You are on page 1of 2 Schedules Grand Opening for Black Friday; Set to Bring Beautiful, Artistic Lighting to omes !


November 20, 2013 - Aptos, California - If you're looking for distin tive lig!ting t!at is as uni"ue as it is beautiful, mark your alendar for #la k $riday, November 2%, 2013& Al'ays (ig!ting, an online lig!ting ompany t!at offers !ig! end distin tive lig!ting to fit all budgets and de or styles, 'ill be open for business for t!e first time on t!is day& )!e ompany !as an eye for detail and prides itself on its ability to provide stylis! and gorgeous lig!ting fi*tures& Al'ays (ig!ting is your one-stop-s!op for 'orld- lass brand names, in luding )rump (ig!ting, A1%, +iamond, ,terling and many more& Al'ays (ig!ting !as gat!ered !and rafted artisan lig!ting fi*tures from all over t!e 'orld and made t!em a essible to ustomers, no matter '!ere t!ey live& (ig!ts from Italy, $ran e and Istanbul are available t!roug! t!is 'ebsite- t!ey'll bring lass and style into any !ome or 'ork spa e& )!e ompany also offers limited edition pie es t!at are diffi ult to find else'!ere& (ig!ting fi*tures offered in lude lamps, eiling lig!ts, 'all lig!ting, outdoor lig!ting, and !and rafted artisan lig!ting& Al'ays (ig!ting also offers t!e option to pur !ase lig!ting by room and lig!ting by style&

Al'ays (ig!ting prides itself on s!aring elegant pie es 'it! t!e 'orld at ompetitive pri es& It also boasts an unparalleled level of ustomer servi e& In elebration of its grand opening, Al'ays (ig!ting is offering a one-time-only spe ial& Customers an take .20&00 off t!e initial pur !ase of all lig!ting fi*tures& )!is spe ial promotional offer 'ill be a epted t!roug! t!e end of 2013& )o take advantage of t!is spe ial offer, or to learn more about Al'ays (ig!ting, please visit t!e ompany's orporate 'ebsite at '''&al'ayslig!ting& om& )!e ompany an also be rea !ed on $a ebook, /interest and )'itter& Contact information: Al'ays (ig!ting (ona Carter /resident Aptos, California 000 110-111% onta tus2al'ayslig!ting& om

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