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Procedure: Weigh out accurately about 4 g of commercial borax, transfer it quantitatively to a 250-ml volumetric flask, and make up to the mark. Shake well. Titrate 25 ml of this solution with standard 0.1 N hydrochloric acid, using methyl orange or methyl orangeindigo carmine as indicator.

To another 25 ml. of the solution, add the quantity of standard hydrochloric acid determined in the previous titration, cover the beaker or conical flask with a clock glass or fisher speedy cap beaker-cover, heat to simmering temperature for 10 minutes to expel carbon dioxide (prolong vigorous boiling may cause loss of boric acid which is volatile in steam), cool the solution to room temperature, and add just sufficient standard sodium hydroxide solution to restore the transition colour of the original indicator.

Then introduce about 2 g of mannitol, and shake until dissolved; add a few drops of phenolphthalein and titrate with standard 0.1 N carbonate-free sodium hydroxide to the first permanent faint-pink colour. Add a further 0.5 g of mannitol; if the solution becomes colourless, add more standard sodium hydroxide until the pink colour reappears. Repeat the process until the addition of mannitol has no effect upon the end point.

Calculate the percentage of Na2B4O7 in the sample from the results of both titration.1 ml N NaOH = 0.06184 g H3BO3 = 0.05033 g Na2B4O7.

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