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Spelling Practice for Home

List 10 Long Vowel /o/ spelled o, oa, o_e, ow

Rule: Adding one silent vowel changes a short sound to a long sound; e.g. rod road, got goat. Some common words such as go, so, no, and yo-yo only have one /o/ at the end, yet still have the long sound.

This is a hands-on approach to spelling. First, practice making words with the sounds of letters.

Moving Letters to Make Words

Directions: Student cuts apart the letters on this page. Scramble the letters. Parents say one word from the word box. The child uses individual letters to spell each of the words in the word box.
Second, the child prints the word.

road hope toast also tomorrow those borrow show nose know trade in zero joke follow slow

r e o k

o t r i

a s o z

d t w j

h p l m b n f l

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