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Contact: Gregg Peppin

612-209-9351 |

Iohnson Ca||s for kes|gnat|ons of MNsure Leg|s|at|ve Cvers|ght
Comm|ttee Co-Cha|rs Atk|ns and Lourey

1hursday, December 19, |ymouth, M|nn. -- Saylng LhaL Lhey've compleLely falled Lo
provlde any overslghL of MlnnesoLa's deeply Lroubled healLh lnsurance exchange,
8epubllcan gubernaLorlal candldaLe !eff !ohnson Loday called for Lhe reslgnaLlons of Lhe
Lwo co-chalrs of Lhe Mnsure LeglslaLlve CverslghL CommlLLee-8ep. !oe ALklns (ulL-
lnver Crove PelghLs) and Sen. 1ony Lourey (ulL-kerrlck).

Abysmal fallure. 1here's no oLher way Lo accuraLely descrlbe Lhe performance of Lhe
co-chalrs charged wlLh leadlng leglslaLlve overslghL of MlnnesoLa's lnsurance exchange,"
!ohnson sald. 1he Mnsure LeglslaLlve CverslghL CommlLLee has noL meL ln Lhree
monLhs. Meanwhlle, Lhe exchange's webslLe has melLed down, Mnsure's execuLlve
dlrecLor has been forced Lo reslgn and Lhousands of MlnnesoLans are abouL Lo be
wlLhouL healLh lnsurance come !anuary 1. lL was never approprlaLe Lo have Lhe Lwo
leglslaLlve auLhors of Mnsure charged wlLh lLs overslghL, as Lhey have an lnherenL
lnLeresL ln avoldlng any dlscusslon of lLs problems or fallures. lL's Llme Lo brlng ln new,
confllcL-of-lnLeresL-free co-chalrs, preferably ones who do noL have rooms named afLer
Lhem aL Mnsure's offlce."

ln addlLlon Lo calllng for ALklns and Lourey Lo reslgn from Lhe overslghL commlLLee,
!ohnson also called for Lhelr replacemenLs Lo be blparLlsan-wlLh one co-chalr
appolnLed by ulL leglslaLlve leaders and Lhe oLher appolnLed by 8epubllcan leglslaLlve

Whlle l don'L belleve a governmenL-conLrolled exchange wlll ever work, Lhe uemocraLs
have glven us one for now, so an all ulL-led commlLLee wlll never glve MlnnesoLans Lhe
overslghL of Lhls super-secreL quasl-governmenL agency LhaL we need. Cnly a blparLlsan-
led commlLLee - noL [usL of cheerleaders buL also of skepLlcs - can provlde Lrue

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