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CAN BLENDED LEARNING STRATEGIES PREPARE TEACHERS FOR BLENDED LEARNING Patrick Staley Pepperdine University Master of Arts in Learning Technology October 2013

CAN BLENDED LEARNING STRATEGIES PREPARE TEACHERS FOR BLENDED LEARNING The Current Educational Landscape Blended learning has shown continuous growth during the 21st century. According to the International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL), 27

states have virtual schools and 31 states (and Washington D.C.) have full-time online statewide schools (iNACOL, 2013). In a similar study, the Innosight Institute (now known as the Clayton Christensen Institute for Disruptive Innovation) identified 45,000 K-12 students that participated in some form of online education in the year 2000. By 2009, that number had grown to over 3 million students (Innosight, 2011). The study also suggested that most of the growth was occurring in blendedlearning environments, or, in a setting where students learn online in an adultsupervised environment (Innosight, 2011). Depending on the type of school model being implemented this could be on a part time basis or consist of the entire schedule in full-implementation models. While the numbers of students participating in blended learning in a K-12 setting continues to grow, this reflects only a small sample size in comparison to the projects for postsecondary exposure to virtual and blended course offerings. It is projected that by 2014, half of all postsecondary students will take at least one class online by 2014 (Christensen, 2008). With such a dramatic increase in the number of students participating in online and blended learning educators must work to acclimate themselves to a changing educational environment. As students become more interconnected with technology and districts around the country mobilize to stay ahead of the curve, teachers must mirror these changes effectively in their classrooms. Unfortunately,

CAN BLENDED LEARNING STRATEGIES PREPARE TEACHERS FOR BLENDED LEARNING recent practices and the current implementation of teacher training have not

reflected the move towards blended learning. While there have been some attempts to implement the effective use of technology, they remain isolated and complex, and as such, no consolidated picture on how to introduce technology through teacher training has been developed (Kay, 2006). The aforementioned complexity is a result of a combination of factors. For seasoned teachers, their traditional practices have been previously constructed and reinforced, making it difficult to evolve. As argued by Carl Rogers, Learning which involves a change in self organization in the perception of oneself is threatening and tends to be resisted (Rogers, 1969, pg159). For new teachers, the learning process is difficult enough even with the absence of technology. Within blended learning, there exists an even greater complexity of issues. Not only would it require seasoned teachers to drastically alter their role within the classroom, but it would also pose problems for new teachers in that they must master a plethora of educational technologies in combination with the understanding of what it means to be a teacher. Between both parties of teachers there is a unifying issue in that their training has been fixated on the traditional model. On top of that, current professional development models within schools, even those that adopt blended learning strategies, refer back to traditional methods of rote memorization often times placing emphasis on aspects not concerning instruction. Most frequently, standards take center stage in the area of professional development. Previously concerned with state-wide standards, the focus is shifting to the adoption of Common Core State Standards. Forty-three states, in addition to Washington D.C.

CAN BLENDED LEARNING STRATEGIES PREPARE TEACHERS FOR BLENDED LEARNING and Puerto Rico have agreed to adopt these standards (Kendall, 2011). In his book,

Understanding the Common Core, Kendall also addresses the vacuum in curriculum support. Due to the fact that the standards were developed before the curriculum, there will be an increased burden upon school districts and teachers to support their implementation. The purpose is not to negatively evaluate the adoption of different professional development focus points. It is understood that each district, school, and teacher have identified areas of concern and support that are personal to them. Instead, the purpose of this literature review will be to evaluate proper learning methodologies in an attempt to correctly apply them to address the issue of teacher unpreparedness in blended learning environments. In order to prepare teachers, both new and seasoned, a multi-faceted approach should be taken. And, in a reflection of that approach, the appropriate learning theories will be addressed in a manner that supports the path to preparedness. First, with the influx of learning technologies in schools there must be background information, data, and best practices available at all times to the teacher. From there, schools can create an environment that fosters communities of practice and a professional development model more relevant and reflective of classroom practices. To support the development of an online curriculum, the theory of constructivism will be addressed and evaluated in the context of blended learning environments and instructional technology. Reinforcing the need of an alternative approach to teacher training, the theories of adult learning and situated learning demonstrate the importance of the correct approach to training teachers. Just as the digital curriculum is reinforced by

CAN BLENDED LEARNING STRATEGIES PREPARE TEACHERS FOR BLENDED LEARNING professional development, the learning theories are mirrored to demonstrate how constructivism is interconnected, in this scenario, with adult and situated learning theories. Finally, to support the theories being applied to both a need for a combination of digital curriculum and professional development, the argument in favor of a move towards a blended approach to professional development will be upheld. Constructivism And Instruction Seymour Papert, basing theories off constructivist ideas, described the process of learning as a reconstruction rather than a transmission of knowledge. That learning is most powerful when a meaningful product can be created from learned experiences (Papert, 1986). Prior to Papert, Jerome Bruner reinforced the theoretical framework of learning being a construction of new ideas and concepts based on previous experiences and knowledge. In terms of Bruners theory of instruction, there are four major aspects to consider: 1) specify experiences which

implant a predisposition to learning, 2) knowledge should be structured so that it is readily grasped, 3) effective sequencing, and 4) the use of rewards and punishment throughout the continued learning process. As Bruner argues, the notion that learning is more of a broad idea than a skill is at the heart of the educational process (Bruner, 1961). With this in mind, during the formation of instruction and curriculum, one must create a broad basis from which the learner could apply, or construct, their own experiences and practices. While instruction and curriculum theories focus on different notions, that curriculum is a pragmatic approach to what to teach while instruction concentrates on how one learns (Duffy, et all, 2013), it is

CAN BLENDED LEARNING STRATEGIES PREPARE TEACHERS FOR BLENDED LEARNING paramount in understanding the interconnectedness of the two. One critique of Bruner is that a focus primarily on instructional theory limits the effectiveness of constructivist ideas. In order to have a more impactful contribution to education it must be also looked at through the lens of educational theory as well (Lawrence, 2010). The Role Of Constructivism In Learning Technologies In Constructivism and the Technology of Instruction: A Conversation, David Jonassen attempts to bridge the gap between objectivism and constructivism

theories. While making the argument for knowledge acquisition through the lens of constructivism, he continues to appeal to the objectivist approach, identifying the need for identifying important stimuli Duffy, et all, 2013). While this connection is somewhat paradoxical given the two theories in discussion, Jonassen makes a strong case that notes that the front-end portion objectivism - as part of a multifaceted approach to learning constructivism (Duffy, et al, 2013). For the purposes of an intertwined curriculum with further collaboration through professional development, this appears a valid and strong argument. Jonassen also describes three facets of educational design: 1) Front end analysis, 2) instructional strategy environment, and 3) assessment (Duffy, et all, 2013). This provides a strong basis in the formation of curriculum and is indeed given further support later in the text. The argument made by Jonassen appears to be somewhat lacking in terms of clarifying the initial approach of front-end analysis. While it does adhere to some objectivist ideas, there should be mention of the fact that this facet of educational design could very well be the broad foundation from


which experiences and practices could be applied. In terms of learning technologies, a strong understanding of applied tools could be the basis from which new theories and practices are applied in a shared environment. Duffy and Jonassens argument concerning the development of instruction is more fully specified when they argue that Abstracting concepts and strategies from their theoretical position, as instructional systems theory has done, strips them of their meaning, so it is necessary to deliberately apply some particular theory of learning (preferably constructivist, cognitive theory) to the design and development of instructional materials The implications of constructivist theory for instructional developers are that specific content and outcomes cannot be prespecificied although a core knowledge domain may be specified. (Dufy, et all, 2013) Duffy (citing Hirsh, 1987) places the emphasis on the construction of interpretations rather than knowing particular things. Learning should be present in meaningful, problem-solving contexts that allow for the simulation of the classroom (Duffy, et all, 2013). It is here that notions of apprenticeship and situated learning support the connection between applied theories of constructivism in the formation of instruction and curriculum. Within simulated classroom experiences, the values of apprenticeship learning become apparent (Spiro, et all, 2013). Spiro makes the point that even when the learning process appears relatively straightforward, mental processes are formed (Spiro, et all, 2013). However, as prior experiences are concerned within constructivism, there is a divide between expert teachers and


novice teachers (Spiro, et all, 2013). For novice teachers to become immersed in the phenomena being investigated, they must have exposure to experiences, which expert teachers can provide (Spiro, et all, 2013). Adult Learning Through Andragogy This notion of apprenticeship and situated learning, as it applies to instructional technology in professional development, should be viewed within the context of adult learning. Carl Rogers observed that all human beings have a natural propensity to learn (Rogers, 1969). While many theoretical perspectives place emphasis on the cognitive development within children and young adults, Rogers, and others like him, examine learning from an adult perspective. The role of the teacher in such a scenario, is to facilitate learning by setting a positive climate for teaching, clarifying the purposes of the learner(s), organizing and making available learning resources, balancing intellectual and emotional components of learning, and sharing feelings and thoughts with learners without ironclad control over the process (Rogers, 1969). Perhaps the key element of this environment, as one can find in other arguments by similar theorists, namely Cross and Knowles, is that there is a direct connection between the knowledge learned and the practices, experiences, and social setting in which the learners operate (Rogers, Knowles, Cross). Malcolm Knowles, in part influenced by Rogers, coined the term andrgogy to describe his approach to adult learning. Similar to Rogers, he further emphasized the self-directed nature of adults. Other points of emphasis corresponding with Rogers and the proposed approach to professional development includes an

CAN BLENDED LEARNING STRATEGIES PREPARE TEACHERS FOR BLENDED LEARNING explanation of why particular knowledge is being learned, learning built upon exponentially, problem-solving approach to social roles, and an immediate value of proposed topics (Knowles, 1973). Within his approach, not only should selected knowledge be applicable to experiences and social roles, but also that experience is the richest resource (Knowles, 1973). Knowles was, in fact, far ahead of his time in his approach to learning. In his book, The Adult Learner: A Neglected Species, Knowles states that Adults have a deep need to be self-directing; the role of the teacher is to engage in a process of mutual inquiry with them rather than to transmit his or her knowledge to them and have them conform. Knowles then solidified the connection between constructivism, adult education, and todays approach to blended learning by clarifying that individual differences among learners increase with age. And, as a result of this, provisions must be made to account for differences in style, time, place, and pace of learning (Knowles, 1973). All of these descriptive features are strong components of blended learning strategies. For direct practices, instructors for adults need to focus less on what is being taught and more on role-playing and simulations as a facilitator rather than a lecturer or grader (Knowles, 1973). Situated Learning, Apprenticeship, and Communities of Practice

The argument for direct experience applies directly to Jean Lave and Etienne Wengers theory of situated learning, specifically in the areas of apprenticeships and communities of practice (Lave & Wenger, 1991). Interestingly, Lave and Wenger sought to observe practices outside of schools (Lave & Wenger, 1991). Not only does this approach provide a new approach to learning but it also provides more of



a foundation for adult learning, as their observations focused on various professions and communities of practice (Lave & Wenger, 1991). The primary component to Lave and Wengers studies was the idea of Legitimate Peripheral Participation. By this we mean to draw attention to the point that learners inevitably participate in communities of practitioners and that the mastery of knowledge and skill requires newcomers to move toward full participation in the sociocultural practices of a community (Wenger & Lave, 1991). Building upon the constructivist approach to curriculum in collaboration with adult learning, the idea that learning occurs in a social environment, or community of practice (Wenger & Lave, 1991) the argument for a need of a more relevant approach to professional development is strengthened. Notions of empowerment are also present. Through Legitimate Peripheral Participation, learners become more empowered through experiences and further identifying themselves within their environment through increased practices. The opposite is also true, that when one is kept from participation it will be accompanied by disempowerment. To the common observer of schools, it would appear that there is one organization or community of practice. However, Lave and Wengers argument creates a need for multiple groups to form their own community of practice within the school. Ideally, this could take two forms: one of apprenticeship (Lave & Wenger, 1991) or through the adoption of communities of practice based on content areas. The later of the two being an optimal selection, as it adheres to shared experiences as well as logistical constraints a topic to be touched upon later on in the review of professional development models.



As previously noted by Lave and Wenger, identity is formed through participation. Through sustained participation within community of practices the cycle of growth between newcomers and experts becomes apparent (Lave & Wenger, 1991). Rather than a typical notion of teacher and learner, various roles become intertwined within these communities: newcomers become old-timers and apprentices become masters. These evolving roles are made possible through collaboration, and as Lave and Wenger argue, primarily among apprentices (Lave and Wenger, 1991). In a school setting, where emphasis is placed on experience, this highlights a need for a discussion on the diversity of roles and participation. The structure of schools, from administration to department leaders to the teaching staff, should allow for the movement of staff not based on yearly experience, but deeper participation in a communal practice. The Case For A Blended Approach To Professional Development With the arguments for a constructivist approach to instruction and curriculum, further strengthened by, and in harmony with, the theories of adult and situated learning, the professional development models within schools should be revisited. While the previous studies have applied to learning in general, they do not deviate in their support of learning occurring in a virtual or blended setting. Noting the increase in students in such models (Innosight, 2011), the approach to professional development should account for this and react accordingly. Similar to Wenger & Laves arguments for participation in communities of practice, Palloff and Pratt make the argument that instructors in an online setting (either distance or within brick-and-mortar schools) rarely emerge out of the box but rather develop



their skills over time (Palloff & Pratt, 2011). Accounting for the differences between face-to-face and the traditional approach, it is unrealistic to expect instructors to automatically know what to do. As such, good training will lead to development over time (Palloff & Pratt, 2011). With the increase of blended learning (Innosight, 2011) and the adoption of education reforms, raising teacher effectiveness is central to school improvement initiatives (Allen, et all, 2011). As noted by Allen, the primary method of improving practices is significant professional development. According to the research study by the Gates Foundation, it is evident that teachers agree, with 85% of 40,000 teachers surveyed viewing professional development as absolutely essential or very important (The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 2010). Traditional models of professional development are based on face-to-face delivery (Allen, et all, 2011). While many teachers prefer face-to-face-training, there is an increased amount of evidence arguing in favor of a blended approach (Allen, et all, 2011). Allen (referencing U.S. Department of Education, 2010), observed the complexity of learning objectives with the amount of teachers needing training, argued that online delivery can mean a substantial reduction of costs, creating a more efficient method of delivery that is comparable if not better than face-to-face PD methods (Allen, et all, 2011). On top of being a more cost efficient approach, the argument for a blended approach is further strengthened by introducing efficiencies that make training more focused, create a more job-embedded approach, and increase collaboration among participants (Allen, et all, 2011). All of these suggest a

CAN BLENDED LEARNING STRATEGIES PREPARE TEACHERS FOR BLENDED LEARNING professional development model that reflects the fundamental notions of constructivism and adult learning. In order to provide clarity for the arguments, one should remember that suggesting online delivery does not mean that teachers would only meet asynchronously in a virtual setting. Instead the broad knowledge base to build from, central ideas, and possibilities for collaboration are presented through an online medium (digital curriculum, video, information processor) and then built upon in face-to-face settings (Allen, et all, 2011). The online components of this


model would create additional opportunities for discussion and information that is readily available within various delivery methods. According to Allen, the following were what teachers found to be the primary benefits: preservation of class time (16%), less travel (52%), more flexibility (35%), and cost savings (32%). Summary of Findings In her study, Face-to-Face vs. Online Development? Do Both! The Power of the Blended Model, Dr. Paula Hidalgo reinforced the argument for a blended approach to learning and professional development.

Despite promising statistics and the undeniable popularity of online and blended learning models, there are many educators and school administrators who are, understandably, skeptical about the effectiveness of these models, and the extent to which students and teachers who participate in them learn as much as they would learn if they were sitting in a classroom, in front of an instructor who delivers the content. (Hidalgo, 2010)



In order to keep up with the changing landscape of schools a new approach to teacher preparedness must be undertaken. Due to aforementioned popularity of blended learning coupled with the expanding market of learning technologies, information, best practices, and opportunities for shared experiences within this setting must be provided to educators. This is not a means of advocating a one-sizefits-all method of delivery, but rather a blueprint for adoption. In terms of the appropriate curriculum concerning schools, a constructivist approach is advocated. A broad base of knowledge and ideas should be readily available that educators can access, making meaning of, and directly apply within their classroom or social role. In isolation, however, this body of knowledge would not serve the advancement of best practices. Thus, in viewing the next step through in the context of adult learning, ideas on the optimal environment for direct application and collaboration are apparent. Apprenticeships and communities of practice are able to thrive when a blended approach to professional development is taken. With knowledge readily available without sacrificing face-to-face time for teachers to further their practices, teachers, both newcomers and old-timers (Lave & Wenger, 1991) will be better prepared to teach in blended learning environments.

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