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Descriptive Data

Teacher: Stephanie Yablonsky Date: Tuesday, September 10, 2013 Grade Le el!"ourse: #th Grade $n%lish Lan%ua%e &rts Topic: 'irst (ations, DuSable ) 'ort Dearborn Time *e+uired: ,0 -inutes 2. Standards and Objectives "ommon "ore Standards RI.7.4 Determine the meanin% o. /ords and phrases as they are used in a te0t, includin% .i%urati e, connotati e, and technical meanin%s1 analy2e the impact o. a speci.ic /ord choice on meanin% and tone3 SL.7.3 Delineate a speaker4s ar%ument and speci.ic claims, e aluatin% the soundness o. the reasonin% and the rele ance and su..iciency o. the e idence3 5b6ecti es The students /ill be able to: 3. 7denti.y the .irst inhabitants o. /hat is no/ "hica%o 7denti.y the true .ounder o. "hica%o and discuss /hy he /asn4t o..icially reco%ni2ed as such until 2008 *eco%ni2e the connotations o. the /ords 9battle: and 9massacre: and /hy one /ould use one o er the other Rationale

This lesson is meant to con.ront any o. the history that %lori.ies the settlers4 /estern mo ement, such as the idea o. -ani.est Destiny3 7t4s important to reali2e that be.ore "hica%o became the metropolis that it is today, it re+uired the slau%hter and e0ploitation o. the .irst people /ho li ed here lon% be.ore the /hite man3 ;e /ill also take a closer look at the true 'ather o. "hica%o, a black <aitian /ho li ed peaceably /ith the 'irst (ations people /hen the city /as nothin% more than a tradin% outpost3 ;e /ill also look at the contentious topic o. /hether to call the incident at 'ort Dearborn a 9massacre: or a 9battle3: 4. Materia s and Res!"rces

Schmidt, =3 *3 >2011?3 The .ather o. chica%o: =ean baptiste pointe dusable 3 ;@$A3 *etrie ed .rom http:!!///3/be23or%!blo%!6ohnBrB schmidt!2011B0,B0,!.atherBchica%oB6eanBbaptisteBpointeBdusableB C0020 Drossnit2, L3 >2012?3 @icentennial o. battle o. .ort dearborn3 ;TT;3 *etrie ed .rom http:!!chica%otoni%ht3/tt/3com!2012!0,!1E!bicentennialBbattleB.ortB dearborn #. Instr"cti!na Pr!ced"re 1E minutes3 7ntroduction Teacher /ill pass out blank sheets o. paper and ask students to take out their colored pencils Teacher /ill ask students to take 10 minutes to dra/ a picture o. the .ounder o. "hica%o, bein% as realistic and detailed as possible >clothes, hair and eye color, skin color, etc3? ;hen the 10 minutes are up, teacher /ill ha e students use ma%nets to put their pictures up on the board Teacher /ill ask students to discuss any similarities and di..erences Teacher /ill ask students to discuss /hy they dre/ their .ounders the /ay they did

20 minutes3 DuSable &rticle Teacher /ill ask .or a olunteer to read the article aloud Teacher /ill ask students to discuss ho/ the real .ounder compared to the .ounder they ima%ined at the be%innin% o. class Teacher /ill ask students /hy they think it took until 2008 to o..icially reco%ni2e DuSable as the .ounder o. "hica%o

10 minutes3 Lecture Teacher /ill lecture students on the 'irst (ations tribes that inhabited "hica%o prior to Dusable Teacher /ill e0plain the cooperati e relationship bet/een DuSable and the 'irst (ations Teacher /ill e0plain the alliance bet/een the 'irst (ations and the @ritish

10 minutes3 ;TT; Fideo

Students /ill /atch the ;TT; ideo

1E minutes3 Discussion Teacher /ill ask students /hat the di..erence is bet/een a 9battle: and a 9massacre: Teacher /ill ask /hy, accordin% to the speaker in the ideo, &merica has chosen to remember /hat happened at 'ort Dearborn as a 9massacre: ersus a 9battle: Teacher /ill ask students i. they can think o. other e ents that /ere remembered in a similar /ay, or other /ords that can be used interchan%eably yet ha e ery di..erent meanin%s

10 minutes3 ;ritten *e.lection Students /ill take the last 10 minutes to .ree /rite re.lecti ely on the learnin% they did today3 Assess%ent o =ournals /ill be collected and assessed as per the %uidelines listed under 9Dia%nostic ) 'ormati e &ssessments: 7. M!di&icati!ns


'or isual learners: 13 Guestions /ill be /ritten on board 'or students /ith autism: 13 Student /ill /ork oneBonBone /ith aide 23 Student /ill /ork oneBonBone /ith teacher 'or hearin%Bimpaired students: 13 Teacher /ill /ear microphone


E(tensi!n e(tend t)eir re& ective ,ritin- ti%e.

7. c ass &inis)es ear *+ I ,i .. Re& ecti!n/

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