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Green America: Annotated Bibliographies of Marijuana in the United States Marc Nelson University of Te as at !

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#anfield$ #% &'()*$ +ctober )*,% "ot -egali.ation !ffort Moves !ast/ard to Maine% Yahoo News% 0etrieved from http:11///%ne/s%yahoo%com

As the marijuana movement spreads across the nation$ voters in "ortland$ Maine are being as2ed if marijuana should be legali.ed% The poll is set to ta2e place on November 3th$ and /ill be largely observed by the nation% The Marijuana "olicy "roject targeted "ortland since it is the largest city in Maine and has an efficient process on getting the referendum on the ballot% The cause of the movement /ill dra/ plenty of debate from both sides% 4ith "ortland being a more liberal city$ supporters are confident the poll /ill sho/ more support for legali.ation% This is an objective source since it is not bias to a side% 5t provides us /ith information that allo/s us to predict that Maine might be the ne t state to follo/ #olorado and 4ashington and legali.e marijuana% The goal of the source is to inform the public on the marijuana situation in Maine% The source is useful to my research since it provides current information on possible future changes on marijuana policy%

6ord$ 7%$ 8 -udlum$ M% &'()*,% Medical Marijuana and !mployment 7iscrimination% Southern Law Journal$ '*&',$ '9:;*)(% This article focuses primarily on the stance of federal1state la/s on medical marijuana and also ho/ /or2ers /ho use marijuana for health needs are discriminated against% The author points out ho/ the #ompassionate Use Act$ /hich allo/ed seriously ill #alifornians to use marijuana for medical purposes$ started the approval of medical marijuana use by the thought spreading to states /illing to accept it% The source also notes the changes made in the last decade from an aggressive prosecution to the Non !nforcement "olicy% But even /ith all these progressive la/s

at hand$ the possession of marijuana still remains as a federal crime and protection is not fully guaranteed for in need users% The author believes that in time medical marijuana /ill be a protected activity% This a useful source to my research since the article goes in depth /ith the origins of medical marijuana and gives you a good idea of ho/ the issue has transformed% The author remains objective throughout the paper /hich helped me better understand ho/ both sides approached the issue and /hat they /ant to achieve%

Gumbiner$ <% & '()($ 7ecember 3,% 5s Marijuana Addictive= Psychology Today% 0etrieved from http:11///%psychologytoday%com

5n the article >5s Marijuana Addictive=? Gumbiner states ho/ most people /ho smo2e marijuana do not intend to become addictive to it% But is it really addictive= Studies have sho/n that about )(@ of users become addicted or dependent on cannabis% The article goes on to mention that marijuana is not nearly as addictive and harmful as other drugs li2e cocaine and nicotine% The source is helpful to my research because it provides facts on ho/ much more addictive other drugs can be compared to marijuana% The article is objective since the author sho/s facts she found through research that lead her to conclude that marijuana is not as addictive as people suggest% This source /as helpful because the facts provided help conclude that marijuana could help more than harm%

Gupta$ S% &'()*$ August 9,% 4hy 5 #hanged My Mind on 4eed% CNN Health% 0etrieved from http:11///%cnn%com 5n this article the author admits to /riting about marijuana in the past in a bias /ay against it% This time around the author thoroughly done his research and 5 discovered he /as /rong on marijuana being illegal% Through his research he concludes that marijuana is not as dangerous as some other drugs and medical marijuana can help ease the pain of diseases such as breast cancer% Ae also goes on to describe his challenge in researching marijuana since$ of course$ marijuana is illegal in the United States% The article is different from other sources because it offers an e ample of a person /ho changed his opinion on marijuana from blindly being against it to gathering research to develop his o/n thoughts% 5n the article$ the authorBs goal is to sho/ the readers ho/ he misperceived marijuana and e plain ho/ his research changed his vie/s% This source allo/s me to have an e ample of someone /ho changed his opinion to support the marijuana movement%

-oundenslager$ A% &'()*$ September 'C,% 4isconsin Marijuana "olicy Moving in 4rong 7irection% The Badger Herald% 0etrieved +ctober '($ '()*$ from http:11///%badgerherald%com The legali.ation of marijuana for recreational purposes has been rejected t/ice in 4isconsin due to the 0epublican control in the states government% 4ith many states continuing the pattern of for medical purposes$ the author believes 4isconsin is moving in the /rong direction

after passing a bill that /ill prosecute marijuana users much harsher% "rogression /ill only happen /ith change% This source describes an e ample of a state /ere the legali.ation of marijuana for recreational purposes is being than resisted by state officials% The author means for the source to be objective but due to his negative tone to/ards the non;progressive 4isconsin it leads me to conclude that the author is more bias to/ards marijuana than objective%

0ael$ A% &'()*$ September *(,% #olorado S2i To/ns Get 0eady 6or -egal$ 0ecreational Marijuana 6or The Upcoming Season% Huffington Post% 0etrieved from http:11///%huffingtonpost%com The articles focuses on ho/ s2i to/ns in #olorado such Aspen$ Brec2enridge$ and others are preparing to profit from selling marijuana% Since the use of marijuana in public is still illegal$ s2i resorts /ill loo2 to provide cabins for consumption of the drug% Most mountain to/ns have approved the sale of recreational marijuana and are beginning to propose the idea of marijuana clubs /ithin the city limits% The source is useful because it is sho/ing the adjustment s2i to/ns in #olorado are planning to ma2e for future profits through marijuana% 5t is helpful to my research because it helps inform the readers and the public on the ne/ ideas emerging from the legali.ation of marijuana in #olorado%

0eilly$ 0% &'()*$ August ':,% !ric Aolder Says 7+< 4ill -et 4ashington$ #olorado Marijuana -a/s Go 5nto !ffect% The Huffington Post% 0etrieved from ///%huffingtonpost%com 4ashington has let the nation 2no/ that la/s dealing /ith marijuana rely on /hat the states decide% The step bac2 in federal policy sho/s the gro/ing acceptance of marijuana by the public% The article mentions ho/ Attorney General !ric Aolder stressed that marijuana remains illegal under the #ontrolled Substance Act even /ith though the drug is legal in #olorado and 4ashington% A memo outlining eight priorities /hich must be follo/ed /as sent to the legal states to enforce control on marijuana% This source is helpful to my research because it e plains the changes of marijuana policy in the federal government and ho/ the government reacts and adapts to the public opinion% Through this article 5 am able to use the facts provided to sho/ ho/ the public opinion can influence the federal policy especially /ith a controversial subject such as marijuana% 5t also sho/s ho/ government is adjusting to the changes occurring in the country and ho/ to regulate marijuana in the ne/ly legal states% 5 can use this source in my research project since it provides plenty information on marijuana in the federal level%

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