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Annotated Table of Contents

Category I 1. Etiquette For this assignment we introduced ourselves and read an article of Academic Etiquette while also responding to the article. I learned that collegiate life asks more of me in all types of ways compared to high school. I included this piece because it is one of the first things that we did. 2. My Three Words For this assignment we chose three words that described our weekend and why we chose those words along with a picture. I learned that some things can be described with very little words. I included this piece because I still had it. 3. Six Word Memoirs- For this piece we chose three six word statements and why we chose them. I learned again, that the most powerful things can be said with only a few words needed. I included this assignment because I still had it. 4. Six Songs of Me- For this assignment we chose three songs that related to us and why. I learned that music can relate to situations more than words. I included it because I still had it. 5. Bitch Session For this assignment we bitched about the problems and frustrations in our life at the time. I learned that it is helpful to write down what is bothering you. I included this piece because its one of the coolest assignments we had.

Category 2 1. Now Arrival-ing I For this assignment we had eight questions to answer in relation to the book we read, The Arrival. I learned that I can relate to the book very well, as most people probably can. I included this piece because I still had it. 2. Now Arrival-ing II- In this assignment we were given a chapter from the book and chose an image that was most powerful while answering questions. I learned that you can interpret a picture in a totally different way from someone else. I included this piece because I still had it. 3. Now Arrival-ing III- For this assignment we created a picture of our own journey in relation to the Arrival. I learned that every individual has their own unique story. I included this piece because I still had it. 4. Pivot Q&A For this assignment we were given a series of questions that we asked several different peers. I learned that everyone hated the word moist. I chose this piece because it is an interesting assignment to include. 5. Robin Williams Video Notes (EC) 5. I wish... For this assignment we were asked a series of questions that relate to our past and what we would change if we could. I learned that your mistakes make you who are today, so why try and take them back. I included this assignment because I still had it. Required Pieces

1. Meme and Reflection For this assignment we were told to create a meme that expressed who we are. It helped me learn how unique my class is and how creative we all are. It is here in the collection because it is a required piece. 2. Critical Review & Reflection w/ Peer Review I This assignment was about carefully evaluating the text and reviewing it. From this, I learned how to do a critical review the right way without simply summarizing the book. I have included it in the collection because it is required. 3. Summary-Response I & II For this assignment we chose two TIB stories that we summarized and were able to relate to. I learned about other individuals perspectives on things that I believe in. It is in the collection because it is required. 4. Proclamation TIB Composition & Reflection w/ Peer Review II For this assignment we chose a belief of ours and wrote about while also doing a reflection. I got to learn about my peers own personal beliefs which allowed me some new perspective. It is included because it is a required piece. 5. Letter to Myself & Reflection We wrote a letter to our future or past self to offer some advice or encouragement. From this I learned that we as individuals change so much as we move on through life. It is included because it is a required piece. 6. Portfolio Reflection: Self-Expertise as New Literacy For this assignment we reflected on this terms portfolio. I learned that without a reflection, my portfolio would simply be a collection of items. This piece is included because it is required.

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