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My Not So Greatest Lesson Lesson Plan

Grade/Subject:_____3 SS_____ Unit:____Inti Raymi______ Lesson Duration:_60mins_ OUTCOMES FROM ALBERTA PROGRAM OF STUDIES
General Learning Outcomes: Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of other cultures Specific Learning Outcomes: Appreciate similarities and differences among people and communities demonstrate an awareness of and interest in the beliefs, traditions and customs of groups and communities other than their own

Students will: 1. Describe the festival of Inti Raymi 2. Recognize the significance of working as team to complete an assignment 3.Reconize how traditions play a role in defining a cultures identity

Observations: participation in group activities Key Questions: What is the festival? What are some of the aspect that define Peru as a culture?

Written/Performance Assessments:
group work, brochure


Resource #1: Alberta Curriculum


* paper *Colouring materials *Worksheets *ipads or laptops

PROCEDURE Introduction (__min.):

Hook/Attention Grabber: Greet with Spanish words practiced in previous lessons! Talk briefly about how traditions differ in each country based on that countrys history and location. Also describe how traditions play a role in forming the cultural identity and quality of life (giving a sense of belonging and citizenship) Assessment of Prior Knowledge: recap previous lesson about national symbols, see if students can remember.

Body (__min.):

Learning Activity #1: Create a brochure! Allow time for students to finish the initial work sheet. Post website again on the smartboard. For those who are already finished: Things are going to work a little differently than was initially planned, this is because I feel like my first plan was a bit too complicated. Ask students to get back, ask students to get back into their groups and move their desks into the group we had previously. Tell them to go ahead and move. Once the kids are settled, explain how the brochure is a group project and each person has a job to do. Each student will take a question and create their own page of the brochure. Each page must include: a full sentence answering the question, an illustration from one of the nine national symbols that students best feel fit their q uestion. (for this put up the slide of the symbols on the smartboard and hand back their squares of symbols). Students must draw the symbols and colour them in neatly. Tell students they must give their best writing. Students will also work together to complete the title page. Students must also draw pictures and use colours. Give students a bit of a pep talk as this is a big assignment. Stress that this is a group project and even though they each their own job to do, they still need to work together, they must coordinate their illustrations. if students are working well, put on music for them. If they start getting rowdy, turn music off. Tell them that if they are working well together and get a lot of their work done they will win the opportunity to play a game at the end of the day (cup song, 7up, hangman, etc.) allow them 3 strikes, if they get all strikes, no game will happen. Once they are finished, I will help them put together.

Closure ( __min.):
Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: Go through and have each group answer one question, get them to talk about how they integrated it into their brochure. Have each group share about their brochure, talk about why they chose the illustrations they did, how it relates to what is being talked about.

Even though I feel this was a decent lesson plan, the way it went was a cataclysmic train wreck. I was really excited for this lesson because it was first one with a group project. Now I knew it was going to be tough trying to keep a group of high energy grade 3s on task and focused, but I figured I could it with some incentives. Well, lets just say, it blew up. I had chosen the groups trying to evenly distribute the strongest and weakest students. The day started off pretty good, described the plan with the incentives told them if things started to get out of hand, the music goes off and if it gets really bad then no game at the end of the day. They were working well at first, and then it started to get noisy so I turned off the music. They understood and all got back to work. It started to get noisy again but this time turning off the music did not get their attention and they continued to be rowdy. So I did what I felt I had to, I stopped the class, told them things were getting to loud and they needed to calm down and stay focused, well that didnt happened, I got blank stares instead. I was beginning to get frustrated and it only went downhill from there. I had one girl asking me the same question over and over and over, while I was trying to help the high needs kids understand the project. Then I had 3, yes 3 people all at the same time asking to use the bathroom or go to the water fountain while yet another student was shoving his paper in my face because he wanted to me to see what he had finished. I had had girls singing and boys out of their desks being noisy. This was all happening in the span of about 30 seconds. I felt my patience quickly fading. At one point I even snapped at a girl by accident because I was so overwhelmed. I did apologize to her, but things only got worse, I had a student talk back to me in a rather rude way. Lets just say what happened next wasnt my best moment. I snapped. I stood up and yelled enough, I took a second to collect my thoughts and catch my breath, because even though I was shaking I was so angry I knew I needed to choose my words carefully. I told them how disappointed I was with them and how disrespectful they were being and how it was making me feel. I told them they needed to focus on their assignment and not be goofing off. I told them they lost their incentives and how sad that made me. At this point I was on the edge of tears I was so upset. I said they needed to work quietly and finish their project before the end of class, since there was more than enough time to complete what was required. They finished off, handed in their papers moved their desks back and went home. I knew that this was bound to happen sooner or later, but there was no way I could have really prepared for it. Even after talking with my TA she assured me this happens to every teacher and you learn how to deal with them. I wouldnt write this lesson off, but I feel like there needs to be some stronger classroom management set up before hand on my part.

Lesson Plan
Grade/Subject:_______________ Unit:___________________________ Lesson Duration:_____ OUTCOMES FROM ALBERTA PROGRAM OF STUDIES
General Learning Outcomes: Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of other cultures Specific Learning Outcomes: Appreciate similarities and differences among people and communities demonstrate an awareness of and interest in the beliefs, traditions and customs of groups and communities other than their own

Students will: 1. Identify and describe the difference between myths and legends 2. Make connections between the story and items we have already learned about Peru

Observations: Particpation in discussion in class, attentiveness to the story Written/Performance Assessments: Key Questions: What are the differences between myths and legends?


Resource #1: Alberta Curriculum


* Myths and Legends book

PROCEDURE Introduction (__min.):

Hook/Attention Grabber: Greet the class with Spanish words practiced in previous lessons! Buenos dias (good morning), Cmo est? (How are you?) Muy bien (very good) Gracias (Thank you). We have been practicing and they will just repeat after the teacher. Tell the students we a shift to Look at Tunisia just for today. Bring up a map and talk about its location in relation to both Peru and Canada.

Body (__min.):

Learning Activity #1: Read and Discussion Gather students in the gather place (the carpeted area at the back of the classroom). Once students have settled, ask the following questions before reading the book. Recap the differences between myths and Legends. Read students the story The Five Things to Find adapted by Sharon Stewart. Ask what key featu res to they notice about Tunisia. What differences do they notice between Tunisia and Peru? What does location have to do with identifying culture? Learning Activity #2: Coconut time! Bring in a whole coconut. As a class, talk about how a coconut can fulfill each of the five things to find from the story. Go through each one. Pass the coconut around, get students to describe how it looks, how it feel, the texture, can they hear anything if they shake it? Does it have a smell? Now crack open the coconut so students can taste the water and allow them to taste the meat/.

Closure ( __min.):
Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: ask students to recap what myths and legends are. What are the main differences between a myth and a legend? What did they learn during the lesson that relates to Peru? Make sure you collect the worksheets.

Ironically enough this lesson happened in the same week as my worst lesson. In this lesson I read them a fable from Tunisia, even though it was a shift of pace from what we were learning about with Peru, however it worked in well since we have already talked about myths and legends that come from those countries. This lesson went so incredibly well because each and every single student was engaged and focused in the discussion after reading the story. It got better when I brought out a real whole coconut and we compared and examined how a coconut could fulfill each aspect described in the story. We then proceeded to smash open the coconut as a class which everyone including myself had fun. The kids learned something about Tunisia as well as coconuts.

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