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Primary Sources

Speech by Adolf Hitler, January 31, 1939. Trials of War riminals !efore the "urember# $ilitary Tribunals % Washin#ton, &.S. 'o(t. Print. )ff., 19*9%19+3, ,ol -..., p. 131/

Today . 0ill once more be a prophet/ .f the international Je0ish financiers in and outside 1urope should succeed in plun#in# the nations once more into a 0orld 0ar, then the result 0ill not be the bolshe(i2ation of the earth, and thus the (ictory of Je0ry, but the annihilation of the Je0ish race in 1urope3

Adolph Hitler spea4in# to a cro0d at the Sports Palace in !erlin, 35 January 19*6. 7uoted in 8The Holocaust,8 by $artin 'ilbert, Holt, 9inehart and Winston, ":, 19;+, p. 6;+. Te<t as monitored by the =orei#n !roadcast $onitorin# Ser(ice, =ederal ommunications ommission.

And 0e say that the 0ar 0ill not end as the Je0s ima#ine it 0ill, namely 0ith the uprootin# of the Aryans, but the result of this 0ar 0ill be the complete annihilation of the Je0s.

Adolf Hitler, >uoted in 8Hitler,8 by Joachim =est, ,inta#e !oo4s 1dition, 19?*, p. @?9%@;5/ "ature is cruelA therefore 0e are also entitled to be cruel. When . send the flo0er of 'erman youth into the steel hail of the ne<t 0ar 0ithout feelin# the sli#htest re#ret

o(er the precious 'erman blood that is bein# spilled, should . not also ha(e the ri#ht to eliminate millions of an inferior race that multiplies li4e (erminB

Speech by Hans =ran4 C'o(ernor of occupied PolandD, to 'erman soldiers in Poland, ur#in# them to 0rite home. "a2i onspiracy and A##ression % Washin#ton, &.S 'o(t. Print. )ff., 19*@, ,ol. .., p. @33%@3*/

.n all these 0ee4s, they Ci.e., your familiesD 0ill be thin4in# of you, sayin# to themsel(es/ my 'od, there he sits in Poland 0here there are so many lice and Je0s, perhaps he is hun#ry and cold, perhaps he is afraid to 0rite. .t 0ould not be a bad idea to send our dear ones bac4 home a picture, and tell them/ 0ell no0, there are not so many lice and Je0s any more, and conditions here in the 'eneral 'o(ernment ha(e chan#ed and impro(ed some0hat already. )f course, . could not eliminate all lice and Je0s in only one yearEs time. !ut in the course of time, and abo(e all, if you help me, this end 0ill be attained. After all, it is not necessary for us to accomplish e(erythin# 0ithin a year and ri#ht a0ay, for 0hat 0ould other0ise be left for those 0ho follo0 us to doB

$emorandum from 'estapo Head>uarters, 1+ June 19**. Trials of War riminals !efore the "uernber# $ilitary Tribunals % Washin#ton, &.S 'o(t. Print. )ff., 19*9%19+3, ,ol. .,, p. 11@@/

.n amendin# my directi(e of June 65 19**, . re>uest that those people subFect to special treatment be sent to a crematorium to be cremated if possible.

Secondary Sources

!ailey, Thomas. Woodro0 Wilson and the Gost Peace. H"e0 :or4/ The $acmillan o., 19**I.

J'ermany, say the 'ermans, 0as not beaten but betrayed. The truth is that in a (ery real sense she 0as beaten and then betrayed. Her armies 0ere reelin# 0hen the Hi#h ommand sou#ht a truce, thou#h they 0ere reelin# on forei#n soil. !ut the circumstances surroundin# the =ourteen Points, the pre%Armistice contract, and the rene0als of the Armistice #a(e all too (alid a basis to the char#es of betrayal, 0hich tended to obscure the fact of the beatin#.K pp. +6

!irdsall, Paul. ,ersailles T0enty :ears After. H"e0 :or4/ 9eynal L Hitchcoc4, 19*1I.

J.t Cthe Treaty of ,ersaillesD de(eloped a positi(e hostility to the institutions 0hich had betrayed them. .t became a producti(e recruitin# #round for HitlerMs "a2i mo(ement. The (ery foundations for republican and democratic institutions in 'ermany 0ere thus permanently impaired as a conse>uence of the 9eparation Settlement.K pp. 351%56

!erman, Sheri. i(il Society and the ollapse of the Weimar 9epublic. ambrid#e/ ambrid#e &ni(ersity Press, 199?.

JAssociations Jbroaden the participantsM sense of self, de(elopin# the N.M into the NWe.MK J"et0or4s of ci(ic en#a#ement,K mean0hile, Jfoster sturdy norms of #enerali2ed reciprocity and encoura#e the emer#ence of social trust,K 0hich help resol(e dilemmas of collecti(e action and smooth economic and political ne#otiations

$acmillan, $ar#aret. Paris 1919/ Si< $onths that han#ed the World. =or0ard by 9ichard Holbroo4e. H"e0 :or4/ 9andom House Trade, 6553I.

JPunishment, payment, pre(entionOall 0ere interconnected. A smaller 'ermany, and a poorer 'ermany, 0ould be less of a threat to its nei#hbors.K pp.1@6

Pa0son, William. 'ermany &nder the Treaty. HGondon/ 'eor#e Allen L &n0in, GTP., 1933I. JThe formal si#nature of the Treaty of ,ersailles too4 place on June 6;. .t 0as formal because there 0as no escape from acceptance, since 'ermans had been told that the alternati(e 0as the immediate resumption of the star(ation bloc4ade. This had been cruelly prolon#ed for fi(e months after 'ermanyMs surrender and four months after the si#nin# of the armistice.K pp. ;1

1<amples of boo4s one can chec4 out for more on the "a2is / The 1ncyclopedia of the Third 9eich, The olumbia 'uide to the Holocaust, The Holocaust 1ncyclopedia. .

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