200) >Turnover Analysis(INV210) >ABC Usage Summary (INV220) >Stock Status Summary (INV230) >Reorder Report (INV250) >Inventory Valuation (INV260) >Transaction History (INV270) >Lot Inventory Detail (INV280) >EU Intrastat Report (INV400)

Inventory Management (INV)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Inquiries

Inquiries available from the inventory management product are: >Material Status Inquiry (INV300) >Warehouse Inquiry (INV330) >Item Alpha Look-Up (INV350) >Transaction Effect Inquiry (INV355)

Inventory Management (INV)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Period End Processing

Period end processing programs within the inventory management product are: >Month End Close (INV903) >Year End Close (INV910) >Post Inventory to General Ledger (INV920)

Inventory Management (INV)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Reorganizations

System reorganization programs related to the inventory management product are: >Lot Location Container Records Without Inventory (INV970) >Reset On Order and Allocated (INV971) >Update IIM from ILI File (INV972) >Delete IWI Records (INV973) >Cleanup C ea up Allocations ocat o s (S (SYS990) S990) >Zero Work Field in IWI (ORD970) >Reorganize Notes Files (SYS994)

Inventory Management (INV)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Period End Processing There are no period end processing programs within the master scheduling and material requirements planning products.

Inventory Management (INV)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Reorganizations System reorganizations programs related to the master scheduling and material requirements planning roducts are:
>Reorganize MRP Files (MRP990) >Reset Facility Locks (SYS996)

Inventory Management (INV)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Integration with other Products

Provide/ Receive Receive Provide Product API CAP Information Usage Codes for Bill-of-Material Available Capacity by Work Center and Bill-ofMaterial and Routing for Rough Cut and Detailed C Capacity it Planning Pl i Input/Output Information Bill-of-Material, Routing and Rates for Cost Roll-Up Cost Buckets for Work Center Rate Screen Engineering Revision Level and Drawing Number Item, Facility, Warehouse and Location Bill of Material, Routing and Manufacturing Bill-of-Material Data Notes for Shop Orders Actual Input and Output Bill-of-Material and Planning Bill-of-Material For Planning Explosion Planning Bill-of-Material for Kits, Assortments and Feature /Options Bill-of-Material, Routing and Manufacturing Data Notes for Shop Orders Actual Input p and Output p

Receive Provide Receive Provide Receive Provide Receive Provide Provide Provide Receive


Manufacturing Data Management (BOM / MDM)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Product Flow

Warehouse (IWM)

Department (CDP)

Facility (ZMF)

Item Master (IIM)

Method Codes (ZMD)

Work Center (LWK) Location (ILM) Machine (LMH)

Routing (FRT)

Bill-ofMaterial (MBM/MPB)

BOM and Routing Notes (MPN)

Manufacturing Data Management (BOM / MDM)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Product Flow Engineering Change Management

Approval Process Type (ZCC) MDMAPTP

Approval Process (MBT)

Approval Process Details (MBY)

Approval Process Steps (MBS)

Facility (ZMF) Item Master (IIM) Engineered Controlled Items (MBA) Method Codes (ZMD)

Item Master (IIM)

Revision (MBC)

Drawing (MBD)

Drawing Notes (ZLN)

Manufacturing Data Management (BOM / MDM)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview General Concepts Concept #1

BPCS Client /Server allows each component in the bill-of-material to be linked to an operation number on the routing. Linking components to operation numbers facilitates: >JIT JIT point of use backflushing >Component material planning to the start date of the operation that the component is linked to >Shop paper that prints material and operations together >Production process listing that prints material and operations together

Concept #2
BPCS Client /Server allows individual components in the bill-of-material to be backflushed / multiple issued or single issued. If a component is coded as must single issue then the material must be manually issued using inventory transactions transactions.

Manufacturing Data Management (BOM / MDM)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Parameters Order Entry y System y Parameters ( (ORD820) )
>Planning Bill Component Effectively Date Basis

MRP System Parameters (MRP821)

>User Defined Description of Bill-of-Material

Manufacturing Data Management (BOM / MDM)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files Department (CDP)

Used to group work centers to facilitate production planning, control and reporting. Departments are maintained using Department Maintenance (CAP120).

Work Center (LWK)

Used to identify an individual machine, a group of machines, a person or an outside operation vendor. Work centers are linked to a facility and department. Key information maintained for each work center is: >available capacity >locations for JIT production reporting and WIP tracking >labor and overhead rates for cost roll-ups >planned and actual input and output for input / output control >buffer in location and warehouse (only if WHM installed) >buffer out location and warehouse (only if WHM installed) Work centers are maintained using Work Center Maintenance (CAP100).

Machine (LMH)
Used to define an individual piece of equipment. Machines are linked to a work center and contain an efficiency factor and a machine speed factor. If multiple machines are linked to one work center, the available capacity for the work center is computed based on the average of all machines. Machines are maintained using g Machine Maintenance ( (CAP170) )

Manufacturing Data Management (BOM / MDM)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files, continued Routing (FRT)

Used to describe the detailed steps (in sequence) to manufacture an item. Routings can be maintained globally, by facility and by method code. Method codes are used to define secondary routings for the same item The blank method code routing is assumed to be the primary routing. Routings are maintained using Routing Maintenance (SFC100) (SFC100).

Bill-of-Material (MBM)
Used to define the components needed to manufacture an item. BIll-of -materials can be maintained globally by facility and by method code. Method codes are used to define secondary bill-of-materials bill of materials for the same item. The blank method code bill-of-material is assumed to be the primary bill-of-material. Bill-of-materials are maintained using Manufacturing Data Maintenance (BOM500)

Machine (LMH)
Used to create single level bill-of-materials for assortment and kit processing. Also used for feature / option processing and production planning using product families and percentages. All planning bill-of materials t i l are global. l b l Planning bill-of-materials are maintained using Planning Bill Processing (BOM600).

Manufacturing Data Management (BOM / MDM)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files, continued Manufacturing Data Notes (MPN)
Used to enter additional text information for a manufactured item. BPCS Client/Server allows routing notes by operation and bill-of-material Notes by component Manufacturing data notes are maintained using Manufacturing Date Notes Maintenance (BOM190)
Item Notes (INV190)

Manufacturing Data Notes (BOM190)

Item Process Notes (MPN)

Note Type Field (PNTYPE) >I Item Notes (INV190) >R Routing Notes (BOM190) >M Material Notes (BOM190)

Create Shop Orders

Operation Number Field( PNOPN) >Zero for Item Notes (INV190) >Sequence number for Material Notes (BOM190) >Operation number for Routing Notes (BOM190)

Shop Floor Notes (SFC190)

Customer Standard (ESN)

Note Type Field (SNTYPE) >S Shop Order Header Notes (INV190/SFC190) >R Routing Notes (BOM190) >M Material Notes (BOM190)

Manufacturing Data Management (BOM / MDM)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files, continued Alternative Method Code (ZMD)
Used d to create alternative l i or secondary d bill-of-material bill f i l and d routings. i Alternative method codes are created and then used when creating billOf-materials and routings. If using alternative methods, BPCS Client/ Server supports material planning, capacity planning, shop orders and Costing by method code. Alternative Alt ti method th d codes d are maintained i t i d using i method th d code d maintenance i t (SYS115).Valid combinations of routing and material method codes are Maintained using method table maintenance (SYS135) or method table Generation(SYS137).
Method Type 0 Manufacturing M f t i 1 Costing 2 Both Material Method-BOM Routing Method-Routing Method Table M i t Maintenance (SYS135)

Method Code Maintenance (SYS115)

Method Codes (ZMD)

Method Table Generation (SYS137)

Method Table (ZMT)

Can use method codes for: >Cost Sets >Bills-of-materials >Routings >Manufacturing g Data Notes >Bills-of-Resources >Planned and Firm Planned Orders >Shop Orders >Engineering controlled Item

Method code List (SYS116)

Method Table (SYS136)

Manufacturing Data Management (BOM / MDM)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files, continued Engineering Change Management Engineering Change Controlled Item (MBA)
Used to indicate if an item is change controlled within BPCS Client /Server. If the item is change controlled, then bill-of-material maintenance must be performed with Engineering Change Order Maintenance (BOM100) and cannot be performed using Manufacturing Data Maintenance(BOM500) Engineering change can be controlled at the following four levels: 1.All Facilities /All Items /All Method Codes 2.Specific Facility /All Items /All Method Codes 3S 3.Specific ifi F Facility ili /S /Specific ifi I Item /All M Method h dC Codes d 4.Specific Facility /Specific Item /Specific Method Code Engineering change controlled items are maintained using Engineering Change Controlled Items (BOM110)

Revision Level (MBC)

Used to track revision change history for items and drawings. A record is created each time a revision level changes. The current revision level can update the item master revision level field. Revision levels are maintained using Revision Level Tracking(BOM120)

Approval Process (MBT/MBY)

Used to define the sequential steps for processing a change order. Approval pp p processes can be created for items and drawings. g Approval processes are maintained using Approval Processing Maintenance(BOM170). Manufacturing Data Management (BOM / MDM) 10

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files, continued Approval Process Steps (MBS)
Used U d to maintain i i the h i individual di id l steps ( (activities) i i i ) performed f dd during i the h Engineering change process. Approval steps can be defined as required And also as valid posting steps. Approval steps are maintained using Approval Steps Maintenance (BOM175)

D Drawing i (MBD)
Used to maintain and track manufacturing drawings. Drawings can be Assigned an item number and will update the drawing number field on The item master Drawings are maintained using Drawing Master Maintenance (BOM140)

Manufacturing Data Management (BOM / MDM)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Processing Key processing activities performed within the manufacturing data management product are:
>Bill-of-Material Mass Update (BOM510) >Planning Bill-of-Material Mass Update (BOM650) Engineering Change Management >Engineering Change Order (ECO) Maintenance (BOM100) >ECO Approval Processing (BOM550) >ECO Stock Based Effectively Processing (BOM620)
Selected Cycle Counts (INV520)

ECO Header (MBV)

ECO Detail (MBW)

ECO Notes (ZLN)

Process Step Tracking (MBE)

Approval (BOM550) ECO Stock Based Effectively Processing (BOM620) ( )

On-Hand Inventory Balances

ECO Event Log (MBI)

Bill-ofMaterial (MBM)

Routing (FRT)

Manufacturing Data Management (BOM / MDM)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Reports Reports available from the manufacturing data management Product are:
>Materials Listing (BOM200) >Where Used Listing (BOM220) >Production Process Sheet (BOM240) g Bill Listing g( (BOM260) ) >Planning

Engineering Change Management

>Engineering Change Order Reports (BOM210) >BOM Audit Report (BOM265) >Approval Processing Report (BOM555)

Manufacturing Data Management (BOM / MDM)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Inquiries Inquiries available from the manufacturing data management Product are:
>Manufacturing data Inquiry (BOM300) >Planning Bill Inquiry (BOM320)

Engineering Change Management

>Revision Level Trace (BOM120) >Engineering Change Order Inquiry (BOM305) >ECO by Parent Item Number Inquiry (BOM340) >Drawing Inquiry by Item Number (BOM345) >ECO Approval Process Inquiry (BOM550)

Manufacturing Data Management (BOM / MDM)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Period End Processing

There are no period end processing programs within the Manufacturing data management product.

Manufacturing Data Management (BOM / MDM)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Reorganizations

System reorganization programs related to the manufacturing data management product are: >Where Used Reorganization (BOM900) >Reorganize Notes Files (SYS994)

Manufacturing Data Management (BOM / MDM)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Integration with other Products

Provide/ Receive Provide Receive Provide Receive Receive Provide Receive Provide Provide Receive Provide Receive Provide Provide Provide Receive Product ACP ACP CEA CST DRP ILM ILM INV JIT JIT MDM MDM PRO PUR SFC SFC Information Frozen Cost for PPV Actual Cost from Invoice Journal Entries Purchase Item Indicator from DRP Relationship For Inter Facility Cost Transfer Purchase Item Indicator from DRP Relationship for Inter Facility Cost Transfer Cost Buckets Actual Delivery Costs Frozen Cost for Inventory Transactions Actual Overhead Allocation to Open Shop Orders Actual Cost from Shop Orders Cost Buckets for Work Center Rate Screen Bill-of-Material, Routing and Rates for Cost Roll-Up Cost for Cost Plus List Price Development Standard Cost if no Vendor Quote Actual Overhead Allocation to Open Shop Orders Actual Cost from Shop Orders

Cost Accounting (CST)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Product Flow

Method Codes (ZMD)

Item Master Maintenance (INV100)

Facility Maintenance (SYS190)

Define Cost Sets (CST140)

Define Cost Buckets (CST150)

Item Master (ZMD)

Facility M Master (ZMF)

Cost Sets (CSM)

Cost Buckets (CBU)

Cost Maintenance (CST100) ( )

Cost Master (CMF)

Work Centers (LWK)

Routings (FRT)


Load Standards from Routings (CST600)) ( ))

Cost Master(CMF)Layout: Item/Facility/Set/Bucket/This Level and Previous Level Method Cost Type 1=Material 2=Labor 3=Overhead

Cost Accounting (CST)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Parameters Billing System Parameters (BIL820)
>Enter Cost Set for Profit Margin Costing

Inventory and Costing System Parameters (CST820)

>Cost Type used for Material Cost Update >Cost Set to use for G/L Inventory Transaction Costs >Do you wish to run Costing by Facility

Cost Accounting (CST)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Reports Reports available from the cost accounting product are:
Item Without Costs(CST101) Item Costs(CST200) Cost Variances(CST220) Gross Profit Analysis(CST230) Inventory Valuation(INV260) Labor / Overhead Distribution (CST250) Standard Cost Sheet (CST260) Shop Order Cost Variance and WIP Report (CST270) Costed Bill-of-Material (CST280) Material Usage Cost(CST290)

Cost Accounting (CST)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Inquiries I Inquires i available il bl from f the th cost t accounting ti product d t are:
Costed BOM and Variances (CST300)

Cost Accounting (CST)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Period End Processing Period P i d end d processing i programs within ithi the th cost t accounting product are:
Shop Costing / Post Close (CST900) Labor Ticket Journal Post (CST910)

Cost Accounting (CST)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Reorganizations There are no system reorganization programs related to the cost accounting product.

Cost Accounting (CST)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Integration with other Products

Provide / Receive Receive Receive Product ACR API Information Invoices for Retro Billing Containers and Pallets for use During Contract and Model Group Maintenance Retro Billing Information Inbound Release Requirements Inbound JIT Requirements Inbound Sequenced Shipping Inbound Pay y as Built Inbound Self Billing Items for Item Families and Model Group Items Country for Non-Working Days C t t Release Contract R l Details D t il Customers, Shop-Tos and Confirmed Shipments

Provide Receive


Receive Receive P id Provide Receive


Releae Management (RMS)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Product Flow

Customer (RCM)

Ship-To (EST)

Country (LCN)

Non-Working N W ki Days Header (DHH)

Non-Working No Wo g Days Detail (DHC)

Item Families Header (DHF)

Warehouse M t Master (IWM)

Item Master (IIM)

Item Families Detail (DIF)

Location Master (ILM)

Model Group Item(DMI)

Model Group (DMG)

Container (YCI)

Releae Management (RMS)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview General Concepts Concept #1

Three sets of release information are maintained in the system. They are next , current and old. All maintenance is performed against the next release and then through release conversion, the next release becomes the current, the current becomes the old, the old is deleted or updates history.

Concept #2
Release management and shipping information is maintained on the customer master and defaults into the address master and can be overridden. The release management and shipping information from the address master defaults into the contract and can be overridden.

Releae Management (RMS)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Parameters RMS P Parameter t M Maintenance i t (RMS820)
Release Entry Tolerance Percentage and Days- Period 1 Release Entry Tolerance Percentage and Days- Period 2 Release Entry Tolerance Percentage and Days- Period 3 Contract Number Optional Order Line Number for re-use Processing Next Container Prefix for Sequence Shipping Next Container Number for Sequence Shipping Container Prefix Range fro Sequence Shipping

Releae Management (RMS)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files Non-Working Days (DHH / DHC)
Used U dt to maintain i t i th the d days th that t your customers t d do not t work. k I In addition, dditi non-working days can be defined fro your own organization. Non-working days can be created by country, by sales parent, by customer or by customer / ship to. Non-working days are maintained using Non-Working Days Maintenance(RMS110)

Item Families (DHF / DIF)

Used to maintain families used for grouping your individual item numbers. An estimated percentage can be defined fro each item to indicate the estimated percentage of sales the item will contribute to the family family. Release management tracks the actual sales by item and compares the actual percentage to the estimated percentage and calculates a variance. Item families are maintained using Item Families Maintenance (RMS130).

Shipment /Delivery /Deli er Pattern (DED)

Used to split an incoming EDI release into user defined time buckets. Shipment /delivery patterns are maintained using Shipment /Delivery Patterns Maintenance(RMS150)

Family / Group (DMG /DMI)

Used to create product families and groups. Items are assigned to groups and groups are assigned to families. You can have multiple groups per family. From each group, you can define standard pack size, label type and container type type. Families /groups are maintained using Family /Group Maintenance (RMS140).

Releae Management (RMS)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Processing Key processing activities performed within the release management product are:
Process Inbound Release Requirements (RMS770) Contract /Release Maintenance (RMS500) RMS Conversion (RMS550) Automatic RMS Conversion Parameters (RMS551)
Contract/releas e maintenance (RMS500)

Contract Header DHS Release detail new DND Release Information New-DNI Release Header New DNR

RMS Conversion (RMS550) Automatic RMS Conversion (RMS551)

Release Detail Current DCD Release Information Current-DCI Release Header Current -DCR

Release Detail Old DOD Release Information OldDOI Release Header Old -DOR

Customer Order Header (ECH)

Customer Order Line (ECL)

Release History Header (DRH)

Release History Detail (DRD)

Mass Release Delete (RMS530) JIT Maintenance (RMS600) P Process I Inbound b d JIT R Requirements i t (RMS775) Batch Maintenance (RMS620) Mass Cumulative Reset (RMS535) Update Item Family Percentages (RMS910) Held Invoice Release (RMS610) Process Inbound pay as built (RMS750) Process Inbound Self Billing (RMS760) Packing release (RMS660) Packing release (RMS665) Sequenced shipping Release (RMS670) Sequenced pack location transfer (RMS675) Process Inbound Sequenced shipping (RMS740) Sequence Number Maintenance (RMS650)

Releae Management (RMS)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Reports Reports p available from the release management g product are:
>Release detail report (RMS220) >Release comparison report (RMS210) >Release history comparison report (RMS280) >Unconverted releases report (RMS290) >Billing Report (RMS260) >Requirement spreadsheet (RMS270) >JIT / Release Variance Report (RMS240) >Pull signal summary report (RMS640) >Sequence Mismatch /Error Report (RMS200) >Sequence Pack Status Report (RMS265) >Pay ay as bu built t Invoice o ce Backing ac g S Sheet eet ( (RMS262) S 6 ) >Pay as built Invoice Exception Report (RMS263)

Releae Management (RMS)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Inquiries Inquiries I i i available il bl from f the th release l management t product are:
Release Detail Inquiry (RMS300) Release Comparison Inquiry (RMS340) Release Reconciliation Inquiry (RMS320) JIT History Inquiry (RMS370) Run rates by item (RMS360) Run rates by item family (RMS361) Run rates by Release (RMS362) JIT /Release Comparison (RMS380) JIT /Release Reconciliation (RMS321) ( ) Selected Pack Inquiry (RMS310)

Releae Management (RMS)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Period End Processing

There are no period end processing programs within the release management product.

Releae Management (RMS)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Reorganizations System reorganization programs related to the release management product are:
Reset Contract in Use Flag (RMS911)

Releae Management (RMS)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Integration with other Products

Provide/Receive Provide Receive Product ACR ACR Information Bill Backs Open Invoices for Promotion Tracking and Customer Type for P Promotions i Promotion Tracking Journal Entries Cost for Cost Plus List Price D Development l t Item,Item Class,Item Dsicount Code and Bracket Group Code for Pricing and Promotions Pricing g and Promotions Region,Customer,Customer Discount Code and Ship-To for Pricing / Promotions and Free Good Promotion Tracking

Receive Provide Receive Receive


Provide Receive


Promotion,Deals and Pricing (PRO)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Product Flow

Promotion Tracking (PDT) Promotion Calendar (PDC) Promotion Tracking (PDA)

Company (RCO)

Promotion Master (PDM)

Promotion Notes (ESN) ( SN)

Promotion Bracket (PDB)

Promotion Free Good (PDF)

Promotion,Deals and Pricing (PRO)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview General Concepts Concept #1

Promotions can be created as off invoice or bill back promotions . The following eight types of promotions can be created: >Off Invoice Order Line Level >Bill Back Order Line Level >Off Invoice Total Order Level >Bill Back Total Order Level >Split Line Level Off Invoice >Split Total Order Off Invoice >Split Line Level Bill Back >Split Total Order Bill Back

Concept #2
Pricing can be established at four levels. The four levels are: >1. Item Master List Price >2. List Price Book >3. Special Pricing >4. Promotion Master

Promotion,Deals and Pricing (PRO)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Parameters Promotion and Deals System Parameters (PRO820)
>Auto Assign Off Invoice at Line Item Level During Order Entry >Auto Assign Bill Back at Line Item Level During Order Entry >Auto Assign Off Invoice at Total Order Level During Order Entry >Auto Assign Bill Back at Total Order Level During Order Entry >Bracket Promotions at Line Level During Order Entry >Display Promotion Panels Automatically During Order Entry >Last Promotion Number Used >Promotion Price Basis >Print on Acknowledgment,Invoice and Statement-Promotion Number >Print on Acknowledgment,Invoice and Statement-Promotion Description >Print on Acknowledgment,Invoice Acknowledgment Invoice and Statement-Discount Offered >Print on Acknowledgment,Invoice and Statement-Split O/I Discount Offered >Print on Acknowledgment,Invoice and Statement-Split B/B Discount Offered >List Price Hierarchy >Default List Price Book Method

Promotion,Deals and Pricing (PRO)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files Promotion Calendar (PDC)

Used to maintain the start date,end date and announce date for teh promotion and deals periods. Promotion calendars are created by company and year and can have up to 99 periods per year. The start date and end date determine if a customer order qualifies for the promotion. Promotion calendars are maintained using Promotion Calendar (PRO100).

Promotion Master (PDM)

Used to maintain the different promotions being offered to your customers. Promotions can be created and retrieved using item and customer information. o at o The e information o at o used to c create eate a and d retrieve et e e p promotions o ot o s is: s Customer >Region >Customer Type >Customer Discount Code >Customer Number >Ship-To Item >Item Class >Item Discount Code >Item Number >Bracket Group Code Promotions are maintained using Promotion Master (PRO110).

Promotion Notes (ESN)

Used to maintain additional information about the p promotion. These notes can be selectively printed on acknowledgments,invoices and statements. Promotion Notes are maintained using Promotion Notes (PRO120) Promotion,Deals and Pricing (PRO) 5

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files , continued Special Prices (ESP)
Used to maintain special p p prices. Special p p pricing g can be controlled by y customer or salesperson based on a system parameter setting. The nine special pricing methods (by customer) are:
Method 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 T Description Item Number /Customer Number Customer Number Item Number Item Discount Code /Customer Number Item Discount Code Item Number /Customer Discount Code Item Number /Customer Discount Code Item Discount Code /Customer Discount Code Total Order Discount

In addition,there are four special pricing types:

Type 1 2 3 4 Description Percentage Discount Based on Amount Percentage Discount Based on Quantity Discount Price Based on Amount Discount Price Based on Quantity

Special prices are maintained using Special Price (PRO140)

List Price Book (ESP)

Used to maintain list prices prices. The six list price methods are:
Method A B C D 0 9 Description Item Number /Customer Number Item Number /Region Item Number /Customer Discount Code Item Number /Facility Multi-Currency (same as MLT100) Cost Plus List Price

List book prices are maintained using List Price Book Maintenance (PRO150)

Promotion,Deals and Pricing (PRO)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Processing Key processing K i activities ti iti performed f d within ithi the th promotion and deals product are:
>Promotion Tracking (PRO130) >Mass List Price Book Update (PRO510) >Cost Plus List Price Development (PRO520)

Promotion,Deals and Pricing (PRO)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Processing ,Continued

>Batch Price Maintenance (PRO530)

Cost Master (CMF)

Cost Plus List Pi D Price Development l t (PRO520)

Mass List Price Book Update p (PRO510)

List Prices (ESP)

Batch Price Maintenance (PRO530)

Customer Order Line (ECL) ( )

Promotion,Deals and Pricing (PRO)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Reports p available from the promotion p and deals Reports product are:
>Summary Performance by Item (PRO210) >Summary Performance by Customer (PRO220) >Summary Performance by Promotion (PRO230) >Detail Performance by Item (PRO212) >Detail Performance by Customer (PRO222) >Detail Performance by Promotion (PRO232)

Promotion,Deals and Pricing (PRO)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Inquiries Inquiries available from the promotion and deals product are:
>Promotion Inquiry (PRO300) >Special Price Inquiry (PRO340) >List Price Book Inquiry (PRO350)

Promotion,Deals and Pricing (PRO)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Period End Processing

There are no period end processing programs within the promotion and deals product

Promotion,Deals and Pricing (PRO)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Reorganizations

There are no system reorganization programs related to the promotions and deals product.

Promotion,Deals and Pricing (PRO)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Integration with other Products

Provide/Receive Provide Receive Provide Provide Receive Provide Provide Provide Receive Receive Provide Provide Receive Provide Product ACR ACR BIL DRP DRP FOR ILM INV INV MDM MPS OLM OLM PRO Information Open Customer Order Amounts Credit Information and Invoice Detail for Cash with Order Processing Confirmed Shipments for Invoicing Open Resupply Orders as Scheduled Receipts Planned Resupply Orders being Converted into Resupply Orders Open Customer Orders for Basis Data Ship From Address Soft and Hard Allocations Item Information,Available Inventory, Reason Codes Bill-of-Material for Kits,Assortments and Feature/Options Open Customer Orders Customer,Ship-Tos,Open Customer Order and Loads Created by Pick Confirm Loads Created by the Load Control Center Region,Customer,Customer Discount Code and Ship-To for Pricing /Promotions and Free Good Promotion Tracking Pricing and Promotions Drop Shipment Requests Drop Shipment Purchase Order Status Customers,Ship-Tos and Confirmed Shipments Contract Release Details Open Customer Orders Open Customer Orders

Receive Provide Receive Provide Receive Provide Provide


Configurable Order Management (ORD)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Product Flow

Customer Type (RCT)

Payment Type (ZPA)

Customer Terms (RTM)

Sales person (SSM)

Document Sequence (RDS)

Order Class (EOC)

Order Type yp (EOT)

Customer (RCM) ( )

Notes ( (ESN) )

OLM Tables -Shipping Route (LSR) -Canier Code (LCM) -Means of Transportion (LMN) -Freight g Terms ( (LFT) ) Order Class Pring Optio (EOP) Customer Item Cross Reference (EIX) Address (EST)

Item Master (IIM)

Configurable Order Management (ORD)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview General Concepts Concept #1

Customer orders can be placed on the following types of hold: >Customer Hold >Credit Hold >Margin Hold >User Hold

Concept #2
BPCS Client/Server differentiates between soft allocations and hard allocations . A soft allocation is the total quantity of an item needed for customer orders. Soft allocations are created against the warehouse level and can go negatvie. Hard allocations occur when inventory is reserved from a specific location to a specific customer order . Hard allocations are created against the location ,lot or container level and cannot go negative.

Concept #3
Customer orders can be closed (soft deleted )and /or purged (physically deleted from the files) based on system parameters running Order Close /Purge (ORD900)

Configurable Order Management (ORD)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Parameters Order Entry System Parameters (ORD820)
>Special Lines to Print on Acknowledgments >Special Lines to Print on Invoices >Include Special Lines in Order Margin Calculation >Margin Password Override >Customer Purchase Order Required >Use the Salesman Number for Special Pricing >Special Pricing Hierarchy >Include Special Lines in Order Total Discount Calculation >Automatic Close of Orders Supported >Closing of Orders (Ordered vs Shipped Basis) >Tolerance Percentage >Date for Which to Base Closing >Number of Days Order Should Remain Open >Date for Which to Base Purging >N b of >Number fD Days O Order d Sh Should ld R Remain i O Open >Default Order Class for Quotes >Default Order Class for RMAs >Are Allocations Generally Required for Customer Orders >At what Level do you Define Allocation Requirements and Exceptions >Price Resupply Orders >Resupply Orders Affect A/R >Resupply Orders Affect Sales History >Last Customer Order Number Used >Last Quote Number Used >Last RMA Number Used >Next Consolidation Number >Next Load Number >Next Bill of Lading Numbeer >Next Manifest Number >Enter DATE1 Heading to Display >Enter DATE2 Heading to Display >Parallel Validation-Minimum Number of Active Jobs >Parallel Validation-Maximum Number of Active Jobs >Parallel Validation-Reset Time in Seconds >Parallel Validation-Number of Transactions to Process in an Hour >Parallel Parallel Post-Minimum Post Minimum Number of Active Jobs >Parallel Post-Maximum Number of Active Jobs >Parallel Post-Reset Time in Seconds >Parallel Post-Number of Transactions to Process in an Hour

Configurable Order Management (ORD)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Parameters ,continued A Accounts t Receivable R i bl A Aging i (ACR820)
>Use Credit Hold Password >Password for Credit Hold

Configurable Order Management (ORD)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files Customer (RCM)

Used to define shipping, shipping address, address credit credit, tax tax, sales sales, pricing and release management information for your customers. You can also establish customer /service provider cross reference. Logical customers can be created to facilitate corporate and sales hierarchical relationships. Each customer can have a unique: Corporate >corporate parent customer number >accounts receivable statement-to customer number >remit-from customer number >lock box-to customer number >accounts receivable customer number >invoice-to customer number >pricing customer number >promotion customer number >promotional pay-to customer number Sales >sales parent customer number >ship-to customer number >item number cross reference customer number >sales history customer number Customer are maintained using Customer Maintenance (ACR100)

Address (EST)
Used to maintain address, release management and shipping information for your customers. You can also establish ship-to /service provider cross reference. Unique information can be maintained for the following system reserved address types:
Address Type 00 01 02 03 04 06 Description Global Ship-To Promotional Pay-To Invoice-To L kB Lock Box-To T Vendor Ship From

Addresses are maintained using Address Master Maintenance (ORD100)

Configurable Order Management (ORD)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files, continued N t (ESN) Notes

Used to enter additional text information. The following notes can be entered and printed on selective documents: >Customer >Customer /Ship-To >Customer Order >Customer Order Line >Customer Quote >Customer Quote Line >Customer RMA >Customer RMA Line

Customer Item Cross Reference (EIX)

Used to establish relationships between your customers item number and your item number. Information related to release management and customer minimum standard and incremental order quantities can be entered minimum, entered. Once established, customer orders can be entered using your customers item number or your item number (this processing option is controlled on the customer master). Customer item cross references are maintained using Customer Item Cross Reference (ORD150) ( )

Configurable Order Management (ORD)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files, continued Order Class (EOC/EOP)
Used to define the events for each customer order and the documents generated from each event. The five basic processing events for a customer order are: 1.Order Entry (Icon) 2.Pick Release (ORD550) 3.Pick Confirm (ORD570) 4.Ship Confirm (ORD590) or Load Control Center 5.Billing (BIL500) Order class 001-099 are system reserved and order class 100-999 are user defined. O d classes Order l are maintained i t i d using i O Order d Cl Class Maintenance M i t (ORD170). (ORD170)

Order Type (EOT)

Used to define how customer orders will affect inventory, sales history and accounts receivable / general ledger. The following nine order types are system reserved and have the following effects:
Order Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Affect Inventory Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes/No Affect Sales History Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes/No Affect A/R Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes/No

Order type 9 is reserved for re-supply orders Order types are maintained using Order Type Maintenance (ORD180) Configurable Order Management (ORD) 8

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Processing Key processing K i activities ti iti performed f d within ithi th the configurable fi bl order management product are:
>Order Entry (ICON)

Order Entry (ICON)

Customer Order Header (ECH)

Customer Order Line (ECL)

Special Charges (ECS)

Notes (ESN)

Configurable Order Management (ORD)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Processing ,continued

>Quote Entry (ICON)

Quote (ICON)

Quote Order Header (EQH)

Quote Order Line (EQL)

Special Charges (EQS)

Notes (ESNW)

Quote Icon Save As

Customer Order Header (ECH)

Customer Order Line (ECL)

Special Charges (ECS)

Notes (ESN)

Configurable Order Management (ORD)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Processing ,continued

>Return Material Authorization (RMA) Entry (ICON)


RMA Order Header (ERH)

RMA Order Line (ERL)

Special Charges (ERS)

Notes (ESNW)

RMA Icon Save As

Customer Order Header (ECH)

Customer Order Line (ECL)

Special Charges (ECS)

Notes (ESN)

Configurable Order Management (ORD)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Processing ,continued

>Pick Release (ORD550) >Pick Confirm (ORD570) >Ship Confirm (ORD590) >On-Line Allocation (ORD720) >Batch Order Allocation (ORD400) >Clear Batch Allocation Lock Flag (ORD940)
On-Line On Line Allocation (ORD720) Clear Batch Allocation Lock Flag (ORD940) Batch Order Allocation (ORD400)

Order Line (ECL)

Allocation (ELA)

Location Inventory (ILI)

Allocation, but from Where? Order Line Item The ELA files associates the Qty Allocated Where and the What Order Line Item Location Qty Allocated

Allocation, but to what? Item Location Qty Allocated

Configurable Order Management (ORD)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Processing ,continued

>Order >O d Hold H ld Manual M lR Release l (ORD580) >Order User Hold Manual Release (ORD581) >Order Hold Mass Release (ORD680) >Batch Pricing (PRO530) >Customer Hierarchy Realignment (ACR973) >Document Regeneration (ORD798) >Update Q/C Reason Code (ORD635)

Configurable Order Management (ORD)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Reports

Reports available from the configurable order management product are: >Open Orders by Customer (ORD200) >Open Orders by Item/Date (ORD210) >Open Orders by Salesperson (ORD220) >Open Orders by Warehouse /Date (ORD230) >Open Orders by Class /Item (ORD240) >Open Orders by Planner (ORD250) >Open Orders by Cross Reference Item (ORD270) >Open Orders by Picker Number (ORD290) >Quotes by Customer (ORD260) >Order Hold Report (ORD685) >Sales /Shop Order Reconciliation Report (SFC290) >Order O d Exception E ti Report R t (ORD410) >Pickable Orders Report (ORD420) >Fair Share Allocations Report (ORD430) >RMAs by Customer (ORD280) >RMAs by Item /Date (ORD272) >Open RMAs by Reason Code /Date (ORD274) >Closed RMAs RMA s by Reason Code /Date (ORD276)

Configurable Order Management (ORD)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Inquiries

Inquiries available from the configurable order management product are: >Order Inquiry (ORD300) >Item Cross Reference Inquiry (ORD350) >Order Hold Inquiry (ORD380) >Customer Alpha Look-Up (ACR310)

Configurable Order Management (ORD)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Period End Processing

Period end processing programs within the configurable order management product are: >Order Close /Purge (ORD900) >Clear Quotes (ORD930) >Delete RMAs (ORD935)

Configurable Order Management (ORD)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Reorganizations

System S t reorganization i ti programs related l t dt to the th configurable fi bl order d management product are: >Reset On Order Allocated (INV971) >Cleanup ECL and ECS Files (ORD990) >Cleanup Allocations (SYS990) >Zero Work Field in IWI (ORD970) >Reorganize Notes Files (SYS994)

Configurable Order Management (ORD)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Integration with other Products

Provide/Receive Provide Provide Receive Provide Receive Product ACP BIL INV ORD ORD Information Carrier Information Dispatched Load Information and Freight Invoices Items and Warehouses Loads Created by Load Control Center Customers,Ship-Tos,Open C t Customer Orders Od and dL Loads d Created by Pick Confirm Purchase Orders for Third Part Carriers and Service Providers Vendors for Carriers Country for Non-Working Days

Provide Receive Provide


Outbound Logistics Management (OLM)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Product Flow

Set Up System Set-Up Tables Related to OLM

Set-Up BPCS Client/Server M Master Fil Files for f Non-OLM Products

Set-Up OLM Master Files

Update Customer, Ship-Tos and Warehouse With OLM Master File Data

Must load postal codes in warehouse master,customer master and ship-to master in order for OLM to work correctly Must load weight, volume and pallet information in item master in order for OLM to work correctly

Outbound Logistics Management (OLM)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview General Concepts Concept #1

Loads can be manually created or automatically created based on load rules. Loads can be planned,firmed,released or dispatched. Loads are comprised of shipment(s) and shipment(s) are comprised of customer order(s).

Concept #2
Freight charges can be automatically calculated and be based on weight, volume,distance or a flat charge.

Outbound Logistics Management (OLM)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Parameters Freight Parameter Generation (OLM820)
>Standard Units of Measure-Volume >Standard Units of Measure-Distance >Standard Units of Measure-Weight >Standard Shipment Charges Code >Default Freight Terms Code >Days Days to Retain Freight History >Minimum Number of Postal Code Digits Used for Carrier Selection and Rate Calculation >Activate Hazardous Processing >Default Hazard Code >Next Load Number >Load Description p >Next Bill of Lading Number >Bill of Lading Description >Next Manifest Number >Manifest Description >Packing List Used >Bill of Lading Used >Manifest /Master BOL Used >Default Commodity Code >Default Invoice By >Next Consignment Number >Lower Consignment Number >Upper Consignment Number >Next Carton Number >Lower Carton Number >Upper Carton Number >Next Pallet Number >Lower Pallet Number >Upper Pallet Number >Default D f lt R Rate t B Break kH Heading(1-7) di (1 7) >Default Rate Break(1-7)

Outbound Logistics Management (OLM)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files

Advanced Ad d Fixing Fi i Certificates C tifi t (OLM137-LAF) (OLM137 LAF) Auto Means Selection (OLM810-LMS) Carrier Rates (OLM100-LRD) Carriers (OLM100-LCM) Countries (SYS117-LCN) Distance Matrix (OLM180-LDM) Dock Scheduling (OLM150 (OLM150-LDS) LDS) Documents(OLM145-LDC) Duties (OLM107-LDT) Freight Terms (OLM115-LFT) Harmonization Codes (OLM191-LHM) Hazardous Classifications (OLM185-LHC) Hazardous Codes (OLM195-LHD) Hazardous UN/NA ID Codes (OLM190-LHI) Load Rules (OLM160-LLR) Means of Transportation (OLM110-LMN) Note Types (SYS131-LNY) OLM Notes (OLM155-LNT) Postal Codes (OLM170-LPC) (OLM170 LPC) Rate Tariff Classification (OLM125-LTC) Securities Against AFCs (OLM132-LAA) Shipment Charges (OLM162-LSC/LSD) Shipment Commission Rates (OLM142-LCO) Shipment Routes (OLM135-LSR) Shipment p Zones ( (OLM130-LSZ) ) Special Shipment Instructions (OLM171-LDN) System Notes (SYS133-ZLN) Terminal/Zone Cross Reference (OLM112-LTR) Time Zones (OLM175-LTZ) Transportation Equipment (OLM120-LEM)

Outbound Logistics Management (OLM)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Processing

Key y processing g activities performed within the outbound logistics g management product are: >Load Generation (Load Control Center) >Dispatch Load (Load Control Center) >Freight Calculator (Load Control Center) >Load Processing (OLM510) >Shipment Arrivals (OLM580) >Label Generation (OLM622) >Print Delivery Notes for PO Rejects /Warehouse Transfers (OLM596)

Outbound Logistics Management (OLM)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Processing,continued

(RMS500) ( )



Order Entry


Customer Order




(Load Control)


Pick List



Picking List

(Load Control)

Bill of Lading

Billing Realease



Outbound Logistics Management (OLM)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Reports

Reports available from the outbound logistics management product are >Open Loads (OLM240) >Dock Schedules (OLM260) >Daily Shipments (OLM220) >Carrier Summary (OLM262) >Short Shipments (OLM230) >Freight Distribution (OLM265) >Freight Accruals (OLM235) >Load and Purchase Order Cross Reference (OLM250)

Outbound Logistics Management (OLM)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Inquiries

Inquiries I i i available il bl f from th the outbound tb dl logistics i ti management t product d t are: >Loads (OLM352) >Freight Mileage (OLM362) >Freight Payment (OLM322)

Outbound Logistics Management (OLM)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Period End Processing

There are no period end processing programs within the outbound logistics management product

Outbound Logistics Management (OLM)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Reorganizations

There are no system reorganization programs related to the outbound logistics management product.

Outbound Logistics Management (OLM)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Integration with other Products

Provide/Receive Provide Provide Provide Product ACR CEA INV Information Customer Invoices Journal Entries Shipment Transaction B for post Ship Billing and Return Transaction RM for RMAs Dispatched Load Information and Freight Invoices C fi Confirmed d Shi Shipments t f for I Invoicing i i Promotion Tracking Drop Shipments for Invoicing Retro Billing Information Sales History

Receive R Receive i Provide Receive Receive Provide


Billing (BIL)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Product Flow

Billing Billi Header (BBH) Billing Billi Release (BBL)

Inventory Balances

Invoice Release (BIL500)

B B Transactions (post ( post ship) RM Transacions (RMAs)

Transaction T ti History (ITH)

Sales History (SSH)

Invoice (RAR)

Document Register (BIL530)

A/R Register (ACR520)

Invoice (BIL550)

Sales History Det (SSD)

Invoice History (SIH)

Invoice Line History (SIL) Journal Header (GHH) Journal Detail (GLH) Journal Analysis (GLA) Journal Notes (GNH) Account Cross Reference (GCR) Journal Subsystem Cross Reference (GXR)

Configurabl Ledger Files

Billing (BIL)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview General Concepts Concept #1

Post ship billing and return material authorization (RMA) are handled by using customer orders with unique order types and order classes.

Concept #2
Invoice processing and invoice printing can be performed in a one step process or can be performed in a two step process. In addition, BPCS Client/Server supports the generation of proforma invoices.

Billing (BIL)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Parameters Billing System Parameters (BIL820)
>Enter Cost Set for Profit Margin Reporting >Last Packing Group Number Used >Packing Group Number Range >Last Invoice Number Used >Invoice Number Range >Company / Prefix Document Sequencing >Single RMS Prefix >RMS Prefix >Last RMS Invoice Number Used >RMS Invoice Number Range >Print Special Lines on Post Shipment Invoices >Last L tP Proforma f N Number b U Used. d >Transaction Mode 0 Payment Short Description >Transaction Mode 1 Invoice Full /Short Description >Transaction Mode 2 Debit Memo Full /Short Description >Transaction Mode 3 Credit Memo Full /Short Description

Billing (BIL)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files

Th There are no master t files fil within ithi the th billing billi product. d t

Billing (BIL)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Processing Key processing K i activities ti iti performed f d within ithi the th billing billi product are:
>Invoice Release (BIL500) >Invoice Print (BIL550) >Invoice Re-Print (BIL560) >Drop Shipment Confirmation (BIL650)

Billing (BIL)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Reports R Reports t available il bl f from th the billi billing product d t are:
>Shipped but Un-invoiced Orders (BIL660) >Shipped but Un-invoiced Consignments (BIL662)

Billing (BIL)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Inquiries

There are no inquiries within the billing product

Billing (BIL)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Period End Processing

There are no period end processing programs within the billing product

Billing (BIL)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Reorganizations System reorganization programs related to the billing product are:
>Billing Reset (BIL993)

Billing (BIL)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Integration with other Products

Provide/Receive Receive Provide Provide Provide Product BIL CDM CEA ORD Information Customer Invoices Open Customer Invoice and Customer Master Journal Entries Credit Information and Invoice Detail for Cash with Order Processing Open Customer Order Amounts Open Invoices for Promotion Tracing and Customer Type for Promotions Bill Backs Invoices for Retro Billing Open Customer Invoices and Credit Information

Receive Provide


Receive Provide Provide


Accounts Receivable (ACR)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Product Flow

Company (RCO)

Customer Type (RCT)

Payment Type (ZPA)

Customer Terms (RTM)

Sales Person (SSM)

Document Sequence (RDS)

Dunning Letter (RLT)

Customer (RCM)

Reason Code (ZPA)

Customer Tax Excmpt (RXE)

Default Reason Code (ZOM)

Currency Code (ZPA)

Accounts Receivable (ACR)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Parameters A Accounts t Receivable R i bl A Aging i (ACR820)
>Use Credit Hold Password >Password >Default Parents Business Customers >Aging Period 1 Description /Days >Aging Aging Period 2 Description /Days >Aging Period 3 Description /Days >Aging Period 4 Description /Days >Aging Period 5 Description /Days >Enter Date by Which to Age Receivables

T Transaction ti History Hi t S System t Parameters P t (SYS824)

>Enter the Number of Days to Keep Accounts Receivable History Transactions on Line >Enter the Number of Days to Keep Customer Invoice History Transactions on LIne

Accounts Receivable (ACR)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files Reason Codes (ZPA)

Used to indicate the purpose for performing a function or transaction. Reason codes are used to determine which event will be used to create the journal entry in CEA. By having different reason codes,different reason codes,different functions or transactions can use different events to create different journal entries. entries For example,you example you could have reason code INVC INVC for invoice creation and PAYT for invoice payment. Reason codes are maintained using Reason Codes (SYS170).

Default Reason Codes (ZOM)

Used to assign default reason codes to functions or transactions that are performed in BPCS Client/Server. When performing the function or transaction,the default reason code is retrieved and in some instances can be overridden by the user.Reason codes have to be defined using Reason Codes (SYS170) before using them as defaults. defaults Default reason codes are maintained using Default Reason Codes (SYS180).

Payment Types (ZPA)

Used to maintain the different types of payments received from your customers.Payment types are assigned to customers through Customer Master (ACR100). Payment types are maintained using Payment Types (ACP170).

Accounts Receivable (ACR)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files,continued Customer (RCM)

Used to define shipping,address,credit,tax,sales,pricing and release management information for your customers,You can also establish customer /service provide cross reference. Logical customers can be created to facilitate and sales hierarchical relationships. Each customer can have a unique:

>corporate parent customer number >accounts receivable statement-to customer number >remit-from customer number >lock box-to customer number >accounts receivable customer number >invoice-to customer number >pricing customer number >promotion customer number >promotional pay-to customer number

>sales parent customer number >ship-to customer number >item number cross reference customer number >sales history customer number

Term Codes (RTM)

Used to maintain customer term codes. Customer term codes are used to determine invoice due days,discount due days and discount percentage. Customer term codes are assigned to customers though Customer Master (ACR100) (ACR100). Customer term codes are maintained using Customer Terms (ACR110).

Accounts Receivable (ACR)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files,continued Company (RCO)

Used to maintain address,dunning and tax information related to your companies. Companies are no longer required for general ledger processing but are still assigned to customers through Customer Master (ACR100) and vendors through Vendor Master (ACP100/PUR100). Companies are maintained using Company Master (ACR120).

Profit Center (RCL)

Used to maintain profit center information. Profit centers are no longer required for general ledger processing but could be used for reference information. Profit centers are maintained using Profit Center Master (ACR130).

Dunning Letter Set (RLT)

Used to maintain the dunning letter sets which define the folder and documents whick are used during dunning generation. The folder and documents are maintained using OfficeVision/400. Dunning letter sets are maintained using Dunning Letter Set (ACR150).

Accounts Receivable (ACR)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files, continued Document Sequence (RDS)
Used to maintain the prefix code, current year, next year, sequence numbers and prefix type for document sequences. Valid prefix types are:
Prefix Type 0 1 2 3 4 Description None Prefix for Customer Invoices Intra EEC Use Only Lock Document Prefix Reserved for Zero Amount Invoices

Document sequencing must be activated if using ATP with CEA. Document sequences are assigned to customers through Customer Master (ACR100). Document sequences are maintained using Document Sequence (ACR160).

Customer Type (RCT)

Used to maintain customer types which could be used for grouping customers. Customer types are assigned to customers through Customer Master (ACR100). Customer types are assigned a currency code. Customer types are maintained using Customer Types (ACR170).

Customer Tax Exemption (RXE)

Used to enter tax exempt p declarations received from y your customers. Customer tax exemptions are maintained using Customer Tax Exempt (SYS160) Accounts Receivable (ACR) 7

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Processing Key processing K i activities ti iti performed f d within ithi th the accounts t receivable product are:
>Cash and Memo Posting (ACR500) >Invoice Maintenance (ACR510) >Dunning Selection and Print (ACR600) >Customer Hierarchy Realignment (ACR973)

Cash and Memo Posting (ACR500)

Invoice Maintenance (ACR510)

Invoices (RAR)

Configurable Ledger Files

Journal Header (GHH) Journal Detail (GLH) Journal Analysis (GLA) Journal Notes (GNH) A Account Cross C R Reference f (GCR) Journal Subsystem Cross Reference (GXR)

Accounts Receivable (ACR)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Reports

Reports available from the accounts receivable product are: >Cash Receipts Journal (ACR210) >Account Statements (ACR220) >Ranking Reports (ACR230) >Credit Analysis (ACR240) >Discount Analysis (ACR250) >Aged Aged Trial Balance Balance-Consolidated Consolidated (ACR400) >Aged Trial Balance-Company(ACR410) >Aged Trial Balance-Salesperson(ACR430)

Accounts Receivable (ACR)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Inquiries

Inquiries available from the accounts receivable product are: >Invoice / Customer Level (ACR300) >Customer Alpha Lookup (ACR310)

Accounts Receivable (ACR)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Period End Processing

Period end processing programs within the accounts receivable product are: >A/R Period Close (ACR900) >A/R Year Close (ACR910)-Do Not Run if the INV Product is Installed >Document Sequence Reset (ACR920)

Accounts Receivable (ACR)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Reorganizations

System S t reorganization i ti programs related l t dt to th the accounts t receivable i bl product are: >Cleanup Operations for Accounts Receivable Files (ACR990) >Reset Accounts Receivable Amount Due (ACR970) >Reset Average Pay Days/Invoice Size (ACR971) >Reset Corporate Customer Number (ACR972)

Accounts Receivable (ACR)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Integration with other Products

Provide/Receive Receive Receive Product ACR ARP Information Open Customer Invoices and Customer Master Transaction Codes,Reason Codes and dN Notice i T Table bl

Credit and Deduction Management (CDM)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Product Flow

Credit Analyst (RMM) Dispute (RDP) Condition (RCN)

Contact (RNM)

Note Type (RTY)

Note Maste Header (RNH)

Notes Master (RND)

System Notes (RNT)

Reason Code (RRS)

Notice Table Head (RMH)

Trans Code (RTN)

Notice Table Detai (RMD)

Credit and Deduction Management (CDM)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview General Concepts Concept #1

Daily File Rebuild (CDM602) can be run in interactive or batch mode

Concept #2
The customer discrepancies file (RSC) can be rebuilt daily or monthly based on system defaults maintained using System Defaults (CMDD130)

Credit and Deduction Management (CDM)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Parameters System Defaults (CDM130)

>Generate System Notes >Days to Keep All Notes >Days to Keep Conditions >View to Enter in ACR300D9 (Invoice Level) >Transaction /Reason Code Letters >Condition Code Letters >Transaction Processing >Field Level Security >Rebuild A/R File Daily or Monthly >Rebuild Customer File Daily or Monthly >Rebuild Customer Extension File Daily or Monthly >Rebuild R b ild O Open D Deductions d ti /C /Collections ll ti Fil File D Daily il or M Monthly thl >Rebuild Notes Header File Daily or Monthly >Rebuild Notes Detail File Daily or Monthly >Field Level Security Settings (Customer Related /Invoice Related)

Credit and Deduction Management (CDM)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files Credit Analyst y ( (RMM) )

Used to maintain the write off limit,reports to and security level for your credit analysts. Credit analysts are maintained using Credit Analyst (CDM100)

Note Type (RTY)

Used to maintain different note types. Note types are assigned to notes and could be used to help identify the reason for the note. Note Types are maintained using Notes Type (CDM102)

Notes (RNH/RND)
Used to maintain additional information related to a customer or an invoice. Notes can be entered at the customer level or the invoice level. When notes are entered,a note type and contact name are attached to the notes. Notes can be manually created or system created . Notes are maintained using Notes (ACR300).

Contact (RNM)
Used to maintain information related to the customer or invoice contact. Multiple contacts can be created for each customer, as well as for each invoice. Contacts are assigned to notes. Contacts are maintained using Notes (ACR300).

Disput Code (RDP)

Used U dt to maintain i t i diff different t reasons for f customer t /invoice /i i disputes. di t Dispute codes are maintained using Dispute Code (CDM120).

Credit and Deduction Management (CDM)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files,continued Condition (RCN)

Used to maintain the various conditions that will be checked during the Daily file Rebuild (CDM602). Conditions can be created that check information in the following files:
File RAR RCM C RCU RDC RNH RND Description Invoices C Customer Master Customer Master Extension Open Deductions /Collections Notes Master Header Notes Master Detail

Conditions are maintained using Conditions (CDM150)

System Notes (RNT)

Used to maintain the note description and the number of days to keep the system y g generated notes in the system. y System notes are maintained using System Notes (CDM180)

Transaction Code Maintenance (RTN /RRS)

Used to maintain the transaction codes and transaction reason codes which are used to track activity within are disposition process process. Transaction codes and transaction reason codes are maintained using Transaction Code Maintenance (ARP131)

Notice Table (RMH/RMD)

Used U dt to maintain i t i th the l letters tt associated i t d with ith th the diff different tt transaction ti and d transaction reason codes. Notice tables are maintained using Notice Table (ARP112) Credit and Deduction Management (CDM) 6

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Processing

Key processing activities performed within the credit and deduction management product are: >Write off Over Limit Release (CDM170) >Build New Month Fields (CDM151) >Daily File Rebuild (CDM602)








Daily File Rebuild (CDM602)


Credit and Deduction Management (CDM)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Reports

Reports R t available il bl f from th the credit dit and dd deduction d ti management t product d t are: >Aged Trial Balance (CDM400)

Credit and Deduction Management (CDM)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Inquiries

Inquiries available from the credit and deduction management product are: >Invoice Level (ACR300) >Customer Level (ACR300) >Extract by Customer (CDM306) >Extract by Condition Number (CDM306) >Extract by Occurrence Date (CDM306) >Extract Extract by Amount (CDM306)

Credit and Deduction Management (CDM)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Period End Processing

Period end processing programs within the credit and deduction management product are : >End of Month Roll (CDM900) performed by ACR900 >End of Year Roll (CDM901) performed by ACR910 or INV910 >Purge CDM Files (CDM902)

Credit and Deduction Management (CDM)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Reorganizations

There are no system reorganization programs releated to the credit and deduction management product.

Credit and Deduction Management (CDM)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Integration with other Products

Provide/Receive Provide Provide Provide Product ACR CEA INV Information Customer Invoices Journal Entries Shipment Transaction B for post Ship Billing and Return Transaction RM for RMAs Dispatched Load Information and Freight Invoices C fi Confirmed d Shi Shipments t f for I Invoicing i i Promotion Tracking Drop Shipments for Invoicing Retro Billing Information Sales History

Receive R Receive i Provide Receive Receive Provide


Sales Analysis (SAL)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Product Flow

Billi Billing Header (BBH) Billi Billing Release (BBL)

Inventory Balances

Invoice Release (BIL500)

B B Transactions (post ( post ship) RM Transacions (RMAs)

Transaction T ti History (ITH)

Sales Hi History (SSH)

Invoice (RAR)

Document Register (BIL530)

A/R Register (ACR520)

Invoice (BIL550)

Sales History Det (SSD) ( )

Invoice History (SIH)

Invoice Line History (SIL)

Configurabl Ledger Files

Journal Header (GHH) Journal Detail (GLH) Journal Analysis (GLA) Journal Notes (GNH) Account Cross Reference (GCR) Journal Subsystem Cross Reference (GXR)

Sales Analysis (SAL)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview General Concepts Concept #1

Post ship billing and return material authorization (RMA) are handled by using customer orders with unique order types and order classes.

Concept #2
Invoice processing and invoice printing can be performed in a one step process or can be performed in a two step process.In addition,BPCS Client/Server supports the generation of proforma invoices.

Sales Analysis (SAL)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Parameters Billing Sytem Parameters (BIL820)
>Enter Cost Set for Profit Margin Reporting >Last Packing Group Number Used >Packing Group Number Range >Last Invoice Number Used >Invoice Number Range >Company / Prefix Document Sequencing >Single RMS Prefix >RMS Prefix >Last RMS Invoice Number Used >RMS Invoice Number Range >Print Pi tS Special i l Li Lines on P Post t Shi Shipment tI Invoices i >Last Proforma Number Used. >Transaction Mode 0 Payment Short Description >Transaction Mode 1 Invoice Full /Short Description >Transaction Mode 2 Debit Memo Full /Short Description >Transaction Mode 3 Credit Memo Full /Short Description

Sales Analysis (SAL)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files

There are no master files within the billing product. product

Sales Analysis (SAL)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Processing

Key processing activities performed within the billing product are: >Invoice Release (BIL500) >Invoice Print (BIL550) >Invoice Re-Print (BIL560) >Drop Shipment Confirmation (BIL650)

Sales Analysis (SAL)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Reports

Reports R t available il bl f from th the billi billing product d t are: >Shipped but Un-invoiced Orders (BIL660) >Shipped but Un-invoiced Consignments (BIL662)

Sales Analysis (SAL)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Inquiries

There are no inquiries within the billing product

Sales Analysis (SAL)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Period End Processing

There are no period end processing programs within the billing product

Sales Analysis (SAL)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Reorganizations

System reorganization programs related to the billing product are: >Billing Reset (BIL993)

Sales Analysis (SAL)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Integration with other Products

Provide/Receive Provide Receive Provide Receive Receive Product DRP INV Information Forecast Shipment History for Basis Data

MPS/MRP Forecast MPS/MRP Old Forecast for Basis Data ORD Open Customer Orders for Basis Data

Forecasting (FOR)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Product Flow

Shipment Transactions (ITH) Old Forecast (KMR) Open Customer Orders (ECL)

FOR010-Forecast Basis FOR910-Update Current Demand FOR915-Update Current Orders FOR920 U d t Current FOR920-Update C t Forcast F t

FOR150 Forecast Basis Maintenance

Basis Data (JFB)

FOR155 Forecast Basis Report

Forecast Basis Listing

FOR020-Item Warehouse Data from Basis FOR930-Load Item Warehouse Basis

Item Warehouse Data Listing (FOR175)

Item Warehouse Data Listing

FOR170 Item Warehouse Data

Item Warehouse D t Date (JFC/JFI)

Forecasting Inquiry (FOR300) ( )

Forecast and Order Inquiry (FOR310)

FOR500-Modeling FOR510-Forecast Generation FOR520-Forecast Adjustments FOR530-Constants Generation

Load Forecasts to MPSMRP (FOR540)

Requirements (KMR)


Forecasting (FOR)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview General Concepts Concept #1

Forecast modeling is performed using five different forecasting techniques. The forecasting technique with the lowest calculated forecast error is selected and used to generate future forecasts.

Concept #2
Three different sources of data can be used to generate forecasts. Open customer orders,old forecasts or shipment history can be used as the basis data for modeling and forecast generation.

Forecasting (FOR)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Parameters Application Control (FOR100)

>Current Year and Period >Fiscal Year First Period >Number of Periods per Year >Number of Periods for Modeling g >Security for Copy from simulation >Seasonality Used >Deseasonalize Outlier Demand >Years to Forecast >Years of History to Retain >Years of History to Use >Include Resupply Orders in Demand >Forecast /SPM Relationship >Product Grouping Description-Short >Product Grouping Description-Long >Customer Grouping Description-Short >Customer Grouping Description-Long

Forecasting (FOR)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files Methods and Errors (ZPA)
Used to maintain the basic definition information for the system supplied forecasting and error methods. The five forecasting methods are:
Method 1 2 3 4 5 Description Exponential Smoothing Least Squares New Equal Old Seasonality plus Trend Average Yearly Change With Seasonality

The three error methods are:

Method 1 2 3 Description Mean Absolute Deviation Mean Absolute Percentage Mean Squared Error

Forecast and error methods are maintained using Methods and Errors (FOR110).

Forecast Periods (JPD)

Used to maintain the start date and end date for each forecast period. Forecast periods are created by warehouse and year with up to 13 periods. Forecast periods are maintained using Forecast Periods (FOR120).

Seasonality Factors (ZPA)

Used to maintain the seasonality factor for each forecast period. Up to 99 user defined seasonality codes can be created. Seasonality code 00 is system reserved and uses factor 1.0 for all periods resulting in no impact. Use code 00 when not using seasonality. Seasonality codes are assigned to item classes or item numbers numbers. Seasonality codes and factors are maintained using Seasonality Factors (FOR130). Forecasting (FOR) 5

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files,continued Item Class / Warehouse Wareho se O Overrides errides (ZPA)
Used to maintain information that controls how forecasting will occur. Information such as,forecasting method(s),error method,seasonality code, number of forecast periods and alpha factors are defined for each item class /warehouse combination. Item Class /warehouse overrides are maintained using Item Class /Warehouse Overrides (FOR140).

Forecast Basis (JFB)

Used to maintain or enter the basis data which is used to generate item /warehouse data which is used to generate forecasts.Basis data can be automatically or manually loaded. Basis data can be automatically loaded from open customer orders,old forecast or shipment history. Forecast basis data is maintained using Forecast Basis (FOR150).

Seasonality History (JFH)

Used to maintain or enter seasonality history by item,warehouse and year. Seasonality history can be automatically or manually loaded.Seasonality history can be automatically loaded by running year end programs. Seasonality history is maintained using Seasonality History (FOR160).

Forecasting (FOR)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files,continued It Item Warehouse W h Data D t (JFC/JFI)
Used to maintain information that controls how forecasting will occur. Information such as forecasting method(s),error method,seasonality code, number of forecast periods and alpha factors are defined for each item number/warehouse combination.The initial information defaults from the item class /warehouse overrides created through Item Class /Warehouse Overrides (FOR140). Item warehouse data is maintained using Item Warehouse Data (FOR170).

Simulation Security Codes (ZPA)

Used to maintain the simulation codes that can be required when copying simulated forecasts into production files. Simulation security codes are maintained using Simulation Security Codes (FOR180).

Forecasting (FOR)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Processing

Key processing K i activities ti iti performed f d within ithi th the f forecasting ti product d t are: >Forecast Basis Initialization (FOR010) >Item Warehouse Data from Basis Initialization (FOR020) >Modeling (FOR500) >Forecast Generation (FOR510) >Forecast Adjustment (FOR520) >Constants Generation (FOR530) >Load Forecast to MPS/MRP (FOR540) >Simulation Selection (FOR600) >Copy Forecast to Simulation (FOR610) >Copy Simulation to Forecast (FOR620) >Backup Simulation (FOR630) >Delete Simulation (FOR640)

Forecasting (FOR)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Reports

Reports available from the forecasting product are: >Forecasts vs Base (FOR200) >Forecasts (FOR210) >Product Line Summary (FOR220) >Forecast Analysis (FOR230) >Forecasts vs Open Orders (FOR240) >Tracking Signals (FOR250) >Outliers (FOR260)

Forecasting (FOR)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Inquiries

Inquiries available from the forecasting product are: >Forecasting Inquiry (FOR300) >Forecasts and Orders (FOR310)

Forecasting (FOR)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Period End Processing

Period end processing programs within the forecasting product are: >Purge and Roll History (FOR900) >Update Current Demand (FOR910) >Update Current Orders (FOR915) >Update Current Forecast (FOR920) >Load Load Item /Warehouse from Basis (FOR930) >Year End Seasonality History (FOR940) >Year End Seasonality Factors (FOR950)

Forecasting (FOR)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Integration with other Products

Provide/Receive Provide Product CST Information Purchase Item Indicator from DRP Relationship for Inter Facility Cost Transfer F Forecast Items for Distribution Relationships and Facility Planning Data Planned Resupply Orders being Converted into Resupply Orders Open Resupply Orders as Scheduled Receipts

R Receive i Receive Receive Receive


Distribution Requirements Planning (DRP)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Product Flow

Distribution Calendar (DCL) Facility (ZMF) Facility Planning Data (CIC)

Distribution Relationship (DDR) Item Master (IIM)

Distribution Requirements Planning (DRP)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview General Concepts Concept #1

Planned resupply orders are converted into released resupply orders. A released resupply order is a customer order with order type 9. Once converted, the customer order drives demand on the from facility. The customer order is processed like any other customer. The customer order is picked picked, confirmed and dispatched dispatched. When the customer order is confirmed, on-hand inventory is reduced at the from facility and shown as in-transit at the to facility. The in-transit inventory is similar to a scheduled purchase order receipt. Where e e the e material ae a a arrives es a at the e to o facility, ac y, a Resupply esupp y O Order de Receipt ece p ( (DRP550) 550) is performed which increases the on-hand inventory at the to facility and reduces the in-transit.

Distribution Requirements Planning (DRP)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Parameters DRP System Parameters (DRP820)
>Require Lot Match at Receipt and Track In-Transit >Require Container Match at Receipt and Track In-Transit >Allow to Receive More than Shipped.

Distribution Requirements Planning (DRP)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files Distribution Relationships (DDR)

Used to define the distribution relationships used by DRP Generation (DRP500). Distribution relationships define by item, the from facility and the to facility. Each distribution relationship has a start date and end date and these dates determine if planned resupply orders are created during DRP Generation (DRP500). Distribution relationships are maintained using Distribution Relationship Maintenance (DRP100).

Facility Planning Data (CIC)

Used to maintain planning related information for each item and facility combination. Information such as planner code, minimum balance, order policy code and lead time are maintained by item and facility facility. Facility planning data is maintained using Facility Planning Data Maintenance (DRP140).

Shipping Calendar (DCL)

Used to maintain a fixed shipping pp g schedule between one facility y and another. For each ship date, available volume, pallets and weight information can be entered which will be used by the Transportation Planning Report (DRP250). Shipping calendars are maintained using Shipping Calendar Maintenance (DRP150). ( )

Time Frame (ZPA)

Used to maintain different time frames. Time frames are composed of 40 user defined buckets of time. Each bucket is defined to be X days in length. When running reports, the user can select a time frame to use which will group the data into the buckets buckets . The default time frame for DRP is time frame D Time frames are maintained using Time Frame Maintenance (DRP120) Distribution Requirements Planning (DRP) 5

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Processing

Key processing activities performed within the distribution requirements planning product are: >DRP Generation (DRP500) >Planned Order Maintenance (DRP510) >Release Planned Orders (DRP540) >Resupply Order Receipt (DRP550)

DRP Gen (DRP500)

Planned Order Maintenance (DRP510)

Planned Resupply Orders (KFP)

Release Planned Oreders (DRP540)

Customer Order Header (ECH)

Customer Order Line (ECL)

Resupply Order Receipt (DRP550)

Inventory Balances

Distribution Requirements Planning (DRP)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Reports

Reports available from the distribution requirements planning product are: >DRP Summary Projections (DRP230) >DRP Report by Facility (DRP240) >Transportation Planning (DRP250) >Open Resupply Orders by Resupply Order Number (DRP260) >Open Resupply Orders by Item /Receipt Date (DRP270)

Distribution Requirements Planning (DRP)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Inquiries

Inquiries available from the distribution requirements planning product are: >DRP Inquiry (DRP300) >Available to Promise Inquiry (DRP310)

Distribution Requirements Planning (DRP)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Period End Processing

There are no period end processing programs within the distribution requirements planning product.

Distribution Requirements Planning (DRP)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Reorganizations

System reorganization programs related to the billing product are: >Billing Reset (BIL993)

Distribution Requirements Planning (DRP)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Integration with other Products

Provide/Receive Provide Provide Provide Receive Receive Receive Receive Provide Receive Provide Receive Receive Product CAP DRP FOR FOR INV MDM ORD PUR PUR SFC/JIT SFC/JIT SYS Information Planned and Firm Planned Orders for Capacity Planning Planned Resupply Orders Old Forecast for Basis Data Forecast On-Hand Balances and Planning Parameters Bill-of-Material and Planning BOM for Planning Explosion Open Customer Orders Planned and Firm Planned Orders to be Released Oper Purchase Orders Planned and Firm Planned Orders to be Released Open Shop Orders Planning Parameters

Master Scheduling and Material Planning (MPS / MRP)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Product Flow

Sales Order Forecast

Customer Order (ECL)

Requirements (KMR)

MPS:MRP500 (MRP550) MRP:MRP600





Planning Report




(PUR640) (PUR641) (PUR651)



(SFC550) (HPH) (HPO)




(SFC505) (SFC520)

Master Scheduling and Material Planning (MPS / MRP)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview General Concepts Concept #1

BPCS Client/Server supports planning by facility or planning globally. If planning by facility, then MPS and MRP are run by facility and only supply and demand within that facility are considered. If planning globally, no facility is required when running MPS and MRP and all supply and demand in the entire database is considered.

Concept #2
BPCS Client/Server supports maintaining planning information at four levels:
Program SYS800 SYS190 INV100 MRP140 File ZPA ZMF ILM CIC Horizon Yes No Yes N No Planning Codes Limited No All All Mass Release Warehouse Yes Yes No Y Yes

Concept #3
MPS and MRP can be run in regeneration mode or net-change mode .If run in regeneration mode, all items are planned .If run in net-change mode, only items with net change flag=Y are planned.

Concept #4
The following planning exception messages in order of importance are created during the planning process: >Cancel >Expedite >De-Expedite D E di >Past Due >Lead Time Violation >Release >Firm Up >Under Minimum >Over Maximum

Master Scheduling and Material Planning (MPS / MRP)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Parameters MRP System Parameters (MRP820)
>Drop Firm Planned Orders Scheduled for Completion Before Planning Start Date >Demand Code to be Used Before the Time Fence (repetitive and other) >Demand Demand Time Fence (repetitive and other) >Demand Code to be Used After the Time Fence (repetitive and other) >Horizon Time Fence (repetitive and other) >Ignore Horizon Time Fence for Item Type O (phantom) and 5 (planning BOM) >Prorate Forecasts >Holding Cost Percentage on a Yearly Basis >Number of Days for Period Lot Sizing

MRP and Shop Floor System Parameters (MRP821)

>Enter Default Warehouse for Mass Release of Planned Shop Orders >Run MPS/MRP by Facility >Include Planned Orders as Scheduled Receipts

Master Scheduling and Material Planning (MPS / MRP)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files Item Master Planning Data (IIM)
Used to maintain global planning information for each item. Information such as planner code, lead-time, order policy code and minimum balance are maintained in the item master. You can define customer minimum, standard and incremental order quantities. Item master planning data is maintained using Item Master Maintenance (INV100)

Facility Planning Data (CIC)

Used to maintain facility planning information for each item. The planning data from the item master defaults into the facility planning data and can be overridden. You can define customer minimum, standard and incremental order quantities. Facility yp planning g data is maintained using g Facility y Planning g Data ( (MRP140) )

Forecast Maintenance (KMR)

Used to manually enter forecasts .If using the forecasting product, forecasts will bi loaded into MPS through Load Forecast to MPS (FOR540). Forecasts are maintained using Forecast Maintenance (MRP100)

Time Frame (ZPA)

Used to maintain different time frames .Time frames are composed of 40 user defined buckets of time. Each bucket is defined to be X days in length. When running reports, the user can select a time frame to use which will group the data into the buckets, The default time frame for MPS and MRP is time frame M. Time frames are maintained using Time Frame Maintenance (MRP120)

Master Scheduling and Material Planning (MPS / MRP)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Processing Key processing activities performed within the master scheduling and material requirements planning products are:
>Master Schedule Generation (MRP500) >Explode p Requirements q ( (MRP600) ) >MRP Maintenance (MRP510) >Explode Planned Order /Firm Planned Adjustments(MRP550) >Finite Forward Scheduling (MRP640)

Master Scheduling and Material Planning (MPS / MRP)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Processing, continued >Final Final Assembly Consolidation and Release (FAS500) >FAS Shop Packet Print (FAS510)

Order Entry








Master Scheduling and Material Planning (MPS / MRP)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Processing, continued >Release Release Planned Orders (MRP540) and Print Released Orders (SFC550)

MRP821 -Print Shop Packet -Allocate Shop Orders from Shop Packet






Shop Paperwork if Printed


Only if Shop Packets were not Printed during Print Released Orders (SFC550)


MRP821 -Allocate Shop Orders from Shop Packet

Shop Paperwork

Master Scheduling and Material Planning (MPS / MRP)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Processing, continued

>MRP/MPS MRP/MPS Simulation (MPS02)


























Master Scheduling and Material Planning (MPS / MRP)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Reports Reports R t available il bl f from th the master t scheduling h d li and d material t i l requirements planning products are:
>Print MPS Detail (MRP240) >Print MPS Orders (MRP520) >FAS Orders Not Released (MRP530) >Firm Planned Order List (MRP110) >MRP Exception Report (MRP200) >Shop Order Rescheduling (MRP209) >Purchase Order Rescheduling (MRP211) >Firm Planned Order Rescheduling (MRP212) >MRP MRP Summary Projection (MRP230) >Releasable Orders Report (MRP250)

Master Scheduling and Material Planning (MPS / MRP)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Inquiries Inquiries available from the master scheduling and material requirements planning products are:
>Planning /Pegging Inquiry (MRP300) >Available to Promise Inquiry (MRP310) >Master Schedule Detail Inquiry (MRP320)

Master Scheduling and Material Planning (MPS / MRP)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Period End Processing There are no period end processing programs within the master scheduling and material requirements planning products.

Master Scheduling and Material Planning (MPS / MRP)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Reorganizations System reorganizations programs related to the master scheduling and material requirements planning products are:
>Reorganize MRP Files (MRP990) >Reset Facility Locks (SYS996)

Master Scheduling and Material Planning (MPS / MRP)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Integration with other Products

Provide/ Receive Receive Provide Provide Receive Provide Receive Provide Receive Product ACP CAP CST CST INV INV MDM MDM Information Actual Costs for Outside Operations Open Shop Orders for Capacity Planning Actual Cost from Shop Orders Actual Overhead Allocation to Open Shop Orders Open p Shop p Orders and Hard Allocations Shop Order Issues and Receipts Actual Input and Output Bill-of-Material, Routing and Manufacturing Data Notes for Shop Orders

Provide Receive Receive Provide

MPS/MRP Open Shop Orders MPS/MRP Planned and Firm Planned Orders to be Released ORD PUR Open Customer Orders Shop Order and Operation Number for Outside Operation Purchase Order Receipts of Outside Operations



Shop Floor Control (SFC)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview General Concepts Concept #1

When a shop order is created , a snap shot of the engineering billof- material and routing are copied into a separate shop order material and operation detail file. Once these shop order files have been created, any changes to the engineering bill-ofmaterial or routing DO NOT update the shop order files and vice versa versa.

Concept #2
BPCS Client/Server differentiates between soft allocations and hard allocations. A soft allocation is the total quantity of an item needed for shop orders. Soft allocations are created against the warehouse level and can go negative. Hard allocations occur when inventory is reserved from a specific location to a specific shop order. Hard allocations are created against the location, lot or container level and cannot go negative. negative

Shop Floor Control (SFC)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Parameters MRP and Shop Floor System Parameters (MRP821)
>Multiple Issue From Allocations or Location Entered During Posting >Multiple Issue to Include Yield Factor >Require Sequence Number to be Entered when Doing Shop Order Issues >Print Shop Packet >Allocate Shop Orders from Shop Packet Print

JIT Shop Floor Parameters (JIT820)

>Default Employee Number for Backflushing Labor Tickets >Sequence Labor Tickets /Kanban by Work Center or Order Number >Last Shop Order Number Used >Print Labor Tickets During Shop Order Release >Print a Summarized Pick List During Shop Order Release >Print Material and Operations Together

Transaction History System Parameters (SYS824)

>Number of Days to Keep Labor Tickets On-Line

Inventory and Costing System Parameters (CST820)

>Allow Issue of Non Allocated Components to Shop Orders

Shop Floor Control (SFC)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files Employee / Clock Number (CEM)
Used to maintain information related to your employees. Information such as labor rate and labor grade are entered and used during production reporting to determine the labor rate applied to labor tickets. Employee / clock numbers are maintained using Employee / Clock Number Maintenance (SFC150)

Shop Calendar (FSC)

Shop calendars are maintained globally, by facility or by work center. t The Th shop h calendar l d i indicates di t which hi h d days are working ki days and which days are non-working days. The shop calendar is used for planning and scheduling processes. Shop calendars are maintained using Shop Calendar Maintenance(SFC140)

Shop Floor Control (SFC)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files, continued Shop Floor Notes (ESN)
Used to maintain additional information related to shop orders. The information can selectively be printed on shop packets. Notes can be entered by operation and component. Shop floor notes are maintained using Shop Floor Notes (SFC190)

Item Notes (INV190)

Note Type (PNTYPE) I Item Notes (INV190) R- Routing Notes (BOM190) R M Material Notes (BOM190) Operation Number (PNOPN) Blank for Item Notes (INV190) Sequence number for Material Notes (BOM190) Operation number for Routing Notes (BOM190)

Manufacturing Data Notes (BOM190)

Item Process Notes (MPN)

SFC Shop Sh O Order d MRP Sh Shop O Order d Release and Print Release and Print

Shop Floor Notes (SFC190)

Customer Standard Notes (ESN)

Note Type (SNTYPE) S Shop Order Header Notes R Routing Notes M Material Notes

Shop Order Reprint (SFC560)

Shop Floor Control (SFC)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Processing

Key processing activities performed within the shop floor control product are: Shop order Entry / Maintenance (SFC500) Shop order Release (SFC505) Shop Packet Print (SFC520) Shop p Order Entry y Maintenance (SFC500)

Shop Order Header (FSO)

Shop Order Routing (FOD)

Shop Order Material (FMA)

Shop Order Release (SFC505)

Shop p Packet Print (SFC520)

Shop Paperwork

Shop Floor Control (SFC)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Processing, continued

Allocation Maintenance (SFC720) Shop Packet Reprint (SFC560) Shop Order Labor Posting (SFC600)


Inventory Transaction (INV500)

Transaction History y (ITH)

Shop Order Header (FSO)

Soft Routing (FOD)

Soft BOM (FMA)


Shop Order Labor Posting (SFC600)

Labor Tickets (FLT)

Batch Allocations (SFC400) S Shop Floor Posting (SFC650) (S C )

Shop Floor Control (SFC)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Processing, continued

Multi level Shop Order Release (SFC530)

Shop Order Entry Maintenance (SFC500)

Shop Order Header (FSO)

Shop Order Routing (FOD)

Shop Order Material (FMA)

Multi-Level Shop Order Release (SFC530)

Run Print Process No Shop Order Release (SFC505)


Shop Paperwork

Shop Packet Print (SFC520)

Shop Paperwork

Shop Floor Control (SFC)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Reports

Reports available from the shop floor control product are: Work Center Where- Used List (SFC170) Tooling Where Used List(SFC180) Shortage List (SFC200) Open Orders by Order Number (SFC210) Open Orders by Item (SFC211) Open Orders by Due Date (SFC212) Open Orders by Work Center (SFC213) Work Center Backlog (SFC370) Employee Efficiency (SFC240) Work Center Efficiency (SFC250) Lot Allocation Detail (SFC270) Multi-Level Shop Order Linkage (SFC280) Sales / Shop Order Reconciliation Report (SFC290)

Shop Floor Control (SFC)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Inquiries

Inquiries available from the shop floor control product are: Shop Order Inquiry (SFC300) Multi- level Shop Order Inquiry (SFC330) Material / Capacity Availability (SFC350)

Shop Floor Control (SFC)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Period End Processing

Period end processing programs within the shop floor control product are: Shop Order Closeout (SFC900) Use CST900 if CST Product Installed Labor Ticket Save (SFC905)

Shop Floor Control (SFC)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Reorganizations

System y reorganization g p programs g related to the shop p floor control p product are: Rest On order allocated (INV971) Cleanup FMA and FOD Files (SFC990) Reset Work Center Load (SFC971) Shop Order Packet Print Reset (SFC960) Reorganize Notes Files (SYS994)

Shop Floor Control (SFC)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Integration with other Products

Provide/ Receive Receive Provide Provide Receive Provide Receive Provide Receive Product ACP CAP CST CST INV INV MDM MDM Information Actual Costs for Outside Operations Open Shop Orders for Capacity Planning Actual Cost from Shop Orders Actual Overhead Allocation to Open Shop Orders Open p Shop p Orders and Hard Allocations Shop Order Issues and Receipts Actual Input and Output Bill-of-Material, Routing and Manufacturing Data Notes for Shop Orders

Provide Receive Receive Provide

MPS/MRP Open Shop Orders MPS/MRP Planned and Firm Planned Orders to be Released ORD PUR Open Customer Orders Shop Order and Operation Number for Outside Operation Purchase Order Receipts of Outside Operations



Just-in-Time (JIT)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview General Concepts Concept #1

When a shop order is created , a snap shot of the engineering billof- material and routing are copied into a separate shop order material and operation detail file. Once these shop order files have been created, any changes to the engineering bill-ofmaterial or routing DO NOT update the shop order files and vice versa versa.

Concept #2
BPCS Client/Server differentiates between soft allocations and hard allocations. A soft allocation is the total quantity of an item needed for shop orders. Soft allocations are created against the warehouse level and can go negative. Hard allocations occur when inventory is reserved from a specific location to a specific shop order. Hard allocations are created against the location, lot or container level and cannot go negative. negative

Concept #3
The Just-in-Time product does not create hard allocations unless the component is lot controlled.

Just-in-Time (JIT)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Parameters MRP and Shop Floor System Parameters (MRP821)
Require Sequence Number to be Entered when Doing Shop Order Issues Print Shop Packet Allocation Shop Orders from Shop Packet Print

JIT Shop Floor Parameters (JIT820)

Default Employee Number for Backflushing Labor Transactions Print Kanban Cards Sequence Labor Tickets / Kanban by Work Centers or Order Number L t Sh Last Shop O Order d N Number b U Used d

Just-in-Time (JIT)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files Employee /Clock Number (CEM)
Used to maintain information related to you employees. Information such as labor rate and labor grade are entered and sued during production reporting to determine the labor rate applied to labor tickets. Employee /Clock numbers are maintained using Employee /Clock Number Maintenance (SFC150)

Shop Calendar (FSC)

Shop Calendars are maintained globally , by facility or by work center. The shop calendar indicates which days are working days and which days are non-working days . The shop calendar is used from planning and scheduling processes. Shop calendars are maintained using Shop Calendar Maintenance (SFC140)

Override Location (IWI)

Used to maintain the override location which is used during production reporting and component backflushing. Override locations are maintained using Override Location Maintenance (JIT110)

Just-in-Time (JIT)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files, continued Shop Floor Notes (ESN)
Used to maintain additional information related to shop orders. The information can selectively be printed on shop packets. Notes can be entered by operation and component. Shop floor notes are maintained using Shop Floor Notes (SFC190)
Item Notes (INV190)
Note Type (PNTYPE) I Item Notes (INV190) R- Routing Notes (BOM190) M Material Notes ( (BOM190) ) Operation Number (PNOPN) Blank for Item Notes (INV190) Sequence number for Material Notes (BOM190) Operation number for Routing Notes (BOM190)

Manufacturing g Data Notes (BOM190)

Item Process Notes (MPN)

SFC Shop Order MRP Shop Order R l Release and dP Print i t Release R l and dP Print i t

Shop Floor Notes (SFC190)

Customer Standard Notes (ESN)

Note Type (SNTYPE) S Shop Order Header Notes R Routing Notes M Material Notes

Shop Order Reprint (SFC560)

Just-in-Time (JIT)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Processing

Key processing activities performed within the just-in-time product are: Schedule Maintenance (JIT510) C t Create P-Planned F-Firm Planned R-Released Option Create Delete Delete Recreate Release Report Production Close NO YES NO Description Create firm planned order in planned / firm planned order file (KFP) Delete firm planned order in planned / firm planned order file (KFP) Delete and create firm planned order in planned / firm planned order file (KFP) Create shop order Report production using JIT600 Close a shop order D l t Delete NO YES NO Delete D l t Recreate YES YES NO R l Release NO YES NO Report R t Production NO NO YES Cl Close NO NO YES

JIT Work Bench(JIT515) ( )

Create P-Planned F-Firm Planned R-Released R Released Option Create Delete Delete Recreate Release Report Production NO YES NO Description Create firm planned order in planned / firm planned order file (KFP) Delete firm planned order in planned / firm planned order file (KFP) Delete and create firm planned order in planned / firm planned order file (KFP) Create shop order Report production using JIT600 Delete NO YES NO Delete Recreate YES YES NO Release NO YES NO Report Production NO NO YES

Just-in-Time (JIT)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Processing, continued

Production Release (JIT540) and Production Print (JIT550):
Planned /0. Firm Planned Orders (KFP)

Production Release (JIT540)

Planned Orders To be Release (KOR)

MRP821 -Print Shop Packet - Allocate Shop Orders from Shop Packet

P d ti P Production Print i t (JIT550) (SFC550)

S t System Defaults D f lt

Shop Order Header (FSO)

Shop Order Routing (FOD)

Shop Order Material (FMA)

Shop Paperwork

Shop Order Release (SFC505)

Shop Packet Print (SFC520)

Shop Paperwork

Just-in-Time (JIT)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Processing, continued

Production Reporting (JIT600)

Production Reporting (JIT600)

Labor Ticket History (FLT)

Production Reporting Post (JIT600)

Edit Listing (Optional)

Shop Order Header (FSO)

Soft Routing (FOD)

Production History (JPH)

Inventory Balances (ILI)

Transaction History (ITH)

Just-in-Time (JIT)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Reports

Reports available from the just-in-time product are: Production / Purchasing Planning Report (JIT200) Cumulative Production by Item (JIT210) Run Rate by Work Center / Item List (JIT215) Cumulative Cost by Item (JIT220) Downtime Analysis (JIT230) QC / Reject Analysis (JIT240) Yield Analysis by Operation (JIT250) Cumulative Purchasing by Item (JIT260) Item Allocation Detail (JIT270) JIT Work List (JIT275) Employee Efficiency (JIT280)

Just-in-Time (JIT)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview

Inquiries available from the just-in-time product are: Production Inquiry (JIT300)

Just-in-Time (JIT)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Period End Processing

Period end processing programs within the just-in-time product are: Production History Purge (JIT900)

Just-in-Time (JIT)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Reorganizations

System reorganization programs related to just-in-time product are: Reorganize Work Center Run Rate Files (JIT910) Reorganize Notes Files (SYS994)

Just-in-Time (JIT)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Integration with other Products

Provide/Receive Receive Product INV Information Master Scheduled Items for Rough Cut Capacity Planning Input /Output Information Available Capacity by Work Center and Bill-of-Material and Routing for Rough Cut and Detailed Capacity Planning

Provide Receive


Receive Receive

MPS/MRP Planned and Firm Planned Orders for Capacity Planning SFC/JIT Open Shop Orders for Capacity

Capacity Planning (CAP)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview General Concepts Concept #1

BPCS Client/Server supports rough cut capacity planning and detailed capacity planning. The major differences between them are:

Rough Cut Capacity MPS Items Critical Work Centers Planned and Firm Planned Orders Bill of Resources Load on Start Date

Detailed Capacity All Items All Work Centers Planned,Firm Planned and Open Shop Orders Routings Load is Spread

Capacity Planning (CAP)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Parameters

There are no system y p parameters related to the capacity p yp planning gp product.

Capacity Planning (CAP)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files W k Center Work C t Capacity C it Information I f ti (LWK)
Used to maintain the information used to compute available work center capacity. Information maintained is average efficiency, machine speed factor, number of shifts, hours /shift and desired load percentage. In addition, input /output tolerances are maintained by work center and used by the Input /Output Control Report (CAP250) (CAP250). Finally, Finally a capacity loading code indicates what type of hours (run, machine, setup or none) are accumulated at this work center. Work center capacity information is maintained using Work Center Maintenance (CAP100).

Bill of Resource (LBR)

Used to store the hours /unit and setup hours for critical work centers for master scheduled items. The bill of resource can be manually maintained or automatically updated using Reload Bill of Resources (CAP160) Bill of resources are maintained using Bill of Resource Maintenance(CAP140)

Capacity Planning (CAP)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Processing

Key processing activities performed within the capacity planning product are: >Reload Bill of Resource (CAP160) >Generate Rough Requirements (CAP500) >Generate Detail Requirements (CAP600) Rough Cut Capacity Planning













Capacity Planning (CAP)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Processing,continued

D t il d C Detailed Capacity it R Requirements i t





Shop Order (FOD)








Capacity Planning (CAP)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Reports

Reports available from the capacity planning product are: >W k Center >Work C t Load L d Report R t (CAP200) >Pegged Requirements Report (CAP230) >Group Technology Report (CAP240) >Input /Output Control Report (CAP250) >Resource Requirements Report (CAP260)

Capacity Planning (CAP)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Inquiries

Inquiries available from the capacity planning product are: >Rough Cut Capacity (CAP350) >Capacity Requirements (CAP300)

Capacity Planning (CAP)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Period End Processing

Period end processing programs within the capacity planning product are: >Capacity Week End Close (CAP900) >Capacity Year End Close (CAP910)

Capacity Planning (CAP)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Reorganizations

There are no system reorganization programs related to the capacity planning product.

Capacity Planning (CAP)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Integration with other Products

Provide/Receive Provide Provide Provide Product ACR CEA INV Information Customer Invoices Journal Entries Shipment Transaction B for post Ship Billing and Return Transaction RM for RMAs Dispatched Load Information and Freight Invoices C fi Confirmed d Shi Shipments t f for I Invoicing i i Promotion Tracking Drop Shipments for Invoicing Retro Billing Information Sales History

Receive R Receive i Provide Receive Receive Provide


Purchasing (PUR)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Product Flow Purchase Orders


(PUR151) Planned Order (KFP)


Vendor Master (AVM)

Purchase P h O Order d Release (PUR640)

(PUR641) (PUR651)



Code Master (HPC)

P.O Release / Maintenance (PUR500)

Open P.O and Release (HPO)

Contract Purchase Order

Vendor Quote Master (HQT)

Purchase Order Print (PUR520)

Purchase Receipt (PUR550)

Invoice Release (BIL500)

Purchase Order

On-Hand Inventory (ILI)

Vendor Schedule

Purchasing (PUR)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Product Flow,continued Requisitions

Requisition Maintenance (PUR600)

Requisitions (HPH/HPO)

Requisition Print (PUR620)


Purchase Order Release (PUR640)

Scheduled PO Release (PUR641)

Requisition Release (PUR650)

Purchase Orders (HPH/HPO)

Purchasing (PUR)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview General Concepts Concept #1

The following grid details whar prints on the various purchasing documents: Contract Purchase Order (PUR524) Item Notes Vendor Notes PO Header Notes PO Line Notes Extra Description from Item Master Clause Codes Quantity Price Breaks(Vendor Quote) Vendor Quote Comment #1 Contract Detail Vendor Part Number Vendor Quote Vendor Part Number (a) ( ) (b) Y Y Y N Y Y Y(a) Y Y N Vendor Sehedule (PUR540) Y Y N N N Y(b) N N Y N Non-Contract Purchase Order (PUR520) Y Y Y Y Y N N N N Y

- only l if vendor d quote is i li linked k d to contract - only if you assign a one time clause code during printing

Purchasing (PUR)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Parameters Purchasing System Parameters (PUR820)
>Next Purchase Order Number >Next Purchase Order Requisition >Next Scheduled PO for Production Items >Next Scheduled PO for Consumable Items >Days used to Calculate Vendor Schedule Delivery Date >Inspection Days Required After Receipt of Material >Require Vedor Number / Lot Match >Days Tolerance for Early Vendor Delivery >Days Tolerance for Late Vendor Delivery >Tolerance Quantity Received Percent (Plus) >Tolerance Quantity Received Percent (Minus) >If Total Received Quantity is within Tolerance Close PO Line >If If Total T t l Received R i dQ Quantity tit is i within ithi T Tolerance l Cl Close D Drop Shi Ship PO Li Line >Requisition and Purchase Order Approval Required >Use Authorization for Scheduled PO >Vendor Split by Facility for Scheduled PO >Text for Schedule PO Requirement >Text for Schedule Planned / Firm Planned Requirement >Text for Mixed Requirement >Scheduled PO MRP Exception Report Default Tolerances >Enter Vendor VMRF1 VMRF5 Name

Fax Parameters Maintenance (PUR824)

>Fax Start Time (Overridden >Fa (O erridden by b Short Code) >Vendor Field to use as Short Code Lookup >Telex / Fax 400 Short Code Field to Lookup >Purchase Order Print Form to Merge >Consumable Schedule Print Form to Merge >Production Schedule Print Form to Merge >Production Schedule Print Box Characters

Purchasing (PUR)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files

Vendor (AVM) Used to define accounts payable / purchasing address, contract processing, tax and shipping information fro your vendors. Contract processing information such as, schedule horizon, print frequency, shipping pattern, time period and release method are maintained on the vendor master file. Several of these fields default into the contract detail file and can be overridden. Vendors are maintained using Vendor Master (PUR100 /ACP100). Address (EST) Used to maintain the different delivery address (ship-tos) used during purchase order creation and printing. Multiple ship-tos could be created to support different receiving plants, warehouses and docks. Vendor V d Quote Q t (HQT) Used to maintain quantity price breaks for the items you purchase. Vendor quotes are established by vendor with starting and ending dates. Up to eight quantity price beraks can be established for each vendor quote. Vendor quotes are used during purchase order creation to determine the expected purchase order price. Vendor quotes need to be linked to a valid contract in order d f for pricing i i i information f ti t to print i t on th the contract t t purchase h order d (PUR524) (PUR524). Vendor quotes are maintained using Vendor Quote Maintenance (PUR150) Vendor Notes (ESN) Used to maintain additional information related to your vendors. vendors Vendor notes can selectively be printed on purchase orders. Vendor notes are maintained using Vendor Note Maintenance (ORD140).

Purchasing (PUR)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files, continued

Commodity Codes (HPC) Used to maintain cods for non-inventory items (either material or service) that are purchased without an item master. A commodity code is codes as either material or service. The differences between material and service type commodity codes are:
Material Type Quantity Ordered Can Vary Must be Received Service Type Quantity Ordered Must =1 Are not Received (done automatically during purchase order creation)

Commodity codes are maintained using Commodity Code Maintenance (PUR180)

Special Charges (HPC)

Used to maintain codes for special charges which can be attached to purchase orders. Special charge codes could be set-up for special handling charges or premium freight charges. Special charge codes are maintained using Special Charge Maintenance (PUR181)

Authorization (HAU)
Used to establish the dollar authorization limits from system users and who must approve if the authorization limit is exceeded. Using on-line authorization is controlled by a system parameter and if used, purchase orders must be approved (on-line) (on line) before being printed printed. Authorization levels are maintained using Authorization Maintenance (PUR170).

Purchasing (PUR)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files, continued

Week Numbers / Date Cross Reference (HWN) ( )
Used to maintain the week number corresponding to each start date. The week number / date cross reference is used by the schedule production schedule print (PUR540) to default the initial issue date. Week numbers / date cross references are maintained using Week Number / Date Cross Reference Maintenance (PUR155). ( )

Shipment Patterns (HSH /HSD)

Used to establish fixed shipping schedules from your vendors. Shipping patterns define what days you will accept deliveries. Purchase order due dates are adjusted to match the valid delivery days from the shipping pattern. Shipping p pp g p patterns are assigned g to vendors using g Vendor Master (PUR100). When contracts are created, the shipping pattern from the vendor master defaults as the shipping pattern on the contract detail and can be overridden.

Time Periods (HTM)

Used to subdivide y your planning p g horizon into user defined buckets that are used to group data when printing vendor schedules (PUR540). Up to 99 buckets can be defined with each bucket being X number of days in length. Time periods are assigned to vendors using Vendor Master (PUR100). Time periods are maintained using Time Period Maintenance (PUR165)

Vendor Split Rules (HSF)

Rules used to spilt one MRP requirement to multiple vendors. Vendor split rules are only used by Scheduled PO Batch Release (PUR651) and Scheduled Production Schedule Print (PUR540). Vendor split rules are maintained using Vendor Split Rule Maintenance (PUR157)

Purchasing (PUR)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files, continued

Clause Codes (ZLN)
Used to define standard text that will p print on contract p purchase orders and vendor schedules. Clause codes can be assigned to individual purchase order, assigned to contracts or assigned as one time clause codes as part of the contract purchase order and vendor schedule printing process. Clause codes are maintained using Clause Code Maintenance (SYS181).
Clause Code Maintenance (SYS181) Clause Codes are Note Type 24 One Time System Notes (ZLN) One Time

P.O Clause Code Selection (PUR163)

Clause Code by Contract Maintenance (PUR159)

Purchase Order Clause Code (HCP)

Scheduled Production Schedule Print (PUR540)

Schedule Po Document Print (PUR524)

Purchasing (PUR)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Processing

Key processing activities performed within the purchasing product are: >Contract Header/Detail Maintenance (PUR151/PUR152) >Schedule Price Maintenance (PUR154)

Vendor Quote (HQT)

Schedule Price Maintenance (PUR154)

Purchase Order Line (HPO)

>Clause Code by Contract Maintenance (PUR159) >PO Clause Code Selection (PUR163) >Scheduled PO Document Print (PUR524) >Scheduled PO Consolidation / Release (PUR641) >Scheduled PO Batch Release (PUR651) >Scheduled Production Schedule Print (PUR540) >Scheduled Consumable Schedule Print (PUR542) >Requisition Maintenance (PUR600) >Requisition Print (PUR620) >Requisition Release (PUR650) >Purchase Order Consolidation / Release (PUR640) >Drop Shipment Release (PUR660) >Purchase Order Release / Maintenance (PUR500) >Purchase Order Print (PUR520) >Procurement Authorization (PUR530) >Purchase Receipts (PUR550)

Purchasing (PUR)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Reports

Reports available from the purchasing product are: Open Purchase Order by Purchase Order Number (PUR200)
Open Purchase Order by Vendor (PUR201) Open Purchase Order by Item / Due Date (PUR202) Open Purchase Order by Item Class / Item (pur203) Open Purchase Order by Expected Delivery Date (PUR260) Open Purchase Order by Buyer (PUR204) Open Purchase Order by Commodity / Due Date (PUR205) Received but Un-costed Purchase Orders (PUR210) Purchase Price Variance (PUR220) Expense Projections (PUR230) Vendor Performance (PUR240) Inspection Dispatch (PUR270) Vendor Negotiation (PUR275) Vendor Schedule (PUR280) Receiving Report (PUR250) Requisitions by Requisition (PUR254) Vendor Contracts / Quotes (PUR256) Vendor History (PUR258) Vendor Performance Summary (PUR262) Requisitions by Buyer (PUR255) Purchase Planning Report (PUR284) Purchase Planning Exception Report (PUR286) Contract Exceptions (PUR288) Vendor Schedule Summary Report (PUR290)

Purchasing (PUR)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Inquiries

Inquiries available from the purchasing product are: >Purchasing Inquiry (PUR300) >Vendor Alpha Look-Up (PUR310)

Purchasing (PUR)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Period End Processing

Period end processing programs within ithin the p purchasing rchasing prod product ct are are: >Month End Close (PUR900) >Year End Close (PUR910) >Scheduled PO History Purge (PUR955)

Purchasing (PUR)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Reorganizations

System reorganization programs related to the purchasing product are: >Reorganize Notes Files (SYS994)

Purchasing (PUR)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Integration with other Products

Provide/Receive Receive Provide R Receive i Receive Provide Receive Product ACP CST CST ORD PUR PUR Information Vendors and Actual Costs for Service Purchase Orders Actual Delivery Costs C tB Cost Buckets k t Ship From Address Service Purchase Orders Purchase Orders, Receiving Information and Commodity Codes

Inbound Logistics Management (ILM)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Product Flow

Special Charge (LSC)

Freight Tariff Classification (LTC)

Country/Duty X-Ref (LCX)

Harmonization / Duty X-Ref (LHX)

Freight Rates (LRD)

Freight Carriers (LCM) ( )

Country Master (LCN)

Duties Master (LDT)

Harmon ization Code (LHM)

Means of Transportatio n(LMN)

Postal Codes Master (LPC)

Equipment (LEM)

Distance Matrix Master (LDM)

Inbound Logistics Management (ILM)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview General Concepts Concept #1

Inbound deliveries can be created manually prior to purchase order receipt using Inbound Delivery Maintenance (ILM501) or automatically by Purchase Receipts (PUR550). The inbound delivery number is system assigned using the next inbound delivery number from Inbound Delivery Parameter Generation (ILM820). (ILM820)

Concept #2
Inbound deliveries have four statuses which are:
Status 1 2 3 4 Description Planned Received Confirmed Complete

Inbound Logistics Management (ILM)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Parameters Inbound Delivery Parameter Generation (ILM820)
>Next Inbound Delivery Number >Days to Retain Inbound Delivery History >Cost Bucket >Shipment Charge Code

Inbound Logistics Management (ILM)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files Carriers and Freight Rates (LCM / LRD)
Used to maintain address and contact information for your carriers. In addition, freight rates are established based on weight, distance, volume or a flat charge. Carriers and freight rates are maintained using Carriers and Freight Rates (OLM100)

Freight Term (LFT)

Used to maintain the freight terms used by your organization. For each freight term, you indicate whether the fright charge should be added to the customers invoice or if a separate invoice should be created. Freight terms are maintained using Freight Terms (OLM115)

Rate / Tariff Classification (LTC)

Used to maintain the rate / tariff classification codes used to classify the products shipped by your organization. Rate / tariff classification codes are assigned i dt to it items th through h It Item M Master t M Maintenance i t (INV100) (INV100). Rate / tariff classifications are maintained using Rate / Tariff Classifications (OLM125)

Shipment Charges (LSC / LSV / LST / LSI)

Used to maintain the shipping charges incurred by your organization. Duties, insurance, freight and processing fees are examples of shipping charges that your organization may incur. A commodity code (service type) can be assigned to each shipment charge code which permits BPCS Client / Server to automatically create service type purchase orders when inbound deliveries are confirmed. Shipment charges are maintained using Shipment Charges (OLM162).

Inbound Logistics Management (ILM)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files, continued Means of Transportation (LMN)
Used to maintain the means of transportation related to the modes of transportation used by your organization. Fox example, for the mode of transportation land, the means could be truckload (TL) or less than truckload (LTL). In addition, minimum and maximum values can be established for weight, volume and pallets. Means of transportation are maintained using Means of Transportation (OLM110).

Postal Code (LPC)

Used to maintain the location, state and country for each postal code used by your organization. P t l codes Postal d are maintained i t i d using i P Postal t lC Codes d (OLM170) (OLM170).

Distance Matrix (LDM)

Used to define the distance and time (days or hours) between two postal codes. Unique distance matrices can be established by modes of transportation. p Distance matrices are maintained using Distance Matrix (OLM180)

Country (LCN / LCX)

Used to maintain country and country / duty code cross reference information. Country codes are assigned in many master files such as vendor, customer, warehouse and ship-to. ship to. Countries are maintained using Countries (SYS117).

Duty (LDT)
Used to maintain duty codes and the duty percentage. Duty codes can be cross referenced to countries and harmonization codes. Duties are maintained using Duties (OLM107).

Inbound Logistics Management (ILM)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files, continued (LHM / LHX) ) Harmonization (
Used to maintain the harmonization codes used by your organization. For a list of standard harmonization codes refer to a US Customs handbook. Harmonization codes are assigned to items through Item Master Maintenance (INV100). Harmonizations are maintained using Harmonization Master (OLM191).

Inbound Logistics Management (ILM)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Processing , continued

Key processing activities performed within the inbound logistics management product d t are: Inbound Delivery Maintenance (ILM501)
Purchase Order Release / Maintenance (PUR500)

Purchase Order Header (HPH)

Purchase Order Line (HPO)

Inbound Delivery Maintenance (ILM501)

Inbound Deliveries (LID)

Inbound Deliveries Lines (LIL)

Inbound Deliveries Orders (LIO)

Inbound Deliveries Charges (LIC)

Inbound Deliveries Document X-Ref (LIX)

Post Item Inbound Delivery Costs (ILM600) Reconcile Inbound Delivery (ILM700) Complete Inbound Deliveries without Charges ( ILM900)

Inbound Logistics Management (ILM)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Reports

R Reports t available il bl f from th the i inbound b dl logistics i ti management t product d t are: >Inbound Deliveries by Date (ILM200) >IBD Expected vs Actuals by Service Provider (ILM210)

Inbound Logistics Management (ILM)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Inquiries

Inquiries available from the inbound logistics management product are: Freight Mileage (OLM362).

Inbound Logistics Management (ILM)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Period End Processing

There are no period end processing programs within the inbound logistics management product.

Inbound Logistics Management (ILM)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Reorganizations

System reorganization programs related to the inbound logistics management product are: Unlock Delivery Records (ILM905).

Inbound Logistics Management (ILM)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Integration with other Products

Provide/Receive Provide Provide Receive Provide Receive Provide Receive Provide Product CEA CST CST ILM OLM PUR PUR SFC/JIT Information Journal Entries Actual Cost from Invoices Frozen Cost for PPV Vendors and Actual Costs for Service Purchase Orders Carrier Information Quantity Costed and Actual Cost Received Purchase Orders to Be Costed and Expected Cost Actual Costs for Outside Operations

Accounts Payable (ACP)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Product Flow

Invoice Release (BIL500)

Sales History (SSH)

Sales History (SSH)

Sales History (SSH)

Sales History (SSH)

Sales History (SSH)

Sales S l History Hi t (SSH)

Payables Inquiry (ACP310)

Sales History (SSH)

Journal Header (GHH) Journal Detail (GLH) Journal Analysis (GLA) Journal Notes (GNH) Account Cross Reference (GCR) Journal Subsystem Cross Reference (GXR)

Accounts Payable (ACP)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Parameters Application Control (ACP180)

>Combined Check /Remittance Advices >Number of Days to Retain Data >Next One Time Vendor >Automatic Distribution on Invoice Entry >Take All Discounts >Set Payments to Zero >Produce Remittance Advices if Zero Payments >Print Words on Check >Check Processing Sequence >Tax Lag Days >Prefix Specific p Numbering g

Accounts Payable (ACP)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files Reason Codes (ZPA)

Used to indicate the purpose for performing a function or transaction. Reason codes are used to determine which event will be used to create the journal entry in CEA. By having different reason codes, different journal entries. For example, you could have reason code INVC for invoice creation and PAYT for invoice payment. R Reason codes d are maintained i t i d using i R Reason C Codes d (SYS170)

Default Reason Codes (ZOM)

Used to assign default reason codes to functions or transactions that are performed in BPCS Client / Server. When performing the function or transaction, the default reason code is retrieved and in some instances can be overridden by the user. Reason codes have to be defined using Reason Codes (SYS170) before using them as defaults. Default reason codes are maintained using Default Reason Codes (SYS180)

Payment y Types yp ( (ZPA) )

Used to maintain the different types of payments sent to your vendors. Payment types are assigned to vendors through Vendor Master (ACP100) Payment types are maintained using Payment Types (ACP170)

Vendor (AVM) ( )
Used to define accounts payable / purchasing address, contract processing, tax and shipping information for your vendors. Contract processing information such as schedule horizon, print frequency, shipping pattern, time period and release method are maintained on the vendor master file. Several of these fields default into the contract detail file and can be overridden. You can also establish vendor / service p provider cross reference. Vendors are maintained using Vendor Master (PUR100 / ACP100)

Accounts Payable (ACP)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files, continued Term Codes (AVT)
Used U dt to maintain i t i vendor d t term codes. d V Vendor d t term codes d are used dt to determine invoice due days, discount due days and discount percentage. Vendor term codes are assigned to vendor though Vendor Master (ACP100) Vendor term codes are maintained using Vendor Terms (ACP160)

Document Sequence (RDS)

Used to maintain the prefix code, current year, next year, sequence numbers and prefix type for document sequences. Valid prefix type are:
Prefix Type 0 1 2 3 4 Description None Prefix for Customer Invoices Intra EEC Use Only Lock Document Prefix Reserved for Zero Amount Invoices

Document sequencing must be activated if using ATP with CEA. Document sequences are assigned to vendors through Vendor Master (ACP100) Document sequences are maintained using Document Sequence (ACR160)

Accounts Payable (ACP)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files, continued

Bank Account (ABK) ( )
Used to maintain address and account information for the different banks your organization uses. Banks are assigned to vendors through Vendor Master (ACP100) Banks are maintained using Bank Account Master (ACP140)

Vendor Type (ATY)

Used to maintain vendor types which could be used for grouping vendors. Vendor types are assigned a currency code. Vendor types are assigned to vendor through Vendor Master (ACP100). Vendor types yp are maintained using g Vendor Types yp ( (ACP150). )

Accounts Payable (ACP)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Processing

Key yp processing g activities p performed within the accounts p payable y p product are: > Invoice Entry (ACP500) > Recurring Payable Maintenance (ACP130) Recurring Payable Selection (ACP520) Recurring Payable Post (ACP525) Payment y Selection (ACP600) ( ) Cash Requirements Report (ACP620) Make Payments (ACP650) Enter Wasted Payments (ACP655) Manual Payments / Void (ACP700) Bank Statement Posting (ACP710)

Accounts Payable (ACP)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Processing , continued Check Processing

Payables Header (APH) Payables Line (APL)

Payment S l i Selection (ACP600)

Company Payments (ACP)

Cash Requirements Report p (ACP620)

Make Payments y (ACP650)

Payments Selected (APY) ( )

Sales History (SSH)

Sales History (SSH)

Sales History (SSH)

Sales History (SSH)

Journal Header (GHH) Journal Detail (GLH) Journal Analysis (GLA) Journal Notes (GNH) Account Cross Reference (GCR) Journal Subsystem Cross Reference (GXR)

Accounts Payable (ACP)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Reports

R Reports t available il bl f from th the accounts t payable bl product d t are: >Invoice Listing (ACP230) >Invoice on Hold (ACP250) >Vendors on Hold (ACP240) >Payables Requirements (ACP200) >Aged Payables (ACP210) >Accounts Payable Recap Report (ACP270) >Logged Invoice Listing (ACP290) >Unallocated Payments List (ACP280) >Reconciliation Report (ACP720)

Accounts Payable (ACP)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Inquiries

Inquiries available from the accounts payable product are: Logged Invoice Inquiry (ACP311) Payables Inquiry (ACP310) Vendor Alpha Search (PUR310) Invoiced Purchase Order Inquiry (ACP315) Payments Inquiry (ACP320)

Accounts Payable (ACP)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Period End Processing

Period end processing programs within the accounts payable product are: Month End File Purge (ACP900) 1099 Report (ACP920) Year End Code (ACP910) Document Sequence Reset (ACR920) Intra-EEC Vat Book Update (ACP930)

Accounts Payable (ACP)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Reorganizations

There are no system reorganization programs related to the accounts payable product.

Accounts Payable (ACP)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Integration with other Products

Lot Master Maintenance (INV130) Inventory Transactions (INV500) Mass Location Transfers (INV510) Cycle Count Post (INV515) Post Physical Inventory (INV650) Purchase Receipts (PUR550) Invoice Entry (ACP500) Production Receipt (JIT620) Shop Floor Posting (SFC650) Pick Ship Confirm (ORD570) Cost Maintenance (CST100) Resupply Order Receipt (DRP550) Invoice Release (BIL500) Drop Ship Confirmation (BIL650) Inventory Status Change (QMS590) Goods Receiving (WHM510) Cash & Memo Posting (ACR500) Promotion Tracking (PRD130) Recurring Payables Post (ACP525) Make Payments (ACP650) Invoice Entry (ACP500)

Transaction History (ITH)

Manual Payment / Void (ACP700) In oice Release (BIL500) Invoice

Post Inventory to General Ledger (INV920)

A / R Revaluation (MLT910) A / P Revaluation (MLT920) Labor Ticket Journal Post (CST910)


Configurable Ledger

Journal Header (GHH)

Journal Detail (GLH)

Journal Analysis (GLA)

Journal Notes (GNH)

Account Gross Reference (GCR)

Journal Subsystem Gross Reference (HPO)

Event Processing

Account Balances (GSB)

Configurable Enterprise Accounting (CEA)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Configurable Enterprise Financials

Configurable Enterprise Financials

Account s Payable

Advanced Remittance Processing

Credit and Deduction Management

Configurable Enterprise Accounting

Multiple Currencies

Cost Accounting

Cash Management

Fixed Assets

Configurable Ledger

Enterprise Structure and Consolidations

Advanced Budgeting and Analysis

Configurable Currency Translation

Advanced Transaction Processing

Batch Transaction Processing

Financial Report Writer

Configurable Enterprise Accounting (CEA)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview

Product Flow

Chart Sequence (GCS)

Segment Value (GSV)

Segment (GSG) Chart of Account (GCH) Aliases (GAH) Macro (GAM)

Rate Type (ZPA) Period Table Detail (GPL) Currency Code (GCM) Exchan ge Rate (GCC) Book (GDS) Event Sequence (GTD) Event (GTN) Period Table (GTB) Ledger (GDS) Model (GHM) Model M d l Detail (GLM) Model M d l Notes (GMN)

Journal J l Source (GJR)

Reason R Code (ZPA)

Event Determination (GED)

Business Event Process (GBE)

Configurable Enterprise Accounting (CEA)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Parameters CEA Control Parameters (CEA820)
>Next Internal Account Number >Next Event Transaction Number >Analysis Fields >Retain Summarized Journal Lines

Configurable Enterprise Accounting (CEA)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files Currency Code (GCM)

Used to define the different currencies that your company does business in. This b i business i includes l d purchasing h i f from vendors d and d selling lli t to customers. t I In addition, dditi the rounding logic used by BPCS Client / Server for transactions in this currency can be defined. Currency codes are maintained using the Currency, Exchange Rate and Rate Type Set-Up Icon.

R t T Rate Type (ZPA)

Used to define the different rate types used by multiple currency processing. For example, you may define a spot rate used for transaction processing and a month end rate fro revaluation processing. Rate types are maintained using the Currency, Exchange Rate and Rate Type Set-Up Icon.

Exchange Rate (GCC)

Used to define the exchange rate between two currency codes for a specific rate type. Must have currency codes and rate types created prior to creating exchange rates. Exchange rates are maintained using the currency ,Exchange Rate and Rate Type Set-Up Icon.

Segment / Segment Value (GSG / GSV)

Used to define the elements (segment) of information that will be captured in your chart of accounts. Segment values define the valid values for each segment. For example, if a segment was defined for a department then the segment values could be engineering, accounting, manufacturing or maintenance. Segment values can be a maximum of 16 characters. Segments are coded as either a natural segment or not. For the natural segment, you indicate if this segment is an asset, liability, income, expense, retained earning or statistic. Also, summarization can be selected for natural segments, as well as translation and remeasurement method. At least one segment must be coded as a natural segment within your chart of account. Segments and segment values are maintained using the Segment Set-Up Icon.

Configurable Enterprise Accounting (CEA)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files, continued Chart of Account (GCH / GCS)
Used to define the number and sequence of segments that make up your account number. The chart of account can have up to 14 segments with each segment value of 224 characters (14*16) Chart of accounts are assigned to a ledger. Segments within your chart of account can be defined as either mandatory or optional. For a balanced ledger, at least two segments must be defined for your chart of account (a natural segment and a balancing segment). Chart of accounts are maintained using the Chart of Account Set-Up Icon.

Period Table (GTB /GPL)

Used to maintain the p period master table that is assigned g to a ledger g and applies pp to all book within that ledger. Up to 998 user defined periods can be created for each period table. Period 999 is reserved for year end closing entries and period 0 is reserved for opening balances. Each period is defined to be open to: >all but subsystem events >all events >no events >reversing journal only If using 12 or 13 periods, BPCS Client /Server can automatically generate the period detail. Period tables are maintained using the Period Table Set-Up Icon.

Ledger g ( (GDS) )
Used to define a legal entity or organization. A period table and chart of account is assigned to a ledger. A balancing point segment is defined, if creating a balanced ledger. A ledger can have multiple books attached to it and each book can be denominated in a different currency. Finally, a retained earnings event is assigned to the ledger for year end processing. Ledgers are maintained using the Ledger, Book and Journal Source Set-Up Icon.

Configurable Enterprise Accounting (CEA)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files, continued Book (GTY)

Used to define the type type of data being collected collected. For example example, you may have and actual book for collecting actual dollars and a budget book for storing budgeted dollars. Each book is assigned a currency code. In addition, books are defined to be a balancing point segment which was assigned at the ledger level. Books are assigned to a ledger. Books are maintained using the Ledger, Book and Journal Source Set-Up Set Up Icon.

Journal Source (GJR)

Used to define the first two characters of the journal entry number. Having unique journal sources can help you identify the source of the journal entry. Journal source codes are assigned to a book and then assigned to a model. For example, your could create journal source codes as follows:
Code AP AR BL MC MP PA PR RP Description Accounts Payable Accounts Receivable Billing g Multiple Currencies Manual Payment Payment Promotion and Deals R Recurring i Payable P bl

Journal sources are maintained using the Ledger, Book and Journal Source Set-Up Icon.

Alias (GAH)
Used to define a short hand description for an individual segment or a string of segments. In addition, and alias is used in conjunction with an advanced macros to act as a look-up table for segment values. Aliases are maintained using the Alias Set-Up Icon.

Configurable Enterprise Accounting (CEA)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files, continued Rule (GVR)

Used to define which segment values or string of segment values are allowed or not allowed. There are two types of account rules in BPCS Client/Server. Segment rules determine if an individual segment value is allowed or not allowed. Account rules determine if a string of segment values is allowed or not allowed. Rules are maintained using the Rule Set-Up Icon.

Macro(GAM) ( )
A macro is a small program used by advanced transaction processing (ATP) to retrieve values from BPCS Client / Server data files to use as segment values in a journal entry. Advanced macros are used in conjunction with an alias to act as a look-up table for segment values which are used in a journal entry. Finally, a macro can be assigned to a subsystem event determination and used to retrieve a value which determines the event to use. Configurable macros provide even more flexibility since they are user defined and can be configured to perform additional processing on the retrieved data. Additional processing such as addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, concatenation and substrings can be performed. Macros are maintained using the Macro Set-Up Icon.

Account Cross Reference (GCR)

Used to maintain information related to your account cross references. Information such as valid, do not update when the account rules are changed, effectivity y dates and natural account type yp can be maintained. Account cross references are maintained using the Account Cross Reference Icon.

Configurable Enterprise Accounting (CEA)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files, continued Model (GHM /GLM/GMN)
Model are the basis for all journal entries in BPCS Client/Server. Models are assigned a chart of account and journal source code. Models can be defined as reversing, which will create a reversing journal entry when the model is used. The major types of models are: >Allocations >Translations >Retained Earnings >Batch Transaction Processing >Cartera >Customer Drafts >Customer Invoice >Customer Payment >Inventory >Labor Tickets >Promotions >Revaluation Payables >Revaluation Receivables >Vendor Drafts >Vendor Invoice >Vendor Payment Model lines are used to define how the journal entry will be constructed. For each segment, you define an alias, macro, advanced macro, wild card or hard coded value that is then resolved to create the actual journal entry value. In addition, reference f and d analysis l i fi fields ld can b be used dt to capture t more i information f ti related l t dt to the journal entry. Finally, model notes and model line notes can be defined. Model are maintained using the Model Set-Up Icon.

Configurable Enterprise Accounting (CEA)

BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files, continued Subsystem Event Determination (GBE /GED)
Used to link a subsystem program and reason code to an event event, which is linked to a model, which in turn, is used to create the journal entry. The reason code for the inventory subsystem is composed of the transaction effect code plus the transaction effect reason code. The reason code for the other subsystems is defined using Reason Code (SYS170). You can also enter an optional company number which is used to determine the proper subsystem event determination. Finally the journal processing method is defined for each subsystem event Finally, determination. Journal processing methods are bypass journal, defer posting, post immediate and validate in batch. Subsystem Event Determination is maintained using the Subsystem Event Determination Set-Up Icon.

Configurable Enterprise Accounting (CEA)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Master Files, continued Event (GTD/ GTN)
Events are the basis for all journal activity in BPCS Client /Server. Events are created for allocation, audit adjustment, consolidation, manual adjustment, retained earning, translation and subsystem. If creating a subsystem event, then you must define the subsystem origin as one of the following: >Cartera >Customer Drafts >Customer Invoice >Customer Payment >Inventory >Labor Tickets >Promotions >Revaluation Payables >Revaluation Receivables >Vendor Drafts >Vendor Invoice >Vendor Payment >Batch Transaction Processing Events are attached to a ledger, book and model. In addition, for each event, you can indicate: >if you allow journal entries in error >whether to approve before posting >summarize subsystem journal entries >whether h th t to view i generated t d subsystem b t j journal l entries t i on li line Events are maintained using the Event Set-Up Icon.

Configurable Enterprise Accounting (CEA)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Processing

Key processing activities performed within the configurable enterprise accounting ti product d t are: >Event Processing >Allocation
Model Set-Up

Allocation Set-Up

Allocation Definition (GAA)

Allocation Target (GAE)

Purchase Order Line (HPO)

Account Balances (GSB)

Event Set Up Set-Up


Journal Header (GHH) ( )

Journal Detail (GLH) ( )

Journal Analysis (GLA) ( )

Journal Notes (GNH) ( )

Account Cross Reference (GCR)

Journal Subsystem Cross Reference (GXR)

Configurable Enterprise Accounting (CEA)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Processing, continued

Structure Roll-Up
Structure Set-Up

Structure Component (GSC)

Structure Hierarchy (GSH)

Linked Structure (GSS)

Account Balances (GSB)

Process Definition

Structure Roll- Up Execute

Structure Roll-Up Values (GRL)

Structure Inquiry

Configurable Enterprise Accounting (CEA)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Processing, continued

>Re-Valuation >Translation >Consolidation >Report Year-to-Date Roll-Up

Configurable Enterprise Accounting (CEA)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Reports

There are no standard report icons within the configurable enterprise accounting product. product However, However there are several pre pre-defined defined USER/Vision reports that can be run using the USER/Vision Player Icon. In addition, the financial report writer (FRW) is used to create and produce all financial statements from CEA. Below is a high level flow of FRW:

Account Balances (GSB) Year-to-Date Roll-Up

Report Year-to-Date Header (GHX)

Report Year-to-Date Balances (GSX)

Download for Report Writer

Microsoft Access Database

Financial Report Writer Definitions (Microsoft Access)

Financial Report Writer

Financial Reports

Configurable Enterprise Accounting (CEA)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Inquiries

Inquiries available from the configurable enterprise accounting product are: >Process Monitor >Account Inquiry >Structure Inquiry >Journal Inquiry

Configurable Enterprise Accounting (CEA)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview Period End Processing

For a typical yp organization, g the following g events could be considered part of period end processing: Accounts Receivable Revaluation (MLT910) Accounts Payable Revaluation (MLT920) Event Processing to Create Manual Journal Entries Event Processing to Approve Journal Entries Requiring Approval Event Processing to Correct any Journal Entries in Error Re-Valuation Translation Consolidation Structure Roll-Up Report Year-to-Date Roll-Up Generate Financial Reports using FRW

Configurable Enterprise Accounting (CEA)


BPCS Client/Server V6.0.04 Overview System Reorganizations

System y reorganization g p programs g related to configurable g enterprise p accounting product are: >Reset CEF Record Locks (CEA970) >G/L Exception Report (CEA971)

Configurable Enterprise Accounting (CEA)


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