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The aim of this report is to present what is popular in Poland. I interviewed my friends and all the people in my family.

The questions concerned free time activities, music and sport. Free time :In Poland the majority of people spend their free time at home with families. They watch TV, read maga ines and newspapers and surf the !et. "hat#s interesting, they also spend long hours just tal$ing on the phone, when it#s free from the evening. %oung people are a &it different. They are more willing to go out, rather than stay in. They meet at cinemas, shopping malls, or they play sports. 'enerally, they are rather (out) rather than (in) generation. *usic: In Poland there are very good &ands. For e+ample Perfect, ,fromental, -ady Pun$, .ult. There are also many e+cellent artists such as : /dyta '0rnia$, .asia !osows$a, Patrycja *ar$ows$a. Poles li$e pop music. 1owever, they prefer foreign music and foreign artists. %oung people enjoy mostly metal and roc$ music. 2isco polo is still quite popular, &ut not so much as it used to &e. ,lthough people li$e this $ind of music at weeding parties. 3port: Foot&all isn#t as popular as it was in the past. Polish foot&all team plays &adly. "e pro&a&ly won#t qualify to the "orld 4up in 5ra il. ,gain6 Poles more and more love volley&all or hand&all. *ay&e they will &ecome num&er one in 78 years69 The report shows some interesting facts a&out Poles. "e spend more and more time surfing the !et, rather than tal$ing. "e listen to foreign music, although Polish roc$ &ands are equally popular. Finally, we are less proud of our foot&all national team. 5ut generally we are quite optimistic and happy nation.

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