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DeBorah Smith Articles to Read

1. How are schools using social media?

-Colleges and universities are using social medias to engage students and keep them informed of what is happening at the school. -Social medias have better ways to communicate with their universities and they are using them in the classroom and for school announcements.

2. The Case for Social Medias in schools.

-Many students have social media profiles and are utilizing them more than playing games or watching television. -Blogs can be used in classrooms to enrich the learning environment. Blogs can be used to motivate students to write and increase the quality of work.

3. Howard School System launches New Social Media.

-School systems are integrating Twitter and Facebook to serve as links between the school system and the community. -The internet can be used to take classes on virtual field trips and twitter can be utilized to ask experts questions about any given topic.

4. Tweets that Teach: Social media engages Lexington Students.

-A Lexington School District is moving towards a more digital environment by allowing social networks in the classroom. -Teachers are getting more reflective responses from students through the use of social medias.

5. Science Teacher Uses Technology to Reach Students and Parents.

-Students can review notes, and missed material when teachers post class information on the internet. It helps students who need extra time or special needs students, by allowing them more time to refer to the class notes. -Students are happy that teachers are becoming more technologically savvy.

6. Urging Students to Write in the Age of Twitter, Texting, and Facebook.

-Electronic devices may hinder students from becoming prolific writers. -With the use of social medias, students are still writing, but more for personal fulfillment.

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